Marks In My Path (A Matt Webb...

By WalkingInTheNight

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Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14

Chapter 5

150 4 0
By WalkingInTheNight

      The next day comes and I open my eyes to see that my room was so much more colorful. The walls were whiter, the table was shinier, and looking out my window the grass outside was greener. I opened my closet to find many hangers with clothes on them. The black clothes, were darker the white clothes were whiter, the colored clothes were more colorful. It's as if I noticed everything so much more differently. It was like my eyes opened up to see how beautiful everything was. It was almost as there were layers of sadness covering my eyes to see everything dull and grey and they got pulled off to reveal the beauty underneath.

     Walking outside everything was beautiful and more colorful as well, it wasn't just my room. It was the one day I didn't wear my black jacket. I wore a beautiful bright pink yellow one to bring out the highlights in my hair. If I were starring in a movie, I would burst out into song about how wonderful life is. I kept walking past kids waving to them as if I was a celebrity. Everything I touched turned happy and everything I looked at seemed to me as if it was more beautiful that before. I love this feeling. I felt like I was a god brought down from the heavens to make life change and make things different. Walking past me was Austin, again. Everything suddenly turned gray and sad again. My bright yellow shirt turned into a dull mustardy yellow color, the pink and purple flowers turned dark pink and dark purple, and suddenly my bright blonde highlights in my hair turned dark brown to go along with the rest of my hair. Life was back to normal again. That layer of sadness came back to block all the lovely things in life, if I was to burst out in song it would be about how depressed I was. I didn't like this feeling and will forever again hate living.

     Austin had to ruin my last bit of happiness by walking past reminding me of all the hateful things I have done to people, all the bad things I have done. I wish everything would just change for the better over night. But reality is nothing like dreams, and that is something I will have to live with.

     I pulled out my cell phone on my way to finding a job and I texted Matt. He responded back right away. We texted for a while until he told me he had to go tutor Nicole. I got a piercing in my stomach that hurt me by reading Nicole’s name. I walked into the mall to apply for a job at a happy uplifting store. I had to pretend I was happy and uplifting and that was as difficult as it would be to make a dog speak english. I walked into the store and looked around. I saw that there was a rainbow and giraffe painted on the wall and I realized that it was a little kids store. I sigh knowing that I would most likely have to spend my days at this store. "It's a job where I can get money, suck it up Lily," I told myself out load. I walked more into the store asking everyone I saw if they new who the manager was. Someone finally gave me directions toward the manager and I walked up to her. "Excuse me I am here for the open job interview that I saw online. Are you the manager?" I ask her. "Yes, yes I am. Follow me." As I follow her into the back of the store it got less colorful. The pink walls turned into grey and the rainbow disappeared as well as the giraffe. She sat down and I answered a couple questions on how I believe people should talk to children. I faked a smile the entire way through knowing that people hire mostly happy people. When I left the store I thought my interview went well. She smiled back at me every time I smiled bigger at her. Also I know it went well because on her paper that she was writing on I saw he write down, great for position. That means I would be great for the job! Feeling confident about my interview I walk all the way back to my apartment. If I got the job the two main things I would be focussing on would be paying off my bills and taxes and getting myself a car. My parents were never the considerate kind of parents that buy their children cars before they even get their license. My parents were the kinds that kicked me out when I turn 18 and I barley talk to them again. That's why I have turned out the way I am today. If I didn't have those kinds of parents I would have been told to not try drugs and not to smoke and not do most of the things that I do, but I don't have those kinds of parents/guides, so I did end up the way I am today, and I intend on changing the way I am once and for all.

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