
By varzanic

1M 51.2K 10.6K

Raja's people are cursed. They struggle to fight off the demons that emerge from the Devil's Lair and drag vi... More

Beloved (boyxboy)
Chapter one No
Chapter two: Predator becomes the Prey
Chapter three: Drag me to Hell
Chapter four: The Devil's Lair
Chapter five: Bite Me
Chapter six The General
Chapter seven Satan's Collar
Chapter eight: A Long Day
Chapter nine Good Morning
Chapter ten: A Heart of Diamonds
Chapter eleven: Friends With God
Chapter twelve: Expectations of a Pet
Chapter thirteen Hair Cut
Chapter fourteen: Helix
Chapter fifteen A Little Man in a Big Man's World
Chapter sixteen: Man of my Word
Chapter seventeen Just Like Him
Chapter eighteen Nina to the Rescue
Chapter nineteen An Old Friend
Chapter 20: No Bitting
Chapter 21: Giving In
Chapter 22 Replaced
Chapter 23: I Love the Devil
Chapter 25: Middle of the Lake
Chapter 26 By MySelf
Chapter twenty-seven Archery Practise
Chapter 28 Pushed Over the Edge
Chapter 29 To Make Matters Worse
Chapter 30 Bear Trap
Chapter 31 Your Mine
Chapter 32: Warrior Ceremony
Chapter 33: Bang
Chapter 34: Infectious Good Bye

Chapter 24: My Beloved

23.4K 1.3K 223
By varzanic

Chapter 24

My Beloved

“The elders have decided,” said my father. “The demon will be put to death at dusk.”

I didn’t look up from my bowl as I sat by the fire. 

“It’s been decided, Raja. You need to get past this. You’re home now. Where you belong with us.” He reached my knee. 

I moved away from him and remained silent.

The door swung open, and Azuka entered. “Raja.”

Keeping my head lower, I didn’t respond.

“Let’s go. It’s time you fulfilled your pledge to Zev.” He looped his hand under my arm and brought me to my feet. “You belong to him now.” My brother took me out of the hut and marched me to Zev’s home. 

Neema was sitting outside grinding flour with the baby laying on a blanket. She gave us a smile. 

“Where’s Zev?” asked Azuka, pushing me forward.

“Inside, would you like me to get him?”

“No.” He motioned to me. “Go on Raja. This is where you belong. You’re apart of his family now.”

Staring at him, I just stood there, which caused my brother to tension.

Neema quickly stood and brushed off her hand. “I haven’t welcome you back yet.” She hugged me. “We are all thankful that you are safe.” With her arm around me, she led me to the door. She opened it and ushered me inside. 

I stood just inside the door as it as closed behind me. 

Zev sat in the middle of the hut, appearing to be in deep thought. “Azuka said he was going to bring you over. I guess, it’s time thing returned to how they used to be.”

Bowing my head, I bit my lip. Thing would never be how they used to be. I had seen and learned to much in Helix. The general had changed me. I couldn’t go back to my old self even if I wanted to. 

“We’ll find a way to make it work.” He tossed a leather sheath for a knife to the side. 

Something was wrong with him. I walked over and picked it up. I untied the flap and pulled out a nicely carved handle. “I never seen this before.”

Zev didn’t look at me. “It was a present.” He held out his hand.

Putting the blade back in its casing, I pressed the blade to my chest. “The day I returned. I saw you with Nyko.”

“I was ending it properly,” he stated firmly. “I have you now, that’s all I need.” He snatched the leather pouch away from me. 

I watched him trace the design. Looking around the hut, I found a similar pattern painted or burned into hides. “You love him.”

Zev cocked an eyebrow. “It’s all in the past now. The little time we spent together, he was just trying to be you anyways.”

“I’m could make anything like this,” I touched the leather sheath. “I didn’t even know Nyko could.”

“He learned. He was lonely after you were taken,” breathed Zev. “It was a way to keep his mind off things.” He stood and walked over to a stack of supplies. “I’ll give it back to him. When he find his true beloved, Nyko can give it to him.”

