Something Beautiful

By Britalie84

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What happens when two world famous singers, who happen to be friends, are attracted to the same girl.That's w... More

Something Beautiful
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

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By Britalie84

Waverly woke up the next morning feeling like a truck had ran her over, repeatedly.

She popped her back multiple time before she shoved her small feet into her monkey slippers. To be honest, even though she was 22 she still acted like a child at times. She was perfectly fine with that.

She grumbled and shuffled her tired feet into the kitchen. She yawned.

She hit the coffee button and slowly stepped into the living room.

She turned the tv on . For the longest time the remote had disappeared. Before she remembered she left it in the counter. She searched the channels until she found 27 Dresses and turned it to the movie.

She walked sleepily back into the kitchen of her small flat. She moved out of her parents house last year and honestly she was surprised at how well she was doing on her own. Delilah was her roommate for the longest time before packing her bags and moving in with Louis during the Summer time.

Waverly particularly loved living in such a small area was cozy.

She picked up her blue and brown coffee mug from the coffee machine.She stirred in her Baileys Irish cream to her coffee, she also added a small amount of sugar before flopping down on her leather sofa.

The movie was to the part where they were at Georges "little brothers" baseball game.

Taking slow sips from her mug,Waverly thought of the night before, mostly about Ed.

She remembered him giving her his number and how excited she was.Something about Ed caught her eye,and he was extremely hot! Which was a bonus.

She really wanted to call him but would it seem desperate to call him less than 24 hours after he had given her his number?

Should she tell him Niall also asked her out? No, no Ed didn't like her like that. Did he? No, He was merely wanting to get to know her better in a friendly way.

That's how it has always been with her. Every time she found a guy she was interested in she instantly friend-zoned.

She was so interested in Ed. But then again she wanted to get to know Niall too. Honestly she needed some girl talk but Waverly didn't want to disturb her besties honeymoon. God knows what they were up too.

She wasn't sure how she felt about Ed but she felt the only way to find out would be to go out with him. She always had these random pops of courage, she always seemed to use them to her advantage too.

Finally she decided to call him. Heck with all the "wait at least two days to call" crap. He did say he wanted to talk sometime and the worst he could say is "No!".

She got off the couch and went to the kitchen where she had left the phone the night before. Glad she remembered to plug it up.

She picked up the phone and went to the night stand where she had left she folded up piece of paper Ed had given her.

She unfolded it and in very neat orange handwriting was written "Edward" and then a phone number with a ":)" at the end. She thought it was sweet that he wrote his entire first name.

She quickly dialed the number whilst taking a seat on her bed. She tucked her legs underneath one another.

It ringed several times before someone picked up the phone.

"Hello?" A sleepy voice said coming from the other end.

She hadn't even thought that he still may be asleep. It was only ten in the morning! She didn't even think to check the clock.

Oh I'm so sorry Ed! I didn't even think that you'd still be sleeping, I'm sorry" Waverly said biting her lip, glad no one could see how pink her cheeks were. She was an idiot!

"No no, Waverly? It's fine, really, my alarm was set to go off in five minutes anyways. So whats up?" He said.

Ed ruffled his hair on the opposite end of the line. Glad that he'd been awoken by her sweet voice than that annoying pitiful alarm he hated so much. Actually he wished that he just asked for her number instead of giving him hers. He stay up late writing a song about his nervousness.

Waverly's voice brought him back to the present.

"Oh well I was just wondering if you wanted to maybe do something tomorrow. Unless you already have plans or something." Stupid, stupid Waverly of course he probably had plans! She thought to herself.

"Nope. No plans for me. I'm off now. I start recording in a few months. But How about I meet you at a bar on Jackson Avenue? It's a nice little place with a pool hall. Maybe after we can grab some food." He smiled as if Waverly could see it through the telephone. Ugh why did he talk so much, he thought. He rubbed his temples and let out a sigh.

"That sounds great!" Waverly said. That was a lot easier than she thought.

