A Court of Tears and Starlight

By Spinlight

71.5K 2.3K 893

Sometimes we have to give up that which we love most so that it can be saved, to be enjoyed by others, but ne... More

The gift of the Willow
A deal's a deal
Welcome to the Night
The dress
Dining with devils
Secrets in the Night
Dark Dreams
Spying at Night
The message
Sweet nothings
Nothing ever ends
The death of a star
Home sweet home, no more.
Reading between the lines
The Letter
Throwing daggers
A case of terrible timing
Pillow talk
Deep in the mines
An unlikely alliance
The Awakening
The secret council
You set fire to my bed
A push in the right direction
Comings and goings
Note From Spinlight
Unexpected gifts
Preparing for the worst
The Great Rite
Note from Spinlight
Fighting hard
Queen for a night
When lightning strikes
The millennial treaty
The Challenge begins
The End
Lost time
Final gifts
Violet stains
Your heart is my home
Missing pieces
Forever family

Wild calls to wild

1.6K 59 14
By Spinlight


The woods around me were filled with strange trees I had not seen before. Long sleek, silver bark with sparse black blue foliage towered above. Tiny delicate purple flowers dotted the ground below. An owl hooted good night and made its way into his hollow to sleep. I smiled at the strangeness of this ever night. For it was surely a new day, yet Dawn had not peeked through the forest and nor would she. All around me were other more subtle signs of the shifting time. On a near by bush flowers opened their petals and began to flutter, revealing their delicate wings as they rose, transforming into butterflies with soft luminescent green and blue wings.

Beetles scurried industriously across a fallen moss covered log, busy making the most of the new day.

All around me was life. I shook my head in disbelief. What seemed like years ago now, I had looked upon that canvas in Tamlin's study and peered with terror at Night. Then I had perceived it as a place of nightmares and death. Full of monsters both wicked and wild... And so it was. But maybe I was too. As I looked around in astonishment I perceived now all of the things hidden by the bright over powering light of day. In the soft lush luminescent glow of Night, daylight now seemed harsh and dry in comparison. Like this place gave life to creatures that would not survive outside the protective cocoon of the night. Creatures like me.

I had risen some hours ago and, donning some sensible pants and a silken blouse, had set out to explore. It hadn't taken me long to find an out. I needed to be OUT. Those years in the woods had changed me. Survival eroded away the softer parts, leaving an animal, fierce and wild, kill or be killed, that felt exposed and caged in the luxury of the wide elegant rooms of any home.

As I left the manor I had been drawn to the woods. Wild called to wild. 


A twig snapped behind me and several birds took flight. Instinct kicked in and I crouched low, huddled against a nearby tree.  I waited, refusing to move. Many times before I had escaped a wild boar or predatory cat by my long and patient vigilance. Now I waited. What seemed like an hour passed before I was rewarded with a hissing noise. The woods were deathly silent as the Attor appeared. It plucked a beetle off the log and squeezed it between sharp bony fingers until a sickening crunch followed. Shadows materialised around it as two more cloaked figures appeared.

"Have you got it?" Hissed the Attor.



"N-n-n-no..." Spluttered someone.

An another hiss followed. This one full of malice and venom.

"He won't be pleased. He doesn't tolerate excuses or failure." Said his mocking voice.

One of the figures wisely remained silent while the other spoke out in protest.

"How does he even know that it is here?" He whispered angrily..

Crunch. Another beetle was mercilessly crushed between those deathly fingers.

"It is here" he hissed...

"She stole it from him. It was never hers to keep. He will be furious if someone discovers it before he can reclaim it."

More silence.

Then.... "B-b-b-bu-t how do we know it is not lost beneath the mountain still?".


"Fools. I would have sensed it. I have been back. It was not there. She has hidden it somewhere. It musssssst be here."

"His power holds strong. I cannot yet penetrate his wards...."

"Find it."

Then it was gone. The hooded figures scanned the woods. They gave a single curt nod to each other before departing as they came, disappearing into darkness.

I stayed where I was. Panic raked my body and I tried my hardest not to shake. I used a trick I had learned to pass time in the woods and to steady myself before a kill. Breathe in for 3. Hold for 4. Exhale for 6. Repeat. The slow rhythmic breathing forced my heart to calm to a sure and steady beat.

However, I just couldn't seem to shake the terror that had awoken in me at the first sight of the Attor, the very same one that had beat me into oblivion and broken my nose on that first night under the mountain.

So I played another game. One that had helped me pass many long and bitterly cold hours hunting during the winter months. I recalled every detail I could of what I just saw, ignoring what my mind would make of it and instead focusing on each move, sound, shape, gesture and posture that had occurred. I even recalled the sound of their breathing and how it had altered throughout the encounter. Soon I had catalogued away so many little details that I was sure that if I came across either hooded figure again in the castle that I would know them by these recollections.

Eventually I rose, groaning as I stretched out my now stiff legs. I stealthily headed back in the direction of the manor.

