Reckless Love (Niall Horan Fa...

By cupcakeNOUISx

1.8K 105 26

After a contest in her school, which she wasn't even allowed to join, 18 year old Amber wins the biggest pric... More

Reckless Love (Niall Horan Fanfiction) (english)
chapter 1
chapter 2
chapter 3
chapter 4
chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
chapter 9
chapter 11
chapter 12
chapter 13
chapter 14
chapter 15

chapter 10

63 7 1
By cupcakeNOUISx

chapter 10! yeaaah!

I've been away for a bit, just chilling in the lovely weather, but also working my ass of. oh how i love the summer.. -_-

So you know the drill, vote, comment, fan, and please notify me if you find any typos.

xoxo, Dimphy <3


Julia and I cycled to school in silence. The boys had tried everything, even getting macdonalds, but Niall wouldn’t come out of his room. There had been a tense silence in the hotel, but no one said anything about what happened.

I was crying now and then, but I didn’t want to be sad. It had all been my own fault. ‘everything will be all right, Ambie.’ Julia sighed, using the nickname that usually cheered me up. Not this time though.  We put our bikes in the –as always almost full-  racks, and hurried inside.

‘I just don’t know, Jules, I really messed it up..’ I said, hoisting my back up my shoulder. As soon as we pushed the door open, I saw Kim standing there. I turned the corner, going an other, longer route to my locker. I just wasn’t in the mood for that bitch’s shit.

But, with luck on my side, Kim followed me, grabbing me by the shoulder. My backpack slid down, falling on the floor with a ‘thump’

‘Ahh Amber, you look terrible, like always.’ She said, showing me her fake smile. I huffed angrily, turning towards her and yanking my arm free from her grasp. ‘Kim, fuck off.’ I said, raising my voice a bit.

I bend down, grabbed my bag and stalked off towards my locker. ‘so, did he break up with you, is that why you look especially terrible today?’ she sneered, while following behind me. I didn’t answer, opening my locker and putting in the books I didn’t need. ‘Hey, answer me!’ she said, shoving me into the lockers.

The sound of my body slamming into the lockers made a lot of people turn around to look at us. I cringed, feeling tears well up in my eyes from the impact. ‘no.’ I stated simply, while turning away from her again.

 I wasn’t going to give her what she wanted, I was better than her.. I chanted it in my head, but it was really hard to keep to it.

From the corner of my eye, I saw people gathering around us, watching us. ‘Niall deserves so much better than such an ugly whore.’ Kim said, just hard enough for everyone around us to hear.

A chorus of ‘ooh’s and ‘aah’s followed from the crowd. Where did she get the guts to say something like that? But she didn’t stop there. ‘You’re nothing amber, just admit it. You’re not even worth a dog’s shit.’

I couldn’t take it anymore, and I shut my brain up, the chanting stopping immediately while I turned around to face her. The emotions running through me from the fight with Niall didn’t help much either.

I shoved her, with all my force, making her loose her balance and fall on her ass. I chuckled, pleased with myself. ‘Who do you think you are, Kim, you’re nothing but a spoiled brat, you only THINK you are better than everyone else’ I paused, taking a breath, while I scanned the crowd with my eyes. ‘No one,  NO ONE, really likes you.’

My eyes found the small group of ‘popular’ girls, that Kim usually hung out with, and their expressions made me realize that I was right. Not even her so-called friends really liked her.

I closed my locker, not looking back at kim once, and walked away. Julia reached me seconds later, throwing her arm around my shoulder.

‘Don’t believe a word she says.’ She said friendly. I let my breathing slow down, tears filling my eyes while  desperately tried to bat them away.

‘BUT GIRL, I am sooo proud of you!’ Julia screamed when we were out of ears-reach. I laughed, feeling my mood brighten up instantly.


After school, I cycled home, lonely. I missed the boys, even though I had just seen them that morning. It was so quiet without them. Louis’ madness, his screaming, Zayn’s witty remarks, Liam’s fatherly hugs.. eventhough I hadn’t really known them for that long, I missed them..

and most of all, I missed Niall.. and Harry.. I just couldn’t make my mind up.

