The Alpha's Little Witch

By xAliceHatterx

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The creamy white of her alabaster skin, as if she is illuminated from the inside. Gold freckles scattered in... More

Chapter 1: I am a witch.
Chapter 2: The New beginning.
CHAPTER 4: The Attack
CHAPTER 5: Meeting him.
CHAPTER 6: Meeting Her
CHAPTER 7: And the feeling is Mutual.
Chapter 8: The Amaranth blood.
Chapter 9: The things he know in one day.
Chapter 10: I'm afraid of the dark.
Chapter 11: A sip to his personal addiction.
Chapter 12: She said ... He said.
Chapter 13: The Accident.
Chapter 14: A surprise for her.
Chapter 15: Anything for her.
Chapter 16: Waiting for him.
Chapter 17: Please don't leave me.
Chapter 18: Secrets and Revelations Part I
Chapter 18: Secrets and Revelations part 2
Chapter 19: His Mark
Chapter 20: Trouble ahead.
Chapter 21: The Confession of a broken heart.

Chapter 3: Sweet Cheeks!

65.3K 1.4K 257
By xAliceHatterx

Chapter 3: Sweet Cheeks!

 Tik tok…tik tok…

She can hear the clock clicking. It had rung a while ago, but then she refused to get up on her bed.

Tik tok…tik tok…

She has been staring at the ceiling for almost half an hour already and yet she haven’t had the energy to start this day.

Downstairs, she could already smell her father’s cooking, smiling to herself. Her father knows already that she isn’t a breakfast person nor a person who likes to eat.

The sight if foods makes her sick. She feels like she could vomit anytime whenever she tries eating food.

A knock on the door awoke her from her own thoughts.

“15 minutes Crimson, don’t let me drag you in there if you don’t start moving. We have to go to school.” Zachary threatened her.


It is the reason why until now she haven’t moved from the comforts of her bed. She sighed, knowing that no matter how long I stare at my ceiling it won’t help me.

After a minute or so, she was already dressed in her cream colored sweater that hangs on one shoulder, a red skirt that flow just above her knee, underneath is a black tights. She grabbed something under her bed, reaching for it is a pair of black combat boots which was a gift from Zachary.

Crimson went straight to the kitchen to find Zachary filling his mouth with food. She shook her head at it, she pulled a chair next to him.

Whatever he does, he easily burned those foods.

“What? I’m a growing man! I need carbohydrates in my body.” He pulled up his shirt up, showing his perfect sculpted abs, just to emphasize his need of food.

Hans slap the back of Zachary head. “Whatever growing man, finished your food, so you won’t be late in school.” Sometimes this boy is full of himself. Looking back at his daughter who always refused to eat anything. If she eats, it will be only for a bit.

That’s why he and Zachary will always try to convince her to eat something.

Turning his attention to his daughter, he asked. “How about you pumpkin, what to do you want to eat? Bacon? Sausage? Or Pancakes?” 

Crimson only shook her head. A sign that his daughter is not in the mood to eat. Again.

“I’m still full from last night dinner.” She shrugged.

“We are not fool Crimson, you barely touch your dinner last night.” Zachary narrowed his eyes to his sister, challenging her to make a fight out of it, but he could see his sister giving up. “At least eat something.”

“I would like some apple, please.” Crimson looked at him.

Giving up, he grabbed some apple and gave it to his daughter. “Sure thing, here’s your favorite apple, pumpkin.”

Glancing at the clock, Zachary pulled out form his chair, picking up his key from the table.

“C’mon baby girl, eat it on the way, we have to go to school. Oh!” Looking fully at her sister for the first, he notices what she’s wearing.

“We’re wearing the same boots!” He exclaimed excitedly.

“Of course, you gave me this.” She smiled at him.

Zachary frowned at what his sister wearing. “And you’re wearing a skirt, I don’t like it there are many hormonal teenagers there.”

“But I’m wearing tights over it.” She convinced him, his sister pulled the skirt a little to let him know that she’s wearing tights.

“And it will stay the same.” Both men said at the same time.

