To Travel Through Time

By Academy-Angel

42.2K 3.2K 338

Sang has always been looking for that one thing that would make her complete. But no matter how much she tri... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Authors Note
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX (Part I)

Chapter XI

1.9K 151 7
By Academy-Angel

Merry Christmas everyone

I hope you are all having a wonderful day, and getting plenty of presents.

I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Love A-A

"Ok Miss Sorenson, the competition starts tomorrow where you and the other ladies will meet up with the first of your instructors. You will have a week to learn and practice what ever is taught and then you and the others will compete at the end of the week on Sunday. Since there is twenty of you in total, each week one of you will be eliminated, so that gives you twenty weeks of vigorous training to get you back to full health. You have improved a lot since our first meeting, but you and I both know that you are a long way of before actually reaching your full potential. These ladies have never had to suffer in the slave mines, or go a day without food, so they already have a head start on you there. But with the eight of us..." Captain Blackbourne was cut of by Prince Victor who was leisurely sprawled out on one of the many couches feeding himself grapes.

"Nine Owen. Just because I'm a Prince, doesn't mean I can't help out as well." She watched as the Captain rolled his eyes and continued with his spill.

"Fine, but with the nine of us helping, you should not have a problem with winning this competition." Sang nodded at him, but not really paying attention.

Tomorrow she would start whatever they dished out to her and meet these elusive women who are meant to be the best of the best. Sang only hoped that coming from a distant future, that at least she learnt something there that will give her an advantage over the others.

In the week that had flown by, Sang had trained one on one with all nine of the individuals, whether it was lifting weights, running, sparring; hands or weaponry, and practicing with the cross bow and compound bows. She never realised how much her muscled could hurt until this week, and was glad when the Captain had allowed her a day off to recuperate; his words, not mine.

Sang was silently thankful to be able to just relax and spend time with the men who have been slowly filling the ever closing gap that was in her heart. She didn't want to think what would happen if in twenty weeks she didn't win, and have to go back to the place that would definitely kill her this time. She finally found what she wanted to do with the time given to her, even if it meant taking on army of trolls, she take anything given or taken from her as long as these man stayed a constant in her life.

"Miss Sorenson, Miss Sorenson... SANG." Jumping slightly Sang looked guiltily up at the Captain and smiled.

"I'm listening." Hearing a snort come from across the room, she looked to see Gabriel smirking at her.

"You had the same look as Luke does when he is in his own head." This time Sang snorted her amusement.

"Maybe, but I'm pretty sure my head was in a completely different gutter than his." The others looked on in confusion not understanding her meaning. "Sorry, what I meant was Luke is most likely thinking of risqué things, while mine was less... bawdy." Once again they started at her in confusion, she really must remember how she speaks sometimes, otherwise she will have to explain everything. Huffing a sigh she has another go, but this time more blunt. "Luke dreams about sex and other... things, where my mind doesn't really revolve around the one thing. Unlike males, I only have one head and I tend to use that, while the males, Luke for example, more think with the other."

There is complete silence before everyone burst out in laughter slapping Luke on the shoulder, but he is once again starring off into space causing everyone to laugh harder, only proving my point more. Sang looks to the Captain and see that his is doing that full on smile that almost causes her to pull a Luke, but quickly shakes her head to clear her of her indecent thoughts. It was times like this that the Captain failed to make an appearance in her mind, and Owen to take front and centre of all her thoughts.

It wasn't that the Captain, Owen, held a stronger place in her heart then the others, it was more the fact he is so sheltered on what he is feeling, never truly displaying anything more than a cool façade, that when he did, she sometime forgot that he was just as human as the others.

"If you gentleman have had enough, perhaps we can get back to the topic at hand?" And the face is blanked once again, but this time with a much more relaxed front.

"Aw CB your killing the vibe man. Lets go do something fun. We haven't had fun in ages... Oh I know, lets go to the waterhole." Gabriel jumped up like the decision was already made, and made his way over to where I was perched; which currently happened to be on North's lap, with my legs resting in Silas, and Dakota rubbing her feet. Sang was actually quite comfortable and didn't really want to move.

