mending the pieces ~ camren

By ohfxdge

93.2K 2.7K 746

two entirely different stories; two seperate families; one goal that is happiness. More

chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter six
chapter seven
chapter eight
chapter nine
chapter ten
chapter eleven
chapter twelve
chapter thirteen
chapter fourteen
chapter fifteen
chapter sixteen
chapter seventeen
chapter eighteen
chapter nineteen
chapter twenty
chapter twenty one
chapter twenty two
chapter twenty three
chapter twenty four
chapter twenty five
chapter twenty seven
chapter twenty eight
chapter twenty nine
chapter thirty
chapter thirty one
chapter thirty two
chapter thirty three
chapter thirty four
chapter thirty five
chapter thirty six
chapter thirty seven
chapter thirty eight
chapter thirty nine
chapter forty
chapter forty one
chapter forty two

chapter twenty six

1.3K 51 11
By ohfxdge

Camila's POV

"Let's play Spin the Bottle now!!" Normani exclaimed once the movie credits finished rolling down the TV screen. We watched Would You Rather and I have no idea, why I even agreed to this. Probably for Brittany Snow. I mean, obviously, and I'm pretty sure she was the only reason, I'm certain now. But yeah, this movie is fucked up, to say the least.

"The movie ended pretty roughly, I think a game would be fun. Mani's right, I'm up!" Ally spoke up.

"'Pretty roughly', huh?" I asked ironically. "You gasped the loudest, at almost every thing happening on the screen, might I add. And you say it ended pretty roughly.." I added with a smirk.

"The girl just really felt it, y'know." Dinah added.

"Exaclty! Thanks Di," Ally said appreciatively.

"Okay chicks, let's play!" Leigh spoke up and I averted my eyes on her.

Wait, they were serious about the game...

"G-guys," I murmured under my breath. It was too quiet for anyone to hear, apparently.

Normani sort of had to drag Lauren who was still on the couch, they moved hesitantly to the carpet, where Leigh was already waiting with Ally.

"Walz?" Dinah called.

"I-I'm not playing." I stuttered.

"Whyyy?" my Polynesian friend pouted.

"C'mon, Mila." Normani chimed it. "How about some 1D? it makes your lips so kissableee!!!" she sang easily.

"Nah, um, you guys play, I'll just-I'll watch or something." I defended myself nervously.

"It won't be the same without you, though." Leigh spoke up. I averted my eyes to Lauren and internally screamed for help. She was frowning slightly, gazing out the window.

Well, I ain't getting no help from this one, ugh.

I played with my fingers nervously as everyone, except Lauren, looked at me expectantly. Suddenly, she turned around and smiled delicately at me for a second. Then she turned to the other girls, already sitting in a circle.

"If she doesn't want to play, don't force her, guys." The green-eyed girl said quietly.

"Do you want to play?" Ally asked her.

"Not really, I-" she started.

"Do I hear correctly? Lauren Jauregui doesn't want to play?" Leigh stopped her, surprised.

"Uh, no, I-" she tried again.

"I didn't see you saying no at the parties we'd gone to," Leigh continued and I heard Lauren sigh angrily.

Oh no, she can't lose her temper, not when things have been going so well recently.

"That was last year, Leigh!" she stressed the two words. "Alright, I've been to a couple of parties and let myself loose, but that was months ago. I'm not that girl anymore, if you haven't noticed." She answered harshly.

"Okay guys, we just won't play, alright?" Ally spoke up, meaning the best for everyone in the room and wanting to soothe the atmosphere.

"It's fine, Ally." The traveler assured the girl as she got up and started coming up to her best friend. "Lauren, I'm sorry I pushed it this far. It's okay," she half-whispered as she put her arms around her body and pulled her in for a hug. Lauren reciprocated it with a faint smile on her face. I glimpsed her whisper something to her ear, but couldn't hear what. Not like it was by business anyway.

I scanned the room and Dinah and Normani were already too caught up in their conversation to pay attention to anything that was going on, Ally was goofily smiling down at her phone, probably because of a text from her boyfriend. The two best friends were still standing beside each other, talking quietly with serious faces. And then there was me, standing awkwardly in the middle of the living room. I walked up to Ally, because I felt weird, secluded even.

"Hi Allz," I said cheerfully.

"Howdy, Millz!" she exclaimed. I let out an airy laugh and side hugged her, with my arm on her shoulders.

