YouTuber One-Shots

By Luucent

8.5K 333 58

This is a book of YouTuber stories. Some of which are very sad. Also I don't own any of these characters but... More

Forbidden Love (ZeRoyalChaos)
Tragic Couple (MiniCat)
Breakeven (SeaChaos)
Flares (SeaChaos)
Insanity (H20Vanoss)
If We Fall (MiniCat)
Little Things (Krinx)
Coffee? (ZeRoyalChaos)
Welcome Home (Surprise)
Open Those Eye's (H20Vanoss)
Would You? (MiniCat)
Soldier (Surprise)
Boredom Leads To Great Things (Phan)
Cheese (ZeRoyalChaos)
Heart Problems (SeaChaos)
A Vist, Some Pasta, and a Knife (ChilledMexican)
Star Gazing (H20Vanoss)
This Point Onwards
Our First Dance [MiniCat]
Truth in Lies [SeaMexican]
Angel's Light [Krinx]
Secrets Should be Said [MiniCat]
This is for Tags. Soo... Yeah
The Pattern Is Broken, But Someone Was Hurt [H20Vanoss]
Apple Hill [Surprise]
Letters To A Crime Committer [SeaMexican]
Photographs Are Not Worth 1,000 Words, More Like 3 [TehFawkes]
Flower Of Spring [SeaMexican]
Gaming Contest [Surprise]
Help + Sorry
Rich [Surprise]
I Want To See My World [Phan]
Noise {Phan}
Papa [Surprise]
End {Surprise}

Behind The Lake (Phan)

164 7 0
By Luucent

I have just read a fanfiction and the author denied us a happy ending. So I decided that I would do the same to you. This is the long overdue one-shot for 1k reads.

Edit: I have no regrets.

Edit 2.0: Also I literally have a song called Happy Ending on my playlist and it's playing. 'Where's my happy ending? My happy ending!' it's by Nightcore if any of you want to check it out ;)

Edit 3.0: This isn't edited and is basically 3000 words.

See ya, Humans



My first memory is of a park. It is quite a beautiful park that was filled with many beautiful things. There are many beautiful trees where different colored leafs where falling from. These trees surrounded a lake. This lake was amazing.

It was crystal clear and the sun reflected off the surface making it quite the sights. Many things were at the lake. Swans swam in the water, their pearl white feathers reflected off the surface. Another thing was the flowers that grew everywhere around it.

The flowers came in many colors. Some were purple while others were blue. There was even a patch that grew like a rainbow. If you looked there were rows of red, yellow, orange, green, blue, purple and pink. You could only see these flowers if you cared enough to go to the hedge at the back of the lake.

Most people avoided it. I didn't, mainly because it seemed like an area that didn't get much love. So every evening I watered the plants. They even started to thrive but with the the leaves falling, their petals are to. This created a floor of rainbow petals.

If anyone went behind the hedge at the back of the lake they would see. They would see the 2nd most beautiful thing at the park that had ever existed.


My second vivid memory, besides watering the flowers. Is seeing the first person to ever see my area behind the hedge. Actually it was the first person to ever notice my presence in general.

One day a brown haired boy in a black sweater and some skinny jeans walked into the hedge from the path I have made.

On closer inspection I noticed his eyes. They were warm and full of excitement at seeing my flowers. The brown orbs were practically sparkling.

"Hello? I anybody here?" He asked. That was the first time I ever heard his voice and it was angelic. It wasn't particularly deep nor was it high. It also was a British accent, much like my own.

Snapping out of my train of thoughts I replied, "H-hi."

My voice was creaking and hoarse from not using it in so long.

After hearing my whispered reply he jumped and looked in my general direction. His eyes widen quite a bit when he saw me standing in the back corner of the little hedge, holding a watering bucket.

"Do you take care of these flowers?" He wondered out loud, and immediately blushed. He probably didn't want to voice his thoughts and sound rude, but what was done was done.

"Yeah I do..." I trailed off not knowing what to say. This was my first time talking to a person since I could remember.

"They look good! And the way they are arranged like a rainbow is really cool, but don't your parents help you?" He asked and I didn't know what to say.

So I said what question I had, "What are parents?"

He looked at me like I was insane, which I probably was.

"You know the people who are raising you. The people who feed, cloth, and shelter you. The people who hug you and comfort you if you get hurt or sad. The people who will love you unconditionally?" He asked.

"I don't know. All I can remember is waking up here one day and seeing the park. I found behind the hedge and started taking care of the flowers. Everyday since has been spent doing that or feeding the ducks, raking the leaves, basically just helping out around the park..." I told him honestly. I had no clue who these 'parents' people were but I could guess.

