Sweetness Vol.1: New Life

By Naomy_Frometa_S

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Three Friends (Ginger Mori, Lolly Yui, and Flan Ishii) recieve an educational prize from the government which... More

Chapter 1: The News
Chapter 2: Moving In To Tanatchi
Chapter 3: A Day In Tanatchi
Chapter 4: Sweet Sightings
Chapter 5: First Night In Tanatchi
Chpater 6: First Day Of School
Chapter 7: Flan's New Enemy?
Chapter 8: Lolly+Bunmei=❤
Chapter 9: Ginger's Gingerbread Man
Chapter 10: After School
Chapter 11: The Boys
Chapter 12: Boredom Rescue
Chapter 13: Carnival Of Connection
Chapter 14: Table For 6
Chapter 15: Tree Hugger
Chapter 16: You're Invited!
Chapter 17: Getting Ready
Chapter 18: Party Time
Chapter 19: Hina & Koharu Talk
Chapter 20: Singing For Tadpoles In A Starry Night
Chapter 21: Hina
Chapter 22: A Change For The Best
Chapter 23: Halloween Day
Chapter 25: After Party

Chapter 24: The Halloween Party

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By Naomy_Frometa_S

"This is the place." Bunmei said. Immediately, Flan got a bad feeling. "Is this a nightclub?" Flan asked worriedly. "No, not really. It's more like a place where teens go and book in parties.. Big parties." Akio said "Are you sure this place is safe? I kind of have a bad feeling. Not to bring bad vibes or anything, but it's the carefulness in me." Flan asked. "Yeah, Flan. They don't sell alcohol or anything here. It's just music, snacks and fruit punch. There hasn't been any reported issues here, and there are cops too." Bunmei said "Don't worry, Flan. I'll help you take care of everyone." Meisu said "Thanks, Meisu." Flan said "Great. Now let's go have some fun!" Lolly said.

They all got out of the car. The security guard just asked them for their names and checked his list. Everybody was invited.
When they walked in there was loud Dubstep and Trap playing and people dancing, while there was other people just sitting down talking or eating snacks. Everyone had different costumes.

"Well, so far so good." Flan said "Woo-hoo!" Bunmei said. "C'mon, Lolly. Let's go get some punch." Bunmei said, then he and Lolly went away. "I'm not very comfortable here. I'm the only person without a costume." Akio said "I told you, you should've worn a costume!" Ginger said "I know.. But if anyone asks, I'll just say what you said. I'm a modern teen vampire." Akio said laughing. "Hehe yeah." Ginger said.

"Why don't you go get some snacks?" Flan asked Ginger. "No, Flan. She can not. You remember what happened at Aiji's party?" Akio asked "Oh yes. But you're here, Akio. I learned my lesson so now I promise to control myself." Ginger said. "I'm coming!" Ginger said running to the snack bar. Flan smiled at Akio. "I'll catch you two later. I'll just go watch her so she doesn't go overboard.. Again." Akio said walking away "Thanks, Akio." Flan said.

Bunmei and Lolly

"..HAHA, I know right?! I also remember when one night me and Meisu ate the icing off of a few Oreo cookies and replaced it with toothpaste, and then we gave them to Akio, and he was like 'Are these the white mint Oreos?' And then Meisu said 'Yeah';  then Akio said they tasted like the toothpaste we use and I said 'Because it is!' and we started laughing as he ran to the trash to spit them out. He forgave us, but it was plain hilarious. Everything turned out okay because all of us are used to it. We like pranking each other." Bunmei told Lolly and she started laughing really hard.

"You guys are crazy. One time, Ginger and Flan painted the soap with clear nail Polish and when I went to take a shower I was struggling to get foam. Then when I went downstairs to ask them for some liquid soap because something was wrong with the soap, they started laughing and that's when they told me what was up.. Crazies." Lolly said

"That's funny right there." Bunmei said laughing "It's like you guys are the girl versions of us." Bunmei said. "Umm, no. You guys are the boy versions of us." Lolly said "That's technically what I just said." Bunmei said "I know, silly. I'm just messing with you." Lolly said.

