Familiar Strangers

By CamilaAldebol

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Kai and Louis were best friends when they were little but when Kai moves to Australia they lose contact. Seve... More

Familiar Strangers
Prologue - Dear Louis
Chapter 1 - The Keys
Chapter 2 - 1D at Nando's
Chapter 3 - The Call
Chapter 5 - Recording Studio
Chapter 6 - Get to Know You
Chapter 7 - Those Blue Eyes
Chapter 8 - Don't You Remember
Chapter 9 - Twitcam
Chapter 10 - Tattoo
Chapter 11 - He Knows
Chapter 12 - Malakai Grace
Chapter 13 - Say Something
Chapter 14 - Familiar Strangers No More
Chapter 15 - When the Darkness Comes
Chapter 16 - Not Again
Chapter 17 - Haunted
Chapter 18 - Blank Page
Chapter 19 - Starting Over
Chapter 20 - Rehearsals
Chapter 21 - Mine
Chapter 22 - Yours
Chapter 23 - Don't Give Up
Chapter 24 - The Dream
Epilogue - Time

Chapter 4 - The Meeting

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By CamilaAldebol

Chapter 4 - The Meeting


My eyes fly open at the sound of the alarm blaring nonstop. I mindlessly look for my phone on the bedside table until I finally find it. After shutting off the alarm I head to Kiran's room to make sure she wakes up. Kiran is not a morning person so it takes a lot to wake her up. I open the door to her room and find the bed empty and already made. 

"Kiran?" I call out into the flat. Shuffling noises come from the kitchen so I walk over, the noises becoming louder as I get closer. When I get there I see Kiran in her boxer shorts and jumper making breakfast. "Kiran? You're awake! This is a new one." I laugh when she scowls at me. 

Kiran puts down the spatula and grabs her plate of eggs, bacon and toast, and sits on the dining table. "Well I could hardly sleep I mean we're going to meet with Simon Cowell, the Simon Cowell. My nerves are going crazy." She finishes as Kyle comes walking into the room. Her eyes settles on Kiran and one if her eyebrow lifts up. Kyle opens her mouth to say something but Kiran lifts her hand and shuts her up. "I know, I know its a miracle." She says trying to look annoyed but the smile on her face says otherwise. 

We finish making and eating breakfast in about half an hour. Then we head to our rooms to get dressed. I pick high waisted jeans, a white floral lace crop top and my favorite aqua blue leather jacket. I let my hair fall down in loose waves over my shoulders. My hair used to be a nightmare when I was younger, nothing but frizz. Now that the frizz is gone I love it but I still have bad days sometimes. I grab my car keys and head out to find the girls dressed. We laugh when we notice we're all matching in aqua blue. Blue is my favorite color so I always manage to have something that color. 

"I guess great minds do think alike." Kyle says in a very chipper voice. She's excited, very which is why she's been in such a good mood and why she and Kiran haven't fought in the last two days. Kiran and Kyle love each other to death but they also bud heads a lot because of their very different personalities. Of course anybody can see that just by looking at them. Kyle is wearing a short girly dress with black heeled ankle boots, a jean jacket and a studded headband while Kiran wears a studded embellished collar blouse, ripped jeans, a beige beanie and studded biker boots. Kiran is edgier and more tomboy while Kyle is much more simple and girly. We get in the car and I drive off. 

Forty minutes later we arrive and as soon as I turn off the car my nerves skyrocket. I hadn't realized I was so nervous but then I'd made myself not think about where I was going. I can't do that now considering I'm standing in front if the building. We walk in and make our way towards the receptionists. Two woman sit next to each other one blonde the other a red head. The red head looks up when we reach the large desk. 

The blonde blue eyed woman smiles warmly. "I'll take care of this Sadie." She says to the red head who nods and returns to her work. Blonde girl turns to us. "You girls are here to meet with Simon right?" She gets up from behind the desk and stands in front of us. 

I can really see her now and I realize she's probably two years older than me at most. "Yes." I answer and she smiles again. The smile transforms her face completely and she looks more beautiful. 

"Good. I'll show you to his office." She starts walking so we follow her. "I'm Avril Lancaster by the way." She says as she turns around to face us. 

I smile and for the first time since I got here I feel almost calm. "I'm Kai this is Kyle and Kiran." I point to each of us as I introduce us. 

Avril gets a funny look on her pretty face and nods. "I know, I'm a fan. You guys are amazing." 

"Oh well thank you!" Kyle says energetically. I can see she's brimming with nerves as well because she plays with her hair. 

