Epilogue: Under the Lights of Sin City [1/3]

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One Year Later


Buses started lining up outside as the final minutes of the school year ticked by. It had been a long year, one that Ryan definitely wouldn't forget any time soon, and he was sad it had come to an end. He leaned back against his desk, facing his class, letting little memories flood his mind as he looked from one student to the next. All of them were certainly entertaining enough; a group that reminded Ryan why he got into teaching in the first place. He didn't want to let any of them go.

Sure, they'd be back next year to complete their high school journey, but they wouldn't be in Ryan's class anymore.

"Any summer plans?" Ryan asked, striking conversation to detach the eyes glued to the clock above the door.

"My family is spending a month in Europe," Alex said with a proud smirk from where he sat in the back. "We're hitting Paris, Rome, Germany, and Italy, to name a few." Alex's family had money, and he let it be known, but he was one of Ryan's favorite students. He always handed his work in on time, was polite and kind when it really counted, and never failed to make the day interesting in one way or another.

"I'm going with him!" Jack, Alex's long-time best friend, chimed merrily while shooting his arm up into the air. He was another of Ryan's favorites, though he adored pretty much everyone he had that year. But some days, the pair could have everyone in tears of laughter, and gave a whole new meaning to Romeo and Juliet. Especially since Alex commanded the part of Romeo, and Jack demanded to be Juliet; overdramatic being an understatement to their reenactment of the classic story.

"Me 'n Lexi are gonna own Europe!" Jack grinned, sitting on Alex's desk with his legs extended out towards his own.

"At least we'll know who to thank when American's are no longer welcome." Ryan teased. That was another thing he loved about this class. They could joke around with each as friends, to a certain extent, without it being awkward or uncomfortable. "Anyone else?"

"My parents might let me get a piercing," Travis offered, moving his messy orange hair aside as always. Why he never cut it was beyond Ryan, since he was constantly moving it out of his way, but whatever. He seemed to like it well enough.

"Which nipple?" Jack perked up, looking forward to where Travis sat.

"Hey." Ryan gave a look to Jack to settle. That was the only downside of Jack; Ryan's had to discipline him more than a few times about his use of sexual innuendo. It was like the boy had no filter. "Dare I ask where?" Ryan went back to Travis.

"Lip," Travis answered, biting the corner of his bottom lip. "I've always wanted one."

Ryan hummed, moving his focus to the girl sitting beside Travis who was contently texting away. He couldn't be bothered to enforce the school's policy since there was only about five minutes left, and she had nearly taken his head off once before. "What about you, Cassadee?" Ryan asked. "Any big summer plans?"

"Not really." She shrugged, not looking up from the screen of her phone. "Probably just go to a bunch of concerts."

"I would love to go to some concerts." Hayley sighed, brushing her blond-tipped bangs aside. Ryan always admired Hayley's hair. It was a bright red with blond tips that, when in the proper lighting, looked more orange than red. And it was perfect for the girl since she possessed a rather fiery attitude.

"I have to go visit family in Chicago, against my will, and pretend to have something in common with them." She let her forehead fall to her outstretched arms, groaning.

"You could always sneak out to a concert," Caleb suggested. "Chicago is a breeding ground for music."

"Chicago and Jersey." Kyle nodded knowingly, white-blond hair falling over his face. Ryan figured it was the latest trend; that hair needed to be layered and falling over your face, only to be shoved out of the way any time you moved. Usually by whipping your head to the side.

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