Loud Laughs and Silent Tears

By AnthemForTheHomesick

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Niall's Little Angel Part 2 Two teenagers fall in love. Five teenagers watch. Second first kiss is given. Bu... More

From Love To Hate And Back Again
My Name Is...
Couldn't think of a title, sorry..
You're such a tease!
Did we just loose two teenagers?
I Wonna Hear Your Voice
'Cause mornings are made for screaming
Guts and a burned finger
A day to remember
Niall loves Axelle
And the angel calls her prince
We're all drowning
Make Up
A guy's day
Some rain and some alcohol
We'll get to you
Important A/N
Same Mistakes
A Pretty Little Morning


83 10 2
By AnthemForTheHomesick

Carter's P.O.V.

"Noah, will you be my girlfriend?"

I asked Noah the question I'd been dreading to ask her. Her eyes widened in shock, but also delight I hoped. She opened her mouth, only to close it again. It took her a while before she finally managed to bring out a 'yes'.

A yes.

A freaking yes, man.

Rosalie was gonna be thrilled about this.

I threw my arms around her neck, happiness taking over my body.

"Omg, you've got to meet my family."

I squealed, suddenly turning into a fangirl. Luckily, she seemed about just as exited as I was.

"Come on, I'll take you to my house."

I grabbed her arm, dragging her with me. A confused look took over her beautiful features, as we ran back to the edge of the field.

"How're we gonna get there?"

She asked, tilting her head like a confused puppy.

"Trust me, babe. I know a solution."

I answered, while pointing at my bike, which I'd thrown somewhere in the bushes. I took a seat, indicating for her to sit on the back.

"Just wrap your arms around me and hold on tight."

I sent her a wink and she blushed, but did as I asked. Her arms curled around my chest, giving me tingles all over my body. For a second, I felt like one of those tough guys, riding a motorcycle with a hot blond chick.

Noah let out a small squeal when I started biking and tightened her grip.

"Just hold on tight."

I whispered and she sighed.

I wonder what my sister, Rosalie, will think. She didn't expect me to bring Noah him this early. Will she be happy?

I let my thoughts wander, as we passed more fields, trees and even a cute little lake with ducks.

Damn it, I'm becoming more girly every minute.

As the wind brushed through our clothes, Noah's long locks tickled me a little.

"Here we are."

I announced, stopping in front of the small cottage I called my home. It had white walls and frames around the windows.

Noah gasped at it, a wide smile taking over her rather beautiful features. She covered her mouth with her hand, trying to cover up the fact that she was amazed.

"C'mon, let's go inside."

Noah's P.O.V.

"Rose, I'm home. I brought Noah."

Carter yelled, his voice ringing through the house, as he locked the front door. The cottage was truly amazing. It seemed even cuter on the inside.

"I'm coming."

Someone yelled back and a beautiful girl appeared at the top of the stairs. She had brown straight hair that fell down her shoulders. Her eyes were dark brown, but not the way Zayn's were brown. His were a bit softer, or sweeter looking.

"Hello. You must be Noah."

She beamed, immediately wrapping her arms around me. I was a bit surprised at first, but soon hugged her back.

"It's so nice to meet you. I'm Rosalie, Carter's older sister. Call me Rose, though."

She seemed a bit older than Leonardo, about seventeen years old, I think.


I answered with a grin. It was a response Niall had taught me at the beginning of the summer, when I had a whole lot of new people to meet. Just the thought of him made my smile a bit brighter.

"Come on through, have you showed her around yet? I'm making pancakes in the kitchen."

All in all, Rosalie seemed like a lovely girl. She was very nice and got on well with Carter.

"No, we just arrived. Let's go."

Carter replied, as he grabbed my hand and once again pulled me with him. We made our way up the stairs and into his room.

"This is my room, or men cave, as you can see."

He pointed at a large room with light blue walls and one darker one. His bed was stood in the centre of the room.

He noticed me staring and a smirk took over his beautiful features.

"You're thinking: Quite a weird place for a bed. Aren't you?"

He guessed and I nodded happily.

"How'd you know."

"Noah, you have no secrets for me."

He answered, as he leaned in so our noses were almost touching.

"That's what you might think."

I winked at him, he pulled away, laughing as he did.

"C'mon, I'll show you the rest of the house."

His sister had a typical girl room. It was completely pink with mirrors and posters on the walls.

We eventually made our way back to the kitchen.

"There you are. Wonna help me out a little?"

Rosalie asked. She was huddled over a pan.

"Let me impress you."

Carter said, desperately trying -but failing- to imitate an Italian accent. He took some of the dough and poured it in the pan. I watched him intently.

"And hoppaa."

He continued in his Italian accent, as he threw the pancake in the air, before catching it.

Rose and I both applauded, giggling as we did so.


She squealed and Carter nodded. He threw to pancake in the air again, before dropping it on the white floor tiles.

We bursted out in fits of laughter.

"Multo biene."

I joked and he scowled at me.

"Let's just eat."

He then laughed, guiding me towards the table.

"This is too mainstream, don't you think?"

Rose broke the silence, as we ate our pancakes.

"How about... We try to eat the pancakes of of our face?"

I suggested and she giggled, obviously in for some fun.


Harry's P.O.V.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck."

I yelled, as I hit the wall in frustration.

Normally, Liam would've stopped me. Louis would've tried to calm me down. Niall would've told me I'm scaring Noah and Zayn would've said something wise to comfort me.

But none of them did something.

They were all too busy with themselves. Not that I blame them though, 'cause so was I after all.

I mean, I can't believe I can't call my family. In a situation like this, the first thing I'd normally do is call my mum. She always knew what to say.

Niall has been sobbing ever since Noah left, I hope she'll comfort him when she gets back.

"When did Noah say she'd get home?"

Liam asked, being the first one of us to say something.

"I don't know. She should be getting home by now, it's 6pm."

Zayn explained, after checking his watch. He rubbed his eyes, clearly exhausted from all the emotional things going on. I wanted to hug him, but remembered I couldn't.

As if on cue, Noah walked in. She didn't have to ring the bell, 'cause she had her own key. She had a bright smile on her face, but that smile soon faded when she saw Niall. Her shoulders dropped and tears ran to her waterline. She ran towards him, immediately wrapping her arms around him.


He started of, but she interrupted him, gently stroking his back. I let out a breath I didn't knew I was holding, glad that at least one of us would be alright.

"Shhh. Don't worry, Ni. We'll be fine. All of us."

She lifted his chin with her finger, forcing him to look at her.

"We can get through this."

He gave her a weak smile, as she tried to reassure him. His lips planted a kiss on her cheek and she sighed.

"Now Noah, you were looking particularly happy when you walked in."

Zayn hinted and she smiled at the ground, clearly a bit unsure about telling us.

"C'mon, you know you can tell us everything, right?"

Louis asked, receiving a nod from her.

"I-Err- Carter asked me to be his girlfriend."

She whispered almost inaudible.


A/N (Please read)

You guys probably hate me right now... Sorry for not uploading! But please read this:

I uploaded the summary of my new book (Speak Up). I would absolutely love it if you could check it out and maybe add it to your library? It'll encourage me to upload the first chapter :)

And what do you think about the lads' and Noah's opinion?

Xxx Astrid

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