Inexplicable Attraction (Edit...

By LovelySacrifice

109K 1K 78

Inexplicable attraction. Amanda: its not to say its unexplainable how i am attracted to James, he's hot. he h... More

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Inexplicable Attraction: 2

4.6K 46 1
By LovelySacrifice

i freeze at the sound of his voice, "get off of me brad!" he's asked me out before, but i always reject him. idont really like him, he rich, obnoxious, and annoying. oh and he's a total player, he has his own little game of having sex with every girl he possibly can. but he's good looking so girls throw themselves at his feet. i also think it has something to do with the money, but i dont like to get involved in gossip.

brad begins grinding one me and i begin getting uncomfortable. "brad get off" my breaths are coming in little pants, his wait is cutting off my air supply, and honestly this kind of feels good. but i decided i wanted to have sex with someone i choose. not someone who wants to take advantage of me while im drunk.

"Brad. im going to scream." and i do, at the top of my lungs i decide to scream, but his house is huge for all i know were probably not even near thr party anymore. i calm down pretty much losing hope when the door opens. i cant see who it is because brad's still on top of me. but someone pulls him off me.

"what the fuck are you doing man!" this person sounds mad, im still drunk and i cant really recognize thevoice but it seems familiar.

thats when i hear someone punch another person. i flinch at the noise, it sounded like it really hurt. like a lot. ow. someone suddenly wraps there arms around me, i feel tears going down my face, i hug this guys chest, i mean if he saved me from getting raped he must be good. right. i sigh. i look up to his face, im still drunk but i would notice Cristian any where.

"thank you" im still hugging his chest and crying.

"don't you think you should be more careful. why did you let him take you" he sounds angry. 

"i tried to stop him, but the alcohol, i couldn't stop him. he's stronger than me." i continue crying.

we stop some where and he begins talking with someone, i think it was Emily. she nods and he takes me outside. he sits me down in his car and he gets in as well and begins driving.

he doesnt talk to me again until we reach my dorm room.

he hugs and and whispers, "Please, Ammy be more careful. what of he really got the chance to rape you. what if i wasn't there to stop it. just promise me you'll be more careful"

i smile, "i promise. good night" i kiss him on the cheek, and walk into my room. 

as soon as i get in i walk to my bed and fall asleep. my body is just so worn out and tired. 


"Amanda promise me you will not get that drunk anymore. you had me worried sick. what the hell!"

i smile, "Emmy, we get it. she almost got rape luckily her guardian angel was looking after her. but shes safe. we should be thankful"  Lily gives me an amused look.

then Jenny begins talking, "yea we should be thankful that Cristian was looking after you. wooh, he savedyour V card"

i smile, haha. v card. "ok guys, i know i almost got raped, im tired of talking about it. lets eat. ok"

i look down at my pizza, i pick it up and take a huge bite. i chew slowly trying to avoid talking.

"oh Amanda, your so brave" 

i smile at Anna sarcastically. "yea, this is probably the most fascinating thing that has ever happened to me. oh my god!"

i look down at my pizza again, then i look at my clock. "oh gosh. ok i have class. see you guys later."

"be careful" i look at emily, 

"yea thanks" and i begin walking away with my pizza in hand.


i arrive at my job a couple of minutes before im supposed to check in.

"hey guys" i look at my friend Oliver and Willow.

they smile, "Hey Ammy. how are you"

i eye them curiously, "fine." i walk to my locker, i put on my apron and put down my things. 

i walk out again, "has it been busy?"

Oliver speaks, "nope pretty calm, it is a Wednesday."

i smile, "true" i sit down at the counter.

i work at a local coffee shop. i work four times a week, and i make minimum wage. it doesnt matter to me, i have a lot of money saved up, and most of my college fee's are paid by scholarships. i dont have a rich family, and i didnt find a need to depend on them.

while working i buy a newspaper, i sit down on the counter and begin reading. "tell me if you guys need me to do anything. im going to read.

i sit and slowly read through the paper, one advertizment catches me attention.





COME TO Royal Fantasies"

I smile, they're like male prostitutes, i guess. i look down at the faces of these guys and smile, one of them is super hot. well i mean they are all hot, like male model hot, but one just stands out. from what i can see in the picture he has shortshoulder length light brown hair, blue eyes, and a six pack.

wow, SEXY!!. i smile, maybe i can do this. i look under his picture. his name is James. i would be willing to pay to lose my virginity. 

I just figured out my plan. hooray!


second chapter. im having a lot of fun writing this. im going to do both Amanda and James POV's. i think it would be entertaining to see what a male prostitute lives like. hooray. im happy. go new story

Vote. Comment. Enjoy! :)

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