Rising to my feet, I went over to him and touched his arm. “Zev, you love him.”

“Enough!” He hurled the knife across the room. “It’s over. It’s been decided. I chose you, and I will stand by my decision. Nyko understood this. He always understood this, that why he tried so hard-”

“He not me though,” I stated. “And well maybe that why you love him.” I wandered over to a stack of blanket and sat down. “We don’t love each other Zev. I have a feeling we never did. I was the youngest son of the chief and you were the village’s greatest warrior, I guess we both thought we were supposed to be together.”

“We are,” he said firmly.

“All the time we spend together, all I heard was orders. Forbidding me from doing this and that. I hated it, but I admired you so much that I tried to obey.” I looked over at him to see he was still tense. “I bet you never had to do that with Nyko.”

“Nyko has never want to be a warrior. He was happy staying here with Neema and helping her with the baby.” He touched one of the hides hanging on the wall. “I don’t understand why your trying to help the person who told on you. If Nyko hadn’t gone to your father, you would’ve been able to escape with the man.”

I climbed to my feet and picked up the discarded knife as I walked over to him. “If I had been in Nyko’s position I would’ve done the same thing. Two years ago, I would have never let my best friend be taken away by the devil.”

Zev faced me and cupped my cheek. His fingers traced the design on the side of my head. “Nyko said the man beat you. That he hurt you, and forced you to have sex with him. That why he could let you go back.”

“Is that what you were talking about?”

Zev nodded and let his hand drop. “I was mad at him. I found him sobbing behind the huts.” He let out a deep breath. “I yelled at him for being so stupid. I wanted you to go back with the man rather than give Nyko up.”

I grabbed his hand and place the blade into it. “Then don’t. Release me.”

“I can’t.” He clutched the leather sheath tightly in his hand. “To give up the chief’s son for an orphan, who willingly forgo his coming of age. It would be embarrassment. The elders would be outrage.”

“Compared to being miserable with someone who hates you.”

His eyes met mine.

“If Tobias is killed, I’ll blame you. I never forgive you for it.”

“I can’t release you if you’re just going to run to him.” Zev throw his hand down. “It can’t be done.”

“You’re letting your pride get away of being with the person you actually love. All just to spite Tobias.”

“He’s a demon Raja. He’s not from our world.”

“Neither were our ancestors!” 

We both fell silent. 

Zev ran his hands down his face and studied the dagger in his hand. “You love him then. This isn’t just a spell, dark magic he’s placed on you.”

“They don’t have magic,” I folded my arms. “Just technology.”

He sighed. “You’ve grown up over these past years.” He put his arm around my shoulder. “I still care about you Raja.”

“Like a little brother though.”

Rubbing my shoulder, he nodded. “I guess it seems like that.”

Grabbing his arm, I removed it from my shoulder and put his hand on the knife. “Take care of him. I think he loves you just as much.”

Sucking in his lips, he took a deep breath. “Raja, I release you from your oath. You’re free to choose another.”

“Thank you.” I throw my arms around his neck. “Thank you Zev. Thank you so much.” Releasing him, I ran to the door.


I stopped and looked back at him. 

“Thanks.” He glanced down at the knife. “He really does mean a lot to me, and I hope you’d still be friend with him. Nyko does really think a lot about you, and he just wanted to keep you safe.”

Opening the door, I smiled. “Don’t worry. I understand why he did it.” 

I raced out of the hunt, startling Neema. 

“Raja?” she called after me.

I didn’t stop and plotted a direct course to the lake. I flew through the village, trying not to crash into anyone that was walking past. The lake and hut came into view. I skidded to a stop as the hut came into view. 

Azuka stepped out with his arms folded. “It’s been decided, Raja. There’s no reason for you to be here. Go back to Zev.”

I glanced past him, trying to catch a glimpse of Tobias.


I flinched and looked up my brother. “I just want to say goodbye.”

