Infinite - Jake T. Austin Lov...

By forevermaralee

140K 1.9K 1.2K

Lara Estrada, a simple teenaged girl, lives in Alaska. She is quiet, maintains a good reputation, and a littl... More

1: A Summer Home
2: Unexpected
3: Sonic
4: Soup
5: Lipstick
6: Glasses
7: Shortcut
8: Stain
9: Chocolate
10: Drink
11: Sand
12: Cup
13: Bedtime
14: Clip
15: Sleepy
16: Awkward
17: Today
18: Ever Since Day One
19: Klutz
20: Pancakes
21: More
22: Hidden
23: Film
24: Confusion
25: Liars
26: Crazy
27: Truth
28: Over
29: Tension
30: Unwanted
31: Near but Far
32: Switch
33: Revealed
34: Promise
35: Ice Cream
36: Mousetrap
37: Technology is Essential
38: Charms
39: Weights
40: Quarrels
41: Spilled Mess
42: See the Light
43: Unnoticed
44: Sudden
45: Fears
46: Fearful
47: Reminder
48: Prepared
49: Back
50: Reunite

51: Start

355 11 3
By forevermaralee

51: Start

"Are you serious?" A laugh escapes my lips, my palms covering my mouth as I try to maintain the peace and orderliness inside the building. There's a few people around us, so I don't want to cause any unwanted attention - especially since Jake is here. He nods, "Does it look like I'm joking?" He takes a fry, biting it before he continues to laugh with me. We've been at Village Inn for about an hour now, enjoying each other's company. "Why would you -" I try to string my sentences together, "It's just -" I sigh, "How does the Jake T. Austin slip into a swimming pool." "Like I said," his eyes reflect nothing but joy, "It was the dog. It wouldn't leave me alone, so I had no other choice but to run." I roll my eyes, "I mean, you could've not ran near the pool - that's an option," I try to sound sarcastic, but the smile overcoming my face makes it difficult to do so.

"Sir," a middle-aged man brings back our check, the change inside, "Thank you for coming. Have a safe night." My smile falters a little, knowing that our night is almost over, but I try not to make it too obvious in front of him. Jake takes hold of the small, receipt holder, giving him a kind smile in return, "Thank you. The food was amazing," before the man leaves to attend to other tables. He focuses his attention on me as I vaguely stare at the man, picking up glasses and plates, cleaning tables, and speaking to other customers. "You ready to go?" His left hand squeezes my right hand from across the table. I nod, and he continues his sentence, "We'll just continue the conversation in the car."

Jake and I stay in his car until half past twelve before I realize the time. "Can you drop me home?" I ask. His smile lightens up, and I have to ask why, "What? Is there something on my face?" He shakes his head, "No, it's just - it's been so long since I was able to do this." "Jake, I think you're going crazy," I giggle, and he takes our intertwined hands and kisses the back of my left hand, "I'll say it once, I'll say it twice - it's because I'm crazy for you." Hearing him say that causes a plethora of emotions to run inside my veins; all the endless FaceTime conversations, all the text messages, all the late night calls: were worth it.

I give him the directions to my home, pointing at what point to turn and what streets to stop at. Then, I lift my phone a few inches away from his face, making sure the sound is on as I click a photo while his eyes train ahead of him, a small grin curved upon his lips, "Don't look at me like that - you're distracting me." He places his hand on top of mine, and I place my free hand on top of both hands intertwined, "I feel complete when I'm with you." A few more minutes go by, and the car slows down to a stop as I see my home - no lights turned on.

"They must be at work," I blankly state, letting go of his hand, "When am I gonna see you again?" Instead of answering, he removes his seatbelt and runs to my side, opening the door for me and letting me out, "How about we go on a date in a few hours?" I pretend to think about it, leaning against the car to show that I'm processing his statement, "Maybe." "I'm taking that as a yes. Do you want me to pick you up?" He opens the back passenger door, pulling out my bags. I shake my head, "I'll meet you at my school. I have to get a few things before meeting up with you," I state, remembering the written list of materials on the refrigerator door. He seems hesitant, but agrees. "Which window is connected to your room?" He looks up, his finger counting the amount of windows. I gently hold onto his wrist, guiding him to point at the far left window, "That one." He chuckles, "It seems like I can't climb up your window this time."

I giggle with him, before grabbing my bags, "You'll figure something out."


Laying on my bed, I ponder on what just happened tonight. He's here. Jake is here. I hear my phone vibrate, and jolting up, I quickly slide it open without even noticing who's calling me at this time of night. It must be Jake.

"Hello, Ja -"

"Hey, Lara. I was just wondering - uhm - where'd you go?" He cuts me off before I can say Jake's name; His voice seems worried, and I have completely forgotten that Jayce was suppose to be my ride after the performance. "Oh my gosh," I palm my forehead, "I'm so sorry. I completely forgot that you were waiting for me at school after the performance. I'm so sorry, Jayce." "It's okay. I asked one of the choreographers if they checked you off for dismissal, so I went home instead. I just wanted to make sure you got home safely," his voice seems off, but maybe it's the worry getting to him. "Yea, I'm home. I went to eat out after the performance," I inform him, hopefully easing his agitated state. "Oh, with who?"