"So, who ya texting?" I wiggled my eyebrows.


"I'm not blind! What were you smiling at just a second ago? Spill, girl,"

Ally blushed and hid her face in her hands. "Who could I be texting, though? Honestly," she giggled.

So cute!

"Tell Troy I said hi," I winked.

Since when do I wink, anyway? I'm pretty sure it's Lauren's fault.

"Camz?" speaking of the devil.

'Yeah?" I turned around and looked expectantly at the raven-haired girl.

"C'mere," she only muttered, opening her arms for me. I gladly obligated and relaxed into her arms, the girl's scent spreading around and filling my nostrils.

"Everything okay?" I asked, sensing how tightly she was hugging me.

"Yeah, I'm much better now." she answered pulling away and smiling delicately.

"Alright," I smiled and kissed her cheek. Her smile widened and her cheeks turned pink. Did I embarrass her? "Thanks for taking my side earlier, by the way."

"No problem. May I know why you didn't want to play, though?" she asked, remembering the situation.

"Well, I'd like my first kiss, other than a peck lasting 3 seconds, to be more special than a Spin the Bottle kind with my friends.." I revealed.

"Oh," she breathed. "that's cute."

"That I haven't really kissed anyone yet? Not really.." I murmured.

"No, that you want it to be special." She replied shortly.


" I mean, I know how passionate you are about the idea of love and romance at some times, and that'd explain you wanting to wait for the right moment, but I didn't fully figure it out." The raven-haired girl said.

"Yeah, I guess." I mumbled.

"Okay chicks, if we're not gonna play that game, I want to play at least something else, I'm bored." Our heads turned in the direction of the voice which belonged to Leigh.

"How about Truth or Dare?" Normani suggested.

"Yeah! I'm up," Ally exclaimed.

"I second that," Dinah agreed.

"Sounds good to me. What about you Mila? And Lauren?" Normani asked.

The green-eyed girl and I looked at each other for a second and Lauren raised her eyebrows slightly, wanting to know how I felt about it.

"Unless there won't be any dares involving kissing and all this kinky shit, I don't mind." I responded, looking at Lauren intently for the whole time. She smiled yet again and side-hugged me, turning her attention to the other girls.

"I don't think it'll be a problem," she spoke up. "right, girls?"

"No, of course not." Leigh replied and the rest shook their heads.

"Okay, well," I started, "let's start then!" I clapped excitedly.

"Yaaaay!" Dinah exclaimed and sat next to me in a circle, putting her head on my shoulder. I looked down and smiled gratefully.

"Are you having fun?" I asked quietly.

"Duh," she breathed. "These girls are so fun, thanks for bringing me, Walz."

"No problem, I'm glad you joined us, China." I shrugged it off.

"Alright, now get off of me."

"Excuse me? you're the one who suddenly needed affection and-"

"Blah blah, whatevs." She stopped me and ended the topic.

Guess she won't let me win anything, ever.

We watched the other girls settle in the circle on the soft carpet after they'd finished laughing at a story Normani was telling.

Lauren sat in front of me, Dinah on my left, on my right – Leigh, next to her was Ally, and on Lauren's other side was Normani. (wow that's confusing even to me, sorry)

I watched Lauren sit in an Indian style with a faint smirk lingering on her face.

"Yo, so what are the boundaries?" Dinah spoke up.

"Let's start off easy, okay?" I pleaded shyly.

"Sure, Camz. Whatever you feel comfortable with." Lauren immediately replied. I glimpsed Leigh and Normani look each other in the eyes and raise their eyebrows, but I ignored it and gave my full attention to my best friend.

"Thank you," I mouthed to her and blew her a kiss. She looked away and bowed her head, which I found incredibly adorable. "Who's going first?"

"I gladly will!" Ally said cheerfully. "So, we'll go this way," she started, showing the direction with her hand, pointing at Leigh.

"Okay, shoot." Leigh motioned for Ally to go on.

"Truth or dare?"

"Whatever, dare." The blonde girl stated confidently.

"Ooooh," Normani breathed and laughed. "Ally's known for some crazy dares, Leigh. I'd be careful."

"Which is why I chose dare, Mani. I need some adventure." The girl laughed wholeheartedly.

"You're all about YOLO and all this shit, I see." Dinah chuckled.

"Sure, why not? Though Ally does dare people to do some crazy stuff. What have you got up your sleeve tonight, little one?" she directed the question to the smallest girl in the room.

