Bite Me Kitten | ✔️

By byebyesasha

6.1M 188K 123K

"Don't underestimate me, Hunter." I gulp, trying to sound unaffected by our close proximity. His lips are in... More

Author's Note
Chapter one- Nut Loving Arse Clown
Chapter 2 - I am a Badass.
Chapter 3 - Is she Trying to Seduce me?
Chapter 4 - Naughty Scarlet;)
Chapter 5 - Fucklets and Grassholes.
Chapter 6 - Cupcake Killer.
Chapter 7 - Rage
Chapter 8 - Definitely a Werewolf.
Chapter 9 - Buisness Trips In Hell
Chapter 10 - A Game
Chapter 11- Long Story
chapter 12 - Taming the Beast.
Chapter 13 - Mother.
Chapter 14 - Scarlet (Hunters P.O.V )
Chapter 15 - Saving Scarlet (Hunters p.o.v)
Chapter 16 - Together in the Womb, Together in the Hospital Room.
Chapter 17 - Naked Butts.
Chapter 18 - Goddamn Farm.
Chapter 19 - Strangers In bed and Deep talks.
Chapter 20 - Guys...I Think I'm in Love.
Chapter 21- Hunter Snow Brown
Chapter 23 - The Tradition Doesn't Control Me
Chapter 24 - Honey... Im not your girlfriend.
Chapter 23/24 - Hunters POV
Chapter 25 - "Shelby What??!"
Chapter 26- Even Prince Charming Needs a Bathroom Break
Chapter 27- Only him.
Chapter 28 - You're Doing Great Sweetie (The End)

Chapter 22 - That's One Way of Shutting Me Up.

146K 5K 3.8K
By byebyesasha

Yes. I am Russian. And no, I'm not 16, I'm 13 (Update in 2017- Im 15 now!)  but I don't want to put a 13 year old dating a 22 year old.

You all better LOVE this chapter. I have planned this since last month.

How about we do a little contest? Try to do your best covers/banners for this book and send them to my email and the best person will get a shoutout? (Or all people.) comment here if you think it's a good idea---->

Recap: Scarlet told Hunter that he has to tell everything about him so it will be fair since he knows everything about her.



I figured out we would have to stay in the cabin for a while in order for us to talk, I plan to squeeze out every piece of Information that I can get out of him. It feels fair, after all the anger of him finding out everything about me behind my back, the least I can do is figure him out.

So that is how we end up: We brushed our teeth, dressed in comfortable clothing and Hunter ordered a bunch of snacks and food into our cabin, now it's all on the huge bed with us on it. It looks and feels a bit too comfortable for my liking but I feel so relaxed now that I refuse to say anything about it.

It's like my stress level went from 100 to 0. At the moment I don't even care what the others are doing, hopefully, nothing dangerous.

Turning to Hunter I see him looking at the notebook and pen in my hands with raised eyebrows, then he looks at me with a very amused look making me shrug. "What? I told you that I plan to learn everything. You know too much about me, so I got to learn about you."

He chuckles and leans back on the headboard of the bed crossing his arms. "Okay, so what do you want to know about me?"

My shoulders slump down and I frown. "I don't know, I didn't think this far."

"Well, how about you ask a question and we both answer?"

"Why do I have to answer if you know everything about me?"

He shakes his head and laughs. "You give me too much credit Kitten. The only thing I know is what your father told me, in order to know how to make you comfortable, and what the hospital allowed me to have, which is not a lot considering your health status. Also some of your online accounts."

Not a lot my ass. Almost my entire life is online. I'm just glad he doesn't know too much information about my mother then. All the hospital knows is that she was the cause of my attacks and that she gave my daddy full custody just a few days before disappearing.

"What did daddy tell you?" I ask Hunter. I'm sure he wouldn't tell him about my mother... for some reason he still talks about her to me and Xavier but he wouldn't talk about it to others, would he?

"Your father only told me some information to make you feel more comfortable." He voice cracked a bit, he grabbed a pillow and put it on his lap.

I raise my eyebrow at him. "So did daddy tell you to creep into my bed at night will make me feel more comfortable?"

He sucked in a breath before answering. "No Kitten, your father didn't tell me that. He only gave me answers like comfort food, sensitive topics, medication, likes, favorite movies, etc."

"Why did you have to ask that from daddy? couldn't you get to know me like a normal person?"

"I asked your Father,-" He says emphasizing on the word 'father' "- because I needed to get you to me. I hoped that I could use all the information while you were staying at my house happened."

I tilt my head to the side, trying to ignore his shifting and the color rushing to his cheeks I shake my head. "That still doesn't make talking to my dad-"

"Goddamn it Scarlet, say daddy one more time. I dare you." He interrupts me.

First of all...rude. What's his problem? Hunter literally looks like he wants to jump off a cliff at the moment.

"Why are you- Oh.....oh. OH." I stop talking when I notice why exactly he doesn't like me calling my dad that. And the reason was right under his pillow. " Ew, Ew. Get rid of that!"

He laughs again. "Probably should have thought of that before saying the word 'Daddy' more times than necessary and hugging your pillow while looking like a-a ....yeah." the look in his eyes tells me he is not in the most comfortable situation.

"How the flying horse does the word daddy turn you on? I call my dad-father that all the time you kinky bastard." I say, scooting away from him, making sure to use my pillow to cover my body from his gaze.

His eyes don't look at my body, instead, he looks at the ceiling. "What can I say, Kitten, you are actually the one that introduced me to the wonderful discovery of reading online, or should I start calling you baby girl?"

I close my eyes hoping that the ground will swallow me, please tell me he is not talking about what I think he is talking about. "Did you by any chance...mean that you got my online library when you said web accounts?"

My horror becomes reality when I hear his reply. "I sure did. Miss.Babbygirl_1998."