"So seven good?" Ed asked. Smiling to himself again.

"Sevens great." Waverly said smiling.

"Great. I'll see you there." Ed said.

"Yeah. Bye."

"Wait Waverly, call me anytime I'm not a very deep sleeper." Ed chuckled into the cell phone.

"Well I call you later then" Waverly laughed, "Goodbye Edward" She smiled. Hoping he didn't mind being called Edward.

"Yeah me too, Goodbye" Ed chuckled then hung up the phone.

He was so happy with himself for putting his entire first name on paper instead of just "Ed". He didn't particularly like Edward, but when Waverly said it. It sounded like music.

Back at her flat Waverly squealed. And threw her legs up in the air. "I'VE GOT A DATE WITH ED. I'VE GOT A DATE WITH EEDDD!" She chanted to herself. "Oh god...I've got a a date with Ed." Reality hit her in the face.

What would she wear, what would they discuss?

And what would Niall say?


That afternoon Waverly dressed in her comfortable clothes. A purple hoodie and baggy jeans. She planned on shopping for both dates. She wasn't exactly sure what to wear. usually her dates consisted of rides to the movies and awkward laughs.

What exactly was she suppose to wear on this bar/out to eat date? She had no idea. And didn't it seem a little backwards? Weren't you suppose to eat then get drinks? and what was she going to drink anyway?

Waverly didn't care. She was excited. She liked that he wasn't the type of person who played by the rules.

Then Niall on the other hand. They were going to eat. Probably some place super fancy where she would feel she didn't fit in.

Once she got to the mall she found a parking spot and then jumped out her car and walked into Dillard's. She absolutely loved that store. She got almost all of her outfits there.

First, she decided, to shop for Niall.

Honestly, she didn't know him very well, she wasn't in love. But she still wanted to look nice. He was a lot, more posh than Ed. And a bit shy at the start. She wanted something classy yet fun. She was sure that he would wear a cardigan or something. She also didn't want the "little black dress" cliche. That wasn't her. There was no reason for her to act like someone she wasn't.

She found a cute orange dress that reached her knees and had thick straps and zipped up in the back. It was snug on her thighs in all the right places, showing off her curves.

She went to try it on in the dressing room. Awkwardly she held up the dress and took the "1" tag from a stack on the desk. She hung it on the door handle and locked the door. It slipped on easily, but zipping it was a hassle. she had never been good at zipping herself up. Once she had it on, and fully zipped, she went to see herself in the bigger mirror outside of the tiny dressing room.

She opened the door and stepped out. She twisted and turned. Looking over her shoulders, measuring the length with her fingertips, and tracing the neckline. It was classy, not so low that it showed off anything, but not so high that it was a turtleneck. she thought the dress was gorgeous, but was it her?

"Wow. That looks stunning on you Darling. I actually tried it on myself but I didn't look half as good on me as it does you." Waverly turned around and found a tall, beautiful African American woman looking at her.

"Oh, thank you so much." Waverly blushed. Turning so the lady could see the dress better.

"Whoever he is, he will love it." The lady grinned, before walking off to look at the sun-glass display next to the perfumes.

Waverly turned back around to the mirror. She decided that she like the classy orange dress, she figured that Niall would like it too. She walked back into the dressing room to put her clothes back on.

She tried on three pairs of shoes before deciding on a chunky black pair of high heels that matched the dress perfectly. She also decided she would wear her black overcoat to keep her warm on the chilly autumn night.

She folded the dress over once and then sat the box of shoes next to it in her basket. Now she had the joy off finding a date night outfit for Ed.

This outfit had a lot more she could do with it. She loved how Ed was himself straight away. Really he asked for their first date to be at a bar. Waverly liked that a lot. Even though she didn't drink very often. She wanted to be herself for him too. But still look nice.

She decided to keep it more simple so she picked out some faded skinny jeans, that had little rips at the knee and an overly large cream colored sweater that matched her cream Uggs. She also grabbed a pink scarf to give the outfit a girly look.

