Larry Stylinson One-Shots

By AJ_Taekook827

10.9K 138 83

A series of one-shots of Larry. May include Mpreg, triggering events, fluff and smut. More

2. Destiny Baby
3. Accidents aren't always Accidents
4. Just Not Meant To Be
5. Your love is my Drug
6. Tattoos and Flower crowns
7. Brought back down to earth
8. Goals ⚽
9. I'm in love with a Stripper
10. One Night Stand
11. Wait For Me to Come Home
12. I'll Never Forget You
13. Ready to Run

1. Not Love At First Sight

2.1K 23 10
By AJ_Taekook827

Heller! So this is my new one shots book like thing. I can't promise that it will be updated often, but I'll update as much as I can. Please check out my other two books: Unexpectedly and Repentance. Okay, enjoy!

Louis' P.O.V.

It had been since the day I was born that I still have yet to see the world. All my life, darkness has surrounded me. My other senses have been better, as everyone else would say, but with my eyes unable to work, it was hard living a normal life.
I had been homeschooled all throughout my minor years and I lived with my mum up until I turned twenty one. All those years lead up to that day had been the worst and hardest years of my life. That was until I met the most amazing, warm hearted, smart--perfect man anyone could ask for. Harry Styles.
We met at a cafè the day I was celebrating my twenty first birthday. My mum was using the lou during the time when I had accidentally dropped my fork on the floor. I was beyond embarrassed, and there was nothing I could do but hope my mum would show up sooner. I still attempted to find my fork, but I didn't realise how stupid I looked as I searched the cold tiled floor for the metal utensil. When I was about ready to give up, I felt a hand grab mine and put the utensil into the the palm of my hand. I blushed, sheepishly, and thanked them quietly. They laughed, the most beautiful laugh I had ever heard, and said, "I'm right here, silly." I blushed even more when I realised that I wasn't looking at the man. Well, "looking" at the man.
The man helped me up and sat me back up into my seat. I didn't say anything more than a simple thanks. It was silent for a bit when there was suddenly a chair being pulled up to the table. I furrowed my eyes in the direction of the noise and was slightly startled when a hand grabbed onto mine and shook it up and down.

"I'm Harry, by the way." The man said, his voice flowing so nicely as he spoke.

" I-I'm Louis." I said, gripping his hand slightly before releasing it.

"Nice to meet you, Louis." Harry said, a smile evident on his face. "What brings you here today?"

I shrugged, suddenly feeling more comfortable with this man, even without knowing him. "Um, lunch with my mum. She's in the lou right now, though." I answered, simply.

"Cool." Harry said, drawing the conversation to a close as my mum approached the table.

"Oh, who's this?" My mum asked, pulling her seat out with a slight screach that hurt my ears.

"Oh, sorry to intrude. I'm Harry. I was just chatting with your son." Harry said from across the table.

"Oh, it's very nice to meet you, Harry."

"Yes, well, I must be on my way. I've got classes to attend to. It was nice meeting you both." Harry said, standing up. Then, before he left, he took my hand in his and shook it once again. "Thanks for the chat, Lou."

Then he was gone.

It had been a month since that had happened. I didn't think I'd ever hear from that man again. I didn't expect it, and I didn't hope to. As nice as he sounded, I couldn't afford getting into something like that. Besides, he said he had classes to attend to. Meaning that he was probably still in secondary school. I didn't bother with it any longer.
The following day that I had woke up to absolutely nothing once again, I decided to go on a walk. I hadn't gone on one by myself for a while. I felt it would be good for me to go on one. I exited the house with sunglasses on the bridge of my nose and my cane in hand. The streets that I memorized around me are quiet and tranquil. The wind blew softly onto my stubble covered cheeks. I inhaled the air deeply into my lungs when I felt a body collide with mine. I gasped and stumbled before hitting the ground with a thud. The person that ran into me swore under their breath and pulled me up.

"I'm so, so sorry. I didn't mean to do that. I wasn't loo--" He cut himself off and dropped his hands from my shoulders. "Louis?" The man asked.

I furrowed my eyes at his words. He knew me. But do I know him? His voice did sound a little familiar, but I couldn't bring it back into my memory.

"Yes? Who's this?" I asked, taking a cautious step back.

"Oh, right. I'm H-harry? Remember me? The cafè?"

