Oneshots (BoyxBoy)

By auctuality

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If it's a Rick Riordan character, expect him in here More

All I Want for Christmas (Perjalico)
Dreams turned to Nightmares (Jercy)
Birthday Surprise (Perjalico)
Broken In (Lercy)
I just wanna look good for you (Perjalico)
And the high you rode in on (Jercy)
Housewarming (Perjalico)
Bent Out of Shape (Lico)
Questionable Attire (Jasico)
Finger (Jeo)
Fuckboy (Jercy)
H.A.T.E.U. (Jasico)
Day determined (Lercy)
Some form of one (Percico)
Butt rubs (Jercy)
Break-ups (Lico)
Stereotypes (Frico)
Hope (Jasico)
Thievery and Rivalry (Cercy)
Topping (Frason)
Concert tickets (Prank)
Video calls (Freo)
Two Black Cadillacs (Frason)
Squish Squish (Frico)
Sir, yes sir (Jercy Smut)
Baby boy (Prank Smut)
Sorry (Freo)
Questions (Jasico)
Scarves (Percico)
Teacher, Teacher (Frason)
Dangerously in Love (Jercy)
Outside opinion (Jercy)
Games to be Played (Perjalico)
Nails done (Frason)
So Called "Straight Boys" (Jercy)
Dinner Date (Prank)
Potions Class (Lercy)
Psycho (Jasico)
Fish Out of Water (Jercy)
Domination (Prank)
Helpless (Perleo)
Satisfied (Jeo)
That Would Be Enough (Perleo)
Dear Theodosia (Meo)
Take a break (LeoxJasonxPercy)
Say No To This (Freo)
The Reynolds Pamphlet (Leo drag)
Burn (Percy)
Stay Alive - Reprise (Valdez Family)
It's Quiet Uptown (Perleo)
Best of Wives and Best of Women (Perleo)
Who the fuck
What the heck (Mercy)
Fixers (Calt)

The Evil Queen (Jercy)

3.7K 66 14
By auctuality


Basically, Jason just goes to a photo op with Regina from OUAT and freaks the fuck out


His breathing got heavy the closer he got to the front of the line. Lana motherfuckin Parrilla was so close that he could hear her. "Babe," Percy said. "Calm down. She's just a person."

Ten people.

"Just a person?" Jason hissed.

Eight people.

"I will have you know that this actress is one of the most amazing people in the world."

Five people.

"And the fact that she could play evil bitch and then turn around and play hero is not such an easy thing."

Two people.

"I get that," Percy said. "But babe."

"I'm not going to listen to you say she's-"

"I'm what, sweetie?" Jason turned and realized, it was his turn. He tried to answer but his mouth just simply opened and closed. Nothing else. He walked up to her smiling face.

"Nice necklace," she said, looking at Jason's chest. Since he was meeting her highness, he wore a necklace that had her on it he got at a convention months ago.

"T-Thanks." She wrapped her arm around his waist and they both smiled for the camera.

"You're such a great height for me," she said as he was leaving. That, in hindsight, should've the moment he realized his heart had stopped.

"You okay babe?" Jason nodded. "You going to be able to talk?" Jason shook his head. "Well, they said the pictures would be a while to print.

"It said something about other cast members being here, too. Do you want to-" He wasn't able to finish because Jason's lips were on his, not caring they were in the middle of a convention center.

"Thank you for coming with me," he whispered.

"If this is the reward, I may come with you to these things more often."

"Now let's go meet the others."


Clarification: This is not all based on true events.

1. I didn't have a boyfriend to go with

2. I didn't do a big speech

3. I met only two others before the photo op

But anways I hoped you enjoyed it. This was the one shot that got deleted so I literally JUST rewrote it voila

Smiles! ❤❤❤

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