She again, went into the small fitting room, this time taking a "4" tag from the desk and hanging it from the knob. She slipped the sweater on over her tanktop, and wiggled into the skinny jeans. The outfit already look gorgeous. She slipped the Ugg brand boots onto her feet and wrapped the scarf around her neck three times. She walked out again, admiring herself in the mirror. Not only was it cute, but it was also comfortable and warm.

She believed that they would walk a lot , since the bar was located on a strip of stores and restaurants. That's why she pick the walkable Uggs.

She decided she liked it and that it was acceptable for the date.

She put on her clothes for the third time that day and skipped happily to the register.

"Oh this is just to adorable" The young cashier smiled, holding up the cream colored sweater.

"Thanks so much! I really like it!" Waverly smiled.

Thunder cracked and you could here the raining hitting the roof of the building. "Aww. Sh-" Waverly cursed to herself. She spent all morning straighting her uncontrollable hair. She loved her hair but at times it was just annoying. As soon as the rain hit it, it would frizz up. "Um, could you double bag those please, I hate for the rain to get on them." She laughed. The girl nodded smiling and shoved the large bag into an even bigger bag before smiling and giving the usual "Have a nice day, come back soon" routine that all cashiers had been taught.

Waverly raced to her car, covering her hair with her hood. The bag banged against her knees. She fished in her purse for her keys, and after five minutes she finally pulled out her shiny silver keys. She unlocked her car, throwing the Dillard's bag over her shoulder into the back seat. Now that she had time to think of it the weather had been like this a lot lately. Stormy and Depressing.

She turned the key and the engine purred to life She hit the petal and sped off. Her stomach grumble and she decided to grab some dinner at the Taco Bell down the road. As always she ordered a Cheese quesadilla and a medium size coke. The quesadilla was one of her favorite foods. She could eat it everyday if it wouldn't make her sick or 300 pounds.

She couldn't wait to eat, so she unwrapped the cheesy goodness in the car, driving with her knees she swallowed each warm mouth watering bite. "Oh this is so good!" She said to herself. Of course it sounded a lot more like "Oomf, Dis If Dough Goot!"

By the time she pulled up in the parking lot of her flat it had stopped raining. She got her bag from Dillard's out along with her purse and trash from her dinner.

She hung up the orange dress, pants and shirt and placed the pink scarf on the handle of her closet.

She then went back into the living room and turned on the TV. She channel surfed until she found Defiance, a show that came on SyFy. She loved it.

She went to the kitchen and started straightening up a bit. She wasn't the tidiest person but she wasn't gross. She liked to clean every once in a while since the apartment was so tiny and cozy. It might as well be clean too. Once she was finished tidying up the dishes she took a shower and by this time she dried her hair it was about 11:30 so she went to lay in her queen size bed. Even though she stayed awake for at least another hour. She was nervous about not only her date with Ed, but also with Niall.

She turned on her Pandora to her favorite station. "This Love" was floating through her speaker.

She quickly fell asleep as the music floated into her ears.


Ed woke up early the next morning. He took a long hot shower and ruffled his ginger hair.

He was trying to be cool, but something about Waverly made him so nervous and yet excited.

He tried not to think too much of the date tonight as he scrambled his eggs but he couldn't help himself.

Was Waverly nervous too? Was she even thinking about him, or the date? Probably not, he thought. She probably didn't even care. She probably went out with guys all the time, This was just a regular thing for her.

He didn't know what he was planning on wearing, He finally decided on a pair of faded blue jeans and a solid brown t-shirt.

He spent the rest of the morning and afternoon writing a bit and playing chords on his guitar.


Niall Horan, also had a date with Waverly the next day, He wanted to get to know the beautiful lass that he ran into at Louis' wedding. Literary.

"She probably only thinks I asked her out being nice, since I ran her over" He leaned back into the reclining chair.

