By Im_Just_That_Awkward

1.8M 60.8K 30.1K


Chapter 1- My Car Broke Down
Chapter 2- Those Red Velvet Cupcakes
Chapter 3- The Noble Knight.
Chapter 4- Mr Pierce Gave Us A Quickie
Chapter 5- The Lone Stranger
Chapter 6- The Cave Has V.I.P's
Chapter 7- It's A Blushing Marathon
Chapter 8- Talk About Being Grumpy
Chapter 9- Baby's Can Erupt Into Volcanoes
Chapter 10- Too Many Awkward Silences
Chapter 11- Alex Fights The Beasts
Chapter 13- The Dog Days Are Not Over
Chapter 14- This Cat Has Some Sassy Pants
Chapter 15- Day 1: Majestical Taco's
Chapter 16- Day 2: Those Perfect Eyebrows
Chapter 17- Day 3: A Night As A Sinner
Chapter 18- Day 4: Deja Vu's And Drunk Conversations
Chapter 19- Day 5: Sunscreen Lotions.
Chapter 20- Day 6: Blank Faces On Fleek
Chapter 21- Rainbow Smiles
Chapter 22- Arrow In Bear Beer
Chapter 23- A Cheesy Moon
Chapter 24- The Devil's Dollhouse
Chapter 25- Pretty Pumpkins
Chapter 26- The Scare
Chapter 27- Frost Bites.
Chapter 28- White Silk And Lace
Chapter 29- Frothy Bubbles.
Chapter 30- Stubbed Toes
Chapter 31- Crybaby and Filthy
overdue author's note.

Chapter 12- His Heavenly Hugs

57.9K 2K 668
By Im_Just_That_Awkward

Hello Creatures. How was the last chapter? Oh my god this is chapter 12, I can't believe that I am even writing this. Thank you for all the reads and comments, keep up with the votes. When you guys vote and comment it inspires me to update faster unless I'm dying. Also this book is on 45k holy fricken cows eating lamas. Amazeballs. So I am hoping that this chapter will be better than the last one. Because we all know that the last 2 chapters have been awful. But I had a major cause of Writer's Block. 

Anyway lets start this....

Anastasia's POV

I shivered when I felt someone touch my shoulders roughly. I was tied tightly to a chair. Did they really have to tie me up? My wrists were tied up behind the chair and my legs were held tight against the legs of the chair. I sat there in the dark, the only source of light was a dim lamp in the corner which didn't do any justice for me. I still couldn't see anything. 

 I didn't really like darkness. There was just something scary about being in darkness that tug my heart, practically had me shaking. Also it was very cold, and my sleeveless dress wasn't helping me at all.  

"Hello?" My voice croaked out. 

The person in the room just circled around me. I didn't know who it was, I couldn't see anything but the neon green shoes the person had on. I mean who even where those? 

What are thooooose? 

Really Ana? You're in a life and death situation and you're making jokes?

"Hush." The rough voice sent shivers down my spine, and not the nice ones. I began to shake as a small sob bursts out of me. I receive a grunt from the male. Who was he? 

I didn't remember much when the shots quietened down at Mama Jones, all I felt was me slipping into darkness. I didn't know if they hit me unconscious or even drugged me. Was Jasper okay? Before I had slipped into darkness I heard him shout for me. I could practically feel the stinging of my salty tears on my cheeks. 

"Quiet." Again the voice snapped at me, I tried to calm down my sobs, my eyes felt puffy and swollen. I tried to wiggle my body against the rope. I stopped wiggling my wrist when I felt it dig deeper into my wrist cutting my flesh. I knew that whe- if I got out of here, my wrist would be swollen and red. 

"Who are you?" I knew that the man was standing in front of me because of his neon shoes. 

"U-Um why am I here?" I stuttered hoping the unknown man would answer my questions. Why out of all the people in Mama Jones had I been taken? 

Still he didn't answer, "P-Please let me g-go." My cheeks felt wet again. I felt so scared. Was he going to hurt me? What did I even do? 

I was about to ask another desperate question but he snaps. "You know I was told to not hurt you, but if you ask me another question I will." He paused and I saw his shoes come closer. I tried to wiggle my body further into the chair. If that was even possible. "And he wouldn't even have to know." 

I flinched when his greasy hands came in contact with my left cheek and then I felt him cup it. I could feel his breath on my cheek, I tried to move cheek away  but he wouldn't let it go. I felt helpless. 

"I see why he has taken an interest in you. You're very beautiful." He purrs at me and I then smelt his breath. 

