Just Another Bad Boy

By JadeGreen16

960K 20.6K 4.8K

"He was bad, he smoked, he broke the law, he drove too fast for his own good, he didn't care because he didn'... More

Please read :)
First day (1)
The wrong place at the wrong time (2)
Best friends is an understatment (3)
All about Caleb (4)
Destiny... (5)
Treasure (7)
We are going to starbucks (8)
Late night trips (9)
Past revealed... (10)
Skipping with the bad boy (11)
Study dates (12)
Movie nights (13)
The Beach (14)
A token of us (15)
Girls night gone bad...(16)
He fights? (17)
The bad boy isn't so bad (18)
Understanding the reason why (19)
Food fights (20)
Meeting his mom (21)
The party, part 1 (22)
The party, part 2 (23)
Meeting the (hopefully) sister in law. (24)
Seeing my dad again (25)
The kiss (26)
First date (27)
Party invites (28)
Coming clean (29)
Shopping (30)
Cafeteria confrontions (31)
More messages (32)
The last night with the bad boy (33)
Getting ready (34)
Quick A/N
The date, part 1 (35)
The date, part 2 (36)
Another party - part 1 (37)
Another party - part 2 (38)
Another party - part 3 (39)
The talent show - part 1 (40)
The talent show - part 2 (42)
Pity party...I wish (43)
The club (44)
School day (45)
The assignment (46)
His girlfriend (47)
From one extreme to the other (48)
The pictures (49)
Life when kidnapped (50)
The rescue (51)
Home finally (52)
Confessions and making up (53)
A big moment for all (54)
Watching tangled and teasing Chase (55)
Big news and meeting Richard (56)
Just Another Bad Boy (57)
New story!!
New Story 2
I need some help
Facebook/insta group

Bitch is back...(6)

20.6K 463 138
By JadeGreen16

^Ashley Tisdale as Chelsea Smith
^Vanessa Hudgens as Alana Martin
^Emma Stone as Brittany Johnson
•"Bad Boys DO get the girls"•


It's finally Friday, my favourite part of the week, the boys have started sitting with us, we usually sit at their table, we all get along well and I'm starting to get really close to the guys.

They aren't really even that bad, that's kinda like a shield I guess, sometimes they have these conversations with looks, that's the only time we are not included.

The only bad thing about this whole week, well apart from everything else, is that I've been trying to contact Caleb but my phone call always gets ignored, he doesn't even text back now, I called his home to make sure he's okay last night and his mom answered, Nicole is a lovely lady who has acted as sort of a mom to me, when I told her who it was the other end went silent and she told me that Caleb wasn't there which is a complete lie, I heard him ask who it was.

I don't know what I did, which makes it all the worse.

It's english now, finally, I love that class, my teacher is honestly so nice.

I sit next to a nerd, he's not hot but he's cute, he's really shy and quiet but I think it's just because he doesn't get much attention.

We have a sub today, he's literally just sitting at the desk and doing some kind of a puzzle. Here I am being bored just sitting here with the guy next to me doing the same. This is the perfect time to get to know him, I think he's name was Charlie.

"Hey, it's Charlie right?"

He instantly blushes, I'm guessing he doesn't have much experience talking to girls.

"Yeah, that's me" he mumbles.

"It's okay you know, I'm not gonna hurt you" I say giggling a little.

"Yeah I know" he replies smiling then goes back to just sitting.

I frown almost instantly, "so I don't see you around much" I say curiously.

"I'm in all of your classes" he says matter.of.factly.

I frown again then when I finally understand what he meant I blush Crimson.

"Sorry" I say awkwardly.

"That's fine, the female population doesn't usually notice me" he smiles, making a joke...and just like that, the awkward tension in the air had vanished and the remainder this class was no longer boring.


"Th-that d-Didn't actually h-h-happen" I laugh hysterically as Charlie tells me the story of how he tried to wash his cat in the washing machine when he was just a boy.

Charlie is so funny, he wasn't shy anymore after his 'joke', we have been talking all lesson and now we are now standing outside of my locker so we can go eat.

"That did happen" he smiles toothily.

"And then I tried to--"


And with that Charlie had left. I turned around to glare at Chase only to be met with he's signature smirk.

"You're such a dick" I say grumpily while shoving him and walking to the cafeteria, he quickly catches up to me and matches my pace.

