hello teenager - SHINee Fanfic

De EXO_L_uhan

23.4K 727 268

This is a SHINee fanfic where a girl named Sana is chosen to be the teenager of the reality celebrity show, H... Mais

Dedication (Not really a part)
Introducing each other
Introducing each other Part 2
Special Guest
Which One?
Amusement Park
Amusement Park part 2
HAPPY BDAY MINHO!!(not a part)
Movie Time
Movie Time part 2
Shanghai part 2
Shanghai part 3
One, Two, Three!
Mission: "Date"
Mission: "Date" 2
Mission: "Date" 3
Mission: "Date" 4
Mission: "Date" 5
Mission: "Date" 6
Last Day of Hello Teenager


696 30 1
De EXO_L_uhan

Jonghyun's POV

Wait. So Sana had a dream, no nightmare, about us being hurt, specifically Minho and me. That means... She likes me and...Minho? She likes me? YAY! Wait don't jump to conclusions Jonghyun.

I thought of this after I finished singing to Sana. Her eyes were calmly closed. She must being dreaming happily now. She's so cute when she sleeps. Shut it Jonghyun you're so weird.

I decided to stop staring at Sana and get some sleep. I got up quietly from her bed and exited the room, closing the door softly behind me. I headed towards my room with Taemin and went under the covers.

I lay there for a few minutes thinking about Sana's actions towards me. Gosh this girl acts like that to almost all of us. Is she just like that or does she really like us. I just want to win her heart. Easy to cover since I'm apparently her "appa". But there's the other guys who are in my way. They probably don't love her as much as I do, so it'll be fair if I win. :)



I sat up from bed, rubbing my eyes. I had a much happier dream after Jonghyun sang me to sleep. Woah, now that I think about it, Jonghyun. Just. Sang. Me. To. Sleep. Woah. HAHA I'm such a lucky girl!

I trodded towards the bathroom to brush my teeth and wash my face. I looked into the mirror and ugh am I ugly. I cant believe Jonghyun saw me with my hair wild.

I brushed my hair and changed my clothes into something decent and went down stairs.

Hmmm should I make breakfast again? Yeah, I owe Jonghyun something. So I got the pans out quietly and all the ingredients I need to make breakfast. It was only 8:30am, and all the boys wake up at....10? So I have time to make something.

Now that I have time for myself to think, my birthday is coming in this week. This Friday? And today's Wednesday, right? Yeah. Gosh I don't know my own birthday.

"Good morning, Sana" It was Key who came down.

"Good morning! I'm making breakfast, wanna help?" I asked.

"Sure, why not." Key replied.

We made a load of fried eggs, kimchi stew and everything you can think of for breakfast.

After making breakfast, we set up the table and everyone came down to eat.

"Sana, Yoogeun, we have news." Onew started.

"Yeah? What is it?" Me and Yoogeun looked at Onew.

"Well, we have to go to Shanghai for a few days. We'll be back on Sunday in the afternoon." He looked at me, smiling a little. I usually don't mind since I understand that their schedule is crazy packed, but it kinda sucks that they're gonna miss my birthday. Onew's smile slowly faded when he saw my reaction.

"Is something wrong?" Onew asked concerned.

"O-oh, no, its fine!" I said, faking a smile. But Onew knows me too well, but he let me go for now. I know he's gonna wanna talk about it later.

Jonghyun was sitting next to me and saw my expression. He put his arm around me.

"You wanna talk about it after breakfast?" He asked me. I softly nodded.

Jonghyun's POV

I knew that we were going to miss Sana's birthday, same with the other members, and I feel bad. She'll have to celebrate with the PD, Yoogeun and no SHINee.

To comfort her, I put my arm around her and asked if she wanted to talk about it after breakfast.

We should by something for her over in Shanghai, as a birthday gift.


Breakfast lasted a bit longer than usual. I headed to my room with Jonghyun trailing behind.

I sat at my desk, head resting on my hand. You know sometimes that one thing during a day can just make you mood go straight down to the ground.

I don't wanna be selfish but I want to celebrate my birthday with SHINee along with everyone else. What am I gonna do on my birthday? My plans are thrown in the trash so now what?

I felt Jonghyun's hand on my shoulder as he said something about making it up for me.

"Thank you, but its no big deal anyway. We can always celebrate another day..." I looked at him with a reassuring smile.

"Okay. We're leaving tomorrow, and if you want to talk to us just call." Jonghyun said, giving me his number. Woah... Jonghyun gave me his number...

He left the room, leaving me alone, in my quiet room and some chatters in the distance of the other guys talking.

I don't know what to do...I'm so bored... I'll be even more bored without SHINee the next few days.

What am I gonna do....

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