I thought back to that day when I had brutally embarrassed myself by dropping my fork on the floor and crawled around like an idiot. Someone had helped me that day...Harry?

"Oh...yeah. I-I remember you." I said, quietly.

"'s nice to see you again." Harry said, taking a step towards me. I frowed on the inside from his choice of words. "Would you mind if we got a bite?"

I questioned myself as to what I should say. We're practically strangers to each other. We've only talked once before and even then I still don't know him enough. He could be anybody. He could be a psycho killer or a rapist for all I knew. I can't trust him, but I found myself saying yes.
It wasn't long before we arrived at the same cafè we had met at. Harry told me. We took our seats, with help from Harry, and ordered just a simple cup of tea. It was silent for the most part until our tea arrived. I patted the table in search of my coffee cup and brought it up to my lips. Harry cleared his throat and got my attention. I looked in the area I thought was where he was when I felt a hand guide my face over to the right a bit. I blushed and looked down.

"You look very cute when you do that." Harry said, the words slipping from his tongue so effortlessly.

"Do what?" I asked, blushing even more.

"When you hide your face from me. I find that adorable." He stated, taking a loud sip from his tea, making me laugh slightly. "So, what's been going on with you lately?"

"Um...not much. You?"

"School, studying, homework. That's all my life revolves around anymore." Harry said, not sounding as enthusiastic.

That brought me back to my earliest assumption. "If you don't mind me asking, how old are you anyway?"

"I'm eighteen. I turn nineteen next month. How about you?"

"I'm twenty one." I said, more relieved that he was not much younger than I.

"Nice! At first I thought you were a lot younger. Maybe seventeen, but twenty one is good too. I like older men."

"Oh really? How many older men have you been with then?" I questioned, my confidence building up.

"You're the first. I just realized how much I liked you even though you're older." Harry stated with a smirk crossing his face as he spoke. You could tell by his voice.

I blushed as my cheeks burned up from his words. "You don't even know me. How could you possibly like me?"

"Well...I know that you're twenty one. You like Yorkshire tea. You blush a lot, and that even though you're talking to me, you can't see me."

Harry's blunt words caught me off guard. I froze where I sat, my breath caught in my throat. Harry didn't say anything, causing me to worry if he left. I was about to step away from the table when he said my name. I stood there, moving my head towards the area I heard his voice. I heard him rise up from his chair and stand in front of me. He cupped my cheek and kept quiet for a little bit longer.

"I know it's embarrassing and stupid. I know that already." I said, breaking the silence.

"Louis, there is nothing wrong with being blind. I don't care if you can't see me. You don't need working eyes to see the truth in someone." Harry whispered.

"You don't care? I'm basically a freak..."

"You're not a freak. You're a nice, beautiful man. A freak would be me: someone who's trying to date someone who they've just barely met."

I smiled and leaned into his touch. "You want to date me?" I asked. "Even if I won't be able to tell you how beautiful you look in the morning or share the sunset with you? Even if I can't ever look into your eyes and say I love you?"

"You can do all of that as long as you imagine you can."

I looked up and scanned the darkness of my life and rose my hand up onto Harry's face. I glided my finger tips onto his chin, nose, and cheeks. They met his temples, forehead and ears. The last destination being his lips. I smiled as I felt how his face created a soft, smooth masterpiece. He was right, I didn't need to see him to know he's beautiful, because I somehow knew he was. I smiled and nodded and said, "If you were asking me out on a date, then yes."

That was the start of something beautiful. That was four years ago.
Today was the beginning of yet an amazing day. I woke up to the same old darkness, but it was slightly brighter from the presence of my amazing husband of two years. The warmth of his body pressed in front of mine comforted me as I sat up and stretched my arms above my head. I tried my hardest not to wake him up, but when I heard him mumble my name, I knew it was too late.

"Yes, darling?" I asked, finding his cheek and leaving a kiss to it.

"Good morning," he said as he rolled over to face me.

"Good morning," I said, leaning down and kissing his lips where I had memorized them to be. "Are you two hungry?" I asked, placing my hand on his stomach as the baby kicked softly.

Not long after Harry and I got married--myself being the one who dropped the question--we found out that Harry could get pregnant. We were more than grateful and excited that he was given such a gift, but it wasn't until we were married for a year that we decided we'd start trying. Seven months ago, we were given the news that Harry had conceived.
Around four to five months, we found out that we were having a little boy. I couldn't have been happier that day than I had been in a long time. I had always wanted a son, and the fact that I'm having one with the love of my life only makes it better.
Harry hummed in response to my question and sat up.

