Chim - Let Me Love You

By cryingonthemetro

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Chim - Let Me Love You
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Chapter 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Chapter 23

Part 18

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By cryingonthemetro

Part 18

Cheryl's Point of View

With my eyes closed, I reach over the bed and feel Kimberley's naked skin next to me. Smiling widely, I roll over so that I'm right beside her, our naked bodies touching.

“Morning babe.” She mumbled tiredly in my ear as she wrapped her arm around me, pulling me on 

top of her.

“Morning beautiful.” I replied as I kissed her gently before resting my head on her chest.

“Last night was special.” She whispered. “I really do love you.”

“I know it was, babe.” I changed the volume of my voice to match hers. “And I really love you too.”

“Can we just stay like this?” I felt her tightening her grip on me.

“Hmm..” I glanced over at the clock, Kimberley was working today and had rehearsals at three. It was eleven o'clock just now. “We've got three hours before you need to leave.”

“Well, that gives me plenty of time to return the favour, doesn't it?” She giggled mischievously, and before I knew it, she had flipped us over so she was now on top. “Now it's time for you to let me love you.” She growled in my ear before attacking my neck with kisses.


“Please babe!” Kimberley whined once again.

“Kimba, I said no.” I stated firmly. “You need to go in the shower. Now go.”

“Come with me then, and I'll go.”

“Kimberley, no.”

“Why not?”

“Because, if I go in there with you, you will end up being late for your rehearsals. Now please, just go in the shower and stop making this hard for me. Do you know how hard it is to say not to joining you in the shower?”

“I'm guessing really hard because last night you kept saying I was so irresistible.” She replied cheekily before removing her body from on top of mine and walking out the room to have a shower.

I sighed loudly when she was gone. I was exhausted. I didn't know how she done it. She had been up nearly all night, and now she was going to go and perform. It was hard saying no to her, but I had to. I knew how important this musical was to her and I wasn't going to be the one who made her late or mess up. I loved her too much to do that.


“Kimba, can I ask you something?” She had just come out the shower and she was trying to fix her hair and do her make up. I was still lying on the bed, I hadn't moved since this morning.

“Sure babe, what is it?” She smiled at me through the mirror she was standing in front of.

“Well, I was wondering if maybe you would like to, you know, be my girlfriend again?”

The smile from Kimberley's face dropped, and turned into a frown, making my stomach tie itself in knots. She didn't say anything, she finished straightening her hair and doing her make up and then made her way over to the bed, sitting next to me.

“Look Chez,” She took my face in her hands, forcing me to look at her. “I love you so much, but no, I won't be your girlfriend. I'm sorry.” She kissed my forehead, but I pulled away from her, hurt by her response.

“Why not?” I managed to choke out before the tears started to flow.

“Because, I'm scared.” She cried, her own tears running down her cheeks, smudging her make up. “If we can't have it public then what's even the point Cheryl?”

“We can make it public! We can, I promise!”

“How can we, Cheryl? Hillary didn't like the idea over a year ago, she's not going to like it now! Cheryl I love you, but I don't know if I can fully trust you again. I loved you so much, and then you left me. I can't go through something like that again. It will kill me if I have to.”

“You won't have to babe. I'm never leaving you. Never ever!”

“Chez, I can't... I love you, but no. not just now.”

With that, she backed slowly out of the room, not losing eye contact with me until the door was closed. I heard her sobbing loudly before the front door slammed shut. At least the rehearsals would take her mind off of it.

Why was I so stupid? Why did I have to ask her that? I should have known that she was still scared. If I was in her position, I would be too. Now, I've probably gone and ruined our relationship again! Why did I have to go and do that?

I sighed as I heard my phone beep. I had two texts, one from Kimberley, the other from Nicola.

“I still love you, it changes nothing between us. I'm ready for it, I just don't want us to be a secret. I love you more than anything. I'll see you soon babe, love your Kimba xxx”

'Your Kimba' that's right she was mine. Relief swept over me as I read the text. At least she wasn't angry with me for it all.

“All going to Shrek tonight remember! I'll pick you up at 6 – Nic xx”

That's when I remembered that we were all going to go and see Kimberley again. Suddenly a genius plan popped into my head. I smiled before texting Nicola back.

“Don't need a lift, going down early xx”

Hopping out of bed, I grabbed some clothes and headed for the bathroom to have a shower. This plan was fool proof. It was definitely going to work!

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