I shake my head and open my eyes to see his amused expression. "No comments. I'm still mad at you for going through my accounts. "

"Well, as I said before-"

"Yeah, yeah. I know you don't have to repeat yourself thousand times Hunter Snow."

His amused expression automatically turned sour at his name. "Don't call me that."

This time, I'm the one laughing. "Why not? Do you like Snow bunny better? Maybe Snow Angel? Or should I call you Snow White?"

He groans. "My name is Hunter all right? You better remember it real good. You'll need it. "

"Yeah, when I report you to a mental hospital."

"You know, when you said you want to get to know me, I didn't think it meant you emotionally scaring me. Don't you care about my precious ego at all, Kitten?" both of us shift on the bed, trying to get comfortable.

"Alright, alright. Not need to get your panties in a twist. I have a very very important question though....did you actually not have a teddy bear during your childhood? Cause that seems a bit cruel to me. " I say.

'Yeah? and having your mother hate you isn't?' a voice in my head says. Ugh...get away, I was actually having fun.

"Well-" Hunter starts with a shrug. "I had a ladybug. My mom named her Buggy and every time my brothers or I did something bad, she would say 'Miss.Buggy would be really disappointed in you.' and for some reason it always made us feel really bad, every single time." He says with not a hint of embarrassment.

I actually take my sweet time with laughing at the image of him apologizing to a stuffed animal with his brothers. I never knew he had 'Brothers' I thought it was just him and Josh. "Oh my god....the mental image is killing me. How many brothers do you have?"

"3. I'm the second youngest. Josh is the second oldest, James is the oldest, he is 24, the youngest is 14. He is currently living with my grandfather because he was struggling with school here. " Hunter explains. That's cool, I'm still surprised that he is not embarrassed about he ladybug story.

" you like, not care at all that you told me one of the most embarrassing stories? or are there worse..." I ask with a laugh.

He looks at me with warmth in his eyes. "Well, I got to get you to trust me somehow. Plus, it's not that bad of a story, as long as you don't talk about it to the people in school." his face made me slightly uncomfortable with all the friendliness and hotness all at is that even possible?

About what he said, it's not like I have that many friends at school. Only Nicole and Adam, all the others suck butt and-...


Why the hell am I not there right now??

"HUNTER?" I yell startling him. He turns his full attention to me with wide eyes. "Why the hell am I not in school??! Why didn't I notice that I'm not there? Do you want me to die out of hypothermia? Is that it? It was you plan to make me fail school so that way I would have to lean on you and you would blackmail me for money so that I will be with you? OMG, I am going to fail at life, I already failed at life. "

"Kitten." Hunter attempts to calm me down but I'm way too far in.

"Ms.Hale is gonna hate me an-"


"Even more than those boys who stalk her on instagram-"


"Then I will be depressed and I will refuse to eat-"


"But eating is the best thing in the world! I refuse to refuse to ea-"

This time he succeeded in making me shut up, but, in a very interesting, flipped up way.


Oh hell no. He just ruined my first kiss! I was planning for my first kiss since I was 14! He can't just come in a ruin it.

"What the hell Hunter?" I say, my lips still against his which sounded a lot more like "Whash tha hell hunther?" He ain't pulling away, I am not wasting my first kiss.

"I hath tho shush yo hup sowhow. " I translated his words into 'I had to shut you up somehow.' Well that's one way of shutting me up. It's not the most comfortable know, attempting to talk while someone's LIPS are blocking your way.

At least we brushed our teeth, right? Is that the sparks everyone is talking about I'm feeling?

"Well do something! It's my first kiss, I don't know how to do this!" My words mumble together but I know Hunter heard it.

"Ish ma fist kish toh! How tha hell do you expect me to kno wash to doh?" I once again struggled to understabnd what he said. Also, I struggle with our current positions, I had to push myself against Hunter to not disconnect our lips.

The moment they the moment my first kiss will be ruined forever.

I groan against his lips, which I'm sure is not a good idea since he is basically laying ontop of me and his...little friend is right on me. "I shink In hows hovies theia hove thei hips. " my attempt at saying 'I think in those movies they move their lips.' failed.

Hunter starts movies his hips in circular motions making me gasp against his lips. "HIPS NAH HIPS, HIPS. " Does he not know the difference between lips and hips?

Oh head hurts. But I gotta say...his lips do not feel bad at all, it would probably be better if we knew what we were FLIPPING DOING!

"You say the same thing!" Is what I understand from Hunters talking.

"You know what? I'll do what people in romantic movies always do." I say. I better make my first kiss the best which probably won't happen but at least I tried right?

Moving my hands over his back and to the back of his neck, I attempt to move my lips in the way I remember all those movies and buzzfeed videos. Hunters hands move to my waist and finally, it starts to feel at least a bit better, I finally close my eyes and relax as he does the same.

A few moments into it, everything comes kind of naturally. His scent, the feeling of my hands against his body, the feeling of his hands against my body...everything feels natural, like I'm doing something right.

Well, my subconsciousness is doing a happy dance right now.

We turn over so now I am the one on top, his legs are between mine, I don't even argue when I feel his hands grab my... behind.

And just, just when things get a little more heated we hear a cough from the door making us gasp and pull apart to see who interrupted up.

"Ummm.." Murmurs a nervous Sasha at the doorway, blush covering her cheeks. "The guys wondered if you wanted to go to see the waterfall...I will tell them you are preoccupied. "

----2159 words----

Yeah, don't expect me to write some kind of erotica. This is the best I could do, you know why? Because I'm 13. Ugh...I say it too much in this book.

Anyway....;) ;)

What ya think?????

Happy New Years guys!

Updating will probably take a bit longer since I gotta know how to go on with the book from here.


Bye bye....


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