The Tales of Black I (Origina...

By pr3ttykittycat

4.2K 134 22

I never thought my life would be difficult because of my parents. I mean, I already lived with my aunt and un... More

Chapter Two: The Sorting
Chapter Three: First Day
Chapter Four: The Twins
Chapter Five: the Mirror of Erised
Chapter Six: Pup
Chapter Seven: Crazy Bum
Chapter Eight: Quidditch
Chapter Nine: December
Chapter Ten: Christmas
Chapter Eleven: Brains vs. Brawn
Chapter Twelve: End of the Year
Re-writing Tales of Black!

Chapter One: The First Meetings

1K 25 12
By pr3ttykittycat

[Chapter One]

          “Dear Miss Black,

          We are please to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.”

I looked up to my Aunt Andromeda and Uncle Ted, whom both wore smiles on their faces.

“I’m going to Hogwarts now?” I asked, and they nodded.

“About time, too, you have no clue how long I’ve waited for you to be out of the house,” said Uncle Ted.

“Now, Teddy, don’t tease her!” scolded Aunt Andromeda. She turned to me. “Tomorrow we’ll go out to Diagon Ally to get your school stuff.”

“Deep breaths,” I told myself as I dragged my things behind me and tried to find an empty compartment. Several more minutes of this, and I finally found one and sighed with relief. I shoved my stuff into the corner and sat down.

Students of multiple ages ran either ways down the corridors, but I stayed put. A familiar platinum blond boy walked past my window on the platform and he noticed me, the signature smirk across his lips.

I groaned and hit my head against the window with a groan. It was only a matter of time now.

Sure enough, a few moments later, the blond boy came into the compartment and set in front of me.

“Hello, cousin,” he said with fake cheerfulness.

“Hello, Draco,” I said darkly, “I see your mum and dad has told you about me.”

“Why wouldn’t they?” Draco asked curiously. “Just because you’re living with the blood traitor doesn’t mean you can’t live up to your mother’s expectations.”

“In case you haven’t notice, Draco, my mother is in Azkaban!” I exclaimed, still furious that he was here.

He waved his hand and muttered, “Doesn’t make a difference.” Looking out the window, then back at me, he asked, “You plan to be in Slytherin?”

Glaring at him, I shook my head. “With you? I don’t think so!”

“So you want to be in Gryffindor, then?” His grey eyes pierced through mine.

I snorted. “Those reckless fools? I think not! No, I want to be in Ravenclaw.”

Draco just stared at me, dumbfounded.

“Why Ravenclaw?” He wrinkled his nose in disgust.

“A wit beyond measure is a man’s greatest treasure,” I told him confidently. “Now, if all you’re going to do is insult my choices, get out!”

He rolled his eyes and stood up. “Even if I wanted to, I’d still leave,” he drawled.

With that, he left, leaving me annoyed to a great extent.

I guess it’s the point in the story where I tell you who I am. My name is Lucille Black. I am the daughter of Rodolphus and Bellatrix Lestrange. Not long after I was born, my parents were sent to Azkaban for the torture to insanity of Frank and Alice Longbottom. In all honesty, I wasn’t proud of my parents at all. In fact, I was ashamed. I didn’t want to be anything like them at all; I was trying my best to succeed with that.

Not long after, a girl with busy hair followed by a boy with a round face, both also lugging Hogwarts trunks, knocked on the door.

“Do you mind if we sit in hear?” the girl asked, her tone of voice making it clear that she was a bit bossy.

“No, go ahead,” I said.

The girl came in and set her trunk next to mine and I helped to put the boy’s along with them.

“I’m Hermione Granger,” said the girl. I noticed she had slightly overlarge front teeth. “And this is Neville Longbottom. Are you a first year, too?”

I hesitated. Longbottom?

“Yes, I-I’m Lucille Black,” I managed. I took another glance to Neville before gazing out the window. I had barely noticed the train just beginning to move. There were parents and grandparents waving the kids on the train. I saw my Aunt and Uncle and waved.

“So, Lucille, what house do you want to be in?” Hermione asked me. “I personally think that Gryffindor would suit me best. But I do suppose Ravenclaw wouldn’t be too bad.”

“I want to be in Ravenclaw,” I told her, hoping this conversation would end.

“That’s good. What about you, Neville?”

“I really don’t know. My Gran says I should be in Gryffindor, though,” said Neville, stuttering over a few words here and there.

“That’s good,” said Hermione.

“Oh no,” Neville groaned. I looked over at him and he was searching around himself for something.

“What is it, Neville?” Hermione asked.

“I lost Trevor again! He’s my toad,” he explained.

“We can look for him in a bit,” she told him. “After the trolley comes, we’ll go.”

The train ride was long, and shortly after the old lady with the trolley full of sweets came buy (each of us buying a small amount of goodies), we all changed into our school robes, and the other two filed out in search of Trevor. Draco made a short visit, accompanied by two thug-like boys before leaving again. And so I was left alone one last time before the two returned. Hermione was just in and out of the corridor, disappearing for minutes at a time. I found it easy to speak with Neville, as he seemed just as afraid as I did. As much as I wanted to be in Ravenclaw, I couldn’t help but wonder what any other of the house would be like. I could see myself in Slytherin, where I figured Draco would make his mark as king and me his backup girl. It was hard to picture myself in Gryffindor, thanks to my parentage. Bravery wasn’t my thing either. I had the courage of a mouse. Now, Hufflepuff seemed to be a bit not in my standards, as rude as that may sound.

“Lucille, the train’s slowing down,” Neville said, putting a stop to my constant mind wandering.

And indeed, the train was coming to a stop and Hermione rushed through the door. At a complete stop, we filed out, joining a group of students on the platform.

There was a large man (Hagrid, I guessed, from Uncle Ted’s description) holding a lantern and calling for the first years. He led the group of us first years (around forty of us) down a narrow and narrow path. As we walked, I slowed myself a little so Neville and Hermione would walk ahead of me and I could fall into step with Draco. Neither of us said anything as the path opened up into a small clearing before a great, shining lake.

“No more than four to a boat!” Hagrid called.

I somehow found myself in the same boat as Draco and his two thugs, who I had learned were Crabbe and Goyle. On the small wooden bench in the boat, I sat side-by-side with Draco. I was suddenly much more happy to have him then I did on the train. His presence was oddly comforting.

I swallowed, seeing the large castle, and my heart pounded in my chest. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Draco turn his face to me, lips pressed into a firm line.

“Are you scared?” he asked under his breath so Crabbe and Goyle couldn’t hear.

I nodded.

“Me too.”



There is the first chapter to the Tales of Black. :3

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