Dazed & Confused (A Jake Mill...

By connors_frantagirl

595 20 0

Chanel and her bf Jake Miller have been dating for 2 years now, but for the last few weeks Jake Miller has be... More

Chapter One
Broken Hearted Part 2
Happy to be back together
Almost Time!!
Hanging out with the Boys
A Rainy Day with JakeπŸ’œ
The Next Day
A day to Relax
Telling LiaπŸ’–

Broken Hearted

109 6 0
By connors_frantagirl

Jake's Pov

That's not how I planned on Chanel finding out like this, but at least she knows now... I don't think I'll ever forgive myself for doing this to the only girl I really loved... "Kendall? You should leave.." "Jake why? Don't you like me? "No I don't you're the reason why Chanel and I broke up! This little fling is over now leave my house now!!" "Jake im- No don't say anything just please leave!!" Now that Chanel's gone I don't know if I'm ever going to ever date again... I'm going to be the lonely old man surrounded by billions of dogs and I'll die alone...

What the hell was I thinking? Why would I do that to Chanel? I need help and I know just who to call my buddy Cameron Dallas I opened my contacts scrolled through until I saw Buddy I pressed the call button and waited for him to answer"Yo Jake! What's up man!?!" "What's up Cameron!! I need your help with something can u come over?" "For sure man!" "Alright cool see you soon! Bye bro!" Know I just wait for Cameron to arrive what to do what to do I guess I can go play Mario Kart by myself again...

Cameron's Pov
Wow I haven't heard from Jake in months its nice talking to him again I miss him... I'm currently driving over to his house listening to my boy Drake because I love him way too much! I parked my car outside I walked up to his door, but when Jake opened the door his eyes were blood shot red and his cheeks were red also what the hell happened? "Hey Jake you alright buddy?" "No come in and I'll tell you why I look like hell." I've never seen Jake this bad the whole time I've known him I wonder if this has anything to do with Chanel?

I do have to admit that after my girlfriend and I broke up I was a wreck without her I looked worse or the same as Jake does now. I wouldn't know what to do if him and Chanel broke up because she's his whole world and vise versa I can't see him like this anymore it's like my sister Sierra when she cries I can't handle it and I break down with them.

Jake's Pov
"Okay Cameron you must be wondering why I look like hell right?" "Yeah?" "For the last 3 weeks I've secretly been seeing Kendall behind Chanel's back... I hated myself for doing it I really love Chanel, but I need your help." "Fuck Jake I'm sorry man.. Yeah I'll help you! You wanna try and win her back huh? "Well yeah, but I don't think she will because when we were on the phone earlier she told me that she hates me and that we're over.. I don't know what to do..."

"Cameron if I show you this promise me it stays between you and I?" "Jake I promise I won't tell anybody." I rolled up my left sleeve revealing all the cuts on my arm "Jake you cut?" "Yeah I used to, but today I made a new cut because when I lost Chanel my heart broke into a million pieces.. I feel like nobody's ever going to be with me and I'll loose Chanel forever..." Then I started sobbing right in front of my best friend "Jake... I had no idea I'm so sorry man.. Don't worry I'm going to try my best so you can have Chanel back!"

I'm so lucky to have Cameron as my bro now its time to ask a real expert my girl Madison Beer she's a girl she knows how girls work better then me and Cameron do. I selected her name in my phone and called her "Hey Jake!" "Hey Madison.. I need your help come to my house now!" "Okay I'm on my way see you in a minute!" Madison isn't as bad as everyone says she is she's really cool and loads of fun to be around when you're sad because she can make you laugh so hard you will cry. I don't know why people even hate her, but then again I have people who give me hate everyday telling me I can't rap or I don't care about my well being, but I also don't give a shit what people think of me.

"Madison's coming over to help cool?" "Yeah I miss that girl!" "Okay good I do too I called her because she is a girl and she knows how girls work better then we do." "Yeah that's for damn sure!" Cameron and I both heard a knock on the door "MADISON IS HERE!!!" Cameron and I said in unison. "Hey girl that didn't take very long!" "Hey guys! I do live down the street Jake!" "Oh shit I forgot sorry!" "Hey guys let's go to Skyline mall Jake we need to get you some new shit." Okay well I guess we're going to the mall... This should be fun helpfully...

Chanel's Pov
"Lia you be the DJ pick whatever you wanna listen to on the way to the Skyline Mall okay?" (BTW I made up the mall name) "Okay boo boo I got it!" "YASSS Lia good choice!!!" Lia knows me way too well she put on Stitches by Shawn Mendes " I thought that I'd been hurt before but no ones ever left me this sore" Lia and I sang in unison damn were true BFF.

*Skipping to the mall *

Chanel's Pov
"Okay Lia we're here!" "Lia look over there by the door that guy looks like Jake, Madison, and Cameron do you see them?" "Yes I see them Chanel remember what he did to you don't talk to him right now you're not ready yet." You're right Lia c'mon let's go!" Why the hell is Jake here? Did he follow me and Lia here? Ugh I don't care or do I? What am I saying Chanel he cheated on you with Kendall and didn't tell for 3 weeks get over it!

