Two Weeks In Hawaii

By LJryden

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After being left at the altar the night before his wedding to Pete-fucking-Wentz, Ryan cashes in his honeymoo... More

Day One
Day Two
Day Three
Day Four (Part One)
Day Four (Part Two)
Day Five
Day Six
Day Seven
Day Nine
Day Eleven
Day Twelve
Day Thirteen
Day Fourteen
Epilogue: Under the Lights of Sin City [1/3]
Under the Lights of Sin City [2/3]
Under the Lights of Sin City [3/3]

Day Eight

1.8K 50 131
By LJryden

Ryan decided the next morning that he really liked the hammock because one, it was comfortable, two, it allowed him to be extremely close to Brendon, and three, it actually kept Brendon there for Ryan to wake up to; something he's wanted for a few days. Granted, Brendon was already awake when Ryan regained full consciousness, but it was still as nice as Ryan imagined. Though when he did wake up, he didn't give any sign of no longer being asleep, because he was the topic of conversation between Mia and Brendon; every word soft and quiet.

"Why can't we wake him up?" Mia asked with a small whine of frustration.

"Because he's sleeping, Mia, and you don't wake people up unless you really have to." Brendon spoke calmly, fingers ghosting through Ryan's hair. "You have plenty of things to do for a little while."

"What about breakfast? Ryan's gonna be asleep all day!" she stressed, a small slap of her foot against the deck momentarily ringing out.

"There's still plenty of time for breakfast, Amelia," Brendon said just as lightly, not affected by the mini-tantrum. "Now why don't you go play with your dolls or something? I'm sure Ryan will be up soon." Ryan wanted to hit Brendon for being so ridiculously perfect, no one ever let him sleep in before, but remained still. "But we're not going to wake him."

"Can I wake up Uncle Bill?" Mia asked innocently.

"Sure," her uncle replied, Ryan having to hold his breath to keep from laughing. "Don't bother Gabe though; I don't want you to get hurt." Brendon added with all seriousness, still petting Ryan. "And if Uncle Bill tells you to leave him alone, I want you in your room or downstairs watching TV until I get up, okay?"

"But you are up!" Amelia whined.

"I meant until I'm physically up, meaning I'm walking around the house." Ryan was slightly scared at how alike the two were.

"But that could take forever!" she dramatically sighed. "You can't move till Ryan wakes up and that won't ever happen 'cause he's lazy and still sleeping!" Ryan almost wanted to just sit up right then. He probably could have if it wasn't for the fact that he was comfortable against Brendon, not really knowing where his body ended and Brendon's began, feeling Brendon pet him with the hand not locked around his waist.

"Amelia, we're not waking Ryan up and that's that," Brendon said a little more firmly. "I'm sure he won't be asleep much longer anyway." If Ryan was looking for it, instead of melting into bliss, he would have caught the hinting tone in Brendon's voice.

"Fine!" Mia huffed almost angrily. "Uncle Bill will play with me." Ryan listened to the quick, heavy footsteps move away from them before Mia's distant voice merrily chimed, "Morning Uncle Bill!"

"So, how long do you plan on keeping me pinned here?" Brendon stopped running his hand through Ryan's hair to poke him playfully instead, receiving a light groan from Ryan.

"M'sleeping," he said, voice a little cracked from having not been used in some odd hours.

"Sure." Brendon laughed, Ryan's head moving with the younger man's chest. "You've been awake a good ten minutes at least now."

"How'd you know?" Ryan pouted, because maybe he wasn't as sneaky as he thought.

"Because I've been awake for almost an hour, watching you sleep," Brendon said, making Ryan smile and tilt his head up, forcing his eyes open to look at Brendon; sunlight already bright around them.

"That's kind of creepy," Ryan said with a playful tone.

"Well you're practically on top of me so it's not like I could have left." Brendon smiled down at him.

"I wanted to wake up to you for once," Ryan mumbled, straightening his head and letting his eyes fall shut. Brendon's hand picked up in Ryan's hair again as Ryan added, "You could have woken me up if you wanted to leave, though."

"Never said I wanted to; just said I couldn't." Ryan's stomach definitely didn't flutter. "Plus, you looked so peaceful and cute that there's no way I could have bothered you." Ryan could hear the gentle happiness in Brendon's voice. "Sleep okay?"

"Mmm," Ryan merrily hummed, pressing his face into Brendon's chest. He slept more than okay. "You?"

"Perfect," he softly answered, holding Ryan tighter against him. "Best night of sleep I've had in a long time; especially with all the shit my sister's giving me right now." Ryan lightly kissed Brendon's bare chest. "But we actually do need to get up soon."

"Why?" It was Ryan's turn to whine. He didn't plan on spending all day in the hammock, but half, or even another hour, would be nice. He just really wanted to be lazy.

"Because every Sunday morning Mia's here, we go to Nate and Alex's for breakfast," Brendon answered.

"Oh." Ryan couldn't be the cause of routines getting ruined; or at least not ones involving Brendon's friends or Mia.

"But a few more minutes of sleep won't kill anyone." Ryan could see the smirk on Brendon's face, even though he wasn't looking at him, and couldn't keep a smile from materializing on his own lips. They were given a few minutes of silence, taking in each other's breathing patterns until they seemed to perfectly match, before the rest of the house came to life.

