Alternate.-Avengers Fanfic

Bởi Lowkey_Crazy

54.6K 1.7K 373

When I was young I had always dreamed about wanting to become a hero and help people. Of course that was all... Xem Thêm

Well, That Just Happened.
We're Going On An Adventure...
Thor learns what a train is...
Terrible Things.
Authors Note
Nothing left to say
Drown Our Sorrows.
The Truth.
Another Story For Another Time
The Untold Truth.
Young and stupid.
Arrested......And drunk.
Strangers in the night
Dropping in
The Beginning Of The End
The Fall
The Trickster
The truth
In The End.

The lost and the broken.

1.1K 43 2
Bởi Lowkey_Crazy

I shot awake when I heard muffled noises coming from next door. I stood up and walked into Charlotte's room. It was still dark outside. I opened her door slowly and seen a tall slender man with a stubbed beard holding Charlotte. I opened the door fully. Charlotte wasn't struggling against his hold but I could tell in her eyes there was fear. I walked up to the man but he teleported and a force threw me back. I smashed my head off the wall.

I woke up a couple of hours later, the sun was starting to rise. I looked around, all around the empty room was 'Central park. Alone.' In red. I stumbled to my feet and ran out of the room I realised I had red on my hands but I didn't care I was getting there. I bumped into someone, I couldn't tell who it was. I didn't take the elevator, I sprinted down the stairs missing stairs at a time. Should I get a car? It'll take too long. I sprinted out the door and outside, the tip off the sun was shining. I sprinted as fast as my legs could take me. Moments later I got to the park with a shooting pain in my side, dammit not now. Of all time. I gripped onto my side and winced. I took deep breathes and stepped forwards revealing myself. I put a straight face on.'' Loki!'' I yelled.'' He materialised in front of me and Charlotte was behind him holding a knife in her hand. The tall man was stood next to her smiling, He had a creepy smile.

I took a step towards Charlotte but Loki held his arm out and a shooting pain went down my back. I clenched my jaw and fists and took another step forward, It was difficult, Like there was a force holding me back. I could feel some warm liquid coming from my nose and ears. I took another step forward slowly, the pain rising. Loki looked shocked at my strength.'' You're stronger than I imagined.'' He said in awe.'' Well... one....expects....when the one you love.....are at stake.'' I managed too get through clenched teeth. I took another step forward and Loki clenched his fist, it was like my stomach was getting clamped together. I took another step forward, my knees going weak, black dots appeared in my vision. I don't care. I'm not loosing her, she's the only family I have left now. Come on Emily. I tried to take another step forward but my legs went weak and something flew into me.

Tony's P.O.V

''GUYS!'' I heard James say. We all sprinted up too the room with the voice. It was Charlotte's. What the.'' What the hell is this?'' Enzo questioned looking around. Jason came sprinting in.'' Emily just bumped into me, she had red all over her.'' He said gasping for air.'' Charlotte!'' James yelled running out of the room. I called my suit and jumped out of the window. There was a bright light coming from the central park. I landed on the edge and looked over at what was happening. Charlotte was raising a knife towards her neck. A weird looking man was stood next too her staring at her. Loki had his hand out holding Emily back. Her knees were weak and wobbling.'' She won't last much longer.'' I shouted powering my suit too the full potential.'' She'll hate you if Charlotte dies.'' Steve shouted back over the commotion that was going on.'' It's worth it. I'm not having two of my closest friends dying. If I can save one I'm going to do it!'' I said jumping up and flying as hard as I could into Emily.

Emily's P.O.V

''Tony get the fuck off me!'' I yelled kicking and screaming. I got out and was about to run to Charlotte who was holding a knife against her neck.'' Tony grabbed my arm and pulled me back.'' He'll kill you too!'' He shouted.'' I don't give a shit. Get off me.'' I said crying.'' Tony let me save her please.'' I said crying my eyes out. He let go off me. I sprinted to her and everything from that moment on went in slow motion. The man said something. *FOR MORE EFFECT LISTEN TO INTO ETERNITY BY BRIAN TYLER*Charlotte pressed the knifes edge into her neck, she looked at me crying. She slid the knife along her throat. Slowly she fell to her knees.''NO!'' I screamed running and collapsing near her body. I put my hands around her throat trying to stop the bleeding. Waterfalls came out my eyes.'' Come on come on. You can't leave. Not now. We've got to do so much Char.'' I said bursting out into tears.'' Please come back! You're like my sister.'' I shouted banging into her chest.'' James needs you...oh my god James.'' I said shocked. I spun my head round and seen James running around the corner. He looked at me and then her body. His knees collapsed underneath him. I stood up and sprinted towards him giving him a bone crushing hug. He hugged me back. Tears in his eyes. I put him at arms length. I helped him up and he slowly walked over too her lifeless body. I was still crying. He knelt down beside her.'' Dammit Char. I thought we had a deal.'' He said crying.'' We both die together or not at all.'' He said grabbing her hand and squeezing it.'' You can't leave.'' He said bursting into tears and pulling out a ring from his pocket. He placed it on her finger and hugged her.

I stormed up to Tony, tears still in my eyes.'' You bastard, This is all your fault.'' I shouted slapping him. Luckily he was out of his suit already.'' Emily I had too cho-'' I cut him off.'' No! YOU COULD OF FLEW INTO CHARLOTTE. I WOULD OF NOTICED AND STEPPED BACK BUT NO. YOU DIDN'T THINK. YOU NEVER DO!'' I yelled.'' BY THE TIME IT TOOK ME TOO GET TOO CHARLOTTE YOU WOULD OF BEEN DEAD, IT WOULD OF TOOK ME DOUBLE AND BY THEN YOU WOULD OF ALREADY STOPPED FORWARD. AND YOU WOULDN'T OF BEEN ABLE TO TAKE THAT.'' Tony shouted back wailing his army around.'' HOW WOULD YOU KNOW THAT I WASN'T STRONG ENOUGH.'' I screamed back at him.'' BECAUSE YOUR KNEES WERE GETTING WEAKER, YOU HAD BLOOD COMING FROM YOUR MOUTH, NOSE AND MANY OF THINGS. AND I BET IT DIDN'T HELP YOUR CANCER. DO YOU JUST NOT THINK OF THESE THINGS.'' He yelled angrily.'' I do think of these things bu-'' Then it hit me.'' Wait. How the fuck did you know about my cancer.'' I said furrowing my eyebrows. Everyone was paying attention by now, they was all shocked. Tony flickered his eyes at Enzo, James and Jason.'' CAN I NOT TRUST FUCKING ANYONE ANYMORE. HOLY FUCK.'' I yelled. I stormed off to the closest pub. I got there and sat down in a booth. I put my head in my arms and let the tears fall out. Someone sat next too me and I heard 6 glasses get put down. I raised my head and looked at Natasha.'' Figured you could use some of these?'' She said motioning to the shots on the table. I grabbed a glass and raised my eyebrow at her. She gave me a side smile and i chugged it back. I can't believe it. She was gone.


Well wasn't that emotional.

I actually was listening to into eternity while writing that. It was very upsetting man.

Two updates in one day whaaaaaaat

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Many thanks 

Peace Ya'll (:

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