Lia Marie's Pov

Okay Chanel and I both really confused why Jake is here with Madison a d Cameron, but I guess they all are friends,but why are they here? I get the sense that Cameron and Madison are trying to get Chanel and Jake back together, but if I know one thing about Chanel is that she doesn't forgive easily and I hope she doesn't forgive Jake and then he does this to her again, because I can't watch her cry like that again...

Jake's Pov

That was strange seeing Chanel smiling and laughing with Lia walking past me.. I don't have much room to talk Cameron and Madison made me laugh the whole way here,but she's different she seems happy in a way, but at the same time she's broken in half broken into a million pieces just like I was earlier... I hope she doesn't think that Madison is taking her place,because nobody will EVER take Chanel's place...

Madison's Pov
Okay so one of my best friends Jake seems to be doing okay, but I can see that when he looked at Chanel he broke in half all over again like he did before we left his house. I really hope this plan we've came up with works because it's breaking me to see Jake this way he looks so depressed..

Cameron's Pov

Damn Chanel's here this could be a lot harder to help Jake get over her, but also get Chanel back somehow. Chanel seems to be okay I mean she's laughing with Lia which is good for her, but Jake on the other hand broke right then and there I could see it on his face. "Hey Madison let's hope to god that this plan works for Jake's sake." "Yeah let's hope it does or else he's going to be like he is now forever.."

Madison's right if Jake stays like he is now he'll be like this for a really long time and as Jakes friend I CAN'T LET THAT HAPPEN!!

Chanel's Pov
"Lia can we go into bath & body works I need more lotion?" "Yeah let's go! I need more candles anyways!" Ugh great one of my favorite stores is having a huge sale everything in the store is $5-20 oh no I'm going to buy way too much I can feel it already, but I'm a girl and us girls love our lotions, perfume, body wash, candles, and everything in between. "Hello ladies are we going to need a shopping bag?" Said Sierra the girl who worked at bath and body works. "Um yes thank you!" Okay seriously I need to leave this store I have a bag full of a little bit of everything time to check out yikes! I out the bag on the counter and the girl working I knew her from somewhere, but I don't remember what from. I felt so bad for her because I had so much 16 lotions, 14perfumes,8 body washes, and 20 candles okay I know it sounds bad, but I have a problem as Jake always told me anyways, my total came to $50.18 damn good thing I have a gift card from my uncle Luke whose in Australia right now. Okay no more shopping for me unless I have a gift card or money "hey Lia let's go to Victoria's Secret there having a huge sale!!" "Yes!! I need new workout clothes! Let's go!!"

Yay! Another store I'm most likely to spend most of my paycheck, but who cares! As Lia and I walked into VS I saw a sigh that said All leggings & workout jackets $20 each oh no how convenient I need new workout clothes and they have them on sale I better go see which ones I like I started walking to the workout section then I saw it a mint green jacket with black leggings with a mint green stripe down the sides I'm sold I grabbed my size then looked at the workout bras ooohh I love that one it had a copper in the front with a racer back and the bra itself was light pink I need this, and its on sale to for $10 okay I better get out of here before I spend way too much.

Lia's still looking she has 3 pairs of leggings, 2 sport bras, and 1 jacket damn this girl and her leggings. "Lia out ready to go pay?" "Yeah let's go." Lia's total came to $100 even, but luckily she had a lot of gift cards to pay with because I know she doesn't have that kind of money with her right now. My total only came to $50.00 I handed the cashier my money and waited for her to give me my change back then we left to go to the Vans store because they're having a sale too, and its rare when Vans go on sale. "Hey Lia? Can you help me look for maroon Vans in a size 8?" "Yes! I'm looking for a size 8 1\2 for me in maroon too!" Okay I'll help you look!"' Ah ha I found a size 8 1\2 for Lia! "Hey Lia I found your size- Then I saw one face I wish I hadn't Jake... WTF is he doing here?

I ran over to Lia and said "Jake is here I'm going to pay real quick you ready? "Oh shit yeah let's go Chanel." Lia and paid for our shoes and we left as fast as we could, because Jake was there and after what happened I didn't want to see his face at that moment so Lia and I decided that we're hungry and we went to the food court hmmm Lia and I decided that we wanted Panda Express because we both love it and it sounds really good right now. Almost 20 minutes in line finally Lia and I ordered our food paid and waited patiently for it to come so wee can sit down and eat it "um Lia where do you wanna sit?" "How about over there by the window?" "Yeah!" I really want to know why I keep on running into Jake today, but its deffently not helping trying to forget him that's for damn sure.

Lia Marie's POV
I can tell that Chanel's pissed because we keep on running into Jake today and to make things worse seeing him isn't going to help her get over him or push him out of her mind either. I'm getting the feeling that Jake's trying to do this on purpose why? I have no fucking idea, but I'll tell you one thing its pissing me off just as it is to Chanel. "Hey Chanel you okay?" "No I'm not okay! Jake's here in the food court at the same time we are! I'm pissed off! Why's he doing this to me? I didn't do anything to him..." "Of course you didn't I think he's trying to win you back somehow.." "You do? Ugh idk what to do Lia tell me what I should do?" "Chanel I can't tell you what to do. That's up to you you'll make the right choice in the end. I'm always here for you! ILY!" "ILY too Lia! You always know what to say!"

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