“Okey kids off you go. Careful with the bike Zachary, you’re riding with your sister.” Their father shouted.

“Yes dad” Hans doesn’t need to remind him that, he’s always careful whenever Crimson rides with him.

Straddling the bike, he inserted the key and the engine comes to life. Grinning at the sound of his bike.

This bike will always be a bad ass.

Crimson always likes to ride with Zachary. She remembers the first time Zachary bought home a broken Harley, he persuades their father to let him have it and with the little help of her. And from then on, Zachary will always fixed it in their garage, he will spend a lot inside. She thought the Harley is a lost cause already, but he proven her wrong.

One day, Zachary showed her his Harley. And it was beautiful. He fixed it from scratched, it was amazing to think that all of his hard work paid off. Then Zachary surprised her by asking that she joined him to ride his bike. At first she’s anxious to ride it, but with a lot of convincing she gave up. They even ride it in front of Dylan and he was so jealous at her for being the first to ride it.

Dylan said it should be Bro before hoes, but Zachary only laughed at it saying that she is not a hoe since she is his sister. That’s why she has the privileged to ride it with him.

And now, his bike has been her everyday ride since then. And she loves it, the adrenaline rush she’s feeling because of the speed, her hair that flows from the wind like it wipes all the worry, frustration, nightmares away. Even though Zachary is careful with the speed limit, it still excites her.

Entering the school gate, Zachary carefully park his bike in the available space. Turning to his sister, he gently removed the helmet from her head, only to see the panic look on her eyes.

Crimson was trying not to look around her but he could feel her nervousness. She glanced at him, her hands rubbing together. A sign of her agitation. He could already smell the wolves among the humans, making him stand in full alert.

“Crimson, why don’t you take a bite on your apple?” Zachary smoothly rubs her shoulder to make her relax.

“I’m scared Zachary” She whispered.

He smiled down to her as she bites down to her apple. “I’m here right?”

“Yeah, but you’re a senior, and your older among us here.” She argued back.

“So?” he knows that he’s older among the boys here, in fact at 19 he should be in college, but because he experienced a traumatic episode in his life that made him refused to communicate with people and that goes to attending school.

It has its advantages, at least he could look after his sister.

“What if they were the same with them Zachary?” She gripped the nearly finished apple in her hand and the other she was holding her book bag like her life depends on it.

He crouched lowly so that he could look in her eyes, he cupped her pale face in his hands and whispered soothing to her. 

 “Whatever happens, call me. I can hear you.” He looked directly in her eyes, for her to know that he meant every word of it. He kissed her forehead to smooth her worries.

“Okey” She said softly.

“Let’s get our schedule then? And let’s see how their Alpha keeps his promise.” Zachary wrapped his arm around Crimson as he scans their surroundings. He could already see some group of wolves gathering around. Curious are they, he could clearly hear all the whispers from them. He doesn’t want Crimson to be exposed of it, tightening his hold to her they hurriedly went to the office.

“Mr. Savage and Ms. Nightingale, here’s your schedule, your locker number, and the school booklet. You could look at the booklet if ever you want to join some club here in school. Also the map is inside the booklet. Enjoy your stay here at Bradshaw High.” The principal smiled at them, showing them his pearly white teeth.

“If you have any question or concerns, please don’t be hesitant to approach me.” He smiles at them. She knows he meant no harm, but she couldn’t stop thinking that eventually they will hurt her.

As long as she hid herself from the radar, she will survive this high school life. 

Crimson shook her head at that thought. Since they entered the school with his big bike and his aura of a bad ass, as much as she likes her brother, he already caught the attentions of the entire student body.

With the final welcomed of the principal, they left the office. The hallways are almost empty, some are still hanging by their locker. She looked at Zachary and saw his attentions were directed to a group of student just across from them.

Must be wolves, if they keep on staring at them like that, she didn’t know how long she can stand it.

It’s rude to stare at someone.

“Let’s get to your locker first, and then I take you to your room.” Without asking, he took her schedule from her and wrapped his arms around her, stirring her towards her locker.

“These wolves are everywhere.” he mumbles to himself.