"I dare you to.." she put her pointer finger to her mouth and pretended to think hard.

"Oh c'mon, we all know you've already got everything planned out!" Lauren chuckled.

"True," Normani nodded.

"Alright, alright," Ally giggled. "My dear Leigh,"

"Yes?" the blonde girl grinned widely. "I'm so excited, oh my god." She whispered in my ear and I laughed excitedly.

"I dare you to run around the neighborhood..naked." the girl in the center of attention finally revealed, smirking.

Leigh grinned even wider and a second later, started laughing wholeheartedly.

My mouth went agape, realizing Ally was serious and Leigh didn't seem to mind. Dinah and Normani burst out laughing as well, Lauren covered her widely opened mouth with her hands, giggling goofily.

"That is starting off easy?" I chuckled, no longer scared or nervous for some reason. I seemed to relax a bit, and with that I felt more at ease.

"Don't worry, Millz." Ally started laughing. "This one was for Leigh, it doesn't mean the ones for you will be as, hm, adventurous."

"And we would never force you into doing something you're really uncomfortable with." Dinah added, rubbing my arm with a faint smile.

"Okay," I sighed and nodded for confirmation.

"Well, Leigh.. whatchu waitin' for? Hop out of these clothes and get out!" Dinah rushed her and we all laughed.

"It's 1 in the morning, no one's around here at this time, right Lo?" she asked.

"Who knows.." she replied mischievously, wiggling her eyebrows.

"Oh, pleaseeee!" Leigh groaned.

"Okaaay," she chuckled. "I doubt anyone will see you, my neighbors are mostly elderly people, not many teenagers, so calm your tits."

"You want me to calm my tits? How about we switch, huh?" she trailed.

"Well, well.. is the Leigh Margaret Henderson scared or am I being delusional?" Normani spoke up.

"You're being delusional, alright." Leigh stated surely and quickly. "I'll borrow your robe, Lo. I'll be right back." She added and sprinted up the stairs.

"Holy cows, she's actually about to do this." I breathed, still not exactly believing what was happening.

Ally chuckled happily and clapped her hands. "Sure thing she is, oh lord."

"Were you even serious?" I asked, chuckling as well.

"Not really, I mean, I knew she loved adventure and didn't care about other people's opinion, but I didn't think she'd take it seriously. I only wanted to joke around.."

"But if she's up for it, let her do her thing." Dinah added, smiling widely, her cheek dimple showing.

Abrupt footsteps disturbed us and we all turned our heads in the direction of the stairs, where Leigh was already standing. In a white robe. Probably with no clothes underneath it.

"You coming or what?" she spoke up.

"Hell yes!" Normani exclaimed.

"There's no way I'm missing this. Dinah, take your phone and make sure to record the whole thing." Lauren ordered.

We all followed Leigh, jogging after her to the front door. She stood on the porch with the door wide opened. We were behind her and Dinah made sure to start recording a video when the blonde started undoing her bathrobe and opening it slowly. The cloth shielding her from everyone's eyes slid slightly, displaying her shoulders and her back until the middle. I noticed her muscles tense, but she quickly relaxed. She turned her head around and eyed us, grinning like a little idiot.

"That's how you do it, watch and learn, kids." She added and dropped the robe on the ground.

I'll be honest.

All I could focus on, was her butt.

BOY, was her butt worth being observed so inquisitively. Her whole body was slightly tanned, her skin was almost gloomy, only illuminated by the street lights which made it look softer than damn fluff. Not to mention her outstanding figure. Her legs seemed much longer than in her jeans earlier, her butt was perfectly shaped, like I've already mentioned, and the faint muscles on her back topped it all.

I wasn't aware of my mouth hung low and my eyes roaming her body, but I did feel someone else's gaze at me. I looked around and was met with the emerald eyes of Lauren, she was watching me silently while everyone else was watching Leigh. I couldn't exactly tell what was going on in that head of hers, but those were definitely some mixed feelings. She seemed almost afraid, maybe even jealous? but jealous of what?

She bit her lip and when our eyes locked, she didn't gift me with one of her famous smiles like she always does, but instead looked away quickly and ran a hand through her hair out of habit. I shrugged it off and gave my attention back to the naked girl in front of us. Dinah was holding the phone, already recording, and Ally and Normani were laughing and encouraging the blonde to do what she was told.