Okay what do you get if you go fishing  and catch a fish. Then go home and decide to use it 7 months later. And then you walk across your lawn with the stinky fish and accidentally drop the stinky fish in dog poo. 

Now whatever the result of that is, is how this mans breath smelled. Horrible. He kept breathing on me and I couldn't handle it. I tried to keep my mouth shut but obviously I couldn't.

"U-Um I'm sorry Mr Kidnapper, but your breath smells really really bad. I'm truly sorry but it smells like old stinky fish that has dropped in dog poo. And I'm not trying to be mean or anything, I'm actually helping you. But I think you need brush your teeth thrice a day and use mouthwash bu-" 

I got cut off by the door swinging. My head turns to the sight of the door being open. Even though the door was open which allowed some light, I could only see the silhouette of the male walking in. I could see the outline of the mans figure. He looked very athletic and strong. 

If he was the person that ordered me to be kidnapped. I was dead. I mean he looked way stronger that Mr-Greasy-Neon-Shoes. So that would mean he would hurt me. 

Apparently I was thinking too hard about the possibilities of being hurt that I didn't hear a groan and the lights being on. My eyes took a couple of seconds to get used to the light. I looked around the bland room. The room was very small, it was painted a light grey shade. There in one of the corners was a small table and a lit up lamp. I moved my eyes back to the front and a gasp was heard from me. 

"M-Mr Grumpy?" I couldn't help but sob all over again. I mean I was safe right? He wasn't the one that kidnapped me, right? So he could help me. Hopefully.

He moved his blank gaze from the greasy man who was knocked out on the floor to mine. He stared into my teary eyes and his softened his gaze slightly before replacing it with a mask. He walked slowly over to me and my heart rate accelerated. I could hear it. 

When he stood in front of my shaking figure, he knelt down slowly. Everything he did was slowly like he was trying to restrain himself from lashing out. I stared at his beautiful profile as he gently untied the ropes. He didn't say anything, he didn't need to. He first untied my legs and I slowly breathed out when he wrapped his arms around me to untie my wrist. 

I didn't know why he didn't just walk around to untie me. While he untied my swollen wrist he blankly stared at me with his piercing eyes earning a shiver from me. Once my swollen wrist was released he moved back and I fell on him, holding him tightly. I felt safe.

He froze and I didn't even care. I was just so scared of what happened. I wasn't on the chair anymore just on him. The unwanted tears fell down on my cheek and rolled into the crook of his neck I held my arms tighter around his neck and felt him breath slowly and then I shut my eyes. 

* * * * 

"Is she okay?" I heard a soft voice call out. Are they talking about me? 

"Yes, shut up Jules." I heard a familiar voice which sounded like Jasper. Was he okay? And who was Jules? 

"Calm down little brother. So what happened?" Okay so this Jules was Jasper's older sister? I didn't know that he had an older sister, I mean I knew he had a younger one. 

"We were at Mama Jones when a bunch of idiots from Nikolai's kidnapped her. " 

"And you didn't protect her?" His sister immediately accused him and I heard him curse under his breath. 

"Oh yeah it was a bit hard getting up when I was shot in my thigh Jules." I could hear the sarcasm. I didn't want to wake up just yet but then I gasped and opened my eyes and jumped at Jasper. He looked really startled.

"Oh my god you got hurt? They shot your thigh? How are you alive? Oh my god this is all my fault. I shoul-"

Jasper's hand covered my unwanted rambling. Blushing under his gaze I stopped talking and moved back. I sat back on the bed and shyly looked down. 

"Awhh she is so cute." Cooed a gentle voice. I lifted my head up and stared at the woman. She looked in her mid 20's. She had short wavy blond hair that was put in a low ponytail.  Her blue eyes were exactly the same as Jasper. Overall she just looked delicate and soft. 

"U-Um Hi?" I stuttered out sheepishly and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. 

"Hi Darling. My name is Juliette or better known as Jules. I am this idiots older sister." She chirped out and sat closer to me. I smiled at her cheery personality. I giggled when I saw Jasper rolling his eyes. 

"Hello Jules.My name is Anastasia but you can call me, Ana, Annie, Anne, Sia, Si or A," I told her and she just embraced me into a hug. I loved hugs. I hugged her back.

"Are you okay Ana? I heard about what happened?" Jules asked softly and pulled back. I looked down and noticed that she had a beautiful wedding ring on.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I was just really scared. So who were those people?" I asked Jasper who sat on the chair next to the bed. I noticed that I was in one of the guest rooms of his house. 

"Those people were from Nikolai. I'm assuming those gun men were after you. They kidnapped you and were probably going to ship you off to one of Nikolai's house. Lucky those guys weren't experienced. They didn't really cover up there tracks well. So then Adrian found you. God Adrian was livid." Jasper informed me and I nodded shocked. So Nikolai was definitely a baddie. 