I thought I only cared for Niall, that I was really falling for him, bigtime. But the kiss with Harry last night changed everything. It made me doubt my feelings.  The moment our lips met, fireworks exploded in my mind, and when we were in bed together, I felt so safe, so peaceful.

Was it just because Niall and I had been fighting, that I was pulled towards Harry? Eventhough our fight had been a while ago, and he even asked me to be his girlfriend after it, I was still shocked by the whole Management story. I know I should believe Niall.. not Kim, ofcourse.. but was it possible that I was falling for someone else?

The house was quiet too, my parents working and my little brother out playing with some of his friends. I trudged up the stairs, letting my bag fall beside me, while I sat down at my desk, powering up my laptop.

As soon as it had loaded, I opened word, typing some things for my homework. When I was done, I wanted to log off, but having nothing better to do, I opened up internet, loading my facebook.

It took a while to load, so I checked my phone. Nothing. Ofcourse.. not even a message from Julia, or from one of the other boys.

Facebook finally loaded, and the notifications went wild, giving me thousands of new friend requests. I rolled my eyes, scrolling through them and accepting some people that I kind of knew. Most of the requests were Directioners.

Looking at one of their pages, I saw a youtube video. Niall..  a shock went through my body, and I couldn’t help but open the video.

The video, clearly filmed by a mobile, was blurry at first, only some screaming sounds audible. Than it focused on the stage in front of them. The twitter-question screen behind the boys went black, loading a new question.

The camera was moving up and down while the girl filming jumped, waiting for the answer.  Zayn giggled, and even though the video was so poorly, I could still remember it clearly. ‘ohh, I like this!’ he said, giving Niall a friendly shove. Niall went a bit red, talking to Zayn without his mic.

‘So, can you guys tell us about your girlfriends?’ Harry read out loud, ‘this was send in by @1dloverrrrrr’ Louis grinned. ‘Wait, harry, how many ‘R’s are there?’ harry laughed, slapping his knees. ‘6!’ he said, simply, while the audience went mad, jumping and screaming.

Liam answered the question first, a proud smile on his face. ‘I am, ofcourse, still with Danielle, and I love her so much, she’s so cute!’ again, the video was shocky from the jumping fan.

‘Still single like  a pringle and ready to mingle!’ harry laughed while the audience went berserk. Louis answered next. ‘I kinda like this girl, but nothing serious yet.’  I couldn’t see it from the tape, but I remembered how Louis had winked at Julia.

‘Still single!’ Zayn added, pointing out at the crowd. The screams intensified, but died down while everyone waited for Niall’s answer. He was watching someone intently, turning a bit red. I knew what he was about to do, and I closed my eyes. ‘I guess..’ he sighed. Then he grinned, walking to the edge of the stage.

he pulled someone out of the crowds, while he spoke to her. Everyone stood on their toes, trying to spot the girl that was being brought on stage. At last, I showed on tape, bright red, watching the crowd with a scared look in my eyes. Niall held my hands, a happy smile on his face.


I pushed the lid on the laptop down with a thump, and dropped myself on my bed. Tears were streaming from my eyes, dripping on my pillow. Why did I ever kiss Harry? This tape showed it all. How happy Niall was, how happy I was..

The smile on the face of the boy in that video, it was real. It was all I ever needed. And apparently, to him, I was all he needed.

Still crying, I grabbed my phone, dialing Niall’s number. Beep… beep… beep… he didn’t answer and the phone got to his voicemail. Immediately I pushed the end button, and ringed the next number. Liam.

After two rings, he picked up.

‘Hi Amber!’ he sounded so happy, while I was crying on my bed. ‘Liam.. I need your help..’ I sighed, pushing myself up from the bed to a sitting position. ‘Ofcourse babe, what do you need?’ I felt a small smile creep on my face while I sat up even straighter, explaining my plan to Liam.

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