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Chanel's Pov

I woke up and I thought Jake would be there, but the bed was empty. I checked in the bathroom nothing, I looked in the living room/ kitchen nothing either. Where is he? I started to panic a little its not like Jake to leave without telling me where he is. Then I saw this little note attached to the fridge it read

If your reading this you might be freaking out, but I'm fine. I went out to get something for tonight. I will be back soon then I'll cook us breakfast. I love you babe!
- love Jake

What did Jake mean by 'Getting something for tonight?' What is he planning? I really hate when Jake does this because I never know what's going on. A few minutes later Jake walked in the door with nothing in his hands wait, if he said he's getting something for tonight where is it? What is it? I'm confused.. "Hey babe! You scared me I thought something happened to you" "sorry babe I would've told you where I went, but you couldn't be with me" "oh okay I see what's for breakfast I'm starving." "What do you want?" "Um the usual bacon, eggs, hash browns, pancakes." "Okay" "can I get in the shower while you cook?" "Yep go ahead."

Jake's Pov

This is perfect while Chanel's in the shower I'm going to cook then I'm going to propose to her. I'm going to put the ring inside of her pancake or would that be too weird? Oh well I'm going with it. I cooked her food just in time she got out of the shower as I set her plate on the table. "That was good timing babe! Come eat! What do you want to drink? besides coffee" "um milk."

Chanel's Pov

Okay Jake's acting really happy/excited and I have no idea why, but I'm too hungry right now to care. I hate everything except my pancakes I always save them for last. I took 4 bites, then when I took the 5th bite there was something inside what the hell? I felt around inside my mouth and pulled out a ring!? Wait a minute please tell me this isn't an engagement ring!! "Um Jake? What's this?" I said while holding the ring in my right hand. "Oh you found it! Good!" Jake came over to my right side and held my hand while he got down on one knee fuck! This isn't happening right now!! "Chanel your the only person I want to spend the rest of my life with. Your my everything, I love you to the moon and back. Would you do the honor of becoming my wife?" "Yes!! I will marry you Jake!!" I got down to Jakes level and kissed him with passion. "I'm glad that's over I thought you'd say no.." "Jake.. I'm in love with you! Why would I say no?" "Idk I just thought the worst.." "Well I guess you don't have to worry about that now will you?" "Nope! That's why I left this morning babe!" "That explains a lot, when you came in with no bags I was so confused." "Yeah I had it sized to fit your finger and it was done so I had to get it." "Well I love it!! Thanks babe!!" "Are you going to tell your fans? Its up to you!"

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