"Awww princess" he says is mock sympathy.

"I liked Charlie, he was nice" I pout childishly.

"I would say sorry but really, I'm not" he said casually.

"Piss off" I whine

"Piss off" he mimics in a high pitched girls voice. I easily flip him off.

"Hey Chase" I ask cautiously, hoping not to make him mad, "who's Maria and Ava?" I whisper.

I feel him freeze, I turn around to meet his eyes, they were no longer laced with humour, they were so cold, if looks could kill I'd be 6 foot under.

I never really understood the meaning 'curiosity killed the cat' until right now, the glare he gave me made me want to run and hide. It was now I finally understood why everyone was so scared of Chase, why he was known as the baddest of all the 'bad boys'.

I didn't go and hide, even though I knew I should've, but instead, I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his torso mumbling 'I'm sorry'.

That surprised me a lot more than it surprised you!!!

It took him a while but he finally relaxed and wrapped he's arms around my waist.

"It's okay princess" he mumbles into my hair.

Here I am, Allison Rose Reynalds, good girl extraordinaire/straight A student was standing in the middle of Ashtonville high school hugging the bad boy.

"Come on princess I need to eat" Chase smiles...

Wow!!! And I thought he's smirk was hot...he's smile was the hottest feature of his body and if you had ever seen his body you would find it as hot as I do!!!


"Hey princess" Chase says nodding his head in my direction.

"Hmmm" I reply still chewing on my sandwich, on the very first day here I figured that the only edible food here are the fries so I started bringing my own lunch.

"We need to meet and get started on our project"

"Mmmm" I reply still enjoying my sandwich.

"Lets go to that classroom and relive the moment we first met, you can play the part of the girl!" he says with a pointed look while smirking.

"Mmmmmm" I reply, "wait...no you creep!!" I quickly correct myself blushing

Jacob laughs and then everyone else joined.

"Go away you sandwich-eating-spoilers"

"That's not even a thing" Jacob says.

"Sure it is" I reply.

"Anyway, Saturday night I'm hosting my very own, private party, and you all are the only people invited" Aiden says proudly while holding his head up.

I heard a chorus of I'm in and yeahs including my own and Bella.

"Woooooohhhh, party at mine" Aiden says dramatically as he stands up and does an attempt at a stereotypical girly kind of hip swing causing all of us to laugh at him.

"Fuck" Chase whispers loudly, "can't" he says simply while giving all the guys another kind of pointed look, the guys don't question it anymore, Bella doesn't notice anything strange.

"Why not" I ask casually.

"Stuff" he replies, or more like gruffs.

"What stuff" I push on.

"Just stuff...dammit Allison, just mind your own fucking business" Chase yells causing the whole cafeteria to look at what's got their favourite 'bad boy' in such a mood. I sit there looking guilty while Chase gets up, in the meantime causing his chair to tumble to the ground and storms out of the cafeteria.

FUCK!!! Why did offend him so much?!

"Shit" Jacob says under he's breath.

"Well that's stuffed" Damon replies simply, Damon hardly ever speaks, he's kind of the mysterious boy of the gang.

"I'll go" Dean says rolling he's eyes.

"NO" I shout, causing everybody to look at me in surprise and me to cower away from the sudden attention of my outburst.

"I mean" I say a lot more softly, instantly feeling my cheeks warm down, "I'll go, I caused it"

I really should go.

"Are you sure?" Jake asks.

"Yeah" his twin agrees.

"I'm sure" I nod and stand up slowly, feeling the nerves pit in the bottom of my stomach.

"I can go" Dean says sympathetically, making me even more determined to go.

"It's okay" I reply smiling as convincingly as I can manage. I start walking away slowly, knowing their undecided facial features are looking at me.

"Be careful" I hear Aiden say from the background.


"You'll be fine" Bella shouts.

I turn around and smile at her.

I walk out of the cafeteria into the deserted hallways of Ashtonville high and walk around a bit looking for Chase but instead bump Into a muscly chest.

"Sorry" I squeak.

"You alright there darl? You look like a girl on a mission" a guy said in a British accent.

I flinched again...HE had that exact same accent, I used to love it so much, it was one of my favourite features of him.


I smiled at him as convincingly as I could manage.

"Wow darl, looking a little pale" he said worriedly, something about the way he looked at me gave me chills, but any guy who gives me as much of a glance gives me the chills.