The three males, who currently had a hold of her, quickly tightened their hold, not wanting Gabriel to take her from them. Giggling to herself she reach up until she could wrap her arms around Gabriel's neck, he easily picked her up bridal style and proceed to walk towards the front entrance.

"Don't you fucking drop her." Came North's expectant reply.

"As if I could drop her. She's as light as a feather. And why the fuck are you all still sitting there, its time to go swimming." Gabriel twirled us around until she was snatched out of his hold and looked up to see Sean smiling down at her.

"My turn with my Pookie." A giggle escaped at the use of his new nickname for her. "Nah uh, none of that, or I will be forced to cure you of your sudden illness."

"Giggling isn't a illness Sean." She said through her laugh.

"I'm a doctor, and you must always listen to your doctor. And if I said giggling is an illness than it must be an illness." She started giggling again, but was quickly stopped with his lips on her own. It wasn't a passionate kiss by any means, but a firm press of his against hers. But none the less, still stole her breath away from her, wanting, no, needing more.

"Come on gentlemen. If you must insist on going for a swim, then we best get a move on." Everyone jumps up at the Captains words and heads towards the door, almost like they would be afraid he yelled out 'Jokes'. Actually it wouldn't surprise her if he did, so she quickly jumped out of Sean's arms and ran over to where her boots were kept, putting them on fast, then sprinting out the door past the others.

Stopping in her tracks, turning back to the others, shielding her eyes from the morning sun, Sang ask the question that has been on her mind since Gabriel had said it. "What does CB stand for?"


Over an hour had past since they had decided to go to the water hole, with horses saddled; ridding with one of the men because they didn't want her ridding by herself, they were almost at their destination. Sang could barely contain her glee at the thought of a leisurely day out with the nine amazing guys, with a full day of fun – Gabriel, and pranks – Luke.

"Will you sit still beautiful before you fall off the horse." She tilts her head back and lay's it on Dakota's shoulder.

"As if you would let me fall." Dakota smiles down at her, placing a small kiss on her forehead.

"As if indeed." Sighing contently, Sang closes her eyes and snuggles more into his embrace.

"Hey Sang... Sang. SANG." Rolling her eyes she turns her head to Gabriel.

"Yes Gabriel?"

"Look." He points in front of him and her eyes open in wonder.

Right in front of her was the most beautiful sight she has laid eyes on. A massive waterfall, set in a tier like formation, poured down into a rock pool, with crystal clear water.

"Oh wow. This is beautiful." Almost falling of the horse in her haste to get of the horse, saved only by North who was already off his and standing there ready to catch her, lowered her to the ground. Quickly placing a kiss on North's cheek she ran over to the water bending over and putting her hand in the water. Sang quickly withdrew her hand at the sharp bite of the cool water and pouted.

"Aw, none of that shit. Guys make her stop." Looking over at Gabriel trying not to smile, she pouted a little bit more, letting it quiver just a little. Gabriel racked his hands through his hair and looked at the others desperately, who were trying not to laugh. "Someone fix it. Shit, look at her, what can I do Trouble?" He bends down until he is eye level with her, and she breaks out into a smile before grabbing him around the neck and dragging them both into the freezing water.

They both come up spluttering, teeth chattering. "Holy shit, its fucking cold. Who's fucking idea was this." He turns to look at Sang before pointing. "You Trouble are in for a world of cold." He reaches out and grabs her around the waist before throwing her further into the water.

Sang comes up laughing, only to notice that the others had stripped out of their clothes and were only in their undershorts things... that were white, and when wet will go... Gulping Sang heads back to the shore to rid herself of all her clothes, well not all of them, but the outer layers that are weighing her down.

Thankfully it's summer at the moment, and after the first initial coldness of the water, it quickly becomes tolerable. Stripping of her boots, trousers and top, left only in her shift, she turns to see the others staring at her with what she would call hunger.

She looks down and realises that yes, the shift is white, wet and completely see through. Shrugging to her self, she smirks up at the gorgeous specimen of males right in front of her, and starts swimming backwards further into the water, hoping they would follow.