Avril beams with happiness yet again. "When Uncle Simon told me to look for your phone number I was so pleasantly surprised and excited." At this she resumes walking this time down a hall filled with pictures of the various artists signed to SYCO. 

"Uncle Simon?" Kiran asks taken aback by Avril's family connection. 

Avril laughs like she gets this reaction a lot. "Oh yeah. My dad and Simon are very old friends. I've known him all my life."

Kiran smiles warmly at Avril. "Aren't you lucky." I can see them becoming friends because of their similar styles. Avril is in an all white pant suit perfectly tailored to her body and her nose is pierced. Kiran also has a pierced nose. 

Avril nods in agreement. "I am but I'd be even more lucky if I had any talent."

Kyle scoffs and smiles amused. "Doesn't matter. I bet you've met a lot of his famous artists."

Avril laughs a very bubbly laugh that fits her perfectly. "Yes. I guess I'm very lucky."

I look around the hall and stop when I see a picture of Simon with One Direction. They're all smiling and each of the lads hold their first album Up All Night. My eyes find Louis and I find myself smiling at his familiar face. 

"They are so much hotter in person." Avril says and I snap back into the present. 

Kyle and Kiran laugh and nod. "I know. They should come with a warning sign." Says Kyle jokingly and we all laugh, the last of my nerves going away. I notice the girls seem more relaxed as well. Avril stop walking and we stand in front of a frosted glass door. 

"He's in a meeting that's about to finish so just wait here." Avril signals to the waiting area. 

"Alright thank you." I say looking at the door warily. 

"You're welcome and hey, don't be nervous. He's gonna love you." Avril says with a confident smile and leaves. Kyle, Kiran and I take a seat on the couch and chair in the waiting area.

Kyle bites her lip and places a hand on her stomach. "I'm so nervous. I feel nauseous." She looks slightly paler than usual. 

Kiran nods in agreement her eyes unfocused. "I wasn't so nervous before but now I can't stop moving" Kiran says with her knee jumping up and down. 

I take a deep breath to calm myself but the nerves are still there. "I, um I really have to use the bathroom now." I say and they laugh at me. "I'm gonna go find the bathroom." They're both too nervous to say anything but nod. 

I chuckle to myself as I walk down the hall. Everything is going to be alright. I know it, so no need to be nervous Malakai. Ha! Maybe if I keep repeating it I'll finally believe it. I wonder what Simon wants to talk to us about. I mean its not like he'll want to sign us because we aren't even famous enough for that. Ugh! The wait is killing me and my bladder isn't helping. I'm so busy stuck inside my head I don't notice the man walking my way until I run right into him. "Ufff." We both groan and I fall to the floor, on my butt. 

"God, I'm so terribly sorry." A very familiar voice says as a hand appears in front of me. I shake my head and grab his hand. His touch wakes something in me and I take my hand out of his as soon as I'm standing. 

My stomach goes crazy with butterflies. What the hell? "I'm the one who wasn't looking where she was going." I look up and my heart stops at the sight of his face. I gasp when his beautiful blue-green eyes meet mine. He really hasn't changed much. 

Louis stares at me his eyebrows pinched together. "Its quite alright." He says his gaze studying me. My heart beats fast and loud in my chest. I feel my face getting hotter with each second that passes. All of a sudden he smiles and I go weak in the knees. That smile could kill someone. "I know you." He says and my heart soars. He recognizes me! He hasn't forgotten like he promised! "You're the girl that sang in the cafe, part of The Keys. If I'm not mistaken." Just as fast as my heart soared its now sunken to the very bottom. I feel sick to my stomach. He doesn't recognize me which means he didn't keep his promise. Different emotions swarm inside me anger, sadness, hurt, betrayal. 

I force a smile to my lips and fight the tears that threaten to come. "Yeah, um I'm..." I almost say Malakai but I stop. If he doesn't remember by himself I'm certainly not going to remind him. "Kai...Ellis." My smile falters when he doesn't recognize the name. Technically he wouldn't remember because nobody called me Kai when I lived in Doncaster. They called me Mal or in his and my father's case Gracie, my middle name. Kyle was the first to call me Kai because when she was a baby she could only manage 'Mkai' and when I moved everyone in Australia called me Kai. 

"I'm Louis Tomlinson." He introduces himself and I want to laugh in his face. I already know your name! In fact I know what your favorite color is, your favorite food, your least favorite and you know mine! Well you knew mine and unless yours have changed I still know. 