"Would you guys like some more fruit punch?" the worker asked. "Yes, please." Bunmei said and the worker  refilled their cups. "Thank you." Lolly said and the worker walked away. "Happy Halloween." Bunmei said raising his cup and Lolly did too and said "Cheers. Wanna go grab some pizza?" and Bunmei said "You read my mind!" Bunmei said grabbing her hand and they ran to the snack bar.

Ginger and Akio

"These treats are good, but not as good as the ones at Aiji's party. You know, the ones Flan and her mom made." Ginger said "The brownies are good." Akio said. "Oh, once you try the brownies Flan makes, other brownies won't taste as good.. There might  be other cooks who make them better, but, I'm telling you hers are delicious. I'll tell her to make the chocolate mint ones for Christmas." Ginger said taking a bite of a pumpkin shaped cookie. Akio stood in silence and looked at Ginger for a few seconds.

"Why are you looking at me crazy? I'm not lying. Those things she bakes are great." Ginger said. "Yeah, I believe you. It's just that the way you say it is just so cute, like.. very adorable." Akio said smiling.
"Oh. Why thank you." Ginger said blushing. "I guess I'm just so kawaii I physically become cute." Ginger said. "Yeah, I guess." Akio said giggling and taking a bite of a blueberry macaroon. "You should really try the blueberry macaroons they are very good. Here." Akio said giving Ginger a macaroon. "Thank you!" Ginger said.

Flan and Meisu

"I hope we really have a good time here." Flan said "Yeah. I understand you're scared because Ginger and Lolly are your responsibility now, but I was convinced that Bunmei told me it was a safe place. So you shouldn't worry and just have fun. Okay?" Meisu said. "Okay." Flan said smiling in relief. Then she squints and tears rush down her eyes.

"Why are you crying?" Meisu asked concerned. "I'm not. It's this make-up that's been doing some stuff to my eyes." Flan said wiping her face. She looked at her hand and it was clean. "Good thing it's waterproof." Flan said.
"Let me see. Look at me." Meisu asked, and Flan looked at him. "Uh, Flan.. You should really go take that make-up off." he told her. "No, I'm good." Flan said "No, you're really not. Your eyes are very red and irritated." Meisu said. "What?" Flan said and she took out her compact mirror. "Oh my gosh!" Flan said. "The restrooms are over there."
Meisu said. "Thanks." and she ran to the restroom. Flan walked in and there were two girls in the restroom there, chatting. "What happened to you?" one of them asked.

"Umm, I think I got an allergic reaction to my make-up.. It's my first time wearing it," Flan said looking in the mirror and added, "And I guess it's my last." with deep disappointment, and she turned on a sink and began to rub the make-up off with cold water. "Ugh. It won't come off. It's waterproof." Flan said "Oh no! Wait! Don't rub it off!" the other girl said. "Come over here. Let me wipe it off for you. I have some make-up removing towelettes." she said. Flan walked over and the girl wiped the make-up off of her face. "What's your name?" she asked "Flan." Flan said "Pretty. I'm Sakura, and that's my best friend Nanasi." "Hi." Nanasi said waving with a warm smile. "Hajimemashite (nice to meet you), Nanasi and Sakura." Flan said. "Just a little more, and... There. Perfect. Now your face is make-up free." Sakura said. "Thank you." Flan said. "Well, until our paths cross again." Flan said heading for the door. "Wait. Your eyes are still irritated. Nanasi wears contacts so she can let you borrow some eye drops." Sakura said "Yeah. Come here. You'll eyes will be back to normal." Nanasi said. Flan took her glasses off, kneeled down and rolled her head back, as Nanasi gave her some eye drops. 

"Done. It might burn for a while, but trust me, you'll feel better. Here are some tissues." Nanasi said. "Thank you both." Flan said "No problem. We just like to help people out." Sakura said. "I am also the student body president of the school." she added. "Oh, you're the Sakura Nishii?" Flan asked opening her eyes "Yeah. And I'm the vice, Nanasi Miura." Nanasi said. "GIRL POWER!" they both said fist bumping each other.