"Lucas feels as if pancakes are good this morning." Harry said, placing his hand over mine.

I laughed and held onto Harry's hand. "Okay, pancakes it is."

Even though I was blind, my mum was able to teach me how to cook for if I was ever by myself. As long as I knew where all the ingredients are I could do it on my own, but I wasn't going to deny help from Harry when he offered to get them for me.
Once everything was out, I prepared breakfast while I listened to Harry hum a lullaby to our dear son. I smiled thinking about the day that he'd be born. How the single touch of his skin would feel and the swell of my heart when I hold him for the first time. Then I thought of how I'd never be able to see him. I'd never be able to watch him grow up or watch him play sports or see who he looks more like between Harry and I. I'd never be able to see either of them.
I finished cooking in about ten minutes and severed Harry and I. We ate in peace and finished without any conversation. When I gathered the plates to put in the sink, Harry grabbed my wrist, gently, and sat me back down.

"Louis, I need to talk to you about something." Harry said, his voice barely above a whisper.

"Um, okay?" I said, hesitantly.

"Well, you got a letter in the mail yesterday from your doctor,"

"Okay? And?"

"He...he said that there's treatment? I don't quite know what it is,'s an eye surgery that's supposed to...make you see..."

My eyes widened, taking in more of this annoying darkness and I smiled. "Really? There's a way to make me see?"

"Lou, don't get too excited. They've only tested it on like three other people with the same condition as you and it didn't work--"

"Harry, this is my chance. I might actually be able to see you! Imagine how amazing that would be."

"It would be great to have you be able to see, but there isn't just positives to this. It could be dangerous." Harry stated, his voice becoming very shaky. "I don't want anything to happen to you."

I sighed and cupped his cheeks, kissing his nose. "I'll be fine, baby. Don't think about that. Think about how I'll be able to see you...and our son, and the whole world! The only thing that I could ask for in life is to see. That's all I've ever wanted. Do you not want me to see?"

Harry shook his head in my hands. "No, I would love for you to see. I just don't want you to be depressed if it doesn't work."

I kissed his nose then his lips and leaned my head on his. "Okay. How about you think about, yeah?"

"Okay. I'll think about it." Harry said, wrapping his arms around my neck. I wrapped mine around his waist, his stomach placed perfectly between us. "I just want you to be happy."

"I am happy. I just want to see how happy my life really is."

"Well, it's pretty damn happy." Harry said, causing us both to laugh. "I love you, Lou."

"I love you too, baby."

~ ~ ~

Harry and I looked into the surgery more and even met up with my doctor. There were a lot more risk factors if it did work, depending on how well the surgery went, but there's also a chance--slim--that I'd be able to see perfectly with very little issues. Unfortunately, the chances of the surgery not working were a lot higher. That's what scared Harry and I the most, but we decided to go through with it. My scheduled date of the surgery would be a week before Lucas was due, so hopefully I'll be able to see him when he's born.
It was around eight thirty at night when Harry walked up to me, he grabbed my arm, tightly and whined, dropping his head onto my shoulder.

"Whats wrong, love?" I asked, concern evident in my voice.

"Braxton hicks," Harry said, groaning from the uncomfortable feeling. "It really hurts."

"I know, baby. How about you sit down for a bit, yeah?" Harry pulled my arm and lead me into our living room, sitting down on the couch. "You should be taking it easy, baby. You know what the doctor said."

"Yeah...I know. I'm just bored, and I don't want to have him in me anymore. It's so uncomfortable. He won't stop kicking and moving and it just hurts."

I leaned over and ended up kissing Harry's chin instead of his lips. "You'll be fine. A few more weeks, darling. You can do it."

"Yeah. A. Few. More. Weeks."

I laughed and stood from the couch, feeling my way to our room. "Let's go to bed. It's getting late." Harry groaned, hinting that his hands were in the air. I made my way back and helped him up, leading him to our room where we were bound to a not so peaceful night.

Later that night, I felt Harry sit up beside me and whimper. I tried to ignore it and not think much of it, but when Harry was trying to shake me awake, I knew this couldn't be ignored.

