Day Six

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This time when Ryan's eyelids parted to reveal the slow revolving fan on the tall ceiling above his head, he knew exactly where he was. A golden ray of sunshine peeked through the center of the maroon curtains which were drawn over the sliding glass balcony doors of Brendon's bedroom; stretching across the room and landing right on Ryan's face to warm him. He yawned and blinked the blurry film from his eyes, pushing his face into the pillow to avoid the light from blinding him.

As Ryan turned his body, the soft blanket that he had woke up on the previous time fell off his body to the floor, suddenly relieved of the heat it had been trapped in. Ryan pushed his body up on his elbows and turned to his side, seeing that he was dressed only in his boxers and, for some reason, his socks. His heart skipped a beat for a moment but calmed when he realized that he didn't do anything regrettable; Brendon wouldn't take advantage of him or anything. He hoped.

Thinking of Brendon suddenly, Ryan turned onto his other side to see the other half of the bed was empty; the sheets dipping down a bit where a body had been. It was cold, except where the beam of sunlight stretched across it, meaning that it had been vacant for some time. Ryan looked around for a clock but couldn't find one, though he knew it wasn't all that late since the sun was too yellow. Frowning, Ryan laid his head back on the pillow and stared at the empty spot beside him, wondering what it would be like to actually wake up next to the man.

In the distance Ryan could hear the calls of seagulls circling the water for their morning meal, hugging the pillow close and sliding his legs along the all-too-comfortable bed. It was definitely somewhere he could stay for hours on end and be completely content. Ryan reached out and brushed his finger's over the spot where Brendon had been, wishing that it was still there so he could feel Brendon's skin, his abs, rather than the sheets. He had felt Brendon the night before, but that had been some odd hours ago and the feeling was almost completely gone from Ryan's fingers.

Brendon felt significantly different than Pete had. He felt far more muscular and smoother against Ryan's fingers than Pete ever was; far more satisfying and addictive. Brendon's lips were fuller too; something you wanted to suck on and chew on and feel pressed against your mouth as they were warm and smooth as well. He felt exactly how Ryan had imagined, if not better. Which was why Ryan wanted Brendon in the bed with him at that very moment; to feel him again.

After a few more minutes of lying there, thinking, feeling, Ryan turned over in the bed again and looked towards the door leading to the balcony where the curtains blocked the morning sun, sighing and pushing himself into a sitting position, shifting his legs over the edge of the bed. He had to get up and at least figure out where everyone else was, leaving the comfort of the bed. A slight chill ran up his spine as Ryan stretched his arms over his head, yawning, making Ryan shift into the warm sun for a moment.

Ryan looked around for his clothes, seeing them folded neatly on the dresser by the door and smiling as he stood up; his legs taking a moment to adjust to being used again. The socks on his feet made him slide some on the wooden floors while making his way to the dresser to get dressed again, having to adjust the elastic on his boxers along the way from their shifted position on his hips. The floor creaked beneath Ryan's feet, reminding him of the house's age, trying to lighten his steps in case anyone was asleep downstairs. There had been a party the previous night and no one seemed to leave the house after parties occurred.

A little folded white note rested on top of his shirt, bearing Ryan's name along with a little smiley face in somewhat messy but still very legible handwriting. Ryan lifted the note and opened it, smiling as he read over the words left for him.

Ryan, Sorry I wasn't there when you woke up to greet you with the kiss I'm dying to give you. Had to go to out. Feel free to shower or wear anything in the dresser if you don't want to put your clothes back on. Ask Bill where washer + dryer are if you want too. Hope to see you when I get back to finish what we started last night ;D. xoxo B

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