Player Player Dont be a Hater

By MarisaBroyles

334K 1.1K 175

Jane the hot girl in school, Guys fall for her. Jack is Jane's bestfriend and also the biggest player, But he... More

1. Once a player always a player
2. Player Player
4. Pool. Party. with a player
5. I Hate Clowns With a Player.
6. I hate fighting with a player
7. In the Hospital with a Player
8. Player please
9. It's Jane's party player
10. Scared of a Player
11. Player is always Playing
12. Sneak away from a player
13. Bad news Player
14. Player We're Moving Back Home
15. Hotel and funeral with a player
16. Its of of those days player
17. Todays Gona be a Hard day Player
18. Who was that Player
19. Over to grandma house player.
20. Last day player
21. What Will I do Without You Player
22. In the Jail House Now Player!
23. double date player
24. Mother player!
25. First date Player
26. First Date and A Break up Player?
27. Dont Tell Them Where I am Player
28. What Do You Think Player
29. Everyone's Asleep player
30. Help Me Player
31. Camping for the Weekend You Players Coming
32. I have a better plain
33. Well Isnt this Just Wonderful
34. I Kissed Your Brother and I Kind of Like It Player
35. I Dont Like You but I Guess I Have to Like You Player
36. Lets Forget and Put it Behind Us Please Player
37. Your so Not Normal Player
38. Please Player Just Shut Up and Kiss Me
39. This is My Life on the Line!
40. It Had to End
41. Lunch then Party
42. First Day of School & I Saw What You Did Player
43. Please for My Grandma Player
44. I'm Done With this Game Player
45. Your in for a Ride Player
47. I Told You Not to Come Over Player
48. Let Me Just Talk to Her Player
49. Oh my God Player!
50. I Love You Player
51. I Need to Talk to Jane Player
52. We Got to Go Player
53. Take Your Friend Player
54. I Wonder Player
55. It's Prom Player
56. I Have Something I got to Do Player
57. You Have My Phone Player, Oh Great It's You!
58. Your Not Going To Stop Me Player.
59. Oops sorry player
60. Where did you go player
61. Get Her Out Of Here Player
62. Not To Good Player
63. Arrange Marriage Player Seriously
64. She's Great for You Player
65. Im Going To Take A Rain Check Player
66. We Are ............ Player
67. It's Wedding Shopping Player
68. It's over player
69. No Player
70. The Wedding Day Player
71. Really Player
72. Dont Do It Again Player
73. I Did It Player
74. It's Time Player
75. Dont try me player
76. Im not going player
77. Dont say goodbye
78. I Wanted To Talk Player
79. You Really Thought I Would Player
80. 17 Years Later Player

46. Listen Player it's Quite

3.6K 9 0
By MarisaBroyles





It was about 9AM when me an Jane woke up but we didnt get up. We layed there and laugh and talk. Wait listen, Its quiet. I said. No ones here, I added. "Your grandma left a note saying she went to her new house to finish up everything so she could move in tonight. and Mason and Greenlee are still asleep," Jane said. I smiled. So the kids are asleep, I said. "Is that what we are calling them now kids?" Jane ask smiling Well they're both younger than us so yeah, I said laughing. "So Matt I think I know of something we can do," Jane said as she slowly rub her hand on my 8 pack abs. I think I do to, I said with a smile. "Really, you want to show me?" She ask with a small sexy laugh. Yes I do, I said as I pulled her down and leaned over her and kissed her.

I kisses her neck, down her shoulder to her stomach, back to her lips and neck. and this went on for a few good hours. Then someone knocks on the door. Who is it? I ask. "Mason", He said. Alright I'll be up in a minute,I said. I look back down at Jane and kissed her again. "I thought you were going to be up in a minute," Jane said laughing. I kissed her again. He can wait for 5 minutes, I said. "Matt you know 5 minutes turn into an hour," Jane said smiling. Fine, I said laughing.

I got up and walk downstairs while Jane got dressed. Good morning Greenlee, I said. "Good morning," She said.











I walk out of Matt's room and ran into Mason. "I knew you were the reason why Matt was late getting up," He said laughing.Your the one to be laughing, I said smiling. "What do you mean?" He ask. I saw you and Greenlee last night, I said. "Oh my God really?" He ask. Yeah, but only for a moment because yall were getting to gross for me. I said. "Okay but dont make a big deal out of this, Okay?" He ask. Well yeah sure,But why would I make a big deal out of it? I ask. "Well I dont think you would, I just dont want you to," He said. Okay, dont worry I wont, I actully think it's sweet, I said. Greenlee needs someone like you, I added. "You think so?" He ask. Of couse, I said.