"Well, you won't know until tomorrow will ya?" Liam munch on crisps and played his video game.

'Yeah man, You never know until to try" Zayn had a notebook in his hands he was drawing some doodles for their next charity event.

"I guess so, She was just really awkward, and she didn't freak out when I asked her to dance." Niall sighed, in a happy way.

'Well, didn't her best friend just marry Lou?" Harry said, in a "Duh" voice. " I really don't think she'd be surprised by you, She's saw you a million times. Didn't you ever notice her?"

"What?" Niall asked confused.

"Delilah and Waverly came to a lot of sound check and after parties." Liam said.

"Delilah went out to eat with us once and Waverly came by to get her. And we chatted?" Zayn said.

"Well I never noticed her." Niall looked mad at himself. All this time Waverly had always been there, and he ignored her.

He wished Louis was here, Louis was the, the best, with relationships. after all the Larry drama ended, Louis was able to date a lot of girls without being mobbed and getting hate.

Niall stilled remember the day Louis showed him Delilah. They were on tour, and Louis had accidentally skyped the wrong number.

A pretty blond girl answered, She looked at Louis and smiled, "Um, I'm sorry but I think you have the wrong number..." She giggled. You could tell that she definitely knew who Louis was.

"I don't think I do" Louis smirked at her. He chuckled. She giggled.

They continued chatting and Louis learned that her name was Delilah. Soon after that they got together, and well a relationship started.

And just two days ago, He married her.

Niall wanted something like that, something so awkward to turn into the best thing he ever done.


Waverly had been up for hours. Trying to decide how to do her hair. Should she curl it? Or straighten it? Or maybe just let it do it's own thing? No, She would defiantly not let it do it's own thing, Waverly thought to herself.

She finally decided to put it up into a bun. She had gotten pro at it and every time she fixed it, it winded up looking like a sock bun done perfectly. She curled the few wisp that fell around her face with her curling iron and put on the outfit she had bought just last night. She added some long pink and silver earrings to tie the outfit together.

She applied her make-up very lightly. Only a bit of mascara and eyeliner. Oh and her favorite lip gloss "Shiny" by Victoria Secret.

By the time she had completely finished getting ready it was already 6:30. She HAD to get going because the bar was about twenty minutes away.

She got into her jeep and started off to the bar. Looking at the sky it looked like it was going to rain. Again. Waverly sighed to herself. Why did it always have to be so rainy in Tennessee?

She was so nervous for the date. She was so worried that she would make a fool of herself. She knew that she would fumble with her words. She did that on most of her first dates. She was so worried that Ed wouldn't even enjoy himself.

It didn't take her very long to find the bar. It was the only one on that street. She parked her car. Before stepping out she flipped down the mirror an check her hair and make-up. "This is as good as it gonna get!" she laughed at herself.

She had parked at the front of the bar so she could see inside. A flash of bright ginger hair caught her eye. Ed say her and waved,a smile appeared on his face.

She took some money from her purse and pushed i underneath her seat, there was no reason lugged the giant thing into a bar. All she need was her gloss, some money and her cell.

She looked at the name of the bar "Jake's Bar and Pool House" a wooden sign hung from the door handle. Cigarettes buds scattered across the sidewalk near the bushes.

Once she got inside the first thing she noticed was that there weren't very many people there.

So it didn't take her long to get to Ed,he sitting at the bar with a beer in his hand.

She walked up and sat beside him and took a seat on the red leather stool.

"What can I get you darlin'?" The older bartender said, wiping off the counter.

"Um, can I get a beer?" Waverly asked the bartender and he nodded, but he did look a bit surprised to see such a lovely young girl ordering a beer of all things.

Ed took another sip of his own beer. "Hm, I figured you would order something a bit more... fruity." Ed chuckled, as the bartender slide the glass to her.

"Nope. I'm more of a beer girl then some Passion Fruit Mojito." Waverly said drinking a big gulp of beer the bartender had just given her.

