Baby Scars, Darling || Koli

By kaedengalaxy

20.3K 1.1K 255

Note: This is badly written but read if you wish After being beaten near to death mercilessly by her family a... More

A Letter to My Readers
2019 Update


1.2K 78 32
By kaedengalaxy

Vic (well that's rare)

"Hey, Vic, when are we gonna meet your little sister?" Jaime asked me, my other friends nodding in agreement. We were all in my room, just Jaime, Justin, Aaron, Beau, Austin, Andy, Oli, Jinxx, Tony, Kalevi, Mike and I; but even though they were here all of the time, they had never met Kellin.

"I mean, I think I've seen her with those goth kids and that boy Jeffree and his family around school. She kinda adorable, like a hyperactive kitten," Beau says, earning a indignant meow from the other cat Snow, she seemed to be glaring at Beau. "Sorry Snow," Beau muttered, it was pretty obvious that Snow was practically human in a cat's body, and she was quite bossy whereas Onyx was down to earth.

"Is she the little black haired girl, the shortest girl in the entire school, with the bright blue eyes?" Austin asks, Mike and I nod. "Aw, she's a sweetheart. And ridiculously smart, she's in my literature and science class, the girl is a mini Einstein," He says, Aaron nodding while Oli just looked like he was thinking.

"Does she happen to have a long, thin scar covering her left cheek that goes from the corner of her mouth, like a half Chelsea Smile?" Oli asks, and I nod. Kellin had told me that her biological parents had done that, and from what Mama showed me in my sister's file from the orphanage, they were some twisted people.

"What's she like?" Andy asks. "Well, she's really short, only four foot eight and she's fifteen. She's really shy and quiet, poor thing has PTSD and a lot of health problems, but she's sweet," Mike says. "Well go get her!" Jaime demands and I get up, going to Kelin's room next door but I stop in the doorway. She was sitting in her bay window, Onyx resting at her feet and tears ran down her cheeks, but she was singing.

"Then I lost it all. Dead and broken, my back's against the wall. Cut me open. I'm just trying to breathe, just trying to figure it out. Because I built these walls to watch them crumbling down. I said, then I lost it all. And who can save me now?" She sang, lifting a pale hand to wipe away tears. "Did you know that they tried to kill me? I was two and my father whipped me, drenching me in cold water before burying me in the snow. If it wasn't for my neighbors finding me, I would've died from blood loss and hypothermia," Kellin said quietly, her sudden talking making me jump in surprise.

"I never realized how much they didn't love me until I came here. It's messed up, isn't it?" Kellin spits, surprising me with her sudden anger- Kellin was the most level headed out of the siblings and it was kind of scary seeing her so pissed. "But, I like being with you guys. If they- if they find me, you won't give me back will you?" She asked, and I can see how vulnerable she was in that moment- Kellin was legitimately terrified of her biological parents finding her.

Walking over to her, I hug her tightly, kissing the top of her head as she clutched my shirt in her small hands. To be honest, when I find out my parents were adopting, I thought it would be a girl who was stuck up and mean, but Kellin was no where near that. She was so sweet and innocent, I couldn't ask for a better sister.

Catching her off guard, Kellin squeaked in surprised when I threw her over my shoulder, carrying her next door to my room. "Put me down, Victor!" She protested, kicking her little legs as I opened the door and walked into my room, setting her back down on her feet. My sister scowled at me, but she looked like a pissed off bunny, it was adorable.

"Guys, this is Kellin, my little sister. Kellin, this is Justin, Aaron, Beau, Austin, Andy, Oli, Jinxx, Kalevi, and Jaime," I say, introducing Kellin who was turning bright pink when Oli winked at her. "She's so cute!" Andy cooed, running over and picking up Kellin, spinning her around in a hug; the guys and I laughed when she flushed bright red.


I was quite surprised to find out that the little beauty I ran into that day was Kellin Fuentes. Now that we were in the same room, I noticed that she was wearing a large black sweater with shorts, black thigh high socks with a white cross on the front covered her small body; it was so cute. A light gray beanie covered her dark locks, small, dark and cute, I liked that.

" 'Ello there love. So you're a Fuentes huh?" I ask here, chuckling when she blushes a little, nodding her head. "Quit hard to believe that. You're so much more calm than them, and you're shorter than Vic," I tease, and Kellin looks at me with a playful glare.

"I am not short. Everyone else, especially Austin and Andy, decided to grow," Kellin protested, pouting when Austin and Andy made her stand up next to them. "Awe it's okay Kells, you're short and it's adorable," Austin says, making Kellin pour more- it was so cute how she denied being short.

In all honesty, I had developed a crush on the youngest Fuentes. I was going to ask her out tomorrow at school, but I guess today would be better and she was now sitting next to me. "Kellin, will you go out with me tomorrow?" I whisper in her ear, and she nods, blushing madly while playing with her fingers.

Looks like it was me and her at six.

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