"She bit me!" Gabe's shocked and annoyed voice echoed out. "You demon little girl!"

"You shouldn't drink!" Mia countered, squeaking, giggling, shouting, and running quickly following.

"Get back here!" Gabe yelled, the footsteps slamming against the stairs.

"Catch me!" Amelia yelled proudly back, voice light with laughter. Brendon heavily sighed beneath Ryan. "You're slow 'cause you're old." Ryan lifted his head up and gave a small yawn, carefully, sitting up on his knees, allowing Brendon to sit up more to stretch. The stomping came back up the stairs, Mia dashing into Brendon's room and jumping into the hammock, almost causing the two men to fall off as she hid herself beneath the blanket; face beaming.

A moment later an angry, lost, frustrated Gabe appeared, out of breath. "Get out here you little brat!" he yelled at the giggling mass on the hammock between Ryan and Brendon. "Your demon niece bit me!" Gabe told Brendon, holding his arm out as though to show them something.

"I told her to leave you alone." Brendon shrugged, a very sleepy William showing up behind his boyfriend. "Morning, Bill." Brendon greeted his half naked friend who yawned, stumbling a little from not quite having all his balance yet, then latched onto Gabe's outstretched arm.

"Night," he mumbled in reply; eyes half open at best.

"Bilvy!" Gabe looked to his boyfriend with a pout, seeking sympathy. "She bit me and it hurts!"

"I don't care," Bill flatly answered. "We're going back to bed. S'too early." He turned to head back to their room.

"It hurts!" Gabe whined more. Ryan bit his tongue to keep from laughing, Mia poking her head out from beneath the blanket, inching towards Ryan while Brendon shifted to keep the weight distribution steady.

"If you don't get your ass back in that bed in the next five seconds, I will bite you somewhere so incredibly unpleasant that you won't be able to breathe without feeling immense pain." William's tone was so serious and threatening that fear ran even through Ryan, Gabe taking the warning and dropping his arm silently back down to his side; letting William take him back to the bedroom. "Night," Bill repeated, giving a half-wave over his head and pushing Gabe from the room.

"That was..." Ryan didn't know how to finish that, staring after them as Amelia climbed onto his bent legs.

"You're awake!" she chimed, putting her arms around his neck.

"What did I tell you about bothering Gabe?" Brendon asked, not bothering to hide the amusement written all over his face. Mia sulked, knowing she was being scolded, but smiled all the same. "Did Uncle Bill tell you to leave?"

"No; he told me he didn't want to get up yet but that I could lie own with him until you got up so I climbed into the bed and laid down with Uncle Bill hugging me." Amelia defended herself with a straight face. Ryan's legs were beginning to go numb from both his and her weight on them, already shifting around to keep his balance on the hammock.

"So why did you bite Gabe?" Brendon asked, getting of the hammock and taking Mia into his arms, helping Ryan up after. "Biting is inappropriate behavior for a young lady, Mia."

"He kept pushing me and telling me to go away!" Amelia wrapped herself around her uncle. Ryan wasn't jealous in any way. "I told him to stop but he wouldn't so I bit him!" Ryan caught the quick flash of pride run through Brendon's eyes.

"No more biting anyone," was all he said. Ryan could kind of see where the hate of Gabe came from. "Now," Brendon kissed Mia's head, setting her down, "Go get some clothes then come back for a bath." She headed to her room, disappearing inside as Brendon's grabbed Ryan, pulling him into a kiss. "Good morning."

Ryan smiled against Brendon's lips as they kissed again; harder, longer. It was a good morning indeed.


Alex and Nate's house was almost as glamorous as Brendon's. It wasn't as large, it was only one story, but it was all made of wood and gorgeous. The actual house rested up on a hill, Hawaii seemed to be full of them, resting over the double-door garage at the end of the driveway Brendon parked in. A slightly curving series of steps led from the driveway to the porch of the home, Brendon telling Ryan, "With all the food they consume, they need some way to work it off," with a smile.

It didn't take more than a few steps for Ryan to hate the climb and decide there should be an elevator or another way to get up; like riding on Brendon's back like Mia did. Only, Ryan was a lot bigger than Mia, and the two probably wouldn't make it up; for various reasons.

"I wanna knock!" Amelia demanded as they reached the top, standing on the large porch containing a table and some chairs; Brendon setting Mia down and Ryan trying not to look like he was going to pass out. No sooner did Mia's feet touch the wood was she running to the door, pulling the screen back to pound rapidly on the door with a fist then stepping back.

Brendon looked questioningly to Ryan, the older man's breathing a little uneven still, Ryan giving a small nod as though to say, 'yeah, I'm okay', and standing straight. Ryan walked to Brendon's side, hearing footsteps draw closer to him on the other side, taking a few silent breaths to calm himself. The wood pulled back to reveal Alex, dressed in cargo shorts and a plain purple-collared shirt.

"Uncle Alex!" Amelia loudly burst, abandoning the screen door and throwing herself over the threshold at him, wrapping her arms around his legs.