“How about you Zachary?  You shouldn’t be late.” Crimson’s tried to grab her schedule from him.

“I can handle myself baby girl, I just don’t trust these teenagers and wolves. They looked at you like you’re their next meal.” He tightens his hold on her.

She lifted her chin, denying him. “No their not, they’re just curious because I’m with the bad ass.”

“You’re too innocent, and should stay like that. And damn right you’re with a bad ass!” He proudly said to himself. When they reached her locker, she put some things on it. After all, she didn’t have much at all. Then they proceeded to look for her class, which is just across from his.

“After your class, wait for me.” He said.

Crimson entered the room that cause all the students to stop on what they were doing. She looked at the teacher who in fact, staring at her with wide eye, her mouth hang open, and her hand is suspended in the air. She must be writing something on the board before she entered the room.

Is something wrong with her? Because its like they were surprised to see her, standing in front of them.

The teacher must be a wolf, Crimson saw her discreetly smell the room.

“Umm…Excuse me, this is---” Before she could finish, the teacher beat her into it.

“History dear!” She squeaked.  Clearing her voice, she finally said. “Your in my history class, and I’m Ms. Jones. Can I see your paper?” She said to her in a more smoothing voice.

“You’re…” Ms. Jones looked at her paper “Crimson Alazne Nightingale, would you like to introduce yourself?” Ms. Jones smiled at her trying to encourage her to talk.

“No.” Crimson said stubbornly. She hates introduction, it won’t do anything.

Ms. Jones looked shocked, but she immediately masked it, so no one can see it, except her.

“You can take a seat now dear.” Ms. Jones tried to put her hand on Crimson’s shoulder but when she saw it, she flinched back.

She nodded once to her teacher never bothered to look at her. Crimson decided to seat at the back of the room beside the window. In was the only available seat in the room.

The class flew by, with some of the occasional glances of other students. When the bell rung, she immediately gathered her things and went straight to the door. She saw the back of her brother, tapping it lightly he instantly swing his arm around her shoulder. He talked while they went to their next class. They decided to meet at her locker for lunch.

Crimson’s other classes went by without a hitch, with only curious glances and the whispers of some of the students, everything went fine. As long as they don’t come near her or try to befriend her. Well, the last part will be easy, no one really likes to have a freak friend like her.

When the bell ring for lunch, everyone went crazy, excited to eat with their friends.

Walking with the parade of students, she saw Zachary leaning beside her locker. Across from him were some girls who keep on giggling like a hyena trying to get his attention, from afar she can see his body tensed, like something is wrong.

“Hey buddy.” She poked him. When he didn’t reply to her, worry etched in her face. “Are you alright?”

“Hey baby girl” His eyes soften when he looked down at her. “No, there’s nothing wrong.”

She opened her locker and put her bag inside and she faces him, looking directly into his eyes.

“Are you sure with that? Because you were just bubbly a while ago, chattering along the way and now you’re all tense up.” She said as they walked towards the cafeteria.

“You know, you talked too much when you’re worried, but in normal circumstances you’re too quiet.” He grinned at her.

“Don’t change the subject, Zachary. I know you well, like the back of my hand.”

He closed his eyes and when he opened it, Zachary looked more troubled than before. His arms wrapped around her as she led her towards the cafeteria. Crimson was still waiting for him to say anything. “It’s just this boys won’t stop talking about you which I remind you to not get close with them. My wolf didn’t like it. Some thinks you’re the biker’s girl.”

That caught her attention.

“Biker’s girl? Really.” She was amused with it actually.

“At least they know to stay away from you. But don’t think I see you like that. I love you as my sister. And as your brother I’ll chase them away.” He kissed her forehead as they enter the cafeteria.

At least his worries are gone now.

He drags me towards the line, not in the mood to eat she only chose the chocolate smoothie. She smiled to herself, she could almost taste it while Zachary’s tray … let’s just say he’s tray is full of food.


They were headed towards the courtyard when someone shouted somewhere in the cafeteria. To whom it was for, she pity that “sweet cheeks” person, since the person announced it to the whole student body.

