A Shade of Cool

By FelixIsWriting

517K 22.3K 12.9K

There was only one seat left on the bus. That seat just happened to be taken by his crush, Noah Armstrong. Ja... More

I: The Bus
II: The Pool Party
III: The Unexpected
IV: Lies, Guys and Bus Rides
V: The Sirens
VI: The Flowers and the Promise
VII: The Secret
VIII: How to Fix the Unfixable
IX: The Truth
X: All or Nothing
XI: Back to Me
XII: A Kiss with a Fist
XIII: A Red Flag
XIV: The Boat
XVI: Seeing Red
XVII: On The Road
XVIII: A Helping Hand
XIX: The She Wolf
XX: The Green Eyed Monster
XXI: Eggnog
XXII: Watch Your Back
XXIII: The Silver Locket
XXIV: Good Returns, Bad Greetings
XXV: The Winter Ball
XXVI: A Friend In Me
XXVII: A Crown on The Ground
XXVIII: A Day To Remember
XXIX: On The Run
XXX: Lonely Hearts Club
XXXI: A Chance
XXXII: The Choices We Make
XXXIII: Our Decisions
XXXIV: What's Going On?
XXXV: Lights Out
XXXVI: Like Father Like Son
XXXVII: Family Affairs
XXXIX: The Rose
XL: Final Goodbye
Authors Note

XV: A Little Help

13K 520 668
By FelixIsWriting

What are you thankful for?

That was the common question of the day, what are you thankful for? I suppose it would seem dumb of me to say my family but ultimately it was true. My Mom had called for the first time in a week saying how well she was doing, how she was teaching herself to play chess and even made some good friends on the way. Marissa had gotten a job working as an assistant to a big Lawyer in Chicago, Avery was home and showed no signs of running away again. And then there was Noah. After years of crushing on him, it all finally fell through. We were closer than ever, in many ways. I could kiss him, talk to him, be with him. Although it was discreet, it was enough.

So what was I thankful for?

Life. Because everything had suddenly been going right, my bruises had finally ceased to exist and people no longer stared at me or whispered as I past them in the hall. So this Thanksgiving was time for me to relax and be happy and thankful for everything. Everything that happened these past few months.

The final day of school was writing an essay on this subject before we left to celebrate Thanksgiving. I wrote everything down (not the Noah thing). And although there was the issue with Ana, nothing else matter now.

Well... actually only one thing, where we were gonna spend Thanksgiving. Avery couldn't cook and neither could I. And we most certainly weren't going to spend it alone, especially since Marissa called to say she had to stay to make up for the weeks she'd missed off University to stay with us. We hadn't bothered to try our Grandparents, ever since Mom's first spout of alcoholic tendencies, they'd pretty much cut us off. Then there was Aunt Emma but she lived in Florida and would most definitely not pay out for our flights, the coupon collecting cheapskate!

So out of options, we'd considered going to the local church where they held a feast of locals every year. Avery loathed the idea, but I thought it was sweet. Ten dollars for all three courses which goes to different charities. I was not one for church or religion but in the options of places to go; it was our only choice.

"Church? You're going to Church to eat dinner?" Noah pulled a face.

"You go to Church on weekends!" I pointed out as we walked through the busy corridor of desperate students to leave for Thanksgiving Break.

"Yeah... to pray, not to have a three course meal!" He said, "It'll literally be you, widows and homeless people there."

"That's not too bad, I guess," I shrugged, though the thought of a crying woman on my shoulder and a smelly old crazy guy opposite me did draw me away a bit, "Don't they teach you not to judge in Church?"

"I ain't judging!" Noah frowned, "Just that, it's a bit sad. Thanksgiving is family time, you should be at home."

I shrugged, "I can't cook and neither can Avery and I don't think it would be that festive if we just stayed home and ate crap and watched those dumb cartoons on TV."

"Then..." Noah looked down, "Come to ours?"

Freezing, I looked at him quickly, "What?"