"Louis...Louis, wake up." Harry cried. He shook me a bit more harsh when I turned towards him.

"You okay, baby?" I asked, my voice horse from the lack of talking.

"No. I think it's time, Lou." Harry stated, causing me to jolt up from the bed.

"What? Now? No, you're not due for another two to three weeks!" I said, rushing over to the other side of the bed.

"I know, but the pain's getting stronger and...oh god..." The sound of Harry's voice made my insides twist and my heart to speed up. "Lou...I think my water just broke."

My eyes widened as Harry let out a pained noise. I had trouble getting out of bed, but I managed to. I went around to the edge of the bed on Harry's side and grabbed his hands.

"It's going to be okay. Just breathe. I have to call your mum, okay. Breathe." I said, patting on the bedside table and grabbed my phone. I pressed the third button--speed dial for Anne--and waited for her to answer. Harry started to scream, gripping my hand tighter as the seconds go by. "It's okay, Harry. Take deep breaths. Come on. Just breathe." Suddenly, Anne answered the phone and mumbled a quiet hello.

"Anne, it's Louis. I need you to get here as fast as you can. Harry's gone into labor." I managed to scramble out of my mouth.

"What? He's not due for another few weeks! Has his water already broke?" Anne asked, frantically.

"Yeah, it has. Please, just get here as soon as you can." I said, myself getting more worried as Harry leaned forward with every contraction, screaming louder as the pain increases.

"Okay, I'm on my way." With that, the conversation ended.

"Lou..." Harry cried.

"Don't worry, love. I'm here. Just keep breathing. In through the nose. Out through the mouth." I said, gripping onto his hand and rubbing his back with my free hand.

"Ow...this isn't supposed to happen now. He's early, Louis." Harry whined, breathing through a strong contraction.

"He'll be fine. Our baby is strong. He'll be just fine, and so will you. Okay?"


Within a few more minutes, Anne came rushing up the stairs--getting in from having a spare key--and bursting into our room. She made her way to Harry, helping him into new clothes and downstairs.
I felt terrible that there wasn't much that I could do for him. I couldn't help him change or walk him downstairs. I won't be able to drive him to the hospital. I'm not really useful for anything. But as I felt Harry squeeze my hand on our way to the hospital, I knew he needed me none the less.
We arrived there, shortly, and got Harry settled down. He decided against an epidural because he wanted Lucas to be born with no use of drugs, and the delivery would go by faster without it. He was only three centimetres, so we had to patiently wait for our son's arrival.
I was curled up next to Harry in the hospital bed, his face buried into my chest. His mum was stood on the other side of him. I could hear the quiet scratching noise from Anne's nails rubbing the material of the hospital gown. Harry gripped onto my shirt as another contraction came. He whimpered loudly, trying his best to breathe through the pain. I held him closely to me and whispered comforting words to him as the pain subsided.

"You're okay, Harry. You're doing great. I'm so proud of you." I whispered into his long curly hair.

"It hurts..." Harry cried, gripping tighter onto my shirt.
"Distract me please."

"Well...tell me what my eyes look like? I always enjoyed how you described my eyes." I said, smiling fondly at my husband.

", your eyes aren't just a color you don't know the texture of. You-you're eyes are a pool of feeling bursting into life. They're a calming remedy that I peer into as the sun rises and sets. They're...they're--"

"Shh...just breathe." I told him, noticing his contractions were getting closer.

A few moments later, Harry continued. "You're eyes are like a warm blanket cascading across my body on a cold winter night. They're more than just a color. They're what make you who you are. And you're very, very beautiful..."

I smiled at his loving words and kissed him sweetly as the doctor walked in.

"Hello, Harry. How are you feeling?" The doctor asked as Anne helped me off the bed.

"Terrible, but fine." Harry mumbled.

"Alright. Pain on a scale of one to ten?"

"Um...six, I guess."

"Okay. Let's see how far you are." The doctor said, me listening closely to every word that the doctor says. "You're about six centimetres. You're baby should be born within the next two hours or so, hopefully. Press the button if you need anything. You're doing great Harry."

After the doctor left, I heard Harry sit up and throw the blanket up. "Louis, help me up?" Harry asked. I felt my way around the bed to help pull him up.

"You okay?" I asked as he leaned against me, breathing heavily.