Poor human being called sweet cheeks.

She saw Zachary stops from his track, she looked over from the direction her brother was looking at.

At first she couldn’t see anything just some shoulder of some guy not far away from her, but a familiar figure came running towards them.

“Sweet cheeks! I miss you!” Her body was suddenly engulfed by a strong arms as nightmare flashes through her eye. She began to struggle in his arms.

“Hey! Let go of her.” Zachary pulled her behind him, he looked like he was ready to pummel the guy any second now.

Crimson tried to relax, she needs to calm Zachary. Before he decides to start a fight, she doesn’t want them to get into troubled on their first day. Especially when they are outnumbered, there are wolves on every corner of the room and there are also humans around them.

“Easy dude!” The guy raised both of his hands. “I just miss sweet cheeks over here, you know.” He grinned down at me.

“I’m alright Zachary, I was just caught off guard with his undeniably greeting.” She smiled at him, crimson placed her hands to his arm. He relaxes immediately.

“Hi Victor, how was your arm.” She looked at his bandage arm.

“I’m doing great actually. Thanks for saving me, sweet cheeks. Even though I’ve been an ass to you” His voice held such regret the way treated her the first time.

“It’s alright Victor, as long as your safe.” She shrugged.

“Umm…Yeah” Victor fidgets in his place like he wants to say something and she saw him holding his tray with his uninjured arm

Crimson inwardly smile, she knows already what he wants to ask and she decided to release him from his own suffering.

“Would you like to have lunch with us, Victor?” She asked him.

A smile creeps over his face, his perfect white teeth showing. He excitedly nodded his head like a puppy ready to be pat by a master. His excitement is very contagious, with his large frame; She reaches out his head to pat it. Crimson could hear Zachary complained about the idea, but she was too focus on wanting to pat Victor’s head like he was her dog.

She couldn’t hear any more about Zachary’s protest.

“You’re a cute puppy.” She blurted it out.

Her eyes widen in realization that she said out loud, heat rushes to her cheeks and she could feel the eyes of the entire students. It deepened her embarrassment more.

She withdraws her hand from his head and step back towards. A burst of laughter came from Victor like it doesn’t affect him at all.

“C’mon sweet cheeks! Me a puppy, with my sexiness? You could do better than that.” He flexes his arm just to prove his point.

“It fits you better pup. Nice choice Crimson, you never fail me.” She could feel Zachary’s body start to relax; apparently he’s enjoying this bantering between them.

They start moving towards the courtyard when suddenly she stop walking, she looked over her shoulder only to see Victor standing there, looking uncertain.

“Aren’t you going to join us pup, she did invite you right?” It was Zachary who broke the silence in the cafeteria

“I’m not a pup! Actually I’m far from that.” Victor protested, a smirked played in his lips.

And then he began to follow them towards the courtyard where they can enjoy each other company far from the prying eyes of the students.

To be honest, except from Zachary and Dylan. Victor would be the first wolf that she’s comfortable with. She doesn’t know why, but he looks like a lost puppy.


Crimson can see it in his eyes, she shouldn’t trust him but, there’s something within me that tells me that she should trust Victor.

Sipping her smoothie, she leaned on the tree while she closed her eyes as she listened to them talking about some stuff. She hopes Zachary could join some of the clubs here. She doesn’t want him to stop his life for her.

Crimson felt it first before she could move, she was already behind Zachary. They were surrounded by students, by the looks of it they were surrounded by wolves.

“We’re sorry to interrupt your lunch, but we are ordered by our Alpha that we limit our contacts with you.” The boy who has spoken narrowed his eyes toward Victor who oblivious to the tension surrounding the group. “Clearly someone from us can’t seem to follow the Alpha’s order, so I’m here to fetch him.”

“Umm.., actually I wasn’t there, when the Alpha gave that order, I was in the hospital if you remember, so clearly it didn’t apply to me” Victor crossed his arm and smirked at the guy.

“Victor, I’m your Beta---”

“Technically, you’re the future Beta, the title hasn’t yet passed on you and me, surprisingly I’m one of the fighter. Under the district of Sir. Augustus.” Victor taunted the guy.

