Wildest Dreams (A Stemily Fan...

By DCMadden

51.4K 1.1K 103

What happens when Stephen falls in love with Emily? Will he leave his life in California to be with her? Who... More

1. No One Has To Know
2. Red Lips and Rosy Cheeks
3. Say you'll remember me
4. Nothing lasts forever...
5. ...but this is getting good now.
6. Drive out of the city, away from the crowd.
7. I thought, heaven can't help me now.
8. This is gonna take me down.
9. My one condtion is...
10. Someday when you leave me...
11. ...I bet these memories follow you around.
13. His voice is a familiar sound.
14. Burning It Down
15. His Clothes Are In My Room
16. Wildest Dreams

12. Just Pretend

2.3K 71 12
By DCMadden

A/N: It's almost midnight here and I'm sleep deprived so please forgive any major typos, grammar errors, etc. Comment & Vote, I love to hear what you guys think!

Emily's POV

We drove around for a while before he finally decided to break the silence.

"Why are you so quiet?" He asked. Of course, Stephen ask me a question to avoid divulging into all of your feelings first.

Not today. He will have to open up to me first. "I'm waiting for you to tell me why you're here."

He smiled. "You know why. I missed you."

"That simple?" I questioned.

He nodded and laced his fingers with mine, he then proceeded to kiss the back of my hand.

"I just can't accept that. Something happened in Austin. Danneel said—"

He cut me off. "Danneel? When did you have time to talk to Danneel in the last 20 minutes?"

I laughed. "You are really clueless aren't you? You didn't think that they would text me to find out what happened?"

He nodded. "I guess I just forgot about everyone around me. I simply wanted to come back to you. I should've never left in the first place."

I stayed quiet.

"Aren't you going to say something?" He asked.

"What do you want me to say? I can't just keep being the girl that is here when it's convenient for you. I want to be with you, believe me, I do. More than anything, but that doesn't mean that this still doesn't hurt every single time. When I got in this car I was determined to make the best of it, to just be with you and live in the moment, but the more I think about it, I can't. At least not now." I was trying my best to explain my feelings to him, but I don't think that he quite understood.

"Emily, you have to believe me when I say that I love you. You have to take my word for it because that's all that I can give you for the moment. I can't offer you the world, as much as I would like to because right now it's not mine to give. Cassandra and I have an understanding when it comes to our relationship. We're not together. We don't sleep in the same room, but when the cameras come out it has to be another story for now."

I shook my head and sighed. "What do you want me to do with that? She can come by any time she wants at work and even though Barrowman and Willa figured out what's going on it doesn't mean that I don't look bad. I know that you called a lawyer. I know you are not in love with her, but this publicity thing is what's messing all of this up. I don't understand why you care so much? At first I wanted to believe that it was because of Mavi and for a while you went a long with it, but now I'm not so sure. Cassandra tells me in front of your trailer that eventually you will go back to her and it's hard to not think that that's what's going to happen."

He took a deep breath before speaking. "Do you trust me?"

"It's not that simple." I retorted.

"Yes it is. Do you trust me?" He repeated.


"Ok. You don't trust me, so what can we do to change that?"

"I didn't say that I don't trust you." I said.

"But you didn't say that you did either, means the same thing." He replied.

I rolled my eyes. "We obviously aren't going to get anywhere with that. So you win. I don't trust her, and you-well I want to trust you but it's hard when she's the one with the right to be with you."

"Ok. I can't accept all of that. Now I want to move forward. I am going to call my lawyer in the morning to talk to her about what happened in Texas. Danneel, Jensen, Jared, and Gen have all agreed to write up statements of what happened at Jared's house. So there really shouldn't be a problem with me taking Mavi. I will have all of Cassandra's things moved out of the Vancouver house within the next few days. She can keep the California place. I will be here in Vancouver permanently and when I'm in LA I can stay with Rob until I find a place. Does that work for you?" He asked.