"Hey munchkin," he said, smiling, ruffling Mia's hair. "Morning Bren;" Alex looked to the other two; Brendon then Ryan. "Good morning, Ryan." his smile got a little wider, loosely crossing his arms around Amelia who hugged him a few moments longer before looking up at him.

"Where's Uncle Nate?" she asked, trying to peer around Alex and into the house.

"Uncle Nate's still asleep." he replied. "He doesn't feel good so you'll have to keep it down so he doesn't wake up, okay?" Mia's face fell but she nodded regardless, Alex releasing her and stepping aside to allow her entrance; Mia disappearing inside.

"Nate okay?" Brendon asked, going to step into the house, grabbing Ryan's hand along the way to pull him inside as well; Alex giving a slightly cocky grin to Ryan as he passed.

"Yeah." Alex nodded, pushing the door shut. "He was up most of the night with a really bad headache--just got to sleep a few hours ago." Ryan was kind of in love with the inside of the house as well; half listening to the conversation going on around him.

"Would you rather us not be here then?" Brendon asked, Ryan stepping farther inside; looking lost in a dream. Brendon wouldn't let go of his hand though, like he was a small child that needed to be monitored at all times.

"Don't be stupid." Alex scoffed. "I only get to see Mia one morning a month. I prefer Nate stays asleep, but if he wakes up;" Alex shrugged.

Ryan tuned them out completely after that.

The front door led right into the living room which was really kind of beautiful. It had a very warm, relaxing feel to it, filled primarily with antique looking furniture. The couch was a maroon color in the shape of an 'L' to accommodate multiple people, half boxing in a wooden coffee table with a glass panel down the center. The carpet was one of those incredibly soft, plush carpets, a dark brown color, with the walls a dark-honey shade with sponged maroon on top.

A series of pictures and shelves aligned the walls, from what Ryan could see, most being of the two in a variety of settings and poses; the majority spur of the moment types. In each and every one though, Nate and Alex had the happiest expressions Ryan had ever seen, love sparkling in their eyes. He turned to gaze at Brendon who was still talking to Alex, wondering if Brendon's eyes could sparkle like that. It'd be so beautiful.

The living room also contained an entertainment stand bearing a flat screen television, dvds, a gaming system, and more photos. In the far corner was a drum set, big and beautiful, looking used yet brand new at the same time. Behind the couch, against a wall, leaving a path for someone to walk through, was a large cd stereo system, with a few racks of cds next to it. Ryan decided he really liked 'Nalex' now, because the way to Ryan Ross's heart was definitely through music.

Ryan snapped from his daze though to the sound of metal crashing in the room over, finding he had managed to get away from Brendon and end up half way into the living room. "Mia;" Brendon sighed, the two going into the next room, Ryan following behind. He was really in love with Brendon's friends when he walked into the kitchen, because holyfuck, it was the dream kitchen.

The room itself was about as big as Ryan's entire apartment, or so he figured, completely done in a dark cherry wood with dark marble countertops. There was a large island in the center, similar to what Brendon had, only this one was larger and more involved. It had two flat top stoves with a heating rack in between, a long line of stools opposite for seating space. Hanging over the island was a series of pots and pans; a ceiling-suspended wine rack on the end next to it. All along the left half was more counter space, leading to two ovens high enough to prevent having to bend over; one on top of the other. Beside that, in a somewhat corner, was a large, double door with pull out bottom freezer refrigerator, probably large enough to hold Brendon and Ryan inside.

On the counters sat every appliance imaginable, except a microwave, plugs all along the wall for them to have power. Cupboards paralleled the counters which sat on top a ton of drawers and lower cupboards, holding all sorts of dishes for whatever was needed. On the opposite side were full length cupboards standing next to each other, hiding a door tightly shut. The whole place was lit with in-ceiling gallery lights that would dim and brighten as well as pivot slightly when adjusted.

It was definitely the kitchen for food-lovers.

"Mia!" Alex's voice was a little reprimanding as he walked towards the little girl who sat on her knees on the island, holding a large pan in her hands with a few lying around her; a guilty look on her face. "Haven't I told you before those are too high?"

"I wanted to help," she muttered, shoulders slouching.

"You could have gotten hurt," he said, putting his hands beneath Amelia's shoulders and lifting her from the counter, setting her on the floor. He then put the pans lying on the counter back overhead; Ryan catching Brendon give his niece a warning look.

"I only wanted to help," Mia repeated, looking shamefully down.

"I know." Ryan saw Alex's face soften to a smile as he pulled the child close to comfort her. "How about we make breakfast before it gets any later?" Alex said to perk her up again.

"And bring it to Uncle Nate in bed 'cause he's sick?" she optimistically inquired, looking up at Alex while Ryan went back to absorbing his surroundings. He liked this house; maybe even more than Brendon's.

"I s'pose." Alex gave a small laugh. He took the pan from Amelia and set it on the flat stove of the island, saying, "Go get your apron," as Brendon pulled Ryan from his thoughts again.

"Come on," Brendon said softly, motioning towards the glass door with his head while taking hold of Ryan's forearm and starting to walk; pulling Ryan along. Alex and Mia set off to their own thing while Brendon and Ryan escaped, doing what Ryan figured was routine each time Mia visited. The younger male led Ryan out to the balcony behind the house, releasing him to go to the railing.

Ryan closed the door behind them then followed, standing beside Brendon who leaned as his elbows over the wooden barrier, staring off into the distance in thought. The tree were just spaced enough to give a distant view of the ocean they lived near, the tiniest part of another island visible if Ryan squinted and focused hard enough. It was silent for awhile, except for the occasional bird call, and Ryan rather enjoyed the peace, but wondered what was keeping Brendon so silent and lost looking because usually his mouth was going a mile a minute. And Ryan liked that too.

"My sister and I used to be really close," Brendon said quietly as Ryan mirrored his position. He turned to look at the other man, but Brendon continued looking straight ahead; eyes slightly glazed over. "But when my parents died, she began to change. We moved to Hawaii and things went downhill." he heavily sighed. "Our grandparents spent so much time making sure I was okay that Sara got ignored most of the time." Brendon looked down.

To try and comfort him while also allowing him the personal space he needed, Ryan turned completely to one side and put a hand on Brendon's shoulder, squeezing and rubbing it lightly. "Sara began getting heavily involved with the tourists." he continued after a few moments silence. "Eventually, she started sleeping with them. She was only twenty when she had Amelia; I was barely out of high school." Ryan rubbed the boy's shoulder harder.

"My grandmother had passed the year before and my grandfather kicked Sara out as soon as Mia was born because he couldn't deal with listening to her cry. I got into the tourist business when I was nineteen, giving as much money as I could to my sister to help support Mia, feeling awful what my grandfather had done." Brendon shook his head. "It wasn't until Mia was almost a year old that I learned my sister only used the money to buy alcohol and shit." he scoffed.

"It was around Mia's second birthday that my grandfather passed, leaving absolutely everything to me. Sara was furious. I wanted to give her something, but I knew she would only blow it somehow." A tear rolled down Brendon's cheek, dripping to the wood between his elbows. "I took Mia a lot back then, to try and give her the love and attention my sister can't, but when Amelia began crying every time she had to go back to Sara, Sara told me I only got a weekend a month; and that's mainly for her to have her own personal alone time." Ryan frowned at how sad Brendon was.

"I don't want to keep Amelia from Sara, but I know my sister doesn't take care of my niece the way she's supposed to." More tears fell and Ryan ended up pulling him into a sideways hug. "Ryan; Mia's called me when my sister's forgotten to feed her or when Sara's left her alone at the house to go out with some guy." He turned to wrap himself around Ryan, crying softly into Ryan's shirt. "I mean, I want to call child services, but I'm afraid of hurting Mia any more by taking her from her mother."

"At least she has you," Ryan offered, never having been that great with emotional situations. No one was much there for him and he wasn't quite sure how to react; especially in this situation. Clearly Brendon cared about his niece more than anything else, and that's what mattered. "I think as long as Mia knows that you'll always be there, no matter what, she'll be just fine." Brendon nodded, pulling back and quickly wiping his eyes.

"I'm sorry," he muttered, sniffling. "I didn't mean to just...put all this on you."

"It's okay." Ryan shrugged. "Sometimes our problems and feelings get too heavy for us to bear alone."

"Yeah;" Brendon gave a small smile. "Something about you, Ryan Ross; I've always told myself not to get too involved with mainlanders since they're usually just here for a week or so, but something about you..." he trailed off, giving a small laugh while still rubbing his eyes.

"I told you myself that after the whole disaster with Pete that I wasn't getting involved with people in general but" Ryan too was unable to finish his sentence.

So, to close the ends of both thoughts, Brendon locked their lips together; Ryan able to detect traces of salty tears on Brendon's lips. He was trying not to be overbearing, wanting to make out rather than just lightly kiss, but Ryan wasn't exactly fifteen anymore and it wasn't exactly the right moment. Things did get a whole lot needier and rougher though, only to be broken by a high pitched stream of, "Ewwwww!" coming from the doorway.

Breaking apart, Ryan looked to see Mia standing in the doorway in her pink apron, holding a spatula in one hand while the other hand clutched her hip, Alex standing behind her with a look of amusement. "I just can't leave you two alone, can I?" she dramatically stated, rolling her eyes.

"Foods ready," Alex said, voice shaking with suppressed giggles.

"Thanks," Brendon muttered, trying to wipe away theemotional remains from a few minutes earlier.

"Honestly!" Amelia exhaled loudly, throwing her hands up. "I spend my morning slaving over a hot stove and what do they do?!" she turned around to go farther inside. "They try and eat each other!"

Ryan couldn't help but burst into laughter.


Amelia insisted Nate got breakfast in bed so, while Alex cleaned up, Brendon helping, Ryan accompanied the girl to the bedroom with a tray of food and some juice. Brendon was weary at first, but after Alex's speech of, no, she won't get sick; Nate doesn't have some disease or something. Honestly, do you think I would let her anywhere near him if he was bad?!, he finally gave in and said it was okay. Mia roped Ryan in instantly.