He looked up at me and bit his lip as he nodded slowly, "But! But if you do we have to be very discreet, very careful! Don't forget where we are and don't tell them that we've been going places, they might work it out.."

"They're not the CIA, Noah, chill," I rolled my eyes, "It's just, I don't want to intrude. It's family time, like you said. As much as we love each other; we aren't family."

"Nonsense! It's four people at an eight person dining table, we can easily fit in two more people!" He said, "Plus, my Mom has already taken a liking to you, she keeps asking if she'll see you next."

"Really?" I cocked a brow.

"Yes! I mean, you pretty much owe it after you ran out on us last time!" He joked and smiled widely, "So it's settled. Tomorrow night, six thirty! Don't be late!"

With that, the next evening me and Avery got dressed up to our best. Avery wearing a black dress, her hair in pretty curls as they coiled in a single bun. Her cheeks rosy and her face stunningly beautiful as she headed down the stairs in a pair of black Louboutins. I wore a suit jacket myself with a plain white shirt underneath, tucked into a pair of slim black jeans locked by a belt. In a way, I wanted to impress them. As if this was the first time I was meeting my boyfriend's parents only without them knowing him his boyfriends.

May relieve some of the tension when it does come out then, as we'd already past that meet and greet stage! I thought to myself with a grin.

Avery slipped on her waist length leather jacket, "So what can't I mention again?"

"Me and Noah, Ana and Eric, Our fucked up family issues, Religion - oh! and do not drink too much! Literally three glasses of wine, okay? Maximum!" I said, feeling like a parent. I picked up a bottle of wine, knowing it was common courtesy to bring something to a party or dinner. Something Marissa had told me.

"Okay, Mom," She smirked.

"Good! Oh and manners. These people are quite upclass not trashy, like you," I winked only to receive a punch on the arm.

"Jacky you may kindly go fuck yourself!" She narrowed her eyes before opening the front door and heading onto the porch. I followed her out and locked the door behind us, tucking the key into my pocket, "I will if you don't stick to the rules," I shot back.

"Trying to steal my running away move?" Avery asked, walking down the pathway with me, her hands buried into her pockets. Laughing I shook my head, "No one can do running away better than you, don't worry. You're safe in that department."

We walked through the dark neighbourhood and around the block to where Noah's house sat looking beautiful and peaceful, crickets chirping quietly as our feet crunched on the gravel as we made our way up to the front door. Shaking slightly from the cold, I wrapped twice and stepped back.

Surely enough, a pair of feet pounded toward the door and yanked it open. It was beginning to be a regular thing. Kathy beamed widely, "Jacob!"

"Kathy!" I smiled back, "May we come in?"

"Sure," She moved back and allowed us into the warm house, still looking at me. Her cheeks her usual scarlet colour as she obviously checked me out. Uncomfortable I kind of put myself behind Avery, who wandered in, staring out the house with her lips parted. The word 'wow' on them.

"Should we take off our-" I pointed to my shoes but Kathy just shook her head and proudly marched forward, "Nope, come! Dinner's nearly ready!" She said to us as we followed her into what I saw as the living room.

It was large, bigger than ours by a mile. Two couches facing each other across from a wood oak coffee table, an armchair rested in between the two couches and opposite a massive fire place which silently spat and crackled. A arh flat screen rested on the wall above it, walls of red that were lit by candle sticks. It was very Downton Abbey, it was very too much. Avery looked dumbfounded as we headed into see a man and women; very beautiful.

The man was in a white tux, bowtie black and trouser black which black polished shoes, his grey hair swept neatly and his cool eyes on us. The woman, tall and slender in a sparkling silver dress. Her red hair in curls and a pearl necklace around her skinny neck. Both grinned greatly as we walked in.

"And you must be Jacob!" The man headed over to me, spreading his arm out as he pulled me in and patted my back. I just nodded and awkwardly leant forward and let him pat me.

"Yes," I nodded.