"Pleasure to meet you both. My eyes do feel much, much better, thank you. But I need to get going. My friends are waiting for me." Flan said "Okay, Flan. We'll see you around school. Happy Halloween!" Sakura said "Happy Halloween!" Flan said.

As Flan walked back to the party, she saw Lolly and Akio holding Ginger back as she was screaming at this other girl. Meisu saw Flan and he ran to her. "Flan come here! Quick, this girl is trying to pick a fight with Ginger." Meisu said "Oh no!" Flan said and they ran over there.

"Shut up! You're just jealous because my costume prettier than yours! I pulled off my DIY right! But you don't need a costume to look a clown since you ARE one, yourself!" Ginger said and everyone went Oooh!

"Ginger stop! You're going to get kicked out!" Bunmei said. "I might be a clown, but you're just a little joke!" the girl said. That's when Lolly snapped "Oh heck no! You did not just call Ginger a joke. I bet if we take that JOKER costume off of you, I'm sure everyone will laugh at you harder than one of Meisu's lame jokes!" Lolly said and everyone laughed.

Then Flan ran and got in the way. "Excuse me! Sorry." Flan said fixing her costume and fluffing her tutu. "Hi, these are my best friends, and.. I can't say that I know what happened but I'm sure this is all just a big misunderstanding. Right, Ginger?" Flan asked but Ginger didn't say anything.
"What's wrong, shortie? Cat's got your tongue?" the girl asked and everybody laughed. Flan took a deep breath and cleared her throat. "I see you are a Joker after all, but that pun you just made isn't enough to make me laugh. Do you know why, Lolly?" Flan asked and Lolly followed her lead "No, Flan. Why?" she asked in an innocent girly voice. "Because her face is already so messed up she doesn't need to make jokes or wacky faces, for people to laugh at her." Flan said and once again, everyone laughed and the girl kept quiet in embarrassment.

"I believe you aren't aware that I tried to fix things the good way so I avoided offending you the first time I approached you, but you left me no other choice but to not be my highly educated self, but to be ignorant just like you. Yet, I don't even know your name.. Nor do I care." Flan said seriously. The girl kept quiet and looked back at Ginger, Lolly, and Flan with a dirty look.
"Now.. Me and my friends are going to leave, just to avoid any more problems. So if you and your little.. 'friends' will excuse us, or not.. We will be off to a way funner place than this one. Have a horrible Halloween, Joker Girl." Flan said and everybody whispered Oooh and the other girl just stood quiet.

"Let's go guys." Flan said and all her friends followed along. Ginger flipped her long, dark, mahogany hair as she turned around and walked away.

In the car..

"Please explain to me right now, what happened back there?" Flan asked. "Well, me and Akio just stood up to go to the drink bar where Lolly and Bunmei were, and that random girl just somehow started walking forward but looking back at her friend and she didn't see me, but I did, so I tried to move away so we didn't crash. Then, she dropped her drink and started yelling at me and offending me as if it were my fault!" Ginger explained "Yeah, then the girl was like: 'Oh my gosh! Watch where your going, midget! You almost ruined my costume!" Akio added imitating a cheesy girl voice. "And that's when I said: 'Well, if you looked the direction your walking in, you could've avoid what just happened. At least I tried to walk away." Ginger said. Everyone kept quiet waiting for Ginger to add the rest. "Then she started cursing me out and talking about my costume, and I did the same back to her, but let's skip all that. There are some things I said that could get me grounded.." Ginger said.

"Whatever, you did good." Flan said "I know we did." Lolly bragged and lunged back in her seat with her arms crossed. "Yeah, but now Halloween is ruined." Bunmei said. "No it's not, guys.." Meisu answered.
Meisu kept driving and he skipped the entrance of Flan, Ginger, and Lolly's neighborhood.
"Meisu, you passed our street." Ginger said "I know. I'm not planning on dropping you guys off just yet. The night is still young and we've got many places to go." Meisu said. "Just what exactly do you plan to do?" Flan asked.

