Day Two

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Spencer decided that for their first full day on the island, they would start simple and go hang out down by the water for the day. Ryan had no interest in going down by the ocean but Spencer once again pretty much dragged him along thus Ryan sat in the sand, watching Spencer and Jon attempt to throw a frisbee back and forth. His sunglasses were hiding his hurt-filled eyes, his knees pulled up towards his chest with a light breeze brushing through Ryan's hair. There weren't many people out yet considering it was roughly noon, but there were still more than Ryan preferred. Still, he knew that he couldn't have the entire island to himself. It was safe to bet though he wouldn't be running into Pete; he left that nightmare back in Vegas.

"Sure you don't want to play?" Jon asked, walking over to Ryan with the plastic disc clasped in his hand.

"I'm sure." Ryan answered, pushing his feet a little further into the warm grains of sand all around him.

"The water's pretty warm." Jon suggested, trying to get Ryan to open up a little more. "I'm debating pushing Spencer's ass in when he least expects it." A very small smile played at Ryan's lips because the thought of Spencer being shoved into the water was quite amusing. Especially since Spencer wouldn't be too happy about that and watching him chase Jon around might brighten his mood a bit.

"I'm fine sitting here." Ryan lifted his head up towards Jon whose body was outlined by the sun, making him look like a black figure regardless of Ryan's designer sunglasses. "Go have fun with Spence." He gave Jon a small smile, wanting his friends to just leave him alone for a little while. Ryan liked sitting beneath the umbrella, feeling the gentle breeze against his skin and listening to the ocean's waves crash against the shore. It was soothing.

"Alright..." Jon frowned, not fully convinced but knowing better than to push Ryan because he wasn't Spencer and wouldn't be able to get away with such an action as lightly. "Come join us whenever." Ryan nodded, lowering his head back to his knees as Jon knocked his fist against the frisbee before turning and jogging back out towards Spencer who had been drawing things in the sand with a stick.

Alone again, Ryan turned his head so his chin rested on his knees rather than his cheek, his eyes directed straight ahead. In the distance, a man on a surfboard caught Ryan's attention and he squinted his eyes a bit to narrow his field of vision, curiously watching the man sit on the board while small waves rocked him gently. From what Ryan could see, he wore a skin-tight blue water suit, his dark hair sticking to his head as though he had been beneath the surface a few times already. It's not like Ryan hadn't seen people surfing out here already; but something about this man just kept Ryan's attention.

When a larger wave came and the man pulled himself to his knees while watching it draw closer, Ryan moved his sunglasses down a bit, peering over the top to get a clearer view. The man stood up, shifting his legs along the long board beneath his feet, balancing himself, ready to embrace the wave. Ryan didn't realize his jaw dropped slightly as he watched the man surf, the stranger's slim body moving perfectly as he guided the board along the water, letting the ocean move him. Surfing had always been just another sport to Ryan, but watching this man surf in the distance, Ryan found himself thinking of it as a dance or perhaps a way of life; the man's body working with the water.

It didn't last long, Ryan just imagining the act in slow motion, and the man became too far away for Ryan to really have a good view at. Frowning, Ryan slid his glasses back up all the way, turning his head again to find Jon and Spencer coming back towards him; William following them. "Ryan!" Will beamed, running past the other two to where he sat on the ground. "How awesome is that we are together again?"

"It's a miracle." Ryan sarcastically answered though Will wasn't paying much attention.

"You two know each other?" Spencer asked, head tilted to the side as he approached.

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