When they reached the door, Mia knocked then entered, going for the bed that she climbed onto with a sleeping Nate; Ryan carrying everything for various reasons. The bedroom wasn't exactly grand, but it wasn't terribly small either. There was the bed which faced an entertainment stand holding a television, a dresser and a wardrobe along one wall, a door connecting to their own bathroom, and a square bathtub that Ryan really didn't want to think about in the corner. The style was a deep romantic red, with white walls and a very soft white carpet. It was as relaxing as the rest of the house was.

"Uncle Nate..." Mia whispered, shaking his shoulder. "Wakey wakey, Uncle Nate; I maded breakfast and Uncle Alex says you can eat in bed." she smiled, sitting on her knees beside him. Nate stirred, rolling onto his back, eyes blinking open. "Breakfast!" Mia chimed.

"Hey...Mia..." he said, not fully awake. "What time...?" he yawned.

"About ten," Ryan said while walking towards the bed. Nate pulled himself into a sitting position, yawning more and stretching, rubbing away at his eyes. "Mia was adamant to see you and give you breakfast."

"'Cause I'm her favorite," Nate said with a smile, pulling Mia into a hug that made her giggle. "And 'sup, Ryan?" he greeted Ryan properly, releasing the girl. "You didn't have to;" he pointed towards the tray. "I coulda come out."

"Uh-uh." Amelia firmly shook her head. "You're sick and sick people get breakfast in bed." She reached for the tray, helping to guide it from Ryan's hands over Nate's lap. "You have to eat it all so you can get better and go play your drums." she told Nate.

"I'm sure your Uncle Alex isn't too upset about my not playing the drums." Nate laughed, ruffling her hair. "Thank you for breakfast, Mia. You're my favorite cook."

"I heard that!" Alex said from the door, giving his boyfriend a look of fake hurt. Nate only laughed more, sitting up all the way. "You can be sick on your own now; see if I take care of you."

"We have to go, Mia," Brendon said from behind. "Nate needs rest." Mia whined but ended up getting off the bed anyway, Alex taking her spot. Ryan headed for the door behind Mia, wanting to give them privacy.

"Feel better, Uncle Nate!" Mia stopped to wave. "And you be nice to him, Uncle Alex!" she pointed warningly. "You gots to make him feel better!" Ryan smiled to himself, Brendon's face near matching.

"I will," Alex said, Nate's head falling onto his shoulder. "Be good for your Uncle Brendon, okay?" she nodded diligently. "Bye Bren; bye Ryan." Ryan nodded while Brendon said goodbye, shutting the bedroom door as the three prepared to leave.

"So hey:" Brendon stopped halfway through the living room, facing Ryan. "I was wondering..." he bit his lip, eyes wandering quickly. "I was wondering if, you know, instead of paying for a hotel for the next week if you wanted to come...stay with me instead. 'Cause, you know, we've already slept together...I mean, not like that or anything, which obviously you know because you were there and all but-"

"Bren;" Ryan cut him off, trying not to laugh. "I'm not paying for the hotel. Honeymoon gift thing." Brendon's face fell, Ryan leaning in to kiss the frown. "But I'd love to stay with you instead," he said, before even thinking it over.

"Come on, slow pokes!" Mia called from the door, holding it open. The two shared one more kiss before following, the climb down the steps feeling a lot easier than the climb up had been.


"Why are we here?" Mia asked curiously as Brendon parked outside the hotel's main entrance.

"This is where my clothes and everything are," Ryan replied while unbuckling.

"Ryan's coming to live with me until he has to go back home." Brendon added. "So we have to get his stuff."

"Oh." Amelia lost most interest and opened the car door, climbing out, followed by the other two. "When do you go back home?" she asked, rounding the car and taking hold of Ryan's hand, walking alongside him to the hotel's door.

"Saturday," he said with as little disappointment as possible.

"I go home today," Mia said in response. Brendon walked on the other side of Ryan, texting something out quickly on his cell phone. "Mommy only lets me stay with Uncle Brendon the second Saturday and Sunday each month." Ryan hummed and nodded, he already knew that, trying not to stay on the topic too long for Brendon's sake.

"I should let Spencer and Jon know," Ryan told Brendon as the three stepped into the hotel's lobby.

"Who are Spencer and Jon?"

"I'll go tell them," Brendon while pocketing his phone. "You go pack."

"Who are Spencer and Jon?!" Mia repeated, tugging on Ryan's arm several times.

"My friends that I came to Hawaii with." Ryan answered her. "I have to tell them that I'm going to stay with your uncle now."

"Because they're staying here." Brendon was quick to add. Ryan gave a tiny smile to the defensive tone. Of course Brendon liked the two, Ryan didn't think he was capable of not liking someone, but he only wanted Ryan; and that felt good.

When they reached the room, Ryan retrieved his keycard, sliding it to unlock the room, entering with Mia while Brendon went next door. "Can I help you pack?" Mia asked, eyes sparkling.

"Sure." Ryan shrugged, heading for the dresser, grabbing the suitcase along the way. "You can put the clothes I hand you into the suitcase, okay?" Amelia nodded excitedly, going to the dresser then dropping to her knees by the suitcase Ryan put down. He didn't have much actual packing to do, it wouldn't take long, and he could probably do it quicker by himself, but Ryan liked Amelia and he wasn't in some big hurry anyway.