"You won't believe it, but I was with Jake," I can't help but smile as I say that, my heart skipping a beat knowing that Jake actually came - he came to my performance, he came here - he came to Alaska. The line goes silent, and I remove the phone from my ear to see if he hung up, "Hello? Jayce?" I place my phone back on my ear, "You there?" "Oh, I see. Uhm - well - I'm glad you were able to be with him tonight," his voice echoes through the line. There is a slight pause, but then he connects his thoughts, "Well, I'm off to bed, Lara. I just finished my part for our chemistry extra credit assignment. Good night and sweet dreams."

"Oh, okay... Good night, Jayce," he seems tired, his voice raspier than usual, "We'll definitely get an A on that assignment," trying to end on a positive note. He must be exhausted. I did my part of the assignment a few days back, but I remember knocking out almost immediately because that extra credit was so tedious.

"Good night."

Point of View: Jacob Christopher Camareno

I hang up the phone, plugging it into the charger as I rest my head on my mattress, covering my face with a pillow. Out of all weeks, he decides to come now during finals week. Her voice was so happy, so joyous and full of felicity, but I can't seem to mimic that gladness. I mean - I try to think of why Jake shouldn't be here right now, but hearing her sound so joyous, it makes all of the negatives disappear. I'm numb, but at the same time - I'm not. It's as if I got something removed, and anesthesia was injected all throughout my body; however, I can vaguely feel the pain that is occurring.

"Hey," I remove my pillow from my head, "You awake?" Immediately, I see his body slip into my room, approaching the bed. I sit up, knowing that he'll want to talk to me at this time of night. "You seem stressed," he chuckles, patting my back. I shake my head, "I'm just tired." "How come?" He questions, his eyes focused on me. I'm exhausted. Physically and emotionally. From daily basketball practices, to running errands, to waking up early for school every single day, to my heart beating for her rather than for mine. It pains me to know that I'm just a friend, but I rather be what we are now, because it means she trusts me enough to be this close in her life. I love Lara so much, but it can't be like that. Not everyone gets that fairytale happy ending in which you get the girl of your dreams - your best friend - and you both live happily ever after. I pause, remembering what she had told me. "From basketball. I -" thinking, I try to incorporate Lara into my lie, knowing that he fully trusts me with everything I say, " - well, I don't get to see Lara too often. I rather be with her than play, but she wouldn't let me do that. I mean - she's there to cheer me on, but we don't spend enough time together."

His head tilts back, as if he is processing my words, thinking of something to say; I shouldn't really speak to him about Lara, but right now, I feel my mind needing to let this out, to let out some of the emotional pain welling up in my body. "Why don't you take her out tomorrow?" He nudges my stomach, "Like on a date." A smile curves upon his lips, "I mean you don't have practice tomorrow, so you're free." I shake my head, knowing that she'll be with Jake, but he doesn't need to know that. "She has errands to run tomorrow, and I'm pretty sure she wasn't able to finish her homework since she had performances this whole weekend. She'll be completely booked," I lay my head back on my pillow, looking up at him.

He sighs, "Well, I mean it is your decision," he shrugs, "Or you can just study with her - like a study date. I think you should just try things out. If not tomorrow, maybe on Monday." He ruffles my hair before standing up, turning off the lights and exiting my room. As soon as he leaves, I cover my face with the pillow again, trying my best to soothe the pain I feel. I wish it were easier to remove the emotions I have for her - to extract the butterflies in my stomach one by one, but it's impossible. She's left a mark on me - as if tattooed as soon as she came into my life. A tear trickles down my cheek. It hurts so much being so close to her, but feeling like we're planets apart. I have to protect her. Even though it is just to cover up what Quinn did - I need to keep this in mind. Quinn traumatized her, but he doesn't even know I know, yet he acts like nothing has happened. If this is what will keep her happy, I'm fine.

I'll be fine.

Or will I.


I sit in my car, checking the time once more.

7:23 AM

I should get going, but instead, I've sat in my seat, scrolling through my phone. Then, a notification pops up interrupting me from liking a photo on Instagram. I click on it, a photo with a text beneath it.

*Where are you?*

A photo of our locker pops up onto the screen, books lined up against the little shelf she stacked inside our space. Lara is by our lockers, waiting for me. Usually, I walk with her to her class, but here I am sitting in my vehicle, not wanting to face the winter snow attacking my skin. That, and I haven't felt well ever since Saturday night. *I'm coming - Just found parking. Start walking to class. I'll catch up.* I type it, putting a smile after my final sentence to make it lighthearted. I grab my book bag from the passenger seat, resting it on my shoulder before exiting out of my car and locking it. The snow continues to blanket the roads, covering me in the process. By the time I make it to the door, my arms are covered with a thin layer of flakes. Checking my watch, I realize I have four minutes to get to class. I stomp my feet on the carpet, making sure my shoes are somewhat dry before I rush down the halls. I move pass all the students waving by, a blur of the population greeting me a good morning as I bolt down the hallway in search of Lara. Soon enough, I see her, slowing down my pace until I reach her side.