As I neared the manor I circled low beneath the eastern wing. My sharp Fae eyes quickly identified my room on the third floor. Next to my window was a tall but sturdy tree. A large over hanging branch stretched out in the direction of my window. The tree branch ended and was not 6 feet from the wall. I knew that should I jump I could catch the lip of the window.

Up I went. Climbing higher and higher with strong sure limbs until I was perched on the branch. In order to leap I would first have to stand. Slowly I rose to a crouch stance and then stretched up tall. My balance was incredible. I could feel my muscles moving a thousand times per second to counteract the subtle bending and swaying on the tree beneath my feet.

I took one tentative step forward and then laughed with glee before springing forward and running nimbly to the edge of the branch. Stopping abruptly I pivoted and ran back the other way, leaping and coming to a stop with both feet perfectly balanced on the beam. My face hurt from grinning. This was unbelievable. The things I could do with this body...

On that note I spun again, ran gracefully towards the end of the branch and then dived forward towards the window. I sailed perfectly through the square cut opening and then tumbled into a summersault on the floor. Only I didn't stop. I had too much speed and did another 3 rolls before I came to an abrupt halt on the soft mat of the fire place. I lay back on the mat and giggled. Oh that was fun!

Of course Rhys would then appear to find me sprawled out on the floor, hysterically giggling like a child. I was glad he hadn't arrived a moment earlier and seen my acrobatics, as for now, I could come and go as I pleased through the window.

Rhys stared down at me in disbelief, the edges of his lips twitching up into a smile. His surprised expression fading into something sweeter as a devastating softness entered his violet eyes.

"I leave you alone for a single day and you go mad" he laughed, raising an eyebrow in question.

I shake my head, as another peal
of laughter escapes me. I slowly rise to a cross legged sitting position and look up expectantly at him.

He is not as I once thought he was.

We stare at each other in silence and then with a gracious flick of his wrist he offers me a hand up.

As he clasps my small hand in his I feel fire blaze though my arm and my chest and pool in my stomach. He pulls me to my feet with ease and then places his hands upon my hips to steady me as I lurch forward towards him.

I blush and step free of his touch.

We both seem lost for words.

Finally he breaks the tensioned silence. "How was your first night?... Did you..... Sleep well?" He pauses as he looks at me, more guarded than before.

I flush as my mind is filled with half formed memories of his arms around me. Forgotten dreams that were now threatening to come back to me.

"Well, thank you" I replied.

I snuck a glance back up into his face to find him smiling and looking very pleased with himself. I rolled my eyes and gave a half shake of my head.

He grinned even wider.

"What is wrong with you?" I ask, giving him a playful shove to his chest.

He is too quick for me and before I know it my hand is under his own and trapped against his chest.

Maybe I have gone mad- for I swear I feel the uneven thudding of his heart in response to my touch.

Now he is looking at me, all cat and mouse, smug and ready to pounce.

"What's wrong with me? He scoffs.
"I find you alone in your room giggling on the floor like a maniac and you ask me 'what is wrong with you'" he says this last line in an overtly high chirp that is meant to impersonate me.

I grin again and shrug.

I can tell he is not going to let this go. "What will you give me if I tell you" I ask, raising my voice to perfectly match the pitch and tone of the foreign ambassador who I had sat and listened to for hours as he negotiated with Tamlin.

Rhys chuckled in delight.

"Fae for a few weeks and suddenly she wants something for everything" he grins.

I wait.

"How about this hand?" He asks, peeling it off his chest and clasping it between both of his own.

"Ha" I grimace..."you would try and barter with that which is already mine?" I challenge.

"Oh but it's not" he says wickedly.

I arch my eyebrow in mock insult.

"You see..." he continues. "This treacherous hand attacked me..." He widens his eyes in mock hurt ..."and I caught it... Hence it is now mine to do whatever I like with" he whispers the last words and starts rubbing his thumb in slow sensual circles over the back of my hand.

I can feel his touch burn through me and I let out a small groan of protest.

He has won and he knows it.

"Fine" I gasp.

But I'm not done yet either. Rather than withdraw as he expects me to, I tighten my grip on his hand and pull him hard towards me. He pulls up just short of my face. I grin mischievously.

"I finally learnt how to roll" I whisper... "apparently some kinds of fun are best kept for night time" I wink.

He chuckles with laughter, releasing my hand as he looks at the edge of the mat that has curled up in the wake of my rolling.

"Prove it" he dares.

It takes only a second for me to comply. It was ridiculously fun after all.

I turn, jump and dive head first. I am falling forward about to crack my head on the polished stone floor. I hear Rhys' indrawn breath and tuck myself tightly into a perfect little ball as I hit the floor. I roll twice and then "da-daaaaaa" spring up dramatically, taking a great sweeping bow.

Rhys is now howling with laughter.
It is the most beautiful sound I have ever heard. Unlike the harsh mocking laugh he bellowed last night at dinner, this laugh is pure like the chime of a bell. It rolls out in waves and as it crashed over me I find it contagious.

I just can't stop laughing.

To my delight...neither can he.

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