Mulan (More Than a Story Book...

By trueblue132

80.9K 2.6K 727

"NEXT!" Called the man sitting at the registration table. Looks like thats me... "Name." He drawled. "Uh~" O... More

Authors Note
Please Bring Honor To Us All
General Shang
What Kind of Name is Ping?
Wade in the Water
Be a Man
A Girl Worth Fighting For
A Girl Who Can Fight
A Drunk Man's Lament
Prepare For Combat
Shan Yu
In the Dark of the Night
Prove It
Wake Up Call
My Pa pa
Golden Memories
Best Served Cold
A Life for a Life
What a Chase
The Final Battle
Returning Home

The Fa Family

3.1K 119 23
By trueblue132

The cab drive home was silent as I tried to come up with a way to minimize my punishment and embarrassment, but honestly there was no way around it.

My farm soon came into view and I could feel the color drain from my face.

I'll just....walk reaaaally slow and quiet.

The driver held his hand out to me expectingly. "A tip for the early arrival home?"

Early arrival? Tip? "Who said I had a tip to give?"

"Well it's just that your mother said if I get you home early-"

"Then my mother is the one who owes you a tip. Good day sir." I opened the door and walked away angrily. The cab sped off, kicking up sand and dirt into the air. How dare he demand a tip and then speed away like that? Who does he think he is? If I ever tried a stunt like that, Pa pa would have my head on a stic-

"MULAN!" Little Brother and Ma ma ran down the path to meet me as I got closer to the house. Shoot, I forgot the plan. "What have you done to your hair? Ohh And your beautiful dress? I spent good money on you today and this is how you repay the favor? Foolishness!"She screams. Little brother jumped up on me with his dirty paws, knocking me over to reach my check. He dragged his wet tongue down my face repeatedly, getting mud and slobber everywhere. My mother was appalled "OH MY... ZHOU! Come and see your daughter and how she shames me!"' No no please not Pa pa!

He came out holding his cane in one hand and combing his beard with the other. His eyes flashed with disappointment.

"I just don't understand. You were with him the whole time weren't you? Certainly Mr. Tai wouldn't walk through the rain without am umbrella, so why are you so wet?"

"Were you caught in that rain? Tai Chen didnt bother to share a umbrella with you? How indecent!" Added Pa pa it goes. "Ma ma, Pa pa...he is not the man I expect you would want me to associate with."

"Did he try to take advantage of you?" Asked Ma ma worriedly.

"Not exactly."

"That was a yes or no question young lady." My father said sternly.


"Then what was the problem?"

"Well he-"

"You didnt say anything out of your place did you?"

"No father! I-"

"Mulan! I know you and how sharp tongued  you can be."

"No father, I made it my duty to give the best replies. I did it for you and Ma ma." I could feel frustrated tears spring into my eyes. Why won't he let me talk?

"I cant believe you!" He stepped down from the step, carefully placing his cane in front of him as he stepped. I instinctively jumped forward to help him. He wobbled slightly

"Careful father." I warned.

"ME? BE CAREFUL? I AM A GROWN MAN! THIS IS MY HOUSE! YOU ARE NOT TO TELL ME HOW TO CARRY MYSELF!" This was the time for me to stop talking. I bowed my head and stared at my uncomfortable, now scuffed up heels. "I don't understand how you throw away every chance of happiness we offer you. Do you want to end up a old woman with no family? No future? Who will support you Mulan  if not your husband?  Don't you see this cane and the wrinkles on my face? Im tired and my days are numbered. Your mother will surly follow soon after. We will not be here forever and because of your insolents, we will die knowing our daughter will grow up to be a worthless hag!"

"Thats enough Zhou!" My mother cut in. My hair fell into my face as the tears now threatened to spill out my eyes, but if there is one thing I did learn from my cousins, its never show weakness to anyone ranked above you, it gives them power over you in more ways then one. I try my best to never cry in front of my parents, but despite myself, I felt one tear roll down my cheek. I'm pathetic.  

"Go to your room." He didnt have to tell me twice. My feet ran to my room and I shut the screen door with a bang.

I slipped off my dress and put on some comfortable night pants and a Tank top. I sobbed in my arm, trying to be as silent as possible. I heard my screen door slide open.

"Mulan." Grand Ma ma walked in and sat on the bed. I quickly whipped my eyes and sat up to face her. "Hello Grand Ma ma." My voice was raspy from crying.

"I told Zhao that this date would be a disaster. But your mother claimed the Golden Dragon of Unity smiled upon this day." She made a clicking sound with her tongue. "Dragon of unity my left foot. More like the Golden Dragon of Your-Really-Rich-So-Marry-Our-Kid."