My phone buzzes alerting me I have a message. Its Kiran. 

Simon's meeting is done. Where r you? 

I text back that I'm on my way. "Um, I have to go I uh have a meeting." Louis' smiles knowingly and starts walking beside me. 

He glances in my direction as we walk. "I know. Simon told us he was meeting with you after ours." 

"Oh." Is all I'm able to say. My head is full of to many things to think clearly. We're quiet the rest of the walk back and I realize I never used the bathroom. Well I didn't have to go anymore. When we get to the waiting room Kyle and Kiran's eyes go big at Louis. 

"There you are." Harry says from the doorway of Simon's office. I hadn't noticed it open. Louis walks into the office as the girls reach me. "Come on." Harry urges us holding the door open. We walk inside to find the lads standing behind Simon.

"Mornin' girls, sit down please." Simon says with a small smile. We do as we're told and sit. Why are they here? My eyes instantly wander to Louis who's closest to me. My heart thumps sorely in my chest. 

I return my eyes to Simon and smile. "I'm Kai, this is Kiran and Kyle." I introduce ourselves nervously. 

"I understand you've already met the lads." Simon continues after nodding. 

Kyle smiles at the boys and nods. Liam and Harry smile back at her. "Yes we have. They saw us perform yesterday." I can tell she's also puzzled by their presence. 

Simon nods knowingly. "I'm aware. The lads here have been searching for an opening group for their upcoming tour." Simon pauses and we nod. "So far they haven't had any luck but they called on Monday and said they'd seen an amazing group on Youtube." His words fill me with excitement. Is he saying what I think he's saying? "I have to tell you I was skeptical at first but then I saw one of your videos and I was pleasantly surprised. You girls have amazing talent." 

I'm to shocked to say anything but stare at Simon. Kiran is the only one with at least half a brain right now. "Oh, thank you! That means a lot coming from you." She says and I see her hands trembling on her lap. 

"The boys said they want you girls as their opening group and I agree that it would be a good idea. But considering you have never performed in a large place filled with thousands of screaming fans we want to make sure you're ready. So what I propose is that you girls rehearse with me and the lads for a month and when that month is over you perform at the annual Red Cross Charity concert. If I see that you girls can handle it you get to be One Direction's opening group and go on tour with them and of course sign with the label." Simon finishes and stares at us. I'm shellshocked at what he just said. Perform at the charity concert. Go on tour with One Direction. Sign with the label. This has to be a joke. 

"Damn this is a lot to process." Kyle says and the boys laugh as Kiran and I just nod in agreement. 

Niall smiles at us. "We know but we really like you guys so think about. Please." 

I start laughing and everyone looks at me. My eyes catch Louis amused face. "I'm sorry but what's there to think about? This has been our dream since we started the band." I say looking at the girls. 

"Kai's right. I say we do it." Kiran agrees with me and now everyone stares at the only person who hasn't agreed. Kyle looks back at me and Kiran worriedly. 

Harry walks to her and places a hand on her shoulder. Kyle immediately looks up at him. I can tell she's frazzled by his closeness. 

I know I would be. "Come on Kyle. I know its scary but we have your back and so do the girls." He signals to all of us and we nod in agreement. 

I can see Kyle's internal battle waging on in her head. After a few seconds she sighs and I know she's going to agree. "Alright, lets do this." Harry smiles at her and she smiles back shyly. I have never seen Kyle like this. She's usually a loud, bubbly, outgoing person and now she can't even make eye contact. I guess very attractive guys will do that to a person. I know Kyle is freaking out on the inside. 

Simon smiles. "Good. Now we have to talk details and then the lads will show you to the recording studio." 

My head spins with so many thoughts and emotions. I'm excited yet crazily nervous and worried. What if we can't do it? What if nobody likes us? This is everything I've wanted since I was a kid. I remember talking about it with Louis. Ironic isn't it, I told him I was going to be his back up singer and look at us now. Both of our dreams are coming true and he doesn't even remember me or our promise. This is going to be one hell of a month. 


Hey lovies! I know I took a long time to update and I'm sorry I just had a couple of thing on my mind but it's all good now! I know its a short chapter and I'm sorry yet again but I hope you enjoy it anyways. I'm going in vacation again so I won't be writing for about three or four days this means the next update will probably be in about a week or two. Thank you for reading! Picture on the side of the girls' outfits! There is also more things from FS on my pinterest ----> http://pinterest.com/camivalentina/story-familiar-strangers/

Please comment and vote!

Love, Kamila :)

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