Damaged Beyond Compare

بواسطة XeinAtarah

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Aella and her sister, Riley, do everything together. Ever since The Accident, Riley has been Aella's substitu... المزيد

Chapter 1: Love Ya Like a Sis
Chapter 2: The First Date
Chapter 3: The Boy
Chapter 4: Visitor
Chapter 5: Dinner With A Stranger
Chapter 6: Lost And Found
Chapter 8: Surprise Of The Night

Chapter 7: Unfamiliar Familiarities

99 3 8
بواسطة XeinAtarah

  A/N: Hey guys! Fast upload :P i was actually starting to write a new book, and an idea came to me for this chapter, and i just had to type it! Not sure if there's any errors or not, let me know if you find some! (i'm sure you will!) So, as usual, and i know you know this is coming, but it has to be said, because i absolutely LERVE me some feedback, I would greatly appreciate if you...




and most importantly...


Oozing with love (that sounded beyond gross, didn't it?),


Chapter 7: Unfamiliar Familiarities 

     I’m in a dark room, and the walls are damp. The room is freezing. My feet feel cold and wet. I don’t have any shoes on, I realize.  I look down. I can’t see very well in the dark, but I can tell my feet aren’t wet with water. No, this liquid is to thick. A flash of light glints from the white gold chain of the necklace I’m wearing. I see a tint of red from the liquid on my feet, splashing up halfway to my knee, partly dried. I don’t want to think about what it is.

    The necklace I’m wearing is the one from my dream. The large ruby set in the middle paired by two decent sized diamonds. I’m not so sure this is a dream though. Every things so real, so vivid. It’s nearly impossible this is a dream. Though I do not see how I could have gotten here.

     I can hear with my own ears cars rushing by outside in the rain, splashing dirty water on the sidewalk and the side of the building, and the distant drip of a leaky pipe somewhere close by. I can see with my own eyes the glint of the white gold chain, and the occasional trash blow by that’s close enough to see through the moonlight streaming through the window. I can taste with my own tongue the musty warehouse taste. I can smell with my own nose the stale, dank air rushing under my nostrils. I can feel with my own skin and nerves the wind caress my arms, legs, neck, and torso. I can also feel the suspicious liquid on my feet and calves slowly drying. All five senses. And then I have a strange sixth sense, the knowing of where and when I am.

    I feel the air rush by and know immediately that it is around the beginning of fall. Even though i remember it was summer before i got here. I can sense the crisp autumn leaves on the beautifully colored trees outside, across the street at the park. So autumn. That’s the when. But that didn’t shock me that I knew that as much as the where part did.

    I was downtown. I was in a small warehouse, around the size of a regular basement. Address forgotten by most, but I knew what it was. The address was as fresh in my head as my own. And I didn’t know why. I had no reason to know it, I had never been here before. But that didn’t change the fact that I knew it. The warehouses address was 999 Rellik Avenue.

    There was someone standing in the far right-hand corner, staring, watching me. I was not scared in the slightest wee bit. In fact, I felt annoyed. Annoyed that someone thought they could just stare at me, without being noticed. Frankly, it pissed me off. I smiled smugly, ready to bite this persons head off.

    I run my hands down my waist, like I usually do on my skinny jeans when I‘m about to tell someone off, instead to find the feel of soft cotton and delicate lace. An altogether soft, satiny feel. And then I’m aware I’m wearing that dress from the dream. I sigh under my breath. For some reason I’m completely irritated I would being wearing such a nice dress in such a shitty place.

    Jeez, I think. What is wrong with me? I am acting like a complete snot, like the people I hate at school. There’s a reason I hate them, and it's because of just that reason.

     I take a deep breath, and immediately regret it. I get a better (or worse) smell. I smell a wet, salty, rusty iron smell, so I’m almost positive what the liquid is. That doesn’t mean I have to say it, or even think about it. Then I smell a moldy smell, and cringe at how strong it is. I smell burning rubber in the distance, further proving where I am, because I do know there’s a tire factory nearby.

    And when you mix the smell of burnt rubber, mold and erm… queasy-making red liquid that I’m positive doesn’t come from me, seeing as I’m not hurt anywhere, well let's just say its not the most pleasant of smells. 

    I step forward, ready to confront this person. I blow out the bad air and start to open my mouth to say something, when I’m struck with a weighing down feeling. I feel myself falling, falling, falling. the senses leave me, and everything goes black for a moment. Then suddenly I’m back in the hall way, clinging to the coat rack, with bright red blood covering my feet and calves.

Comment for more? I don't like begging, but can i at least get one comment from someone i don't know? Please? There, i begged. -_- LOVE YOU ALL!!! (even though i have no clue who you are. :D)

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