I think they are the people who I see pushing baby carriages or watching kids my age play on the playground located to the east of the lake. They looked really cool and it seemed that everyone had some, except for me of course.

"Where do you get new clothes?"

"I wake up with new ones on."

"Where do you eat?"

"A lady, Miss Zoe at the concession stand near the playground will spare any leftovers she had during the day. When she doesn't have any she will use her own money to buy me a bag of chips or something."

"Where do you sleep?"

"Come here," I said and gestured for him to follow.

I lead him to the corner furthest from the entrance where a couple of jackets and blankets laid stacked on a large piece of metal. There were a couple steel rods that were used in construction of the playground. I asked to have them when they were in construction since nobody said I couldn't I just took them. With it I made a little canopy, just enough to shelter me from rain.

"I sleep here, and believe it or not it is quite comfortable!" I told him with a smile.

"I guess we'll have to test that won't we?" The boy said as he grinned back and jumped onto the lump that was my bed.

"Wait a second...How do you sleep on this!?! It isn't comfy in the slightest, my bed is way more softer than this!" he declared and the grin was whipped off my face.

My face started to scrunch up as my eyes watered. I had spent the spare time I wasn't taking care of the flowers to gather the discarded junk to make a pretty cool bed if you asked me.

When he saw me his eyes watered and he put his hands in front of him, shaking them wildly.

"No, no, no, no! I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad I just was saying that my bed was more preferable to me! To be honest your bed is awesome, did you make all of it yourself?" He said in a jumble of words.

"Yeah!" I said whipping my eyes on the sleeves of my jumper.

"My favorite part is this," I said lifting a part of the metal that had little hinges to reveal a lot of old toys.

Most of them were damaged in some way. I actually found most of them in the trash or left in the playground for a few days.

With this new revelation the boys eyes light up again and he started picking up some of the toys. He grabbed the one-eyed T-Rex and gave me the legless alligator.

"I bet this is going to be fun...gosh I haven't even asked your name!" He suddenly proclaimed.

"What's a name?" I asked full of curiosity.

"What somebody calls you. Usually your parents name you, but since you don't have any i guess I will have to name you!" The boy told me.

"Hmm, I think I will name you Phil! Yeah Phil....Lester! That sounds awesome!" The boy told me.

"Okay so everybody calls me Phil Lester, so what do that call you?" I asked.

"Oh my name is Dan Howell," He replied a new found expression on his face. It looked like he was smiling really big, his eyes were closed and everything.


Ever since then Dan Howell or Dan as he told me to call him, visited me every time his parents would let him. Never once did he bring anyone with him or invite me anywhere.

We did many things alone together.

We watered the flowers, and tended to them. We even planted an oak sapling. We decided when it grew enough we would inscribe out names into it.

We played with the old toys that I had collected over the 'years', as Dan calls them. We also played with some toys he brought with him. They seemed so much cooler than the old broken ones I had, but Dan still used those.

He always told me that no matter how broken a toy was it always wanted to be played with. So we used every toy as we played. Sometimes we stage little plays.

I'd use a beaten down Barbie with a mattered dress that I called 'Chris' because I couldn't write Christina on the piece of paper he gave me. Then he'd use a big red dragon he named 'PJ'.

Sometimes we'd make the dragon the Prince charming that was turned that way by an evil wizard called Alfie. The dragon had to gain the princesses trust and get her to kiss his big sharp teeth. The kiss had to be genuine or it didn't work.

We played other things with the toys but as time went b he started bringing these devices that you could play games on.

The first thing he brought was a 3DS that had a huge screen. He gave it to me and let me select which game to play, I choose a game with Zelda in the title. I don't remember to well what happened but he taught me how to play.

We had so much fun played all the games he would bring. The Mario Bros, Pokemon, Kirby and many other characters.

As more time went by and we started growing he brought his laptop and showed me the wonders of Tumblr and something called YouTube, where you could watch people do funny stuff, play video games, or talk about their life.

We ended up watching a lot of videos, and scrolling through Tumblr often.

As more time passed and he grew up some more. He slowly stopped visiting me as often. Soon I had to take care of the plants so they wouldn't die, even though he usually watered them with me so it felt unnatural to have his presence missing.

When he did visit he always replaced my doubt and filled the air with laughter. Yet every time the visits would get farther and farther apart until I never saw him. It wasn't until 2 of those years passed by, and when the tree had grown enough that we could inscribe our names.

It was then I was worried, I was scared and so afraid. I was afraid of him never coming back so I did something I'd never did before.

I left the park.