Silence fill the air. It became impenetrable and it is full of male testosterone, who each one would never back down. It’s like it’s happening all over again.

Crimson felt she was locked again in a dark room, surrounded by men who are hidden in a shadow. She could see it clearly again, the faces are like they were angels from above, but there are wickednesses deep inside their heart that only she knows.

After all, she was his favorite toy. Her whole body trembles in fear and horror, her heart beats faster.

I can’t breathe.

“I suggest you move away now boys. Right now, you don’t want to be on my bad side. Are we?” Zachary narrowed his eyes to each of the wolves that surround them. He could already smell the panic that’s vibrates all over Crimson, and it’s all because of their uninvited guest.

“Are you threatening us” The boy said, who as Victor says the “future” beta of this pack.

Zachary body became alert and any minute now he is ready to attack this boy but he doesn’t want that especially when Crimson is in very vulnerable position.

“No boy, it’s just a warning to all of you.” Zachary snaps his head to his right, where Victor was standing. His eyes was not directed to Victor but towards the boy who steps a little closer to them “And if you move a little closer to us pup, I won’t hesitate to break your neck.”

Zachary knows that it’s not right to threatened a member of the pack, it’s like he was asking to start war with the entire pack and he doesn’t want that either.

“Enough!” Victor voice is full of command that all of his pack member step back a little, except from guy, the future beta.

“You don’t need to fuss over me Mateo, I for one didn’t harassed any of them, and I met them already before the Alpha gave that command to the whole pack. Your group were the one’s causing a scene here, you could at least be the only one to approach me and not drag some pack members. They feel threatened with your reckless actions.” Victor is annoyed with this situation. He’s enjoying his lunch with this two and then immediately destroy.

He then turned his attention to his little friend, who is now all bundle up with her brother.

Shaking his head, disappointed that he cause this distress to his little friend, “I apologize for the rudeness of my pack members.”

Whispering softly to his sister ears, Zachary looked directly to Victor. “It’s not your fault.” He nodded towards the group. “They were not thinking well. You don’t need to apologize to me. They should be the one to apologize to her.”

“I should be going now, the Alpha wants to talk to me.” Victor thought to himself. “I hope to see you again, sweet cheeks.

Zachary only gave him a nod, afraid to move. Crimson was clutching his shirt like her life is depends on it.

The pack members are slowly dispersing. Good, because he doesn’t want to see any of them.

“Baby girl, c’mon, breathe slowly there gone now.” Zachary was getting worried, her breathing is getting heavier and her heart rate is not slowing down, her eyes are all black, it like the last time when she felt being trapped. Feeling useless, he hugged her tightly, whispering smoothing words in her ear.

Her eyes were a little blur, Crimson couldn’t see straight but she could hear someone. Whispering softly in her ear.

“Zachary” Her voice is muffled in his chest.

“Baby girl, are you alright now?” He moved her a little, his hands holds her face while his eyes were searching something in her face.

“I’m fine now Zachary, where’s Victor?” Crimson searched around.

“He is called by his Alpha.” Zachary said to her.

“Oh, is that so.” Looking around, she was surprised that they were the only ones here. “Are they gone now?” She could sense Zachary’s eyes on her.

“Yes, and I hope it stays that way. You don’t feel well. We should go home now.” It’s a statement, not a question.

She shook her head refusing to go, “Is the class over?”

“Not yet, but were already late for the class after Lunch” he shrugged lightly. Not caring if they skip class today.

“I have classes to attend to, and I don’t want dad to worry more.” Her eyes says it all, she don’t want to argue at that’s final.

“Fine, but you have to wait for me in every class.” He said.

“Fine with me. Let’s go, before were late for the next class.”

DONE! I ate a dozen of chocolate just to flow some idea on me. It took me long to write it, but here we are. It’s not edited yet, so point it out to me. I’ll edit it as soon as I can. Thank you for reading and voting and also for one comment. Thank you so much! See you again!

P.S. Sorry for the grammar, spelling and other errors.

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