Suddenly Leigh made a move to walk down the stairs. She did it slowly and almost with pride, as if her body was a piece of art at a fancy exhibition. Not that she shouldn't do it. With this body, she can do anything she pleases.

To the left and to the right were lined up houses and almost each of them had the lights off, which was a good sign. As I was looking out for any people on the street, Leigh had already managed to cross the sidewalk and walked confidently through the street. The girls were cracking up, especially Ally, probably because she never meant any of this to happen, after all it was all a joke, but unfortunately, or fortunately, my new friend took it seriously. I had a good laugh myself, but I couldn't say the same thing about Lauren. Something was up and I didn't know what. I made a mental note to give it some time and talk to her about it. If my best friend feels bad, I need to make sure to at least try to help her.

"Is that enough?" Leigh yelled from at least 400 feet away.

"Sure!" Dinah yelled back.

"We'll go inside now so you can get back!" Ally informed the girl.

We walked to the living room still chuckling at how everything turned out. Only Lauren seemed out of it. She collapsed on the couch and crossed her arms together.

Shit was serious.

I made a move to sit next to her but then Leigh walked in, grinning like an idiot.

"Girl, you slayed it!!" Dinah exclaimed the second she saw the girl. Ally bended in half once again, laughing loudly.

"Your body's even crazier than it was a few months ago, how do you do it?"Normani spoke up and the four girls got into an easy conversation. I, on the other hand, wanted to take care of Lauren and whatever it was that bothered her.

I waited for Lauren to finally look at me so I could show her I wanted to talk in private. She didn't, though. Which is why I came up to her and seconds later, I was standing in front of her. She didn't look up nor even acknowledged me. I kneeled and put my hands on her knees. I rubbed them delicately, comforting the girl and she unfolded her hands, signaling she didn't mind my company. I knew her and her signs well enough to read her.

"Wanna go for a walk or to your room?" I suggested quietly. She finally looked me in the eyes and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Now you see me, huh?" she snapped.

"What do you mean? Lauren-"

"I'm sorry." She quickly added, looking surprised by her behavior herself.

"It's okay. Want to tell me what's up?" I tried again.

"Let's go upstairs for a while, alright?" she offered.

"Sure," I smiled involuntarily. I extended my hand for her to take it and she gladly accepted it. We started walking towards the stairs when I heard Dinah call my name.

"We'll be right back, okay?" I only said, with no further explanation needed for now. I gave her a knowing look and hoped for her to get the idea.

"Oh, okay. Sure," she replied. I smiled faintly at her and lead Lauren to her room.

"Where are you two going? We only did one dare, c'mon-" Leigh was cut off by my instant reply.

"Just give us a moment, please."

The girls must have sensed the seriousness and urgency in my voice, because all they did was nod their heads. I sent a quick smile to Lauren, she had been watching everything silently, holding onto my hand tightly, and then we finally went to her room.

When we entered, she immediately lay down on her messy bed and I gladly joined her. She lay on her back and she was covering her face with her hands, breathing deeply. I was on my side, resting my head on my hand. I started caressing her arm for comfort and soon enough, I was also smoothing her dark wavy hair delicately.

"I'm sorry, Camz." she broke the silence.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, Laur." I assured her.

"Don't I though?" she questioned, uncovering her face and looking at me intently.

"I don't see any reasons. But you can tell me what's wrong if you want to." I offered.

"I don't think it's the right time to tell you about this. I have to figure it out, by myself, because it's all so messed up, that I get lost every damn second." She explained quickly. "I don't know what's happening, what some things mean, I need to find out then sort it all out and if I find it the right thing to do, I'll tell you about it. I can't do this now. You have to give me some time." She continued, talking abnormally fast.

"Okay, Lauren. Slow down now." I quickly spoke up before she could decided to start rambling again. we locked eyes and she smiled at me tenderly. Oh I missed this smile so much. "Absolutely no one is rushing you. If anything, I will be the one to encourage you to take as much as you need, and even more."

"You're the best." She whispered wrapping her hands around my neck and pulling me in for a hug. I relaxed into the embrace, sighing happily. My Lauren was back.

We cuddled for a couple more minutes, enjoying the silence and stillness, sharing smiles and glances every few moments.

"The girls are waiting for us.." Lauren said suddenly.

"Yeah, but they'll understand." I assured her.

"I know," she smiled. "But I think we can go back now."

