The New Girl (Nathan Prescott...

By _brxanne_

14.9K 445 103

When 17 year old new girl Noire Winchester moves to Arcadia Bay after living in New York, will she be accepte... More

Noir Winchester
Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
*Author Note*
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 2

1.2K 31 11
By _brxanne_

I jam my keys into the door, swinging it open. I was huffing, carrying my luggage and cat 1234567890 miles isn't fun. I throw my luggage down and plop onto my bed, stroking Fish. Soon, my eyes closed and I drifted into my nap.


Sunlight filtered through the curtains I hung up last night after my nap. I was awoken by my alarm clock blaring the Barney theme song, scaring the shit outta me. I, being the abnormal person I am, my body decided to have a seizure, causing my head to whack something hard, thinking it was the ceiling. "Shit! I don't remember my bed being 8 feet tall"

My neck felt stiff as I realized I was under the bed. I groan in annoyance ,'Stupid pills. Stupid hyperactivity.' I must have gone wonky after taking my pills, which happens to me. First I act super hyper which is the pills trying to get the hyper out of my system, then I pass out.

I looked to my left at my alarm clock that rested on my side table, which read 8:15, 'An hour before school starts.' I stood up and stretched, grabbing my clothes and heading outside to go to the showers.

I walked in and chose the last shower stall and turned the water on. 'Ah, warm water sure feels nice after waking up under my fucking bed.' After hogging the shower for about 20 minutes, I dry up and change my clothes in the stall. I walked out and saw a petite blonde girl with her hair in a bun, wearing blue sweatpants. As we made eye contact, I smiled, and she did the same. I walked to the sink next to her and washed my face and brushed my teeth.

I packed my things and looked at her," Hi! I'm Noire."

She seemed surprised I was talking to her," I'm Kate, I haven't seen you here before, you're new?"

"Yup, i'm from New York."

Her eyes widened," Really? What's it like there?"

"It's extremely busy and loud, nothing like Arcadia Bay."

She looked into the mirror and fixed her hair," Yeah, it's peaceful here, but it sometimes gets lonely."

I looked at her and grinned," Well don't worry, because I'll be here to cheer you up! You seem really nice, we should hang out sometime." We exchanged numbers and I headed back to my dorm.

As I was packing my shit together in my bag, there was a knock at the door. I walked over to the door and I swung it back open to reveal a tallish skinny girl, with brown hair and blue eyes with a bookbag slung over her shoulder, smiling awkwardly. I smile," Hello, can I help you?"

"Hello, I'm Max Caulfield. I'm down the hall in room 219. I just wanted to stop by to say hi, since you're new here."

She seemed friendly enough. "I'm Noire. Come in." I held the door open for her and she stepped through. Her eyes looked at Fish, and she suddenly kneeled down to scratch behind his ear.

"Wowser, i like your cat. Whats his name?" She looked at me.

I grin, "It's Fish. I named him that because he got his head stuck inside a fishbowl when we adopted him."

She laughed," How adorable. Hey, can I take a peek at your timetable? Maybe we have some classes together!" I reach into my bag and hand it to her. As she was flipping through it, I took out my sketchpad and tacked some of my painting to my walls. 'Might as well get started on decorating my room'.

In my old school in New York, I was the best in the art programme. I was deemed the best out of everyone, as my art teacher put it. Some of my painting and drawings even sold! When I was flipping through the choice of classes here, I immediately signed up for photography and art, plus science and math. What, can't help that i'm a school geek.

As I finished tacking my artwork up, I heard Max gasp," Wow! You're artwork is breathtaking."

I smile bashfully," It's nothing to brag about. So, do we have any classes together?" I peek over her shoulder.

"Yeah, we have Photography together. And you have science with my friend Warren, so you'll know someone other than me here."

I smile gratefully, "Gee Max, you're so nice. Hey, wanna bounce and head to class with me?"

She stood up," Yeah sure."

As we exit my dorm, we ran into a group of girls, and by the looks of it, they don't look like they fancy being my friend anytime soon.

The girl with the pixie cut spoke first," Well, look who it is. Max Crackfield and Snow White."

I become annoyed," My name is Noire."

She rolls her eyes turning her attention to Max," Whatever. Still taking lame ass selfies on your shitty polaroid, hipster?"

My eyes widened, surprised anyone would be mean to Max. I looked at her, waiting for a comeback.

Max glares at her, standing her ground," Atleast I don't have to suck up to Mr. Jefferson to make myself a better photographer Victoria." Ohh, so thats the bitch's name.

I bite back a laugh, but some escapes my mouth. Victoria looks in my direction,"Excuse me Slut White, was I talking to you?"

"You just were, a few moments ago. But I guess you aren't mentally capable of remembering that far back," I smirk. Victoria just glares at me and turns around her her posse.

"Whatever, this is so not over Shit White and Max Selfie." As they left, I roll my eyes, and turn to Max.

"Sorry about her. She's been up my ass ever since school started. Anyways, lets go." We walked out of the girls dorm and into the school building.


omfg i can't stop thinking about this story. I just wanna update 24/7 but unfortunately i dont wanna cuz im too lazy xD anyways, comment, share, and heart :D

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