"Yeah...just tired." Harry grumbled. He gripped onto my shoulder and groaned loudly. "Just two more hours."

"Yeah. Just two more hours."

~ ~ ~

I laid on Harry's lap, listening to the harsh movements of our son. Harry groaned, trying to silence a scream the best he could. I rubbed at the streched skin, whispering sweet nothing's to the soon-to-be born baby. He moved down by my nose, causing Harry to scream out in pain. I heard Anne rush to his side, telling him that it'll be alright. When Harry started screaming seconds after the last, we knew it was probably time.
I sat up as quickly as I could, almost falling on the floor, but managing to make it to his side just as a nurse and the doctor walked in.

"Okay, quick check just to make sure..." The doctor said as Harry let out a heartbreaking scream. "Ten centimetres. You're ready to push. Let's just get you into the delivery room and prep. Okay?"

Harry was being reeled out of the room, my hand not leaving his and Anne guiding me down the hall. Harry whimpered from the intense pain, but kissed my hand as it held his tightly.

"I'm so scared, Lou...I'm so scared." Harry whispered as the bed came to a stop.

"It'll be okay, baby. I'm scared too, but think of the outcome: our son is going to be here. He's finally going to be here." I soothed him as I kissed his head. "I'm right here. I'm right here."

Within a few minutes, Harry was set to push, and the tension was greater than any other.

"Okay, Harry. Next contraction, push." The doctor said.

I was suddenly startled by the sound of Harry pushing and the grip on my hand tightening. My eyes widened as Harry rested for a few seconds to take a break. My heart was pounding from the pressure around me. This was actually happening. My husband was giving birth to our son and I can't see anything. I never realized how scared I was until that moment when Harry began to push again.

"Nice, Harry. You're doing great. A few more then the head will be out." The doctor said, encouraging Harry to continue.

When he pushed again, his screaming echoed throughout the room, causing my heart to break for my poor husband. I leaned down and kissed his head, telling him how great he's doing.

"Lou..." Harry whimpered as he took another break from a very hard push.

"It's okay. I'm right here." I said, kissing his tightly gripping hand. "I'm right here. You're doing amazing, baby. So well."

Harry pushed again, his screams only becoming louder.

"Okay, the head's out. Now I'm going to need you to push as hard as you can, okay? You're baby's almost here." The doctor said as Harry pushed down as hard as he could.

I felt my eyes begin to water as Harry pushed down again, letting out a blood curdling scream. I held his hand close to my face, kissing every inch of. I'm finding it more comforting than Harry is, I assume. I told Harry more encouraging words as he set out on one of his final pushes.

"Just one more push, Harry!" The doctor shouted as the nurses around her made sure everything was ready.

Harry screamed loudly as he pushed for the last time, falling limp as the baby finally came out. He breathed heavily, his grip on my hand loosening. I kissed his head, nearly on the verge of tears as I was startled by the remarkably loud shreeks of our new born baby. I knew I couldn't physically see him, but I saw him in my mind, and God was he beautiful.
Harry smiled and giggled happily as the baby neared and was placed onto his chest. I dare didn't reach for him. I felt as if I'd hurt him as soon as I did. Not being able to see him made me feel like a weapon. If I can't see what I'm doing, it's best not to do it at all. So, I just stood back and smiled, listening to Lucas cry.

"Oh Lou, he's so beautiful..." Harry whispered as he began to cry. "Lou? Give me your hand."

I hesitantly stook my hand out and Harry grabbed a hold of it and lowered it onto soft skin. I nearly pulled back, still afraid that I'd hurt him. But I kept it there. I let my slim fingers glide over my son's face. The tips of my fingers crossed over his forehead down to his chin. His cheeks smooth just like Harry's. I felt down his arms and onto his legs then over his stomach, careful of the umbilical cord. I went into his other arm and down to his hand. I smiled and let a few tears fall as he gripped onto my finger, his cries quieting down. He was beautiful...beyond beautiful.
After a few minutes of admiring our son, the nurses took him away to get cleaned up and checked up on. A few nurses helped clean up Harry then left us in silence. A good silence. I rested my head on Harry's, kissing it every so often.

"You did great, Harry. I'm really proud of you." I said, thinking about how my son was grasping onto me with all of his life.

"Thank you. God, I never thought that I'd be in this position right now. But I'm happy that I am." Harry said, sighing exhaustedly.