I walked down the streets that he would describe to me. The streets full of people bursting with life. Of shops that people went into and out of to buy things. Things that were food, or possibly clothes, and on rare occasions stuff for family or loved ones. Today the streets looked busy, with decorative lights hung every where.

With the sky darkening I made my way to an apartment building. The moon was on the horizon when i got there. The building was looming over me, the old Victorian style building was a lot different than those around it.

I entered and made my way to the elevator and looked at the buttons that ranged from 1 to 12. I pressed 3. The metal box went up and stopped. When the door opened I saw a long dark hallway. I passed many doors until I made it to the end where door number 32 was waiting.

I quickly took a deep breathe and then knocked.

The door opened to the Dan I had met all those years ago. He had the brown hair that went to the side. Yeah, his sparkling eyes had dulled and he always wore a frown. He was still my Dan. I smiled and waved at him and he looked right through me like everyone else does.

"Hello, is anybody there?" He said and I wanted to punch him in his face. I was right in front of him! As he was about to close the door I grabbed his hand but they went right through. I couldn't grab him!

He'd turn into everyone else, he wasn't different anymore. He wasn't the kid who could double my score in The Mario Bros. He wasn't the one who could play the role of PJ the dragon. He wasn't the one who wanted to inscribe outs names in the giant oak tree.

I think realizing that did something to me, because before you know it I felt a tugging. It was like somebody was trying to take me somewhere. I refused.

I just wanted to get back to my rainbow flowers. To the giant oak tree, to Miss Zoe, to my jacket and blanket metal bed. I just wanted to get behind the hedge where I was save.

I ran through the streets and passed all the closing shops. When I got to the park I went straight pass the colorful leaves, the sleeping swans, and crystal clear lake. I went to the hedge.

When I got there the flower's petals lay in the ground. Some of them were getting blown away by the wind and I chuckled at the thought.

I was like those petals. I was fated to eventually fall off and blow away in the wind. Another tugging confirmed my thoughts. This tugging was taking me away. It was the wind, and I didn't mind getting swept off my feet.

I sat down in front of the oak tree and I started to write something. As I did so my body was dissolving and blowing away with the petals I had taken care of for.


I walked around the park for the first time in forever. I pulled my hoodie over my brown head of hair because of the breeze. It was my first time back in my home town since I finished college.

I decided to go to the park for some fresh air, and I used to go here everyday. Although I don't remember why. I just remember a pair of crystal blue eyes that looked like the color of the lake, and some rainbow flowers.

I must have been really weird when I was little.

As I walked around I branched off path and to the hedge that had grown behind the lake. As I walked beside it I saw a small opening in the hedge and I entered.

I saw many rainbow flowers, yet all of them were dead. It looked like they haven't been taken care of for a long time. In the left back corner I saw an ancient oak tree with some writing on it. I made my way around the right side of the flowers and noticed a little bed where somebody used to sleep. Some old toys laid around it. mostly broken.

As I walked forward I saw the writing and my heart started hurting.

Dan Howell and Phil Lester

Best Friends

Underneath that was a old sticky blue note that had been through many years. Even though it was damaged I could still read the words.

Sorry Dan, you weren't here so I had to write your part for you :)

I hope you have a nice life, sorry I won't be there for the rest of it.

It was then all the memories hit me. All the memories of Phil Lester, a black haired boy with crystal blue eyes. He always wore a blue hoodie and grey skinny jeans. The boy who was fed from a Miss Zoe the lady at the confession stand. The boy who slept on a bed he built by himself because he didn't know anything else.

Each thing was slowly making me sadder and the more I remembered the sadder I became. Soon I rushed home so I could cry in peace.


About 5 years later I have realized what happened to Phil Lester. About 2 years before I was born a mysterious boy drowned in the lake. Authorities couldn't find the body, the only thing left was a lion teddy bear.

I was guessing that my Phil Lester was the boy who drowned in the lake. That my Phil was a ghost or a figment of my imagination. I honestly have no clue, but I do know that in the time I stopped visiting him I forgot him.

Because of that he disappeared.

So it's all my fault that Phil left this world, but I can only hope he is in a better place. Where I will soon join him.

I sighed as I looked at the doctors. They had tried the best they could but the cancer had won and now I was about to die. Thankfully I was on so much medicine I barley felt the pain. I smiled at my friends who had surrounded me.

With that I breathed in the last breathe I would ever have and the only sound in the room was the constant beep and the flat line. Soon many tears were being shed, while 2 people watched over them with smiles on their faces.

They soon returned to behind the hedge, and the first thing Dan did was rip up the sticky note.

It was both a lovely and a horrifyingly beautiful sight to be reunited in death.

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