"Well I'm Noah's father, Mr Armstrong but you may call me Henry, everyone does," He said warmly, "As you already know, this is my wife."

The redhead followed him and gave a calm, sweet smile as she peck either side of my face, "Yes! We have been acquainted before!" She said.

"Great!" Henry laughed and patted me once more only to look at Avery, "And who is this fine looking young woman?" Avery looked at me and closed her mouth, allowing a small smile as she held out her hand, "Avery, Avery Green."

"Well," Henry glanced over at Jacqueline quickly, "That's a beautiful dress, Avery. I'm very glad to meet you!"

"Ditto," She said proudly as she exchanged kisses with Jacqueline. I heard footsteps heading down the stairs from behind us and turned to see Noah stepping into the room, clearly anxious, his cheeks red and his eyes avoiding mine as he wore a tux similar to his far. But a lot more hotter. I smirked a little bit as he slowly came over.

"Ah! Don't you look handsome!" Jacqueline sealed.

"He'll break a lot of girls hearts, of course! He's an Armstrong!" Henry boasted and moved past me, patting Noah greatly on the back who looked up at me and gave and a small smile, "Hey," He said.

"Hey," I said back.

"Anyway," Henry waved the situation away, "We have a beautiful Turkey to devour and personally, I'm growing impatient to taste that Pumpkin Pie I've been smelling all day," He winked to Jacqueline, who twirled a bit, "Courtesy of this angel!"

"Yes! My own take on it," She leaned over to Avery and nudged her, "I'll have to tell you to recipe." I supposed she assumed Avery was a typical cooking woman, such as herself. That made me die with laughter as much as her expression did as she looked at the floor as if someone just told her she had to do cross country.

"Come!" Henry led the way, Kathy darted over to me, I suppose she sensed that Noah and I had to be apart as it was a daring move to pull knowing her parents were there. She smiled at me and I returned one, glancing at Noah who walked with Avery behind us. He winked at me and blew a kiss which made me blush a bit.

I caught Kathy's eye, who looked giddy.

Shit, did she think I was blushing at her?!

We headed into the dining room and took our seats. A large Turkey laid upon a silver platter with was surrounded by a field of accompanying foods; potatoes, yams, bread, soup, salad. The candle lit table shone up the silver polished cutlery that I was too worried to touch in fear of messing it up.

Kathy sat beside me and continued to steal glances of me as I watched Noah take a place opposite me, still look embarrassed to be stuffed into that suite. Avery sat beside him next to Jacqueline, who sat head of that table opposite Henry who sat near me.

"Oh," I remembered, "We brought you this," I handed them the bottle of wine to Jacqueline who stood eagerly.

"Aw, darling!" She said, "This is so kind of you!" She read over the label as her expression lit which made me secretly relieved, "I'll pour some!"

"Yes please!" Henry lifted his glass, "It's okay, Jacob, we allow the drinking age to be altered for the young men of this house," He said as he saw my hesitant look. I nodded gratefully and lifted my glass too. Avery and Noah copied and Kathy sat back in her seat, biting her bottom lip.

Jacqueline popped the cork and began filling the drinks as others began helping themselves afterwards. Henry took a mighty sip of his and made an 'oof' and chuckled, "Beautiful stuff, from the market?" He asks.

"My Mom," I replied quietly avoiding looking at Avery, who sat up straight.

"Ah..." henry placed down his glass, "And how is she now?" I looked over at Noah who gave me a 'you-don't-have-to-answer' look. But I felt obliged, especially after running out on them about it. "Um, she's doing well actually," I said, "Thank you."

"I'm glad, beautiful woman!" Henry said, "It was nice of you to invite Noah and Kathy to your little dinner the other day!"

"It was a pleasure having them," I replied, looking at Noah wanting so bad to just kiss him. But my eyes darted away and over to Henry who helped himself to some food, "Help yourself, you two! Beautiful food!" He said.

