My Boys

By Lunabea123

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Good bye my love. I left my Sherlock for America. ~ I woke up to the sounds of the Tardis. Doctor? ~ This is... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Uh guys...

Chapter 12

6 0 0
By Lunabea123

"Open up." The guard yells. The team is underneath the booth. The Doctor returns the floor particles to this plane just before the guards stride in and look around, baffled.

"Well, so, what are we supposed to do now? What's the plan?" Sherlock said.

"I don't know. The Architect set all this up. It should make sense. My personal plan is that a thing will probably happen quite soon."

"Ah, so that's it. That's your plan?" Jim said sarcastically.

"Yep." The doctor replied.

"A thing will happen?" Jim questioned.

"A thing. Probably." He said. A case suddenly appears.

"Hey, Sher." I said, "Doctor."

"There you go. Thing time." Doctor says.

"How does he get the cases here?" I questioned.

"By breaking into the bank in advance of breaking into the bank." The doctor said.

"Well, how did he do that? And if he can do that, why does he need us?" I said confused.

"Not our problem." Doctor said

"Well what is our problem?" Sherlock said interlocking his hand with mine.

"Guilt is our problem. Guilt, in this bank, is fatal. The Teller can hear it. Ever since that first case was opened, we've been targets. The more we know about why we're here, the louder our guilt screams. That's why we wiped our memories. For our own safety. Now, once I open this, I can't close it again."

"Would it be safer if only one of us learned it?" Jim said.

"I'm waiting for you to volunteer." Doctor said.

"Er, why me?" Jim said.

"Because you are most worthy person to die. The things you have done, you, out of all of us should die."

"uh, Okay." Jim said and carefully opens the case.

" I don't know what it is. You may as well have a look. Well, what are they?" Jim said. Six short tubes with metal ends, and pins that can be pulled out on top.

"Not a clue." The doctor says

"Hmm, interesting." Sherlock says

"What is?" The doctor said

"You're lying." He continued

"Er, why would he lying?" Jim questioned.

"Interface with this." The doctor says

"Do we have time for this?" Sherlock said.

"Well, why not? There's no immediate threat." The doctor said. An alarm sounds.

"Warning. Intruders detected." The computer says.

"I should stop saying things like that." Doctor says.

"Intruders detected."

"Molly, you stay with Jim. Sherlock, let's go and investigate." The doctor says running down the corridor.The Doctor kicks out a grill underneath a sign that says No Entry Under Any Circumstances, then helps Sherlock out.

"Aren't you going to ask me? " the doctor says.

"Why did you lie? Those hardware things, you know what they are." Sherlock said

"Exit strategy of sorts. How did you know I was lying?" The doctor questions.

"I can read people, their clothes, hair, jewelry gives me clues to figure out people's past and I can tell when they lie." They hear a moan, and follow the sound to a row of cells. Jim and Molly run and catch them up.

"Oh, my God. Why is he even still alive?" I say. It is the customer with the caved in skull, being held up by chains manacled around his wrists. His is not the only occupied cell.

"I don't know. But someone is watching." The doctor says. A red light is blinking nearby.

"Doctor. However this goes, whatever happens, don't let me end up like that." Jim says. An alarm sounds.

"Intruders on the service level. Intruders on the service level." The computer beeps.
They run to another No Entry grill and the Doctor sonicks it.

"Now this says place to hide." The Doctor says.


"Where are we?" Sherlock says. The Doctor peers at the Teller in his humid glass case, and it reacts.

"Nobody move. Nobody say a word. It's cocooned. Forced hibernation. Its power is probably dormant." The doctor demands. There are running boots and voices outside. The Teller moves.

"Molly. It's locked on to you. It may still be asleep. Don't wake it." The doctor says.

"Okay. How do I not do that?" I say.

"Keep your mind blank. Block everything. Once it locks onto your thoughts, it won't let go." He continued. The Teller growls. Gently I close my eyes.

"It's waking up. Keep blocking your thoughts, Molly. Don't think." The doctor says. The creature roars.

"This way." Jim says. He sees legs running past another grill as the three return to the one they came through. Somehow he gets trapped, but I can't see how unless the creature somehow mentally grabbed him.

"Oh." Jim says startled

"Jim!" I scream.

"He's still in there. How do we get him out?" I say frantically.

"It's scanning his brain." The doctor says.

"Then what?" Sherlock says.

"Soup." Doctor says.

"Then help him." I demand. Jim is in pain.

"What should I do? How can I get away?" Jim says.

"It's rooting through your brain. It's tasting all the secrets stashed inside. Any moment now, it will finish its sweep and start feasting on what's left." The doctor says.

"And then I become one of those things we saw sitting in a cage?" He says frantically.


"Can you not get me out?" Jim says.

"I'm sorry. I don't know how, once it's locked onto your thoughts." The doctor says.

"Exit strategy. That means what I think it means, right?" Jim says, " I herd what Sherlock said." The Doctor holds out one of the tubes to him through the grill.

"Atomic shredder." Doctor says quietly.


"And instant."

"When you meet the Architect, promise me something. Kill him." Jim says.

"I hate him, but I can't make that promise." The doctor says. He uses the shredder, and vanishes in bright blue light. The Teller roars in frustration.

Thanks for reading!


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