Day Eleven

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Sleep was great, but waking up to Brendon softly kissing Ryan's shoulder was even better. There really was no better way to wake up. He went from the best orgasm of his life, due to the best sex, to the best night's sleep, to peacefully waking by tender, sweet kisses. Ryan had no idea how he never experienced it before.

Smiling lazily in bliss, Ryan smiled and moved onto his back instead so that Brendon's lips met his rather than his shoulder, not caring that his teeth weren't even brushed yet. "Mornin'," Brendon said with a smile against Ryan's lips. Ryan shut his eyes and hummed, stretching beneath his...well, boyfriend, really. "It's still early but I have to get ready for work and I remember you saying you liked waking up to me."

Seriously, has Ryan mentioned that Brendon's perfect?

"Don't leave," Ryan muttered, lifting his heavy arms up to put them around Brendon's body. "Call in or something."

"I can't." Brendon laughed, kissing Ryan more. "I'm the only one they got for this." Anther kiss; long and slow. "You can come with me you know." he suggested with a serious but playful tone.

"No thanks." Ryan scowled, opening his eyes halfway. The bedroom was already pretty bright and Ryan's eyes couldn't quite tolerate it, but the sight of Brendon's face above him was too beautiful to ignore.

"Fine." Brendon laughed again. "I've got to go get Jon and Spencer though so I have to go." More wonderful kissing. "I should be back around two; try and get more sleep." Brendon moved, causing Ryan's arms to fall back against the mattress. Ryan inhaled deeply then exhaled loudly, unable to keep his eyes open. "Bye," Brendon whispered, kissing Ryan's forehead and getting off the bed then pulling the blanket up and padding out of the room.

After the door closed with a faint 'click', Ryan moved into a comfortable position, half hugging Brendon's pillow because it smelled like him, and Ryan loved it; no matter how strange it sounded. A deep inhale of the scent carried Ryan back to his dreams once more.


A very unpleasant way to wake up was being jumped on. It was far too much excitement so early in the morning and also hurt a lot. Why people thought they needed to jump on Ryan was beyond him. Didn't he look fragile enough not to be attacked? Apparently not.

Ryan doesn't know how much time lapsed from his graceful awakening to his crude one, but it seemed like five minutes tops. One minute he was dreaming happily about something that quickly escaped him, and the next he heard his name called loudly before he was weighted down by an equally bony body. It was too sharp and angled to be Spencer, Brendon already left, and Jon wasn't that mean, so Ryan figured it was William before he looked.

Right before he could get his eyes open, even more weight pressed him into the mattress with a merrily yelled, "Threesome!" Ryan automatically knew it was Gabe as he groaned painfully into the pillow.

"Get your fat ass off me!" William whined, pinned between the two.

"You like my ass on you," Gabe scoffed, pressure disappearing as he fell to the side. "And it's not fat." he defended.

"I think you killed Ryan," William said, also getting off.

"Did not." Gabe huffed. "You alive, Ryan?"

"No." Ryan groaned more.

"See?" William asked, a loud smack following his voice. "I told you to let me wake him up."

"I told you to let him sleep," Gabe responded.

"He needs to get up so he can have breakfast because he's hungry."

Two Weeks In HawaiiOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora