Pale Aura k.q [Discontinued f...

By blckstabbath

24.6K 283 71

"When I'm lying in my bed I think about life and I think about death and neither one particularly appeals to... More

Pale Aura (Kellin Quinn)
Sex, Scars, and Kellin.
More Sex, Antidepressants, More Kellin, and Pregnancy?
Test 1, Test 2, Test 3, and Four New Uncles
Will I Break Up Sleeping with Sirens?
Kellic, Panic, and Cheating
Vic, Drinking, and Perfect Sunsets
Bottles and Misstress.
Wakey, Wakey.
Small Bump, Big Fued
The Secret Lie
It All Comes Down To This
What Did I Do?
The Call
They Say Love Is Forever, Your Forver Is All I Need.
Your Forever Is Enough. Is My Forever Not Enough?
Ok, guise
The Memories Roll Back
The Frat House
Change Of Heart
Hey, Hey, Hey!!!!
Sometimes, It's Better To Be Left In The Dark
The Awkwardness That Comes Within. I Feel Like A Whore.
Roger Rabbit's Meaningful Lyrics
A Promise For Death
The Eyes Hold The Truth
The Mess I Made
An Open Book
One Million Branches And She Hates Everyone
Give In Or Give Out?
Southern Constellations
The Depths
Don't Let Me Go, Please
Currents Convulsive
Twas The Minute Before Christmas, Everythng Fell Togehter Pt.1
∆n ∆uthors Note
Π Not an update, but an update in a way Π
Goodbye....for now

Breaking Down The Walls

436 7 1
By blckstabbath

Kellin POV

Am I jealous of Vic?


Am I scared that Megan will go running back to Vic?

For sure.

She has told me time and time again she won’t leave me, but, that’s what my dad said.

And he left us. Three days before my fourth birthday.

I love Megan and I trust her, but seeing Hannah made me realize, Megan isn’t what she used to be. Megan was used to partying, heck who knows what else. To make it worse, Vic was part of all of it. In my high school, yeah I was popular and all, but I was one of those laid back people. If I had known Megan in high school, I probably would’ve never dated her. But here I am, still the same person engaged to her. And deep down inside Megan is still the same person. So why does it bother me so much that her past was completely different than mine. I trust her and Vic. I really do. But something about them just bothers me. I’ve notice that lately whenever Vic and Megan are in the same room with Audry, their eyes have the same depress look. I wonder what that was about. Or what it is about. I probably pissed Megan off today with my attitude. I was a complete dick to her. Why? Just because she met a friend from high school. A friend from high school with four piercings and blue freaking hair! And the fact that she wanted another tattoo, and about tattoos. She got one with Vic? At 17? Oh lord. I’m up for competition. I see how it is. Vic is testing me to see if I am really worthy to be good enough for Megan. Out of all people, he would know her the best. But wait. He only knows the old Megan. The one with the freak friends and piercings and half pink hair. Not the Megan with soft blond hair and soft blue eyes who is engaged to me and has a two month child. Who Vic has fostered for two months while I was on tour. Let’s do a mental pros and cons.


Kellin stop freaking out. She’s yours.

Yeah but for how long?

I buried my face in my hands and started to cry.

I already had a broken family.

I don’t need another one.

A cry snaps me out of my state of thought.

I look at Audry who openly has her hands reaching out for me. I lift her up and sit her on my lap. I begin to bounce her.

“Sorry you had to see that.” I whisper. “Your daddy just isn’t feeling like his strong self.” Audry looks at me. I know that look. “Someone has to be changed.” She smiled showing her toothless grin. I stand her up on my lap and she reaches for my cheek. She pinches them, probably leaving a red mark. She looks so much like her mother. Her mother who probably lost all faith in me. After I changed Audry I got in the shower. The shower whose first purpose was to have sex. It’s second purpose, for me. I slid down the running shower, still in my clothes, and I began to cry.

late updat and its only a filler, i know. my stomach hurts like hell and my computer is being a dick. but enjoy the chap ;0 looking for a picture of audry, i'll be up within the next 4 chaps. little tacos~ out!

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