"Me too." I said, kissing him one last time.

About fifteen minutes later, Lucas was brought back to us and into Harry's arms. I heard him coo at the small child, holding him closely to his chest. Harry told me to sit by him, which I did. I was extremely careful of the baby and sat beside him with no problems.

"Mum, care to help?" Harry asked out of no where.

I heard shuffling coming towards me and then hands on my arms. I flinched from the sudden touch but relaxed knowing it was Anne. She folded my arms a bit awkwardly when I suddenly felt a small warm body being placed into my arms. I tensed up a bit, worried that I might drop him. But Anne kept her hands there until I was okay. Luckily, I was.
I looked down at the baby, darkness being all I see as I held onto one of the lights of my life. I felt him squirm a little, but settled down back in the crook of my elbow. I leaned down, kissing his head so gently it was as if my lips never met his skin. He began to yawn, making this cute squeak escape his tiny mouth. All three of us cooed at mine and Harry's son.

"He weighs five pounds and two ounces and stretches to the max length of eighteen inches." Harry whispered, as I felt him tuck Lucas' foot back into the blanket.

"He's so small." I whispered, gently rubbing my nose against his. "He's so beautiful...I can't even imagine how beautiful he is." Harry laughed and leaned his head on my shoulder. "Who does he look like more? Me or you?"

"Um...I think he looks more like you. You two have the same noses and lips and chins." Harry replied, yawning quietly.

"Really?" I slid my finger over my nose then onto his, doing the same to our chins and lips. "They do feel the same."

"Yeah," Harry laughed once more. "I love you."

"I love you too," I leaned down and kissed both of my boys' heads. "Both of you."

~ ~ ~

It had been a week since Lucas was born and so far everything was going great. I love being a dad and I love my son. Even though I can't see him, I know he can see me. He knows that I'm actually here for him and that I'm not going anywhere. He knows I'm there to protect him and care for him and love him till the end of time. He can see me, and that's all that matters.
That morning when I woke up, there wasn't a body beside mine. I felt across the entire bed to find it empty. I struggled to get out of bed but got out eventually and made my way downstairs where something was being cooked. I walked into the kitchen, feeling around the counters until I heard Harry say something to Lucas. I made my way in that area. I stood there, waiting for Harry to notice me. Once he did, he greeted me with a kiss and told me that Lucas was in the bassinet beside the table, on my left.
I smiled and slowly walked over to him with my arms out. Once I reached him, I felt at the end of the bassinet towards me to find his adorable tiny sock clad feet. I lifted one up and kissed the bottom of it, causing him to make a quiet noise. I smiled and kissed his foot a few more times before heading towards Harry. I wrapped my arms around his waist and kissed his shoulder.

"Good morning, love." I said into his shoulder blade.

"Good morning, Lou. You sleep well?" Harry asked, turning off the stove with a click.

"Yeah, Lucas woke me up a lot though. He screams like a banchy."

Harry laughed and turned around in my arms and kissed my cheeks, then my forehead, then my nose, then my lips. "Are you nervous?"

My breath hitched as I remembered what today was. It was the day my surgery was scheduled. My mouth went dry and I nodded, wrapping my arms around Harry to prevent myself from falling from my weakening knees.

"It's going to be okay, baby. I promise." Harry whispered, running his fingers through my hair.

"My recovery is going to take a week. I'm going to be stuck in a hospital room without you or Lucas for a week." I mumbled into his chest.

"I know, but we'll visit you everyday until you come home. Okay?"

I nodded my head as Lucas began to cry. Harry pulled away, grabbing whatever he needed to calm the baby down.

"Do you want to feed him while I serve breakfast?" Harry asked, carrying the crying baby towards me. "I'll have you feed him at the table."

I walked over to the table and sat down, waiting for him to be placed into my arms. Once he was, Harry quickly made the bottle and handed it to me. Luckily for me, I memorized where Lucas' mouth was so feeding wasn't a problem for me. Lucas instantly stopped crying when the bottle made it between his lips.
I enjoyed feeding Lucas very much. I felt like that was the most intimate father-son interaction I could have with him at the moment. I'm always so careful and calm while he's quiet and still. It's a lot greater feeling than most people would think. Especially since I can't see.

"I'm praying, Lucas, that after today into the next week...I'll be able to see you. I can't wait to finally see you."