"You should leave clothes at Uncle Brendon's house like me 'n Uncle Bill do so you don't have to pack lots when you come to see him again," Mia said, trying to keep the clothes Ryan handed to her folded neatly while placing them into the suitcase. "'Specially if you're Uncle Brendon's new boyfriend."

"Maybe." Ryan absently muttered, not denying the last statement. His thoughts were more on the young girl's words, come to see him again, because Ryan honestly didn't know if it would happen. He surely didn't want to fly for hours just for a make out session (and hopefully more) since neither was too keen on leaving their homes. Then again, despite Amelia's words, they weren't exclusive or anything.

"What the hell, Ross?!" Ryan rolled his eyes and silently sighed as Spencer's voice rang out. "You suddenly disappear without only word without answering your phone or anything?! No one was answering their fucking phones!"

"Language." Ryan frowned, turning to face his friend. "I was with Brendon." he shrugged. "I'm a big boy, older than you, and can do what I want without going through you first."

"I was worried!" Spencer stressed, Jon appearing behind him with Brendon following. Mia stood and took Ryan's hand as though scared, holding it firmly.

"Calm down," Ryan said for the girl's sake. "I was with Brendon; I'm fine. I was only doing what you wanted. I'm moving on, so let me do it." Jon put his hands on Spencer's shoulders and whispered something to him, massaging his shoulder's to relax him.

"Just; it'd be nice to know." Spencer exhaled, shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath.

"I'm sorry," Ryan replied as he too calmed. "And so you know, I'm going to stay with Brendon now instead of here." Spencer's eyes opened again, showing confusion but amusement at the same time.

"Better on the economy." Brendon chimed from behind. "Instead of running back and forth constantly."

"I don't like you," Mia muttered, scowling, pressing against Ryan. Spencer's eyes fell down to her, just noticing her presence, one eyebrow lifting.

"That's nice; who're you?" Spencer asked a little bitterly. "I know I told you to get out and do more, Ry, but I didn't think you'd end up with a kid."

"She's Brendon's niece," Ryan muttered. "Spence, Jon, this is Mia. Mia, these are my friends, Spencer and Jon."

"Hello Mia." Jon smiled, pulling away from his boyfriend. "You hair is very pretty." Mia let go of Ryan and smiled, having new confidence and pride.

"I like you," Mia said. "But not you." She scowled at Spencer again. "And my name is Amelia." She crossed her arms.

"Amelia is a very pretty name," Jon said.

"You can call me 'Mia'." The girl went bubbly for a second to Jon. "But not you." Jon smirked at Spencer.

"Mia;" Brendon's voice held that corrective tone. "That's not nice."

"He was being mean to Ryan!" Amelia whined in defense.

"I'm allowed to." Spencer crossed his arms. "He's my best friend. Those are best friend rules."

"Well he's my friend too!" she scowled harder. "And you gotta be nice to your friends or you'll lose them!" Brendon sighed, head falling back against the wall he leaned on. Amelia was very strong willed and minded.

"Best friends are better than normal friends!"

"Spencer;" Ryan stopped them before they continued any longer. "Don't argue with a six year old."

"She started it," he said.

"Nuh-uh!" Amelia protested. "You did!"

"You did!" Spencer shot back.

"Spencer!" Ryan was getting aggravated. "Be the adult here and drop it, okay?" Spencer opened his mouth, but shut it again when he saw Ryan's glare. Mia stuck her tongue out, smirking and going to Ryan, hugging him firmly. Ryan put his arms loosely around her, leaning on the dresser, still watching his friend.

"So;" Jon was the one to break the tension. "What's everyone plans for today?"

"I'm spending the day with Ryan." Mia purposely dragged out the 'I'm'. Spencer frowned. "And Uncle Brendon," she added, pulling away from Ryan, going to Jon to hug him too. Spencer's face got even madder. "And you, 'cause I like you."

"Jon stays with me." Spencer told her. "Those are boyfriend rules." He smiled, dignified.

"What are we doing?" Jon ignored Spencer and looked to Mia. Spencer's jaw dropped, Ryan lightly laughing to himself, and Mia's tongue poking out again. "I'd love to be able to photograph such a pretty girl."

"Jon!" Spencer whined, arms dropping.

"Face it Smith," Ryan smiled, "Someone better came along." Spencer glared at Ryan, mouthing fuck you.

"I wanna go jet skiing!" Mia burst, quickly abandoning Jon to collide into her uncle. "Can we go jet skiing? Pretty, pretty, pretty please?" she begged, grinning madly, dragging out the last word until she ran out of breath.

"You're not being a good girl," Brendon said calmly, brushing her hair back.

"I'll be good, I promise!" Mia whined, taking Brendon's hands and yanking them down. "Mommy never lets me do fun things like you do!" Ryan knew Brendon would give in to that.

"Fine." He did. Ryan could tell that Brendon wanted to give Amelia everything her mother couldn't, which was basically everything, to Ryan's understanding, and it made Ryan like him even more. "But Ryan doesn't like water." Brendon smirked, looking to him. Mia's eyes widened as she let Brendon go for Ryan, shocked.

"Why don't you like water?!"