Ed laughed. "Is that so?" He said turning towards her. He was literally inches from her face. She could feel the heat coming off his body. She could smell the beer in his breath.

"Um, yeah." She said trying to avoid eye contact. She could feel her cheeks burning.

"Well how about you say me and you go play some pool?" Ed said with a lingering grin. He nodded his towards the green tables at the back of the room. Two guys were having a go at the game.

"Okay." Waverly said getting up and grabbing her beer.

Ed grabbed her hand and led her over to a pool table. "Have you ever played before?" He said handing her a stick.

"Of course I've played, but if I know how to play correctly is the question." Waverly said grinning. She took the blue tablet and rubbed it on the end of the stick she would be using. She didn't really know what it did but she had seen it in movies so she just went with it.

"Ok well mainly you're gonna try to either get all the striped or solid colored ball into a pocket using the cue ball. But try not to get the black one in." Ed said breaking the triangle. "Take a shot."

Waverly found the cue ball on the lower left-hand side of the table. She walked up to it and made a bridge so she could shoot. She found a stripped ball that looked close to a middle pocket and she aimed the shot. The cue ball traveled across the table and hit the stripped ball and it went into the middle pocket.

"Nicely done." Ed smiled. "but watch this" Ed hit the cue ball and aimed for the solid orange and blue balls that sat close to each other at the opposite end of the table. He pulled back and the cue rolled across the table knocking the blue ball into the left pocket and the orange into the right.

"Well, I think this is going to be a close game" Waverly leaned on her stick. She loved how ed smiled at her when she said that.

They played for what seemed like an hour but soon, the game sadly ended, Ed had won.

"I think you cheated" Waverly poked his bicep. Laughing.

"I think you're drunk!, I didn't cheat!" Ed said with fake anger. Only he couldn't keep a serious face and soon laughed loudly. "Here I'll go pay for our beers and I'll meet you outside." Ed smiled.

"No, no you don't have to do that." Waverly reached for her back pocket, ready to pull the 20 out of her pocket.

"No, I got it." Ed insisted andn went to the bartender handing him the bills. 'I come here all the time actually, so me and Jake are pretty close." He pointed his thumb at the owner.

"Oh I see," Waverly laughed as they walked. "So have you picked out anywhere to eat?" Waverly looked hi in the eyes. It had gotten dark. Waverly looked at her phone and couldn't believe it was almost 8:30. It seemed like they were in there for about thirty minutes.

"There's a pretty nice and cozy diner down there." Ed leaned sideways and pointed towards a diner at the end of the strip.

"Awesome, come on I think it might rain...again." Waverly looked up at the sky. As to speak of the devil, the bottom feel out. Rain starting to pour.

"Ahh!" Waverly giggled, Ed had shook his coat off and was holding it over their heads. They ran/walked to the dinner. 'Thank you." Waverly said as they entered the Diner.

'No problem." Ed said before shaking out his hair, raining water had been flung in all directions.

"Smokin' or Non?" The waitress asked.

"Smok-, wait do you smoke?" Ed asked Waverly.

"No, but whatever is fine."

'Non, please" Ed finished talking to the waitress and she lead them to the back of the room.

"What can I get you to drink?" She pulled out her notepad.

"I'll have a sweet tea, please" Waverly said, without glancing from her menu.

'I'll have one too" Ed smiled taking his menu from the waitress.

The sat across form each other in the booth, looking at the paper in their hands.

"I think I'll just have a Burger and some fries." Waverly closed her menu.

'I don't know, what to get. Hmm"

"We can just share if you want to, I'm not very hungry." Waverly offerd.

"Sounds good to me." Ed closed his menu and placed it on top of hers. The odered they're plate and sipped on they're teas as they waited for the buger to cook.

'So what exactly do you do?" Waverly asked, interested. She knew he was a singer so it was stupid to ask him that. She mentally face palmed he self.