It was a few minutes before my surgery when I began to have a panic attack. I was breathing heavily and sweating like crazy. It took all that my mum, Harry and a nurse could do to calm me down. I never knew I was this terrified. I've been wanting this for so long now and it's finally here, but here I am about ready to back out of it.

"Louis, honey, it's going to be okay. Harry and I are right here." My mum said to me for the millionth time.

"Can I hold Lucas real quick?" I asked, trying not to freak out even more.

"Louis, I think you should calm down fir--"

"Can I please hold my son?! I just want my son." I snapped and suddenly the room got quite.

"Okay, I'm handing him to you right now." Harry said, slowly placing the baby on my chest.

I held him as close to me as possible without putting a lot of pressure on his small body. His steady breathing began to calm me, and I found a smile creeping onto my face as he snuggled his tiny head into my neck. I was okay. I was okay.
Soon, the door opened, startling me a little bit and the nurse said that it was time. I swallowed down hard and began to panic again as my mum took Lucas off my chest and was soon replaced with Harry.

"I'll be waiting for you, okay? I'm so proud of you for doing this. I love you." Harry said, kissing me a few times.

"I l-love you too." I whispered then said my farewell to my mum and Lucas, and just like it had always been my whole life, the world around me was black.

The days seemed to have molded together once my surgery was completed. My head hurt a lot throughout that long week, and it hurt me to not be able to hear Harry talk or Lucas make cute baby noises, for my head would start pounding like crazy. By the fifth day, the pain was going away, and I was getting annoyed of keeping my eyes closed until the doctor said otherwise.
I wanted to know if I could see. I wanted to know what my mum and husband and baby looked like. Hell, I'd really like to know what I looked like.
I laid in bed with my son craddled, fast asleep in my arms, Harry beside me like how I was with him when Lucas was born. We sat there in silence when I heard the door open and someone walk in. I was so tempted to open my eyes, but I knew I couldn't.

"Mr. Tomlinson? How are you feeling?" The doctor asked.

"I'm feeling like opening my eyes." I said, telling the complete truth.

"Well, lucky you then." My heart stopped at his words. "Are you ready, Mr. Tomlinson?"

I was out of the room and brought into a new one within ten minutes. I was told that Harry and my mum were in the room, which made me happy. I wanted them to be the first people I was going to see. I was sat in a chair by a table where the doctor was sat at, I assumed. The air around me felt cold and condenced. I felt like I couldn't breathe.

"Harry?" I asked, holding my hand out.

I felt someone take my hand, the familiar touch soothing. "I'm here, Lou. Don't worry." Harry whispered.

"Okay, Mr. Tomlinson. This is how it's going to work. You're going to blink one time when I count up to five. Okay? Then you're going to tell me if it hurts then we'll have you open your eyes completely. Okay?"

I nodded my head, holding onto Harry's hand tighter.

"One," The air became heavy and dense, almost like a huge cloud of dust.

"Two," My heart began to quicken, the beat of it clearly heard throughout the silent room.

"Three," I felt tears build up in my eyes as I began to think of the worst, and gave Harry's hand a painful grip.

"It's okay, baby." Harry whispered.

"Four," Right then, I nearly screamed.

"Five," I quickly opened my eyes then closed them just as fast. I felt nothing. I saw nothing. Panic began to rise in me. "Did blinking hurt at all, Mr. Tomlinson?"

I shook my head as tears began to fall.

"Okay, open your eyes." The doctor constructed.

I was way too scared to even try. I didn't want to be disappointed and break down, but I was curious to know if it actually worked.
I took a quick peak then closed my eyes again.

"Come on, baby. Let me see your pretty blue eyes." Harry said, rubbing my hand with his thumb.

I went for it again only to see nothing. I saw nothing. I began to cry when I didn't see anything, Harry whipping my tears away.

"Oh Lou..." Then Harry began to cry as well.

"I-I...I can't....I-I..." I tilted my head up and opened my eyes once again, expecting to see nothing but black, but was startled when I saw something else. I stopped crying instantly.

"Lou?" Harry asked, sniffling.

I narrowed my eyes and leaned forward. The thing became more clear as I blinked my eyes. I closed them one last time before it was completely clear.

"Louis? Are you okay?"

I gasped and stared at what was in front of me. It was Harry.

"Harry?" I asked, letting go of his hand.

