Baby Scars, Darling || Koli

By kaedengalaxy

20.3K 1.1K 255

Note: This is badly written but read if you wish After being beaten near to death mercilessly by her family a... More

A Letter to My Readers
2019 Update


1.1K 74 5
By kaedengalaxy


"Okay Kellin, I need you to open your mouth really wide," my doctor says me, using a penlight to observe my vocal cords which were nearly healed completely. No one had really ever hear of this but I am in speech therapy, this one is MAV or Mute to Active Voice which helps people who have damaged vocal cords. Right now, they were checking to see if I'd be able to talk again, my last results showed that my vocal cords were able to work for talking, but to make sure I wasn't allowed to make any noise for two weeks which was awful because I can't sing the female parts in any of Pierce's songs. Both Vic and I pouted for a full three days, the vocalists gotta stick together.

"Okay Ms. Quinn, it looks like you are completely healed. You do have faint scarring on your tonsils and uvula but none of that is life threatening. You are now allowed to speak, but be careful," my doctor, Dr. Martin, says kindly and I smile. Finally! After all this time, I'd be able to speak and then I'd could talk to all of my friends.

Practically running out into the waiting area, I bounced excitedly waiting for Mama to get to the car and then dragged everyone in the house to the living room. Like me, Mama was smiling widely before announcing the big news. "Dr. Martin said that our little mija can finally start speaking again! Her vocal cords are fully operational!" Mama, her Irish accent growing thicker with excitement.

I squeaked in surprise when I was tackle hugged by Vic, Mike and Papa, being pinned by two short Mexicans and a giraffe is not what I planned to happen but I love them anyways. "G-get off!" I yell hoarsely, but then Mama joins in this love fest. "C-an't b-breathe!" I gasped before the let me go, well, except Mike, he threw me over his shoulder and spinning me around. "L-Let me down you g-giraffe!" I squealed, hitting him in the shoulder when he puts me down. "You're voice is so high, it's higher than Matty's!" Vic laughed, to which Mama smack him upside the head with. I can't wait to tell my friends!


I rushed into Jeffree's house, knowing that everyone was meeting up to go to Riverfest. I giggled when they all screamed, Johnny, Chris, Kat and Ash glaring at me playfully while Jeffree swatted at my arm- everyone else just looked spooked. "Okay, you never smile this much, spill the beans Kelly," Ghost says, yanking me down so that I was sitting on his lap but I was so excited.

"Frowning w-will make you look older J-Johhny!" I giggled, squeaking when I felt myself being captured in the arms of my friends, Ghost hugging me harder since we got along. "YOU SPOKE OMG LET'S GO SHOPPING THIS IS A SPECIAL OCCASION WE ARE GOING TO CELEBRATE!" Jeffree and Jayy screamed together, grabbing me and carrying me to the car.

Let's just say that I might need a new vanity and closet from how much makeup and clothes I got. But Chris and Ash taught me how to draw my eyebrows on so yay, finally.

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