"Well, there's the super market." Meisu said "What are we gonna do there?" Lolly asked. "Oh you'll see. There's plenty of things to do, more than you imagine." Meisu said. "Yeah, like shopping cart racing!" Bunmei said "Correct." Meisu said. "Well, we're here." he added. They got off the car and entered the store.

"Meisu, are we seriously going shopping cart racing?" Flan asked. "Possibly.. I just needed to go to the store and I figured that we could actually find something fun to do besides shop for groceries. Since it's Halloween, and I promised to find something fun for us to do." Meisu explained. Flan stared at him in confusion and said, "By going grocery shopping?" then Meisu looked at her and said "Are you no fun? It was a good idea. Heck, I'm trying to make my friends happy. What you should be saying is Arigato." Flan lounged back in her seat and said, "Good point, good point." 

After a few minutes of driving and talking, they all arrived at the grocery store where Meisu works. 

"Oh, isn't this the place where we first met you?" Lolly asked Meisu. "Yeah, this is Meisu's little workplace. He didn't even have to present a resume to get hired. If only it was that easy to get a job at that one game shop next to Lil' Bento." Bunmei said. "What do you mean he didn't have to  show a resume to get hired?" Ginger asked and Meisu said opening the door slowly, "Weeellll..." 

--"HI MEISU, DEAR!" a lady yelled out from the cash register "Hey, Oba-chan (aunty). Come meet our new friends!" Meisu said. The lady came rushing to them. "This is Flan, Ginger, and Lolly." Meisu said. "Nice to meet you." they all said. "Oh pleasure's all mine, sweeties. I'm not really Meisu's aunt; I'm just his mom's best friend and I am basically like his aunt, but you can call me Mimo.. Umm, Meisu, who are these two other boys?" she asked. "Oba, these are Bunmei and Akio. You've met them before, remember?" Meisu said. "Are you sure? My oh my, how time flies. I can barely recognize them. You guys grow up so fast." Mimo said. "It's okay Oba, sometimes I can't even recognize these oafs either." Meisu said and the girls giggled "Shut up, Meisu." Akio said. "Well, Oba Mimo; we're gonna buy some stuff and I'll take Flan, Ginger, and Lolly to-" Bunmei knew Meisu was going to say he was going to take them back home but he interupted and said "To the apartment! We'll just take a few things, ride the shopping carts and head back to the apartment, and watch some movies." Flan liked the idea and said "Yeah, and I also needed some things to take back to our place; but I thought it'd be nice to stop by the guy's apartment and make some Macaroni Gratin for tonight, watch some movies like Bunmei said, play some board games and all that good stuff." after that, everybody knew what was going on and played along with the perfect idea.

"Oh that's nice. You can cook?" Mimo asked Flan and Ginger answered, "The second best cook after my mom! Oh she does magic in the kitchen!" "This girl is into art, but heck she would make an amazing chef! She is the one to look for whenever you need help cooking a special meal, or don't know what to put on the dinner table tonight, haha." Lolly added. "Yeah, these two are obsessed with it. I cook for them too. They are like my sisters, I grew up with them." Flan said. "Oh how sweet. It's almost like my relationship with Meisu's mom." Mimo said. "But I won't waste anymore of your time. Every minute is like a second." Mimo added and walked away.

"So, Macaroni Gratin.." Lolly asked Flan crossing her arms. "Hey, it's been a while." Flan answered. "No worries, Lolly. I'll get you guys home before curfew." Meisu said. "Yeah." Flan said fist bumping Meisu. "Hey, Bunmei! Good idea, man." Flan said.

They all grabbed three shopping carts and Flan, Lolly, and Ginger each got inside one cart. As one guy pushed the carts going around the store getting the things they needed. Running, walking, strolling, all around the store. 

After they picked up what they needed, they payed for everything, and each gave a hug to Mimo.

"Bye everyone! Take care, and happy Halloween!" Mimo said dismissing everybody. "Bye, Oba Mimo! See you Monday afternoon!" Meisu said driving away. 

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