Azuka shook his head. “No. Go back to Zev.” He pointed up the hill.

“Knock if it off Azuka.” Cavan walked through the trees. “The least you could do is let Raja say goodbye.”

“He’s a demon. Stop acting like that thing is human.”

“Please,” I begged. “It’s not like I can do anything.” I glanced around a the surrounding warriors. “I just want to see him. One last time please.”

My eldest brother ground his teeth. “Fine. Make it quick.” He stepped to the side. 

I hurried past and ran to Tobias. He didn’t look as calm and happy as yesterday.

“Hey,” he said softly.

I cupped his face. “It’s going to be okay.”

“It’s fine Raja. I’m prepared.”

Tears filled my eyes, and I wrapped my arms around him.

“Hurry up Raja,” growled Azuka from the door.

I leaned in close to Tobias me. “Ask me to be yours.”

He jerked back and gave me a confused look. “What?”

“Ask me,” I said, feeling my heart begin to pound. 

“That’s long enough. Let’s go.” Azuka grabbed me and pulled me off the general. 

“Tobias!” I scratched at his hands.

He wrapped his hands around my waist. “Knock it off Raja.”

“Ask me! Ask me!” 

My brother carried me to the door.

“Raja!” stated Tobias in a firm voice that made every stop to listen. “Raja, will you be mine? Will you pledge yourself to me?”

Tears of happiness hit me. “Yes. Yes I pledged myself to you. I swear my life to you.” I was dropped to the ground. I quickly crawled over to the general and place my forehead against his.

“You can’t do this!” snapped Azuka. “You belong to Zev.” He looked around the group for answers. “Find him! Find Zev now.”

“I’m already here Azuka.” Zev walked through the gathering of warriors that stood outside. Nyko was pressed into his side.

“What is this?” My eldest brother motioned to us.

“I released Raja. I found someone else and,” he looked over at me, “so did he.” He rubbed Nyko’s arm and gave him a smile. 

Azuka let out a anger cry and drew his knife. “I won’t allow this. My brother will not be bonded to this monster.”

“It’s done,” said Cavan, leaning on the door frame. “The pledge has been made and we must honor it.”

The muscles in Azuka’s arms bulged. He lifted his knife and threw it at the ground. Without a word, he stormed form the hut.

“Come on Nyko. Let’s leave them alone.” Zev exited the hut and the others followed.

I quickly grabbed the blade and cut Tobias free. 

He rubbed his wrists. “Mind telling me what just happened.”

I felt into his chest. “Zev release me from my pledge, so I’m free to find another lover.”

The general wrapped his arms around me and kissed my head. “Does that mean I’m your beloved now?”

Sitting up, I smiled. “Yep, and that makes you an adopted member of the tribe. We don’t believe in executions of tribesmen.

He sighed, rubbing his throat. “Well I guess it better then your brother cutting my throat.” Moving me off him, he slowly got to his feet. 

I grabbed his arm and helped him up as his muscles adjusted. 

“Am I going to be banished?”

“They’d have to banish me too.” I wrapped my arms around his waist. “My father and brother would never let me be left alone with you.”

He glanced around the hut. “I guess it could be worse.”

I pulled back. “The pod! He have to get back. It’s going to leave us.” 

Tobias snatched my wrist when I turned to run off. “It’s too late Raja. We’ll never make it in time.”

“What are we going to do?”

He draped his arm across my shoulder. “I guess I’m going to be figuring out village life until someone comes to get us.”

“How long will that take?” I really just wanted to just back to Helix and have everything go back to how it used to be.

The general shrugged. “Don’t know. Until then, I guess I’ll try my hand at becoming a warrior.” He gave me a grin. “It shouldn’t be too hard.”

“Whatever you say, Tobias, but I don’t think my brother is going to go easy on you.”

“Hmm… that anger guy is in charge of the warrior thing.”

I nodded. “Azuka and Zev were the leaders when I left.”

He gave me a smirk. “Like I said, this should be easy.”

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