We're just two lost souls swi...

By Tarnished_Porcelain

623 20 12

Plot bunnies and one-shots about the boys from Motionless and White. More

To Ugly Duckling Girls Like Me (Ricky)
Love and Death Embrace (Ricky)
Horror Night With Strangers
Phantom of the Opera (Chris)
Keep On Pretending (Ricky)

At The Hop (Ricky)

87 3 0
By Tarnished_Porcelain


"I said no."

"Why not?"

"You're not my type."

"Then what is your type?"


"What's your type?"

I turned to look at the boy who stood at the table in front of me. His black hair had a slight curl to it that his black beanie covered most of it. His blue eyes were lined in black and stared at me questioningly as he chewed absentmindedly on his lip rings. I open and closed my mouth a few times as I tried to think of an answer that would make him go away, but nothing was coming to mind. Sure he was cute and seemed sweet, but I highly doubted we had anything in common.

"Well?" His voice was soft as his head tilted a bit making him look like a puppy. "Dinner and a movie that is all I'm asking. Something basic and old fashioned right?" He smiled a bit.

I snorted and shook my head, "Honestly Olson."

"It's Ricky. And Friday?"

"I'm busy Friday." And I was, I wasn't just giving him a line. I saw his smile falter and I felt kind of bad. He had started coming into my work every few days and sitting in my section so I'd wait on him. It took a few times, but he eventually struck up a conversation that normally ended with him asking me out. He has now been asking for almost a month in a half. Why did I keep turning him down? Honestly, I wasn't sure, I just never really dated and never had the urge to date. I was content with how my life was, why bring shit into it?

I chewed on my lip as I looked at him closely, the dark clothes, makeup, piercings and the tattoos on his fingers.

"What are you doing on Friday, um, if I can ask."

I smiled genuinely at him, "Something I do every month. A hobby of mine that I just, an escape you know?" I stuttered through an answer a bit embarrassed about it for some reason.

"Can I come?"

"I don't think you'd like it."

"Why not? What is it? Knitting? Book club? Cat lovers anonymous? I would like that last one a lot." He laughed a bit.

I shook my head, "Well you're in a rock band and-"

"Metal band."

I rolled my eyes, "Metal band and not the same type of music or dress code. You will stick out sorely."

His eyes narrowed a bit as he glared at me, "Just cause I'm in a metal band doesn't mean I don't like other things."

"Don't you have other girls to spend time with?"

"No. What? Why do you think that?"

"Well isn't that what rock-er-metal stars do?"

"That is stereotyping. And for your information, Ghost is in a long term, Balz is in a long term, Chris just got out of one, and Ryan just started to see a girl he's been talking to for a bit. And I keep asking this girl, but she keeps turning me down and yet can't give me a damn good reason."

I narrowed my eyes at his language. "Fine. You want to join me on Friday?"


"Do you own a white t-shirt? Just a plain white one?"

I watched as he thought about it before slowly nodding. "How about a leather jacket?" I could see the confusion on his face as he nodded again. "Okay, black jeans, white shirt, leather jacket, and make sure you bring your packet of smokes. Meet me here at five on Friday."

The smile on his face was almost blinding with how bright it was. "Okay, it's a date." He fidgeted awkwardly before leaning forward and pressing a quick kiss to my cheek then darting out the front door. I shook my head and headed back behind the counter to finish my shift.

-Friday Night-

I stood outside the dinner, my white and black Oxford Saddle shoes with my bobby socks. My fuzzy sweater was white, and button down that was tucked into a navy blue high waisted skirt that fell just past my knee. My brown hair was pulled up into a tight ponytail with a bow in it, and my makeup was simple and not over done. I swayed a bit as I waited for Ricky to show up.

I was a bit lost in thought until I felt someone tap my shoulder causing me to jump. I turned to see Ricky smirking at me, so I did the adult thing and stuck my tongue out at him.

