The Girl He Never Noticed [NO...

By Aishah_MB

243K 10.3K 624

Amelia Jame is 17 years old and has never really spoken to any boy except her best friend Tyler. She is a str... More

chapter 1
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Accidental Love

chapter 2

12.9K 498 41
By Aishah_MB

Picture of Hunter


Hunter's POV

I still stood there stunned at what the cute brown haired chick... scratch that... the bitch told me.

I couldn't believe she talked to me like that, no one ever talks to me that way.

After I snapped out of it, I saw a crowd there staring at me in shock.

Their gazes pissed me off so I snapped at them. "What the hell are looking at, do you want me to give you something to look at?!"

And with that they were all out of sight before you could even say 'PEEP'.

That cute chick who told me off earlier, I plan on finding her and teaching her a lesson she surely won't forget.

Wait, why do I keep calling her freaking cute when I'm supposed to be angry at her.

Anyway whatever, I better get to class.


When I burst through the classroom door, everyone's gazes snapped to me.

Some of them quickly looked away because of the incident that occurred earlier, while some just kept staring.

I just brushed them off... Then all of a sudden my gaze met with that same chick from earlier. The one who snapped at me.

She had bright gray eyes and really soft, wavy brown hair. Well at least her hair looks soft, I never touched it before so I really can't say.

Let me just say she looked hot.

After about six seconds she looked away from me.

I felt kind of bad for not noticing her before then all of a sudden asking if she was new here, especially since I since tried hooking up with her.

Anyway what can I say? She looks like a great booty call.

I'm such an idiot.

"Ok class, now if you can take your seats and quiet down that'll be wonderful," our teacher Mrs. Louise said as she walked into class.

I finally tore my eyes away from the chick and went to take a seat next to her.

About halfway through the class she didn't even acknowledge my presence... Not once.

So I decided to try starting a conversation to know her better.

What the hell am I saying?!

...I just want to annoy the shit out of her.


Amelia's POV

For about half way through the class, I pretended Hunter wasn't there.

I was kind of relieved he hadn't spoken to me.

"Hey, I'm sorry about earlier, I didn't mean to be rude or anything," Hunter apologised.

Hm... Guess I spoke too soon.

I was actually really shocked that he apologised. That's something no one would ever think to expect.

I quickly covered up my shocked expression with a plain one.

"Yeah, but you were," I quickly shot back trying not to show how scared he made me.

He looked at me, shocked for just half of a second before quickly covering it up with a glare.

I just rolled my eyes and turned back to pay attention to what Mrs. Louise was saying.

After about five minutes, I felt someone poking me.

I turned to the side, only to see a smirking Hunter.

"What the hell do you want?!" I whisper yelled harshly.

"What's your name?" Hunter asked with that stupid yet sexy smirk still on his beautiful face.

WOAH!! where the hell did that come from?!

I shook my head to clear my disturbing thoughts.

"My name is none of your business," I said.

"Oh come on, please please please tell me and I'll leave you alone," he begged.

I opened my mouth to speak but quickly closed it as I thought about what Hunter just said.

And to make things more interesting he actually begged.

"Ok fine its Amelia...Amelia Jame," I said with a sweet smile on my face.

After that I quickly turned to the front again.

Through the rest of the class, I would see Hunter steal glances my way but I just brushed it off thinking my mind was playing tricks on me and caused me to see things.


As soon as the bell rang I ran out of class and headed to my locker to get my books for second period.

I have this period with Tyler, so Yay.

When I got to my locker, I saw Tyler standing there waiting and I smiled.

"Hey Tye," I greeted my best friend.

"Hey Amy" he replied.

"I have really big news," I told him.

We're best friends and we tell each other everything so I'm gonna tell him about my little incident with Hunter earlier this morning. And to be clear, Tyler is not gay.

"Ok, well start spilling them beans," he responded getting excited and trying to mock a girl's voice.

I just chuckled and told him everything that's happened so far.

I told him from when I saw Hunter tongue wrestling with some slut in the hall, to when I last talked to him in math class.

"Oh my god, you have to stay away from him, he's bad news Amelia." Tyler warned me at the end of my story.

"I know," I said in a 'duh' tone.

Tyler and I talked for the whole of second period because the class was kind of boring anyway and plus I'm ahead of everyone so I already know about everything taking place at the moment.

And by the way this is English class.
I really hate English, but I'm great at it anyway.



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