"Not my favorite thing." Ryan was indifferent.

"Have you ever rode a jet ski b'fore?!" The wider her eyes, the greener they looked. Ryan shook his head, Mia gasping. "You have to do it!" she basically demanded. "It's lots of fun!"

And before he knew it, Ryan was getting dragged from the hotel; Brendon grabbing his things.


"I only have two skis and two people can fit on one at a time," Brendon said, dropping down a few life jackets. They were all gathered on the beach, Gabe on a folding chair, more interested in his phone. "So we have to alternate."

"I'm good," Gabe said without looking up.

"I want Ryan!" Mia claimed him, latching onto his arm.

"No, your options are me or Uncle Bill," Brendon said, giving her a pointed look. "Ryan doesn't know how to use them so until he learns, you're not riding with him." Mia pouted and let go.

"Come on, Mia." William smiled and offered his hand. Mia continued to pout, face buried in her brightly decorated life jacket, taking his hand and going with him to the two machines floating by the dock.

"The jackets are optional," Brendon said, pulling his shirt off. Ryan definitely didn't want a jacket on him. "Who wants to go? Someone can ride with me." He looked briefly at Ryan. "Or alone or whatever. They're simple enough to operate."

"Ryan wants to," Spencer said, pushing him forward.

"What? I-"

"Awesome." Brendon cut him off. Ryan glared at his friend who had that look of revenge on his face, Ryan squinting and vouching to get him back. "Jacket, Ry?" Brendon asked, bringing attention back on him.

"I don't want to die." Ryan sighed, bending down to grab one.

"You'll probably want your shirt off," Brendon said, smile all too suspicious. "So it doesn't get wet," he added, Spencer and Jon snickering behind Ryan. Sighing heavily again, Ryan handed Brendon the safety device then pulled his shirt off, dropping it to the sand, and taking the jacket back. He slid it on, but Brendon decided to strap it for him, pulling it as tight around his tiny frame as possible.

Ryan heard one of the skis roar to life, looking over Brendon's shoulder to the water, seeing Mia sat in front of William, both holding the bars, pulling away from the dock and out into the ocean at a fast but not overwhelmingly high speed. His attention came back to Brendon when Brendon jerked him slightly, smirking then kissing him quickly with, "All set."

"Get a room." Gabe mused.

"Feel free to do whatever." Brendon told the other two. "I doubt we'll be long."

"Play nice out there," Spencer said, patting Ryan's shoulder. "And save the bitching for later."

"I hope you drown," Ryan replied before being pulled down to the dock. "I kind of hate you right now." he told Brendon miserably.

"We won't go far." Brendon promised. "I'm going to make you like water, Ryan Ross." he smiled brightly, practically dragging Ryan to the ski. "You'll sit up front because you'll feel more secure."

"I can't drive this," Ryan mumbled.

"I'll teach you," Brendon answered. "Sit down." He gestured to the floating machine. Ryan frowned, standing still, watching the water move it back and forth. The one Mia and Bill were on made waves bigger as they came to the shore. "I promise nothing will happen to you," Brendon said.

Biting his lip, Ryan stepped over the seat, clinging to Brendon's hand, until he was straddling it. Letting go of Brendon, Ryan slowly lowered himself to a sitting position, heart racing and hands wrapping around the bars. Brendon sat on the seat behind him, reaching around Ryan and placing his hands over the older male's; curving with them. Ryan swallowed hard because Brendon's body was pressed tight against his, his breath hitting Ryan's shoulder, and yeah; Ryan thought of things he'd rather be doing.

But those thoughts were rather perverted and Ryan cast them aside.

"Ready?" Brendon asked, Ryan shaking his head and tensing. Brendon released one hand to turn the key, replacing his hand as the engine roared. He held Ryan's hands, pulling them back to make the engine rev, before pushing them forward to actually move. Ryan squeaked and closed his eyes, the wind starting to blow against his face and through his hair, bouncing some on the waves.

They were going fast but...Ryan liked it. One at a time, he opened his eyes. When Brendon pulled a handle towards them, the other going farther away, they turned. It was very similar to a snowmobile which Ryan was forced onto when he and Spencer went with Jon back to Jon's home of Chicago for Thanksgiving one year. It wasn't as cold here though, and it was a bit smoother.

And Ryan had Brendon pressed up against him.

Gradually, Ryan began to relax back, smiling because no one could see him as they went farther away from the shore. Brendon noticed and kissed his shoulder, loudly saying, "I told you it was fun," then let Ryan have a bit more control.


When it was time to leave to take Mia home, the sun was just starting to dip down in the sky. Everyone was exhausted from the afternoon, everyone but Spencer and Gabe, because Mia certainly kept them all busy. Spencer ended up sitting in a chair beside Gabe though, the two talking about ways to get rid of the six year old, so that they could have their boyfriends back.

Jon spent a good hour or so snapping pictures, ranging from Amelia alone to combinations including her, Ryan, Brendon, and William. Most of them weren't planned or really noticed, and that's often what turns out best. He stood by the edge of the water while they splashed around, mostly playing tag with Mia; the water making it incredibly hard to catch her.