"I haven't worn white in a long time."

"It looks weird on you." I laughed as I wrapped my arm with his and started walking. "We need to hurry I don't want to be late."

"I tried to text you, but you didn't answer."

"I don't bring my phone with me. They didn't have cell phones in the 50s so why should I."

"What are we doing?"

"Going to a Hop."

I laughed and pulled him along as he groaned realizing what he got into.

I started to dance a bit as we got closer to the dance hall and I could hear the music playing. I started to sing along not realizing I was singing loud enough for him to hear until I heard him chuckle.

"I have no idea how to dance to any of this," He mumbled as we stepped through the door.

"Remember you wanted to come with me." I winked at him as I stepped forward and looked around.

"Classy chassis Little Suzie." I heard a laughing voice as I turned to one of my best friends.

"Johnny. I'm steady tonight." I pointed to Ricky, who just looked back and forth between us. I heard Johnny laugh and look at Ricky.

"Nice threads."

"Don't get frosted." I glared up at Johnny before smiling at Ricky.

"Cool it, Dolly, I'm just teasing. Welcome man. If you need any help with figuring things out, let me know. Although you look like a greaser, so you should be fine."

Ricky shook hands with Johnny. "I have no idea what the fuck you two just said." He shook his head as I laughed, "He said I looked good, and I told him I had a date tonight. He made a comment about your clothing, and I told him not to be mean, so he told me to relax he was just teasing he meant no harm." I smiled up at Ricky, who shook his head confused.

"Ricky, do you mind if I dance with Suzie? We normally do a lot of the dances here, so people expect it. As her man, you, of course, are welcome to dance as well I don't want to steal your girl or anything." Johnny smiled a bit.

"No go ahead, I have no idea how to dance to this. I'm happy to watch for a bit as I get my bearings."

"Thank you, Ricky," I comment as I lean up and kiss his cheek before blushing a bit and following Johnny to the dance floor as 'Rave On' by Buddy Holly came over the sound system.

Taking a break from dancing with Johnny, I went in search of my date and found him sitting at one of the tables watching everyone dancing.

"Hey you." I walk up with a smile as he grins a bit.

"You two are amazing to watch."

"Yeah, his mom made him join dance lessons when we were in middle school, and I ended up being the one he always practiced with." I laugh and sit across from him.

"So you two, dated?" He questioned.

I shook my head, "See the guy serving the food and drinks." I pointed to the food pit at the back of the room. Ricky nodded his head, "That is Alex. Johnny's husband."

Ricky's head snapped back around to stare at me in surprise as I giggled.

"Yep, I was maid of honor. I love both of them more than anything, they are my family." I saw Ricky relax a bit as he nodded his head.

"Dance with me." I stood up and held out my hand as he looked uncertain.

"It's going to be a slow song." I grabbed his hand and pulled him to the floor as 'Sixteen Candles' by The Crests came on. I showed him where to place his hands as we started to slow dance together. "You know, I'm glad you came with me," I spoke softly as I looked up at him. He wasn't as tall as Johnny, who was close to six foot, which I was quite thankful. Ricky was quite a bit taller than me, but it worked perfectly cause I was the correct height to be tucked under his chin.

"I'm glad I came too, even though this is an odd hobby. And I do know some of these songs by the way. "

"Your metal image is failing you." I tease causing him to roll his eyes at me.

"Tomorrow we can do something you want to do," I comment shyly as I blush and look down. When Ricky said nothing I worried I may have ruined things so I looked up to see him smirking.


"Tomorrow night? I get a second date. See I told you that you would like me."

"You didn't razz my berries even if I think you're the most now." I shrugged my shoulders as he groaned.

"The fuck you just say?"

I laughed and leaned up and kissed him lightly. "Guess you'll have to hang out with me more to catch on to the lingo." I felt his hand slid down to my waist as he pulled me flush against him. "Righto." He winked at me. 

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