"I write songs, and sing them." Ed chuckled. "Actually it a lot more, I not only write songs for myself I have wrote a few for the boys and I even song some stuff with Taylor Swift, hence me moving to Nashville"

"Really?, I used to lived in the next state over, but me and Delilah moved as soon as we graduated, it sucked over there." Waverly sat her chin in her hands and played with her fork.

"How long have you and her been friends?"

"We we met a long time ago, elementary school but we weren't exactly best friends until halfway through middle school." Waverly laugh, memories of school coming to mind.

'That's cool, sometimes the best friendships take a while."

"Yeah, I guess so." Waverly laughed. They talked about school and friends for awhile before they're plate came out. The laughed at each others jokes and chew slowly on their french fries. Waverly didn't want the night to end. Ed didn't either.

The finished and sat talking until the rain had stopped. They paid and left a tip before grabbing their coats and heading back to Waverly's car.

"Do you have a ride?" Waverly looked around and only two cars sat in the parking lot.

"No, I don't have a liscense. I just walked, my flat is right down the road."

"Let me give you a ride, I think it might rain again." She unlocked the door.

"No, you don't have too."

"I want to, come on you paid for my beer, let me give you a ride." She insisted and he eventually he climbed into her jeep.

Ed wasn't kidding when he said his flat wasn't very far, all to soon the ride had ended.

"I really enjoyed hanging out with you tonight Waverly." Ed had gotten out and his Head was stuck in Waverly driver side window. Their faces just inches apart.

'Me too!, I- i hope we go out again" Waverly said aloud.

"Well, how about we go somewhere next week, like on Wednesday?" Ed offered.

"Yeah, sounds good. I get off of work at 2:30, we can go out then" Waverly said.

"Okay, well until then I'll text you" Ed leaned in, Waverly hesitated. Was he going to kiss her?!

And to her surprise he did. He planted a kiss on her forehead.

"Bye!" Ed waved as he unlocked the door to his apartment.

"Bye." Waverly waved out her window. the kiss still lingering on her mind. She drove home. So excited and proud of herself. This had to be the best first date she'd ever been on, she really liked ed, and is personality.

She went to bed a bit early, knowing that tomorrow she had promise Niall a date. She hope that it would go good, but at the same time she didn't.

It made her feel bad to be gong on dates with two different guys. But she was single so she decided that it was okay.

She feel asleep listening to Ed's album that she downloaded earlier that day. His voice was like a soft drunken lullaby.

At Ed's house, he fell onto his bed. He dreamed of Waverly that night.

He knew this was the start of something. Something Beautiful.


The next morning Niall awoke in his flat that he kept in Nashville. When he got too stressed out or something he came and stayed here for a few days.

But lately he had just been hanging around because he didn't really have much to do.

He got up and stretched. Though he usually took up most of the bed he could still feel his back pop several times as he reached for his toes.

He went to the bathroom, brushed his teeth, used the bathroom, then took a long warm shower.

Once he got out he dressed in a pair of bluejeans and a long sleeved polo.

He fixed his hair and then went into the kitchen.

He found Liam sitting at the table eating a bowl of Frosted Flakes.

"You stayed here last night?" Niall asked a little confused.

"Yeah man I hope you don't mind I left my car keys in Zayns car and he had already left by the time I got outside." Liam said through bites.

"Oh, but how did you get back inside?" Niall asked getting out the milk and pouring his cereal into a bowl.

"I know where you leave the spare key." Liam said getting up and washing his dish.

"Oh." Niall said sitting at the wooden table.

"So," Liam said sitting back down beside Niall. "Ya got a date with Waverly this afternoon." Liam said raising his eyebrow.

"I thought we went over this last night?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, but is that what you're gonna wear?" Liam asked, "You saw how good she looked at the wedding. I mean she looked hot!" Liam said grinning.

"She did look really pretty." Niall said thinking about how good Waverly looked.

"So you gotta look good too!" Liam said. "The white button down is fine but instead of bluejeans wear Khakis and and one of your nice black winter coats." Liam said.

