Humans and Bots

By transformersprimegal

34.1K 926 390

The bots bring home a Relic they got from the Cons, But when Miko touches it, well things get....a bit comple... More

Humans and Bots pt 1 A strange Relic
Humans and Bots part 2 A strange relic pt 2
Humans and Bots Part 3 A Strange new point of veiw
A strange new point of view part 2
a strange new point of veiw Part 3
A strange new point of veiw Part 6
Humans and Bots Part 7 -Dude...-
Humans are weird....
Humans and Bots: School?!
School always starts off well enough....
Teenage Drea- Nightmares
The Things We Did Last Night
The Principal Of It All!
Missing Home.
Unexpected Return.
Papa-mus Prime
Eyeliner And My Chemical Romance.
Sometimes Silence Is Golden

Who's your daddy?

1.5K 46 19
By transformersprimegal

A/N: Okay, before you all start yelling at me for being so long, I was moving and some people in my family were having troubles. It's not my fault! But hey I'm back now, and I think my writing skills have improved vastly! So Booyakasha! the next chaptah, is here!

(You know the speech by now right?) (author notes be bold!) 'Dreams thoughts be dis' {Com link} /Bumblebeeps/ "out loud speech"

Bumblebee groaned as he felt someone nudge him, what time was it? The scout cracked open his eyes and winced at the bright light that assaulted his vision. Arcee stood there at the foot of his bed, hands on her hips.

"C'mon Bee, time to get up" she nudged him again for good measure, chuckling when he just closed his eyes again and buried his face into the pillow.

"Aw c'mon Bee, I had to get up early, so do you!" the blue haired woman sighed as her friend just continued to ignore her "Okay, just don't say I didn't warn you!" with that she stepped back, all the way to the door. Then she bolted for the bed, just as she was about to hit the edge, she jumped up.

Bumblebee grunted when Arcee's form landed on him harshly, she had landed on his back right where his doorwings used to be. Speaking of which, he still wasn't used to them not being there. he had found himself tensing and moving his shoulders, trying to express his emotions.

"Ugh, Okay, okay" Bumblebee's hoarse voice croaked from under Arcee "I'll get up, just get off!" Arcee laughed and jumped off him, landing softly on the floor. She waited till he pushed his blankets off before leaving the room and going downstairs.

"I swear...." The young teen grumbled to himself "Wait. why is she even up this early?" he thought aloud before shrugging. Arcee did things for the sake of doing them, she didn't always need a reason.

Bumblebee quickly pulled on the clothes he had found, folded and waiting for him on the nightstand. June or one of the kids probably put them there. They were pretty much identical to his clothes from yesterday. Once he was done playing around with his attire, he jogged downstairs where Jack, Miko and Raf were waiting for him.

"You ready for the joys of high school, Bee?" Jack asked sarcastically. Bumblebee nodded and followed the kids out the door. Bumblebee jumped when Arcee started walking beside him, she just turned towards him with a smile.

"Eh, I wanted to see if it was as bad as Jack says" The pale teen shrugged "Besides didn't want to be stuck doing nothing all day" Bumblebee laughed silently and nodded. Soon all five of them came up to the school. Bumblebee wasn't so sure he was ready for this. Arcee obviously saw his hesitation.

"Hey, Bee, What's wrong?" She asked "you look nervous" she noticed how his shoulders drooped slightly when she asked.

"It's just...." Bumblebee trailed off before continuing "Back on Cybertron, I used to get teased all the time. I just don't want to have to go through that again" The blonde looked down at his feet. Arcee eyes widened. Bee got teased? why?

"Why did they tease you?" Arcee questioned, she honestly had no idea anyone would have teased Bumblebee. He was so sweet and kind.

'And cute' she thought to herself before quickly scolding herself 'No, he doesn't see you that way. Your just a friend.'

"Well, first it was my doorwings. Then when I was older Tyger Pax happened and, well, Mutes aren't exactly thought of as cool..."Bumblebee seemed to be holding something back. Arcee was determined to find out what.

"Bee, I now there's more to it then that.." Arcee tried prompting him to tell her. Bumblebee sighed before looking around nervously, then turning back to Arcee.

"Okay, I am going to tell you. But you have to keep it on the D.L, alright?" Bumblebee whispered softly. Arcee nodded and waited for him to continue.

"Okay, a lot of the time they made fun of me because of my parentage" The teen seemed to hesitate for a moment.

"Who, were your creators?" Arcee hesitantly asked, somewhat scared to know. What if they were Cons? or like, Megatron or something? 'No, that's not possible!' Arcee quickly reprimanded herself.

"Having creators who are high in rank was just begging to be picked on. And I was no exception..." Arcee looked on the verge of realization, so she asked one more time.

"Bee, Who were your creators?" she asked again, only this time with more emphasis. The blonde in front of her bit his lip. Finally he answered, looking down at his feet.

"timus ime" Arcee heard him mumble. she looked confused.

"What?" her confusion was evident in her tone of voice . Bumblebee took a deep breath and then looked up at her. By now the kids had gathered what was going on and were eager to hear the answer. Miko was bouncing up and down on the balls of her feet. Jack was standing there patiently, his eyes searching Bee's . And Raf was biting his lip, much like his guardian had been doing.

"Optimus" Bumblebee finally told them. Arcee and Jack's eyes widened. Miko was grinning a Cheshire cat like grin. And Raf's mouth was pated slightly in awe.

"What?" Arcee finally voiced what they were all thinking "really? well why did you keep that a secret?" She furrowed her brows in confusion. Bumblebee sighed through his nose and looked off to the side, wrapping his arms around himself.

"It's to protect me apparently" he breathed out "So the Decepticons don't try and off me, just cause I'm Optimus's son..."Arcee nodded in understanding before her head snapped towards Bumblebee again.

"Wait. People teased you over that?" Bumblebee nodded sadly at he query.

"They thought I was just some good for nothing youngling, who wasn't worthy of a Prime for a Sire" he explained. Again the femme nodded, putting her hand on his shoulder and cupping his chin with two fingers, making him look at her.

"Don't listen to them, your amazing"

A/N: Done! 1005 words! aw yea! also if you wanted to check out my account here ya go

I have been more active on there! anywho.....May the force be with you!

Thanks for putting up with me--TransformersPrimeGal!

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