Broken Hearted Part 2

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Jake's Pov

I saw Chanel and Lia sitting by the window Chanel was smiling, laughing like she's having the time of her life that hurt a little I mean how can she be so happy when we just broke up a few hours ago? "Hey Jake there's a table by Chanel if you wanna sit by her." "No Cameron I'm going to sit as far away from her as possible." Um I thought you want her back?" "I do, but that's a little too much right now for the both of us." "Nah I get it bro!" "Good choice Jake." "Thanks Madison."

"Hey guys can we go to Zumiez I need a new skateboard?" "Yeah sounds good Jake!" Okay I have a plan that might grab Chanel's attention, but I also don't wanna get caught or I might end up in jail and I deffently don't want that. My plan is to make it look like I'm going to steal something, but play it dumb like I didn't know I was doing it Cameron thinks that my plan is dumb and so does Madison huh maybe I shouldn't I mean I can't get arrested that's for damn sure! "Uh Jake let's just go so you don't end up in Jail okay?" "Ok good thinking Madison let's go!"

*Three days later*

It's been 3 days since I saw Chanel at the mall and I've been stuck inside my apartment I don't leave because I don't wanna run into her in public, but I have to admit I really miss her.. I just don't know what to do anymore...

Chanel's Pov

I still haven't gotten over the fact that I saw Jake at the mall a few days ago I don't know what to feel I mean yeah I miss him a lot, but half of me wants to talk to him, yet the other half is saying no move on Chanel!!! Ugh I hate this feeling I need Lia Marie's advice right now! I grabbed my phone and called her because she gives the best advice ever!

"Hey love how are you!?!"

"I need your good advice Lia.."

"Is this about Jake again?"


"Okay here goes nothing. I think you should talk to him and see what he has to say just listen to him Chanel and you really need to think about what he said then decide from there."

"Okay thanks Lia! I can always count on you! I love you! I'll tell you how it goes after okay?"

"Okay sounds good! Good luck Chanel!"

"Thanks! Bye!"

"Bye love!"

I'm so nervous, but I decided to call him call Jake and see if he even answers and he did wow!


"Hi Jake I need to talk to you can I come over?"

"Yeah I'll see you soon then?"

"Yep I'll leave soon!"

"Ok bye Chanel."

"Bye Jake."

I looked in my mirror I need to change this outfit isn't comfortable anymore so I slid on one of Jake's old T-shirts and I grabbed my keys and my phone and headed down to my Jeep. I turned on the radio and Lovesick by Jacob Whitesides came on OMG I LOVE THIS SONG!! I sang along until I reached Jake's apartment then I got more nervous then I was before I left shit I hope I can do this!! I lock my Jeep and texted Jake that I was on my way up fuck! Why am I so damn nervous!? I made sure I was at the right apartment yep apartment 420 I knocked on the door and waited for Jake to open the door. A few moments later a shirtless Jake opened the door with a smile on his face I'm sure he's glad to see me just like I am to see him.

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