"What day is it?" I wondered if it was still Sunday or what. 

"It is still Sunday." He told me and I nodded appreciatively. 

He gave me a glass of water and I gulped it down quickly. "So what now?" 

"Well you go home. Avoid any contact with The Cave for a while. If you see any signs of Nikolai run. " He tells me and gets up. He begins to limp across the room clutching his thigh. 

"How is your thigh?" I asked concerned. Holy crap he was in pain because of me. 

"Oh not too bad, it's not the worst thing that's happened to me."

"W-Wait you've been shot before?" My jaw dropped in disbelief. I put the glass down on the table and stared at him. I noticed his sister was long gone now. 

"Yes I have. You get used to it after the 7th time." He says slyly and walks out. Holy moly Jasper has been shot more than 7 times. 

I sat underneath the blankets with my arms folded. I was still in shock about what happened. I looked outside and saw that it was still light. How long did this whole thing take?

I can't believe that happened. 

Well believe it Ana.

Well my Sunday was very eventful I must say. So much for staying at home with Alex. 

The door swung opened and revealed Mr Grumpy. He walked towards me and folded his arms. "Are you okay?" He said lowly and held my gaze. 

I nodded and showed him a tiny smile. "Yeah. Thank you so much for saving me. Oh my lord if you weren't there I could have died. Like Mr-Neon-Shoes could have hurt me." 

He didn't say anything just nodded. Which I was a bit disappointed because his voice was to die for. 

I pushed the blankets down and stood up. I straightened my dress before walking over to him. I was about to hug him but then I remembered that he wasn't a fan of any human contact. "C-Can I hug you?" 

He looked taken back by my question. I tilted my head all the way up. Because damn he is very tall. Like why does he have to be a giant? I stared into those captivating eyes and watched as he scanned over my body. I blushed when I noticed how close I was to him. 

God he probably thinks that I am a creep.

My hands laid limply at my sides as I waited for his reply. Damn man takes so long. 

He sighs and I felt my heart drop. "Just this once." 

I felt myself grinning from ear to ear and I tackled him into my arms, which probably looked weird seeing as how tiny I was compared to him. His hard chest came into contact with mine. I was really small. My head barely reached his shoulders. I latched myself onto him and sniffed him. 

"Are you sniffing me?" I heard the vibrations from his chest underneath me. I giggled softly and closed my eyes.

"Yeah, you smell nice." I stated and clutched him tighter. It was silent and I didn't mind all. 

"You know even if you don't like my hugs Mr Grumpy, I love yours." 

* * * *

I was lying on the couch with Alex next to me. He was curled up by my side and I was petting him. Mr Grumpy had dropped me off at home and here I was eating a bag of Crunchies and watching Spongebob with Alex.  

"Awhh you're so cute." I told Alex. He was purring loudly and covering his face with his paws. 

"Ana." I heard my dad's tired voice echo throughout the house. 

"I'm in the lounge." I screamed and flinched when Alex peeked at me then hissed. Grumpy much. 

"Hey sweetie, where is your mom?" Dad kissed my forehead before plopping down next to me. He dropped his jacket on the floor and looked at me. 

I paused Spongebob, "Oh mom is at Becca's, she should be on her way home." 

"Okay sweetie. I am just going to have a shower. Don't stay up too late." He reminds me before he let out a huge sigh. 

It was about 10 o'clock when I was laying in my bed, Alex was curled up by my foot. I let out a deep sigh as I thought about how my day went. 

I met Sarah; who was completely scary. Bethany started acting weird when she saw Jasper. Mama Jones was attacked by gun people. I got kidnapped. Mr Grumpy saved me. And I got 2 heavenly great hugs. 

Damn, talk about eventful. 

I switched the lamp off and sat in the darkness. After a while I began to feel a bit scared and tugged the blankets over my face as if to protect me from the darkness. 

Then I fell into a dreamless sleep. 


How was it? To be honest I had a bit of fun writing this although it was a bit short sorry. Guys the votes and comments really do help me. And you guys are amazing. Like I wanna hit you in the face. Don't worry that's how I express how much I like you guys. Sometimes.  Nah I am joking,  or am I? See I can be mysterious too. But I suck at it. 

QOTD: What is one of your goals for 2016?

Mine is 'that every time someone annoys me I'll punch them in their face.' Nah I wish, I'm too scared. Okay for real, Mine is 'to not care about what anyone thinks of me.'- Cliche as fudge..

Don't forget to





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