"Im fine, just looking for someone" I reply smiling a lot more convincingly, this guys was attractive, he had jet black hair with an eyebrow piercing and icy blue eyes.

"Well I'm new and wouldn't mind getting to know someone, want any help?"

I was about to politely decline when a voice cut me off.

"No need" it said in a rough voice.

"Chase" I breath out, turning around to be met with he's beautiful brown eyes, he was leaning against some randoms locker.

"Hey princess" he smirked.

Bipolar much?

"It seems you're right" the new guy said walking over to Chase and holding his hand out for him to shake, Chase just looked at it and soon enough 'new dude' pulled away.

"Ok then" he said awkwardly.

Chase glared at him long enough for him to look at me then start to walk away.

"By the way Ally, the names Harry" he said just as he walked away, I don't remember telling him my name??

"I'm so sorry Chase" I said looking at him, that's the second time today I have upset him.

"All good" Chase replied smiling a little.

"Who was that?" He asked me suddenly, he's tone was cold and icy.

"Harry" I replied smiling in triumph.

"The new guy?" He questions.

"Yep" I reply popping the P.

"And he already calls you Darl?" He asked smirking a little, but also a little annoyed?!

Is that even possible?

"You call me princess" I argue.

"And I know you" he states.

"Whatever" I say rolling my eyes, he's turning into half Caleb and half Blake.

"Well I'm skipping the rest of the day" he says casually them starts walking to the door.

"What why" I ask as I run to catch up to him.

"Gotta train for tommorow afternoon" he replies casually.

I look down for a moment thinking it over, "train for what" I ask looking up, but it's too late, he'd already gone.


I slowly trudge back to the cafeteria feeling extremely confused when I hear heels clanging on the ground.

I look up only to be pushed back up against the lockers by 2 girls, one looks happy to be doing it while the other looks kinda sympathetic.

"Look bitch, stay away from Chase, he's mine" says a familiar voice, I look away from the 2 girls pinning me against the lockers and to the source of the voice.

"Chealse?" I ask softly.

"Don't" she replies roughly.

"Don't what" I ask looking at my former best friend.

"Don't call me Chealse, you lost the right to that when Sophie died saving you, YOUR LIFE, you killed her ALLY" she shouted, spitting out the word 'Ally, "you killed her, your own cousin" she spat venomously, but I could easily see the grief behind her words.

"Chealse, I'm so sorry" I stared crying, she was my cousin, I loved her soo much, more than Chelsea did, she took me in when I was a alone and we all stuck together for ages.

"DON'T" she screeched.

"I'm so sorry, Chelsea, I'm so sorry" I sob, I can't even move thanks to her minions.

"It was your fault, all of it, if you just went straight to your stupid singing concert and wasn't an adventurous little brat like you always were, she still would be here, my best friend would be here, not dead" she shouted.

"Chelsea" I chocked.

"What" she shouted, by now we were both crying, the 2 other girls looked confused, the brunette, once again, looked sympathetic, while the red head looked like she couldn't care less.

"I'm so sorry" I whispered.

"Sorry doesn't cut it" she shouted as she kicks me in the ribs, I cower away on instinct but it still hurts as much as it always does, well used to.

I don't even scream, just cry harder, I deserve it all, everything Chelsea throws at me, everything HE did to me.

"Chealse, it's ok, let's go now" the brunette says softly as she releases me, I think it was Alana?

"Stay away from Chase you bitch, I don't need you taking someone else I love away from me" she spits then makes her way to the bathroom followed by her minions.

I just sit there, still crying, it is all my fault, she was right, she has a right to hate me.


I slowly walk up to my bedroom and lie on my bed, what a shit day, I didn't see Chelsea the rest of the day, Bella cheered me up a little but nothing too much, she can't when she doesn't even know the reason I was so upset.

I close my eyes and slowly open them, I sit up to get my phone when a sky blue envelope sitting on my desk catches my eye.

I walk over to it and study it, it looks fresh and my window is open, I don't remember leaving my window open.

I slowly open the envelope, sky blue, matching my favourite colour and tense instantly, I feel my self pale.

Hello there love,

Did you miss me?

Only he called me love,

Tyler did.


Hey guys....

Sorry about the wait but I'm overseas and have no wifi, I have wifi here but only works sometimes.

Love you all...

Plz vote and comment :)

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