So when the clock neared six, Amelia was visibly tired, and ended up in Ryan's arms while Brendon went to grab her clothes. She had her head on his shoulder and her limbs around him, watching William clean up the mess they made on the beach. It was a bit difficult to dress her because she wouldn't do it herself, and she refused to be put down or taken from Ryan. He felt strange having her cling so tightly because Ryan had never really been good with small kids; only the teenagers he taught. But Mia liked him, and he couldn't help liking her back.

Once they managed to get a cute sundress and sandals on her, Brendon pulling her still-damp hair back into a ponytail, she gave mumbled goodbyes to Bill and Jon, only briefly leaving Ryan's arms to hug them both. Brendon got the car ready while Ryan stayed back with Amelia, then had Bill put her on Ryan's back to carry her easier up the hill towards the house. The other four remained sitting in a circle to talk, waiting for Ryan and Brendon to return.

"Do I have to go home?" Amelia asked with a small whine, eyes half lidded.

"Yes, you have to go home." Brendon replied as he buckled her in. "You know mommy doesn't like you staying here during the week." He pushed the few strands of stray hair aside. "And I have to work tomorrow."

"Can't I stay with Ryan?" she pouted. "Or Uncle Bill?"

"Sorry, Mia." Brendon frowned right before shutting her door and getting in the driver's seat. "Mommy misses you."

"No she doesn't!" Mia huffed, crossing her arms. "She forgets about me all the time!" Ryan buckled himself, paying close attention to the way Brendon reacted. He was tense as he buckled and put the car in drive, beginning down the driveway. "I want to stay here with you so I can play with Ryan more!" Brendon only sighed miserably.

"Hey Mia;" Ryan turned around in his seat, ignoring the way the belt pushed into his neck, facing her. "Do you like to play car games?" he asked, hoping he could detour her from having a tantrum to further complicate the situation.

"What kinda games?" she asked, face softening to curiosity and arms dropping to her lap.

"All kinds of games." Ryan half shrugged. "There're games that involve car colors, license plates, billboard signs..."

"Can we play one?" Ryan smiled and nodded because his barely thought out plan worked. "What one?"

"Well, I don't see many other cars, so that may be hard," Ryan said. "And I don't think I've seen a single billboard yet..." Maybe he should have thought it out a bit more. "So, how about....'I Spy'?"

"Yeah!" Amelia instantly perked up. "I wanna go first!" She sat up more. "Turn around while I decide!"

"Remember; I have to be able to see it too," he said. Mia nodded and waited for Ryan to sit properly again in his seat. When he looked over quickly to Brendon, the younger man mouthed 'thank you', giving a tiny smile over the hurt Ryan knew was there. Ryan nodded and smiled back, waiting for the girl to decide.


After about twenty minutes, Mia had ended up falling asleep, the 'I Spy' game not being too thrilling as there wasn't much variety. Her head was leaning on her shoulder, slumped back behind the seatbelt quietly. Brendon quietly turned on the radio, Ryan yawning and sliding down in his seat, neither talking the remainder of the drive. There really wasn't anything to be said.

They reached Sara's right as Ryan was almost asleep himself, the sky rather dark and the car relaxing. Brendon pulled into the driveway and put the car in neutral, unbuckling then opening his door. Ryan sat up straight and forced his eyes open, turning back as Brendon opened Mia's door and took her belt off. "I'll be right back," he said, noticing Ryan looking at him. "I just have to put her in bed."

"Want me to come?" Ryan asked sleepily, trying to mask another yawn. "Help you or something?"

"You really should stay here." Brendon frowned. "I'll be five minutes, I swear." Ryan frowned back but listened, watching Brendon carefully lift Mia out of the car and into his arms. She whined and moved around, latching onto him as soon as he got her up into his arms.

Brendon shut the door and carried Amelia to the door, disappearing inside while Ryan waited in the car. He didn't hear any angry yelling this time, only the soft radio inside the vehicle with him, and figured that was at least a good sign. A light flipped on behind curtains over the window at the front of the house, switching off a few moments later. Ryan's eyelids slowly dropped down, incredibly tired for whatever reason, so he shifted to a more comfortable position in the seat.

When Brendon came back, he was smiling, dropping into his seat and redoing his belt. "S'everything 'kay?" Ryan muttered, noticing the joyous expression.

"Mia woke up before I left," he said, backing from the driveway. "She told me I have permission to keep you because she really likes you." Brendon laughed lightly, heading back towards his home. Ryan smiled, letting his eyes fall shut all the way, listening to the radio and the road. Yeah, he liked Mia too.

The last thing he registered before drifting off was Brendon taking his hand and squeezing lightly, making small circles with his thumb that told Ryan everything was going to be fine. And Ryan believed him, because everything had been so wrong for so long that he needed everything to be fine again.

He didn't remember waking up when they got back or going upstairs or anything, but Ryan did wake momentarily in the middle of the night to find himself in Brendon's bed, pressed securely against him. Without a single thought, Ryan moved a tiny bit closer and used Brendon's shoulder for a pillow, before passing out again.

Brendon had still been awake and smiled into the darkness at the gesture, arms making their way around Ryan's waist, kissing the top of his head, and whispering to the sleeping man, "I love you."

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