"When did you become the fashion expert?" Niall asked.

"Since always!" Liam laughed.


Waverly had been up for hours trying to get ready. She had gotten a text from Ed that morning that read:

"Goodmorning. Hope you had a good time last night. I have an idea for our date on Wednesday. Have a good week!"

She felt so bad because she really liked Ed. Was it fair to any of them that she was going on this date?

"Waverly it's completely fine!" She said to herself, "Plenty of people date. It's fine that I am. I'm totally avaliable and SINGLE!" She said to herself.

She finally finished her hair. She had curled it into big, luscious, curls. She applied her make-up, a little blush, some eyeliner and brown eye make up that matched her big brown eyes. She finished up with her mascara and light pink lipstick.

Once she finished that she texted Niall the adress to her apartment and he told her he would be there at 6:30. That was about and thirty minutes away.

She then got dressed and waited for him to get there.

She was just as nervous for this date as she was last night. But it seemed like a bit of a different nervousness.

She snapped back to reality when her phone started ringing.

It was Niall.

"Hello?" Waverly answered.

"Hi. I'm here and I wasn't sure which apartment was yours." Niall said sounding a little nervous.

"Oh, it's ok I'll just come out to your car." Waverly said putting on her jacket and grabbing her small black purse.

"Are you sure?" Niall asked.

"Yeah I'll be out in a few seconds." Waverly said locking the door behind herself.

She made it to the parking lot and found Niall standing infront of his car looking for her.

He looked amazing. Like a freaking greek god.

He had on a pair of khaki pants and a white button down and a black winter coat unbuttoned.

She instantly felt insecure about what she had on. She knew he was dressy enough but she didn't look one sixteenth as good as he did.

Once he finally saw her he smiled and started walking up to her with a boquet of white calic lillies. Her favorite flowers.

"Hi!" He smiled and quickly hugged her. "These are for you." He said handing her the flowers.

"These are my favorite, how did you know?" Waverly asked blushing.

"I didn't," Niall grinned, "they're my favorite too!"

"Well you have very good taste." Waverly smiled.

Niall smiled back a really, really cute smile. "Shall we?" He asked walking twords the car.

Waverly nodded and Niall opened the door as she got in then closed it behind her.

He jogged around the car and got into the drivers seat.

"So, where are we going?" Waverly asked as Niall turned the car on and pulled out of the parking spot.

"Ruths' Chris. It's a pretty nice resturant downtown. It's a steakhouse."

"Oh. I've been there before. It's pretty expensive." Waverly said then mentally face-palmed. Of course it wasn't expensive to him! He was millionaire!

"Um, yeah it is pretty expensive." Niall said gripping the steeringwheel a little tighter.

Once they finally arrived Niall unbuckled and jogged to Waverlys door and opened it as she got out.

They both walked to the front of the resturant. They weren't so close that they were touching but Waverly could feel the warmth of his body.

He opened the to the resturant for her.

They walked up to the hostess and Niall said in his warm accent, "Hi, two for Horan."

The hostess looked him up and down smiling. "Right this way." She said in a WAY too flirty voice.

Waverly instantly starting to feel a pang of jealously in her chest. Niall was probably so use to it he didn't even notice it.

She showed them to a table near the window and handed them their menus.

"Would you like any wine?" The hostess asked.

"Yes, can I get bottle of Merlot?" Niall asked.

"Wow." Waverly smiled to herself.

"What was that?" Niall asked grinning.

"Nothing, it's just Merlot is my favorite wine."

"Seriously? Mine too. We have a bit in common." Niall chuckled.

The hostess came back with thr wine and told them their waiter would be with them shortly.

"What are you going to get?" Niall asked.

"Hm, I think the Smoked Salmon and a baked potato." Waverly said looking at the menu.

"Sounds delicious." Niall smiled.

"I've always loved salmon." Waverly smiled back at him.

Soon the waiter came and they placed their orders.

"So, Waverly tell me about yourself."