"You sure?" I made sure and she nodded her head. "Alright. Well, get this ass of yours up, because I won't get up otherwise." I added humorously.

"Make me," she trailed suggestively and smirked.

"You wish is my command." I quickly said and totally startled the green eyed girl when I suddenly started tickling her ribs. She squealed and burst out laughing, calling my name every few seconds and begging me to stop.

"Okaaay! I'll get off, I'll get off, I'll get off, Camila!" she added after a minute or two. I chuckled and rested my hands on her back, giving into her pleading. "You're such a meanie, I don't believe you." she breathed, still recovering after my sudden attack of tickling.

"Not like you mind it or anything." I added, still laughing lightly.

"I wouldn't trade you for anyone else, Camz." she replied seriously.

"Aww, I wouldn't either, Laur." I confessed and kissed her cheek. "Now get off, let's kick their asses in Truth or Dare."

"Yaaas!" she called in a deep voice and raising her fist in the air.


"I went to science camp in 7th grade and it was the most intense experience of my life." I confessed.

"By intense she means the best." Lauren quickly added.

"You're not normal." Dinah said bluntly.

"You're such a geek, though." Leigh added and chuckled.

"Well, there were many reasons for others calling me a nerd at my old school." I informed them, smiling.

"I love it." Lauren chimed in.

"You love what?" Normani asked.

"That Camila is passionate enough about science to literally sacrifice her summer to solve all kinds of mysteries the nature has up its sleeve. I think it's amazing and admirable." Lauren explained.

"Girl, to me it's just fucked up. But respect, Mila. Seriously," Dinah voiced her opinion.

"Thanks, I guess." I let out a breathy laugh.

After playing Truth or Dare for another hour or two, and laughing A LOT, we decided to just chill. Lauren played some music and all of us found comfortable seats. We couldn't seem to stop talking, we had this many various topics to bring up. We would occasionally throw a random fact about ourselves and then the rest would ask for further explanation. I found out many new things about Normani and Ally, and I really got to know Leigh. Dinah mainly commented everything we mentioned, not really sharing much information about her personal life.

"Lauren's always been awful at science." Normani continued.

"Mhm!" Leigh nodded eagrly. "Especially maths,"

"It's not that bad, guys..." Lauren mumbled shyly.

"Don't fool yourself, Lo." Ally teased the girl.

"If Camila's so good maybe she can help you out." Dinah spoke up.

"Oh yeah, I feel some hot study sessions coming up." Leigh said, wiggling her eyebrows at both of us and smirked.

As if on cue, the rest of the girls burst out laughing and Lauren and I looked at each other confused. Obviously neither of us knew what was so funny, but I shrugged it off. After they'd calmed down, Normani yawned.

"I think I'll call it a night, you guys." She informed us.

"Me too," Dinah said through a yawn, stretching her body tiredly.

"Same here," Ally added and they all got up. "What about you?"

"I think I'll go, too. But where do we sleep?" I asked.

"How about we plop over here?" Dinah suugested.

"Sure, let me bring some fresh sheets and blankets. I'll be right back." Lauren said as she got up and pulled her arm out from behind my body and the couch, which was securely wrapped around it throughout the whole conversation with the rest.

"Do you need some help?" I asked.

"No, it's fine, thanks." She offered me a faint smile and left the room.

"Anyways, I'll go shower upstairs." I informed them.

"Okay, I'll take the bathroom downstairs first." Ally said.

Normani, Dinah and Leigh started talking again, but I couldn't hear what about, since I was already walking up the stairs, thinking of how refreshing my shower would be.

I entered the bathroom, locked the door and put my change of clothes for the night on a drawer. I stripped quickly, started the water and waited until it was warm enough. I undid my bun which I'd done when I was dared to fish out a leaf from a barrel filled with dirty water outside the Jaureguis house. Yeah, Dinah's idea...

The steam appeared on the glass walls of the shower which prodded me to get in.

I closed the glass door and let the water flow on my body. I sighed contently and thought about the evening.

The smile on my face wouldn't get off because of how lucky I felt to experience all of this. 

a/n bleh finally got it out, didn't proofread because i'm done lol

anyways, over 4k words and a hundred days later, here's chapter 26. sorry for the wait you guys. my life is a mess, tbh. i'm a mess too. it's sad. 

but hey, stay positive lol

pola (ps i'm writing chapter 27 already so maybe it won't take so long, fingers crossed)

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