I giggled slightly. Grand Ma ma isn't a....traditional grandmother. She has her own way for doing things. I love her to death and I pray I have a sense of humor like hers when Im her age.

"The ancestors tell me things Mulan. Things no one believes me about until they happen. I know all about that horrendous man and how he tried to hit you. You stopped him didn't you?"

"Yes GrandMa ma."

"Good! Thats my warrior." She clapped her hands and her wrinkled cheeks rose into a smile. "No matter what your parents have to say, I know you bring this family great honor and deep down in their hearts, so do they. They just don't understand that Fa women are spectacular and cannot be limited." I hugged her waist and put my head on her shoulder.

"Love you Grand." I said sweetly.

"Okay okay, don't go getting mushy on me." I started laughing, but eventually let go. "Oh I almost forgot." She ran out of the room across the hall to her room she came back, holding a rather small bird cage. "Ta Da." At first I saw nothing there, but when I looked closer, There was a tiny insect looking back at me. "Meet Cri-Kee. Your lucky cricket." She smiled as she handed me the cage.

I took it from her. "Thanks?"

"Think of him as your guardian insect. Always take good care of him and he'll take good care of you." She said with a mysterious gleam in her eye.

"Ok Gran?" I said questingly. I sat Cri-Kee on my night stand. He rubbed his legs together, making a cricket sound as if he was responding to me.

"Now come join us for supper....Your father has some news to share with us." Her smiled morphed into a frown as she looked down.

My heart came to a stop. Have they decided to send me away? I deserve it for all the trouble I caused them. "I'll be right down."

I collected myself mentally, threw on a sweater, and made my way to the kitchen table without making eye contact with them. I took my place and began distributing the food. I poured the tea for all three of my care takers as they began eating their pork, rice and dumplings dish. I watched them as they ate in silence. No one saying anything. Common! When are they going to say it already. I looked at GrandMa ma but she was too busy enjoying her meal to notice me.

A knock on the door cut through the silence in the room like a knife. I got up to go answer the door. "Mulan, you are too indecent to answer the door. I'll do it." He rose from his spot slowly, using his cane for balance. I watch him teeter off to the front door with a confused face. Indecent? I thought bitterly to myself.

"I have come barring news from his Highness Emperor of China. This message is for the great warrior Fa Zhou."

"I am he." Answered my father. There was a pause, but the messenger soon continued.

"Im afraid very troubling times are upon us. The Huns have invaded China, attacking smaller villages on the outskirts of the nation. Therefore, by order of our Emperor, one male  from every family must serve in the imperial army."

Me and my mother gasped. Grand seemed to be the only one prepared for this news. The great spirits really must be telling her things about the future.

Ma ma got up from her place and hurried to where father was. I followed behind her but stayed at the entrance of the kitchen, watching them. She grabbed Pa pa's arm and looked up at him, waiting for his decision. But it wasn't as if they had much of a choice. "Im ready to serve the Emperor."

The man at the door seemed confused at first, probably thinking it strange he would be so willing to go out to battle with his leg injury and old age. Then his eyes went past Pa pa's and met mine. Realization came over his features, I guess he figured that the Fa family didn't have any other option, considering im the only child.

The messenger handed Pa pa a envelope explaining that it had all the details involving his enrollment in the army. He was to leave home no later than 2 days time. Training started on Monday.

"I pray for you and your family's safety during these next couple of months."

"Your's as well." Added Ma ma.

He bowed his head and Pa pa followed suit. And just like that, he was gone.

The house was plunged into painfully loud silence, so quiet that I could heard all of our hearts breaking one by one. I couldn't take it anymore so I stomped my foot in frustration. "You shouldn't have to go!"

"Mulan!" My mother cried in shock.

I continued my protest. "There are plenty of young men who can fight for China!"

My fathers face was grim. "It is a honor to protect my country and my family."

"So you'll die for honor?" I countered.

"I will die doing whats right."


"I KNOW MY PLACE!" Pa pa was now looming over me, his small eyes opened as wide as they can go. "Its time you learned your's."

I didn't even wait to be dismissed this time. I stormed off to my room with tears clouding my vision. I couldn't believe my ears. I may be his worthless good for nothing daughter but Pa pa played such an important role in all of our lives. He was the great Fa Zhou for crying out loud. Married to Fa Li and father Did he really value his honor more than his own life? His family?

No, this was his stubborn pride.

Well he's not the only one who's stubborn. Emperor or not, there is no way I'm going to sit back and paint my nails while my father is sentenced to death because the old man ran out of soldiers. If he is going to die, it will be warm in his bed.

I'll make sure of it.

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