"Why are you treating all of this like a business transaction? I'm not—you know what just take me back to the hotel. I don't want to do this right now." I spoke angrily. I couldn't believe that this is what he thought I wanted. I didn't want any of this, like this. His cold tone was what was breaking the deal for me. I didn't want to ruin Cassandra's life, I didn't plan on loving him, but it happened and now I felt like I was the one that had to give the okay for him to uproot his whole life. If we didn't work out he could easily turn around and make this my fault.

He pulled into a restaurant parking lot and turned the car off. The only light shining into the car was a streetlight and the restaurant sign.

He took off his seatbelt and turned to me.

"We are not going back until you tell me what the hell it is you want from me? I'm trying to make you happy, but it seems like the more serious this gets, the more you pull away."

"I don't want you to do what I want. Don't you get that? I want you to make these decisions on your own. Don't do this for me. Do this for you! Do you remember when I told you that you were all I ever wanted?" I asked.

Stephen's POV

I sat there for a second recalling the moment she was talking about. Realization spread over me. I wasn't being fair to her.

"But not like this."

She nodded. "Do you get it now?" She asked.

I sighed and pulled her into me. "I'm sorry."

"You don't have to be sorry. You just need to stop and think about what we're both sacrificing by being here right now. I've told you that before. You might be older than me, but I think I have you beat when it comes to wisdom."

I laughed. "Yeah. You might be right about that."

"Why can't we ever start the conversation with this part. I feel like we always have to argue and you try to leave and then we fix it." I remarked.

She raised her eyebrow. "Is that why you drove around the whole time? To keep me trapped."

I smirked. "Maybe."

She tried to punch my arm but I grabbed her hand and pulled her closer to me. Our lips almost connected when my phone rang me she pulled away.

"It's Italia. She's trying to FaceTime me."

Emily answered it and Mavi came on the screen.

"Sorry to interrupt guys but she's been asking for Daddy." Italia smiled.

Emily handed  the phone to me. "Hi princess. You having fun with Aunt Italia?"I asked.

She immediately pouted upon seeing my face.

She looked at Italia and pointed to the phone.

Italia laughed. "I think she wants Em."

Emily leaned over and once her face appeared, Mav smiled. "Em!!"

Emily laughed. "Hi baby!"

"I guess we'll head back." I said and Emily nodded.

"We're only about 10 minutes away, Italia. I can stay on until we get there. Has she been fussy?" I listened to Emily's every word. She didn't hang up or ignore Mavi. Cassandra would've passed the phone to me or simply told the nanny to handle it. Emily didn't have to assume this responsibly, but yet she did. Even when Mav was just visiting set, before there was anything going on between us she would just hang out with us and I guess in this moment I realized she was the one that I truly wanted.

We pulled up to the hotel and Emily immediately got out of the car and ran up to the room. She hung up just before getting in the elevator. We walked up to the room and could hear Mavi crying through the door.

I walked in first and once Mavi notices me, she stuck her arms out and I picked her up. Her cries were only whimpers now, and then Emily walked in. I had to get a good hold on Mavi because she  launched our of my arms and towards Em.

"Hi baby girl!" She put her arms out and I handed her over.

"Well I guess Dad has been replaced." I said fake annoyed.

Emily laughed and sat on the bed with Mavi.

"Do you want to watch Finding Nemo?" She asked.

Mav's face lit up.

"You know about Nemo?" I asked surprised.

She nodded. "I assumed it was Mavi's favorite when you bought all of those toys at the Disney store a couple weeks ago."

I laughed. "Oh yeah. I forgot about that."

"Well I got myself another hotel room for the night." Italia said grabbing all of her suitcases.

"You didn't have to do that. I could've taken the couch." I responded.

She shook her head. "No it's okay. I didn't want to be a bad fourth wheel. And before you say anything, Stephen, I know that's not how the saying goes. I simply figured you guys would need some time alone to adjust to this before flying back to Vancouver."

Emily and I thanked her and she left. I text Robbie and thanked him also for choosing her even though I knew that he was going to come up with a way to hold that over my head.

Emily had put on the movie and half way through Mavi was asleep, curled up in between Emily and I.

"I could get used to this." I whispered.

She nodded. "I think I could too." I kissed her and started to think of ways I could make this moment permanent. Tomorrow I would talk to my lawyer and have Cassandra out of my life as soon as possible.

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