We did as he said and oh god was it worth it. I swore it was like being heaven just biting into every bit of the food. With the wine it was was just that bit more magnificent. I helped myself to two helps, if you think that was greedy Henry executed three helpings himself. By the time dessert came around I was full but prepared to try some of the homemade ice cream that Jacqueline had prepared.

I was helped myself to both raspberry and vanilla as well as a slice of Pumpkin Pie (which topped everything - and I didn't even like pumpkin). Mom's cooking was nice but this was on another level. A part of me was so happy that I agreed to come - no, not a part. Every bit of me was happy.

Afterward, we exited to the front room where we sat by the fire, I finally escaped from Kathy as Avery sat herself between us. I was grateful for that and also thankful that Avery did open her mouth that much all night. She had talked about clothes with Jacqueline and Avery and how she played Tennis for a few years and entered Championships to Henry. But apart from that, nothing. Everything was very light hearted, fun.

I began to feel at easy, as did Noah, who finally began to talk.

"No! You cheated!" He pointed out as Henry and Kathy argued about a game of Monopoly they played one night at a cabin.

"I did not!" Kathy frowned.

"Sweetie, I love you, but even I saw you dip and diving into the money box," Henry laughed, nudging a sulking Kathy.

"She did!" Noah turned to us, "Her little hand would just appear from beneath the table every five minutes and snatch up a five hundred bill!" I laughed and remembered how our cousin, Elliot did the same thing every year we played the game at Christmas. Avery had taught him, she also knew he was a klutz and would be eliminated if caught. Cunning bitch.

"Can't blame the girl for being ambitious!" Jacqueline waved them away, chuckling.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Kind of making me jump a little.

"Get that, Sweet Pea," Henry told Kathy, who gladly left, stamping on her way, "Hey! No stamping or you'll go to your room!" Henry warned.

"Thank you for dinner tonight, Henry," I said, it felt weird saying his name it was like it were a business meeting, "It was nice." I looked over to Jacqueline who raised her glass of wine to me and winked.

"No problem, Son!" He patted my shoulder and laughed, sipping his wine, "Thank you for you gift, we must get some more!"

"Um," Kathy slowly walked in, "Jacob, it's for you..."

Frowning, I looked over at her, ready to ask what she meant until I saw someone stumble in from behind her. Kathy darted out of the way, looking petrified as Ana came toward me. She trembled frantically, gasping and sobbing, her eyes wide and wild. Her hair... well it looked ravaged. She wore a dress with was torn and bloody. Her nose was gushing with blood as she stared at me and only me.

She was mumbling something.

Standing, I headed over to her, "Ana, are you-"

"I'm... so... sorry..." Her voice shook.

"What?" I frowned, "Sorry for what?"

"I'm... so... sorr-ryy!" She sobbed frantically, "I'm SO sorry! I'm sorry!"

"Hey! Hey!" I grabbed her as she fell to her knees, crying and shaking. My arms embraced her as Harry stood.

"I'll call the police," He announced, "Don't you worry, Dear, we'll get help!" He told her, looking worried as he hurried to the phone.

But Ana's eyes were fixed on me as she cried and tears filled up her eyes, "Please! I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!"

"For what?" I asked louder, "Sorry for-"

"He raped me... Eric r-raped ME!" She screamed.

A/N: Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed his chapter! It was quite a nice chapter that ended on a big DUN DUN DUUUN note. I did warn you. 

In all seriousness, rape is a serious issue and a crime that affects many people over the world. If you know anyone who has been a victim or are a victim yourself it's SO important you report the crime and tell somebody. You can easily contact help from your local emergency lines: 999 (UK) 911 (USA/CANADA) 000 (AUS) etc. There's also a Rape Crisis Line in the UK who help guide you to the steps of taking action and information on rape, you can contact them at 01707276512. In the US there is a charity called RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) who will put you on the line with a staff member close to your area. Just call 800.656.HOPE(4673). 

Thank you guys for reading and please vote and comment! 

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