"And see Jane, This is why I think of you as my sister, Because your the best," He said as he put his arm around me and walk down the stairs. Well thank you, I said with a smile. He smiled. Hey Greenlee, how are you feeling? I ask. "Im okay, I cant really move my mouth and my face hurts," She said. How about your leg? I ask. "It's better," She said. Good, I said. Then Matt got a phone call. So let see what we can do about covering your bruse, I said. and we need to go get you clothes, I added. "Okay," She said. "Um yeah, please hold," Matt said on the phone.

"Jane," He said. yeah, I said. "Come here please," He said. What's up? I ask. "Okay so Greenlee's dad will be in jail for 50 years no bond. But since she under age someone has to take her in or she goes to falster care. She doesn't have anyone else around," He said. "Should I take her in or do you want to?" He ask. "Remember you already got Sophia," He said. What do you think I could do? I ask. "It's up to you but we got to make the decision quick, like now," He said. Well she about to turn 18, I'll take her, I said. "Okay," He said. "Okay yes ma'am I know someone who will take her in," He said to someone on the phone. "Yes we will be down soon," He said and then hung up. "Well get you and her ready we have to go to the jail to sign papers," He said.

"Oh and you can forget about taking to her house and getting her stuff, It will be a big fine if you do," He said. Well I'll take her shopping, I said. So I told Greenlee what was going on, she seem to be okay with it. "Wow Jane You cant even tell that theres a bruse," She said. I smiled. "Thank you," She said as she hug me. Your welcome, I said. Then Matt's grandma walk in.

"Boys." "Oh and girls." Grandma said. "I offically have a house now, " She said. "That's great" we all said. "Why dont we have dinner at my place later," She said. "Okay grandma sounds good," Matt said. Is it okay if Greenlee comes to? I ask. "Well of course dear more the marrier." "In fact bring that little brother and his girlfriend over too," She said. I smiled. Thank you, I said. "Jane we need to get going" Matt said. Okay, I said. So Matt, Greenlee, and I got to the jail and did everything quick enough to make it back 3 hours before we had to go to Matt's grandma's house.










So Mason why dont you come outside with me, I said. "Yeah okay," he said. So we walk outside and sat down on the deck. So did everything with Greenlee go good last night? I ask. "I'm guessing you know to," He said. Haha yeah, Afraid so, I said. "Yeah, It was great," He said. So are yall together? I ask. "No we are just going to see where this goes," He said. Did yall, You know, "Do it"? I ask using air quotes. "No," He said laughing. "Did you and Jane?" He ask. I look at him. " You did do it!" He said. Haha no I just wanted to see your face, I said.

No it got close but then grandma interupted, I said. "Akward," He said. Yeah kind of so we pretty much just made out all night, I said. "Okay I know I have ask you before but, Are you ready to take that step?" He ask. I think I am, I'm in love with Jane and as much as that makes me sound like a girl, I am. I said. "Like goes it make you get little butterflys in you tummy?" Mason ask in he baby voice. You know what you can go screw yourself, I said laughing.

"haha, Is Jane ready?" He ask. I think she is, Im not sure. But I think i've figered her out. I think she wanting to wait until like her wedding night or something like that, I said. "Well see and that's what she should do," He said. Yeah, I know, I said. "So do you think that you might marry her soon?" He ask. I dont know I might, I said with a smile. "You sure do get happy with your around her or talk about her," He said. I know and it's because I am happier when I'm with her, I said. Mrs. Jane Danella Lavery, I thought to myself. I smiled. "Guys yall need to get ready if we are going to make it to your grandma's house in time," Jane said.

Mason walk inside, Jane started to but I grab her and kissed her slowly. It started to rain on us, But I didnt care. We pulled away. "What was that for?" She ask. I look at her. Because I love you, I said. Then I kissed her again, But it started to rain harder so we went in.









"Jane you all wet," Greenlee said. Well luckly we have 30 minutes and these weren't the clothes I was going to wear anyways, I said smiling. So we got ready and dryed off, I pick up Mark and Sophia and made it to Matt's grandma's house in time.





Thanks guys for reading :) anyways become a fan,Vote, Comment. :)))

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