My love is only yours! (Austi...

By suchi99

3.7K 358 234

There's a girl ,YN, that Austin Mahone falls for and she falls for him too. But there comes a girl that likes... More

Chapter 1:What should i do?
Chapter 2:Its a no!
Chapter 3:Best friend bye bye
Chapter4: My love
Chapter 5:Surprise surprise!
Chapter6:The worst and hurtful Date
Chapter7: How worse can this get!
Chapter 8:I said I cant go to perform my Concert in London
Chapter 9: Did This Just happen!
Chapter 10:Finally something good!!!
Chapter 11: The moment I've waited for
Chapter 12: The Kiss
Chapter:13 Im Going to Miss Him
Chapter 14: Mind cleared
Chapter15: London we re here
Chapter 16: planning
Chapter 17: Surprise Day
Chapter 18: What just happened!
Chapter:19 hurting Austin
Chapter 20: reason why everybody is mad at me
Chapter 21: Im going
Chapter 22: The Proposal
Chapter23: The Apolgy
Chapter 24: Break up
Chapter:25 Romance
Chapter 26: Baby?!
Chapter 27: Critical
Chapter28: Blindfolded Surprise!!
Chapter29: the wedding
chapter 30:More trouble
Chapter 31: At the Hospital
Chapter 32:Shock and Mad
Chapter 33: Something Wrong?
Chapter:34 I hate her
Chapter 36: Connected hearts
Chapter 37: The friendship
Chapter 38: The hang out group One
Chpater 39: The hang out group Two
Chapter 40: Starting a new chapter!
Chapter 41: Noelia
Chapter 42: So Close
Chapter 43: Strangers and New friends
Chapter 44: excitement
Chapter 45: The meet up
Chapter 46: No forgiveness
Chapter 47: Realization
Chapter 48: forgiveness
Chapter 49: Romance
New cover!!!
Chapter 50: Happy Moments

Chapter 35: Trip To Miami

28 5 1
By suchi99

"No I don't! And he's not letting my hand go", I lied putting a stone in my heart. He lets me go knowing that I lied to the security without any hesitation. He stared at me and I couldn't look at those eyes which would make me stay so I start to get my bags ready.

I walk away to aboard my plane and I stop knowing that I still love him and I can't go without saying sorry.

I turn around and mouth a sorry to him, but he didn't look too satisfied with it, but I left. I couldn't stand the fact that I just humiliated Austin in front of the security guard.

How stupid can I be to do that to the person I love the most in the world?

As I was sitting in my seat in the plane, I take out my negative dairy from my purse where I always write down things that I am regretting or things I'm mad about or anything negative.

I jotted down my regrets to what I did to Austin.

After that I listened to some music and just closed my eyes shut.


"Excuse me mam, veg or non veg", the lady in the plane attentively inquired as I open my eyes closed them and completely opened them again.

"Veg or non veg?"she questioned again.

"Oh sorry, um I would like veg", I replied as I sat up professionally.

"What would you like to drink", she petitioned as I clearly could see her outfit. She had a dark blue blazer with a white shirt underneath and matching dark blue dress pants. She had her hair in a tight bun and a dark blue color watch.

"Water please", I spoke. She poured the liquid into the glass cup and gave me a tray full of veg lasagna and a glass of water.

I mouthed a thank you and she left to the next person. Since I was hungry I winged the lasagna in my mouth.

After I was done eating, I took a glance at my phone for the time and I still had 3 more hours left until I reach Miami.

I take out a book from my bag and enjoyed a few minutes of a book time. The book was about two imperfect lovers who meet secretly and that's it, I don't want to give out too much. The book is called 'Eleanor and Park'.

After a 2hours and 15 minutes

"Excuse me for the interruptions, please put your seat belts on", the pilot announced from the announcer so everyone can fasten their seat belts for safety.

"We will be landing shortly and we don't want anyone to get injuries, thank you", the deep voice finished off.

I put my things in my bag and fastened my belt. I did still have 45 minutes left, so I just stared at the window thinking about Austin.

I have to forget him. I'm not in his life and his not in my anymore.

After 40minutes past by, I felt the shaking of the plane as it landed.

I gather all my belongings and head out with everyone else. I wait for my bags inside the airport and head out.

I call my friend Luana to pick me up and take me to my house.

I waited outside for her to pick me up.

"Hey YN", Luana hollered coming to hug me. I smiled and she gave me a questioned look.

"What", I asked putting my bags in the trunk car.

"Why did you come back alone and don't lie please", she inquired as she helped me put the bags. When we were done she drove and I sat next to her in the passenger seat.

"So go ahead and answer my question", she spoke resting her hands on the wheel.

"Ok ok at least start the car", I sighed.

"So what happened was Austin and I were getting married and my 'dad' and Miley, who was in a wedding gown, showed up and my 'dad' wanted Austin to get married to Miley", I affirmed and stopped to take a breath.

"Oh why!?!? But go ahead", she demanded for me to keep going.

"Then everyone started arguing, including me and that's where Sarah fell and lost her baby", I stopped again and debated in my head if I should continue.

"Awe poor baby, is she ok now! She must have been so down! Ok but how does this relate to you being here?" She requested for more as she kept looking at the road.

Wow she must have done some planning to be having hasty questions.

"Ok so we were in the hospital and Sarah got mad at me and I left and decided to get away from everyone and Austin to get married with Miley", I finally could breath.

"Austin must have been devastated! Didn't he look for you or try to contact you?" Luana queried. Why won't she stop with the questions.

"He did and I told him not to look for me. I also met him at the airport, but I left telling him some things I regret", I answered. "Any more questions", I inquired.

"Yes", she replied.

"Oh man", I whined getting comfortable in my seat.

"I'm joking", she laughed and stopped the car at my place.

"Thank you so much", I appreciated her help.

"Anytime for my best friend! Also isn't Austin going to be here in a few days, so why here", she asked.

"Ya he is but I'm leaving to France tomorrow night", I finally answered.

"Oh wow, I'm going there too for my college years", she excitedly uttered.

"I guess I will see you there than", I communicated while opening the door to my house.

"I came back so I can take all my belongings that I need for the rest of my life", I orally spoke.

Hey guys!! Wow YN left!! What did you guys think of this chapter and I want you guys to know that I love you for reading my story!! Please don't stop here because there's a lot more to come!! So please don't forget to vote comment and follow me at suchi99!!

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