"Yes, Lou?"

I reached out and touched his face, the most beautiful face that I have come to know. The curls on his head cascaded over his shoulders, framing his face so delicately. His features were chiseled and sharp, but held a lot of youth in them. His lips were plump and took a shade lighter than the darkness I had been born to see. His eyes. The eyes I've dreamed of seeing for the last four years. I can see Harry. I can see.

Then, I began to cry as a smile spread across my face. "Harry...I-I can...I can see you." I whispered, causing Harry to gasp. "I can see you!" I said much louder.

Harry smiled brightly. The smile I've been dying to see. It's more beautiful than I had imagined. "You can see me?" Harry asked, placing his hand on mine that still rests upon his cheek.

"I can see you!" I exclaimed, bringing my thumbs near his eyes and catching the doctor's and my mum's attention. "Green. This is green."

Harry nodded and smiled wider. "'s green. Here,"

Harry handed me his phone. I held it up to my face and saw someone staring back at me. It was me. The first thing that caught my attention was my eyes. "B-blue." I whispered. I looked up when I heard a woman crying. I stood up and walked towards her. She looked just like me. "Mum?"

She nodded rapidly and pulled me into a hug, sobbing into my chest. "Oh, my baby!" She cried some more. I held her tightly and for the first time in twenty four years, I can see how gorgeous my mum really is.

I pulled away when I heard a soft cry come from across the room. I turned in that direction and made my way towards the carrier that was a few feet from Harry. He looked up at me and smiled, allowing me to carry on. I walked passed him and knelt down by the carrier. I pushed the shade back to reveal the most fragile, perfect little angle in front of me. He immediately stopped crying when he looked up at me. I began to cry harder when I unbuckled the baby and lifted him up in front of me. Harry was right. He did look like me. His cheeks were chubby and small like the rest of him. Except his eyes. His eyes were big and bulged as he stared back into mine. His legs curled up close to his stomach and he made a gurgling sound. I couldn't handle how much emotions I was feeling that I literally cried like a waterfall as I held my son close to me.
I felt strong arms wrapped around me and from the touch I knew it was Harry. I turned back to him and smiled as I looked into his green eyes. Green.

"I see you." I whispered as the doctor came over to us.

"I see you too." Harry whispered, kissing me passionately.

Then I looked down at my son and kissed his forehead countless times. "And I love you,, so much."

After a lot of questionings by the doctor and interviewers, I was finally going home. I looked around everywhere that my eyes would allow me. I looked at the sky that looked like my eyes: blue. And the things I've come to know as trees looked like Harry's eyes: green. The world was made of Harry and I. The world was beautiful.

I made it home that night to a cozy home. Everything that I used to touch was visible now. Every corner, every wall--everything. I gave Lucas a bath for the first time, and he was absolutely adorable, the way be hit the water in the little baby tub. I saw what I looked like--entirely--for the first time. I saw Harry for the first time.
His body looks a lot more gorgeous than it feels. The way his hair fell down his back and chest, the muscles prominent and tan. His hips curving beautifully, and his thighs thick. His body was covered in the tattoos that he told me about, each one having a delicate meaning.
I was in bed as I had watched the sun set for the first time, completely bare under the covers. I turned my head as the bathroom door opened and Harry walked in with a towel wrapped low around his waist. I bit my lip and squirmed under the duvet. Now I know what it's like to see someone and get turned on immediately.
Harry approached the bed and dropped the towel, lifting the blanket up and strattling my waist, causing me to moan. He leaned down and kissed me deeply. I gripped his hips and rolled mine underneath him. He moaned deeply and slithered his tongue into my mouth. I let my dominant side kick in and flipped us over. Harry wrapped his legs around my hips, pulling me incredibly close. I felt myself growing extremely hard as I kissed down his neck.

"Oh, Louis..." Harry moaned out, gripping my hair tightly in his hands.

I made incredible, amazing love to him that night. The first time I was able to see how beautiful Harry looked underneath me. I got to see how sweaty his tattooed body was. I was able to see Harry in his most vulnerable moment. I actually got to see Harry.

"I love you, Louis." Harry said, resting his head and gliding his fingers over my sweaty chest.

"I love you too, baby." I said, running my fingers through his tangled hair. "I love you."

So that was the first one shot! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did. I really loved this one, and I hope for many more great ones. Please comment thanks!

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