It didn't take long before they were all diving into the water, all coming up spewing all different kinds of profanity, even the Captain was one of them. Nathan was the first to reach her side, wrapping his arms around her waist; Sang wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, smiling at him.

"Hey Nathan."

"Hey Peanut. Enjoying yourself so far?" He tightens his hold on her, pulling her more flush with his body. Stopping the small groan that wants to escape she flushed and can only nod in response, starring down at his lips. As if reading her mind, he closes the remaining distance between them and seals their lips in a passionate kiss. Sang feels something hard press up against her stomach and this time can't stop the small moan that escapes.

"Break it up you two." Forgetting that we were in the presence of the others, she quickly detangles herself from Nathan and smile guiltily at the others.

"Sorry." We both mumble.

Just when she was about to say something, a hand on her ankle pulled her down under the water. Looking down at the culprit responsible for scaring her, she smiles when she see's Sean.

Swimming back to the surface; Sean already swimming off to scare someone else, was met with a pair of grey calculating eyes.

"Owen." Sang said in surprise, forgetting to use his title.

"Sang. May I have a moment of your time?" The use of her name had her replying with a breathless 'yes'.

Owen smiled before gesturing for her to follow him over to the rock ledge close to the waterfall. As he pulled himself out of the water, Sang watched the ripples of muscle in his back work, all the way town to his tight gluteus maximus. Stop Sang; stop staring at the definition of perfection.

Sang was drawn out of her mussing when firm but gentle hands wrapped around her waist lifting her out of the water and onto the rock ledge next to Owen. Looking up she met his grey eyes and smiled, "Hey."

"Miss Sorenson, I just wanted to ask how you are coping with the task that lies ahead?" Of course he wanted to talk business, she shouldn't have expected different, after all he wouldn't be the Captain if he didn't.

"I would prefer you ask me that on the morrow, or in a weeks time perhaps. At the moment I am unable to form a conclusion on what I am thinking, as I don't even know the extent of these competitions will pertain. At the moment I'm happy Owen, something I haven't been in a long time and I would like to be so for a little while longer."

He looked at her for a moment, calculating her response to see if maybe there was a hit of lie hidden beneath her surface. But she new that she was happy, and everything she spoke of was the truth; she really didn't know what to think of the competition, only that it is, and was a battle for her life. But she wouldn't think of it today, there was plenty of time for that tomorrow.

"I'm so ever sorry Sang." Sang sat back in shock at his words.

"What ever for Owen?"

"Everything. You should not have to go through all of this, you hardly deserve it."

Sang laid her hand over his where it was resting on the rock. "It is not your doing Owen, so there is nothing for you to be sorry for."

"Nor yours either." He had withdrawn into himself and she wouldn't have that.

She smiles up at him and jumps back into the water and turns to face him. "It's not so very bad," she gives him a once over and glances at the others before resting her gaze back on himself.  "Others had and still have it worse I'm sure; you must simply just have courage." With that she swam away and joined the others.

The rest of the day was spent swimming, and playing pranks on the men, Luke and Gabriel being a key part in the prank department. Sang couldn't remember the last time she had laughed so hard and wished for this day to never end.

Some how North and Silas had set up a feast and had a fire going in the ever decreasing daylight. When they were all full sated, they lounged around the fire talking amongst themselves, never anything serious, just light banter between close friends.

A few times she heard the word Academy mentioned, and would try and listen on with strained ears, but was never able to get any hint of what they were talking about. She was ever so curious about the Academy, not because of its secrets, but to how these magnificent men created something so wonderful that they were the reason so many people have a place in this world they never would have found if not for them.

She had never heard before of how the Academy was founded and Sang decided that it would be her mission to make sure that history is recorded, and people knew where it came from and who. She knew from previous conversations that Gabriel liked to draw, and perhaps if she asked him to draw portraits of them all, he would be happy to oblige.

Yes, she would make sure these mean are recognised, not through society, but within the Academy, for each and everyone of them are as magnificent as the Academy, maybe even more so.

After all, they have saved her life twice now.

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