"Good morning," trying to catch my breath, I follow her at her speed. In shock, her eyes widen before speaking up, "Woah, that was quite an entrance, Jayce," she playfully uses her body to push me against the locker, but it isn't as effective since I've been working out with the other players after school. Then, as soon as she does, a hint of worry alters her facial expression, "You didn't wear a jacket outside?" She didn't even wait until we had time to sit down in our first class - she immediately took note of my sleeveless arms, some liquid drying since it's snowing, "You know you could get sick if you don't wear one," she adjusts her bag to the front, pulling out a handkerchief in one of the pockets before wiping my arm. I unconsciously stare at her as we continue walking, unaware of my surroundings as she absorbs the liquid onto the piece of cloth. "I'll be fine, Lara. I'm usually covered in sweat after games anyways," I do not make a gesture to get out of her grip, but I needed to make sure she knows that I'll be okay.

She sighs, "Jayce," stopping in her tracks, "Don't," putting her finger to my lips signaling me to stop talking. A grin curves onto my face as she does so, causing her to remove her finger and entering our calculus room. We make our way to our seats, quizzing each other on the equations and formulas we learned throughout the semester. Today's our final, and from the way Lara is answering me, she is definitely ready. "I thought you told me you're struggling," I nudge her softly; in reply, she rolls her eyes, leaning her cheek onto her fist and looks away. "I did a lot of studying last night," she mumbles, her voice cheery and bright. She's usually never this happy when she talks about staying up late, but what's different? "You seem like you're bursting with energy right now," I point out, but before I can complete my sentence, her eyes look into mine, "Is that a bad thing?"

Was there something in my voice she caught onto? Was I sarcastic when I was speaking to her? I analyze my sentences in my mind, trying to figure out what I just did, but before I can, Lara starts giggling, her eyes altering from the deadpan state, "I'm kidding, Jayce. I'm just ready to get done with all these finals." Oh. I must be overanalyzing what's going on, even though we're not in literature yet. That's are next period.

The bell rings, and our first test commences. It's a 50-question multiple choice test with ten free response questions. After about an hour, Lara finishes, walking up to the front desk and placing her bubble sheet, free response answers, and test on top. Being me, I try to finish as soon as possible, but it seems harder than before. My mind goes completely blank at some parts, so it takes me a bit longer to finish. I complete everything twenty minutes later, with a minute to spare before the bell rings. After placing my papers on the desk, I return to my seat, noticing Lara has completely knocked out on her desk with her phone faced down next to her. I tap her shoulder, trying to awake her, and in response, she jolts up, unaware of her surroundings. I stifle my laugh, realizing how adorable she is, and she flips her phone and checks the time, but also being welcomed by a text message from this angle. She grabs her bag, "Let's go," she smiles, standing up before the bell rings, and exits as soon as the ringing sound commences. I follow behind her, the halls crowded with students blocking my way.

"Excuse me," I repeat over and over throughout the crowd, before standing next to her again. Her focus is on her cellular device, so I stay quiet as we walk side by side. We enter our next class, sitting down next to each other. After sending a text, she places her phone back in her bag before pulling out her papers full of notes for this test. "You ready to overanalyze?" I pull out my highlighters and pens for the essay portion, and she answers, "Definitely," before glancing at the clock.

Half of the day goes by, three tests completed in two and a half hours. I slide a note to Lara, knowing we're not allowed to talk after we're done with our tests. She reads it, but before passing back the note, the teacher calls out her name. "Lara, you're wanted at the office." I look at her, and she seems as confused as me. She wraps her fingers around her bag, pushing in her chair before leaving the class. "It looks like you've got yourself a keeper," Mason whispers, causing me to turn. He smirks, and in return, I punch his shoulder. I check the time, seeing that there's still ten minutes of class left, so instead of staying in class, I ask our teacher if Mason and I can leave to talk to our coach.

We exit the class, walking down the hall. "Why do you think she got called down?" Mason asks, our steps echoing down the hall. "I don't know," I worry - not knowing why they'd be calling her down - unless it's for a scholarship application form, "You want to check it out?" He agrees, but before we can make it to the office, he leaves me saying he'll meet me at the office because he needs to use the restroom. I continue walking, checking the time again.

I make my way down to the office, seeing Lara exit. Before I can run towards her, I see who is right behind her, making me freeze in my spot.

Are you fucking kidding me. I check the time, he's really here. He couldn't have waited until the end of the day.



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