Niall said taking a sip of wine.

"Well I grew up in South Carolina. My mom and dad split up before I was born and I lived with my mom and only saw my dad a few Christmasses.

I have an older sister, Camile and a younger brother, Jackson. Deliah and I became friends about Middle School and she was honestly my only friend." Waverly said.

"A beautiful girl like you? And you only had one friend?" Niall asked looking confused.

"Well I was very shy and I was bullied a bit back then." Waverly said taking a sip of her wine.

"Well that's their loss. You seem like a wonderful girl." Niall said grinning.

"So anyway after graduating Deliah and I decided to move to Nashville and start college. She studied music and I studied English Literature."

"So you're still in school?" Niall asked.

"No, after a semester I decided to take a gap year. Ya know just try and relax for a year and "find myself" as they say. Only I found myself lieing on a couch watching old reruns of bad shows. Drinking beer and eating potato chips." Waverly laughed and so did Niall.

"So once Deliah told me she was getting married I basically threw my entire soul into the planning while she was at school. And I plan to return to school next Fall."

"And will you still study English?" Niall asked.

"I haven't decided yet." Waverly said. It was only when the food came out did Waverly realize how much she had been talking about herself. But it was nice. She felt comfortable with him opposed to how nervous and awkward she felt before.

They started to eat and Waverly said, "Ok your turn, tell me about you."

Niall blushed. "Ok well I grew up in Mullingar, Ireland. I have one brother, I was kinda the class clown all through grade school, and when I turned sixteen I tried out for the X Factor and here I am now, having a lovely dinner with a very gorgeous girl." He smiled.

It was Waverlys turn to blush, and she did, a lot.

The rest of the time they talked about random things like, family, their intrests, favorite movies and muscians.

After dinner Waverly and Niall walked back to the car. He opened the door for her like he had the entire date.

Waverly liked it too. He was such a gentleman.

They both sat in listening to the radio as Niall drove her home.

The radio was playing "And She Will Be Loved" by Maroon 5.

Waverly hummed along.

"Are you singing?" Niall asked keeping his eyes on the road grinning.

"No, just humming." Waverly said, "If I was singing you would be deaf by now." She giggled.

"Ah, you can't be that bad!" Niall chuckled, "Come on! Sing the chorous!" Niall said turning up the radio.

"Not gonna happen!" Waverly giggled.

"Come on Waverly! Sing for me please???" Niall begged.

"Fine but you're gonna regret it!" Waverly laughed.

Once the chorous started back up she started singing in the most flat, tone deaf voice ever.

"I don't mind spending everyday, out on the corner in the pouring rain. Oh! Look for the girl with the broken smile, ask her if she wants to stay awhile and she will be loved! Yes she will be loved!" Waverly finished.

"Wow, you sounded like a dieing animal!" Niall joked pulling into a parking spot at her apartment complex.

"Ok, I was bad but I wasn't that bad!" Waverly said.

"Actually I think you were so bad you made me go tone deaf!" Niall grinned. "Lets see!" Niall said then started to sing badly on purpose.

"Hey!" Waverly said trying to put her hand over his mouth but he caught them and held them tight and giggled.

Niall kept singing badly and gripped her hands even tighter everytime she tried to squirm.

"Come on Niall!" Waverly joked, "Let go!" She grinned.

He stopped singing and they both laughed and he looked her in the eyes with an easy smile on his face.

"You have the most amazing eyes." Niall said still staring at her.

Waverly blushed as Niall grinned and leaned forward.

Waverly did the same and Niall kissed her.

The kiss didn't feel like fireworks, it was something more, something deeper, something.... beautiful.

The kiss was over way too soon and Niall grinned and pecked another kiss on her lips. "I had a really good time." He grinned.

"Me too." Waverly smiled back."Um, it's getting late I should go inside." Waverly said still blushing.

"I'll call you." Niall said as she got out of the car grabbing the flowers he gave her.

"Good." Waverly smiled.

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