What the frik are all the Nar...

By MatsuriUzumaki

377K 11.3K 2.5K

This is a fan fiction about three adopted sisters living in Kyoto, Japan. There are both in their third year... More

What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here?
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here chapter 2
What the Frik Are All the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 3
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 4
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 5
What the frik are the Naruto characters doing here? Chapter 6
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? Chapter 7
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 8
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? Chapter 9
What the frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 10
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 11
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 12
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 13
What the Frik are all of the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 14
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 15
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 16
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? Chapter17
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 18
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 19
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 20
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 21
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 22
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 23
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 24
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 25
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 26
What the frik are all the Naruto characters doing here? chapter 27
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 28
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 29
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 30
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 31
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 32
What the frik are the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 33
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 34
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 35
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 36
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 37
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 39
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 40
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 41
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 42
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 43
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 44
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 45
What the Frik are all the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 46
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 47
What the Frik are the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 48
What the frik are all of the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 49
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 50
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 51
What the frik are all the Naruto Characters doing here? Chapter 52

What the Frik are All the Naruto Characters Doing Here? Chapter 38

5K 159 65
By MatsuriUzumaki

In the Naruto World…Shikamaru pov:

These guys are such a drag and troublesome… Are they even trying to get back to our world? Oh wait, I can answer that one. No.

What are they thinking? Well, I can tell what Kiba, Gaara, and that Deidara guy are thinking… Kakashi too… But you’d think Naruto would get back so he could train “to be Hokage”. I occasionally wonder if he’ll make that one dream of his will become reality one day…
Speaking of Naruto’s training, Master Jiraiya came in immediately yelling at Lady Tsunade about her loosing Naruto. I don’t feel like paying any attention to their bickering, which is starting to give me a real headache… What a drag…
Then it happens…

Temari, Kankuro, Shino, Neji, and Sakura, and I  jump back from Lady Tsunade and Master Jiraiya’s fight…and those two crash into the thing that we’ve been using to see the guys.
Lady Tsunade and Master Jiraiya both yell at each other, “LOOK WHAT YOU DID NOW!!!!”
“Ah man, what a drag…”
Back on Earth… In Tsukii’s room…

Deidara pov:

"Ok....I THINK I have removed all troublesome deadly traps for the troublesome Brits from this troublesome couch....so have at it troublesome," Tsukii informs me.

I nod. "Um, thanks?"

Tsukii shrugs then grabs some clothes and goes into the bathroom. I sigh while glancing around Tsukii's room, which I really haven't seen much of. The walls were a dark ocean blue with the occasional black or red fans...which look like Uchiha clan fans.... She obviously likes or supports Sasuke.... Good or bad thing? Hmm....I'll have to ask.....

After I take out my ponytail, letting all my hair out, I am about to CAREFULLY lower myself on to the couch when Tsukii comes back in wearing a black t-shirt that goes to her knees. Hmm, she looks…wait… She sighs when she see me, and I hold out my hands in a sigh of “what?”

“Do you have to not wear your troublesome shirt, troublesome?”

I snicker, “Why do you ask? Does my hotness bug you…troublesome?”

“Hey! That’s my thing, troublesome! And it’s that mouth on your chest…shoulder…whatever! That’s freaky, troublesome!”

“Anyone can use the word ‘troublesome’! You just use more often! How do my mouths bug you?! You’re just making excuses! You think I’m hot, admit it!”

“It’s MY word, troublesome! And troublesome! I can’t imagine how you deal with those extra troublesome mouths; they’re so…disturbing! And you’re so arrogant, troublesome, you’re not that hot!”

“Fine then, but leave my extra mouths out of this! And you so think I’m hot; just admit it!”

“Never troublesome!”

“Ad- wait… never to what? Leaving my extra mouths out of this, or admitting I’m hot?”

“Uh…I can’t troublesome remember which one… both?”

“Are you serious?!”

“Are we actually having an argument over this, troublesome?!”

“Yeah, we are! …wait, I forgot what we were arguing over…it all sorta blurred…”

“I forgot too…troublesome…”

Tsukii and I stare at each other for a really long time…and something flickers in her dark eyes that cause something inside of me to flutter. What’s that feeling in my stomach? It feels like I’m gonna be sick…yet it feels so right… It’s this feelings that causes to focus back into Tsukii’s eyes…it forcefully makes me step closer to her…and it does something I’ve wanted since the first I came into this world…

I kiss Tsukii Lore.
In the Naruto world… In the Akatsuki’s hideout (wherever that is)… 
Itachi pov:

I’m pretty we’ve all just died inside…

I mutter, “How could Deidara do this?!”

“I KNOW!!!” Tobi shouts at the top of his lungs as he starts to flail his arms around. “DEIDARA? KISSING A GIRL? HOW?! HE’S DEIDARA!!! I THOUGHT HE WAS A GIRL A COUPLE TIMES!!! Though that girl looks like a guy… BUT HOW COULD HE DO THIS TO US? WHAT IS GOING O—“

Everyone in the Akatsuki threw something at Tobi right then, just to shut him up, and fortunately, it worked... though we only knocked him out for a couple of minutes. Thankfully, he shuts up.

I gaze back into the water… And I see Sasuke shaking his head at some girl with black and red hair. Little brother…

You see, months ago, when Deidara just completely disappeared off the face of our world, we spied on the Hidden Leaf and Hidden Sand Villages and found out of the disappearance. So we did the same things as they did. And we’ve been watching Deidara only occasionally. We’ve been disturbed every time we’ve seen him.
In a dress… Pounding a walrus with a Leaf Ninja… Eating ice cream… Blowing up a school (ok, we were kinda expecting that)… In a suit… With a look alike… And now this… What have they done to our Deidara?

I glances once more in the water and whisper very quietly, “Sasuke…”

Back on Earth… In the Lore house…
Gaara pov:

I came up the stairs, and the first thing I see is Matsuri leaning on Tsukii’s door… Obviously eavesdropping... I scold her in a hushed voice, “You shouldn’t eavesdrop people on people, Matsuri.”

She glares at me quickly. “I’m not eavesdropping… I’m entertaining myself by hearing Tsukii’s and Deidara’s ridiculous argument…but I don’t hear anything now… Maybe I should—“

Before her hand reaches the doorknob, I shove her into her room, and that’s when Matsuri really glowers at me. “Why’d you do that Panda Chan???”

“Stop calling me that!!!”

“Never! And you didn’t answer my question, Panda Chan!”

"Why should I? You won't stop calling me Panda Chan!"

"Well maybe I would stop calling you Panda Chan if you would tell me, Panda Chan!"

"That's a lie! You'll never stop calling me Panda Chan because you like making fun of me!"





"Panda Chan..."







Meanwhile…Kiba’s pov:

“Geez, your sister is loud,” I mutter, glaring at the door, where past that somewhere Matsuri and Gaara are arguing like there’s no tomorrow.

Alyson sighs. “Unfortunately, that’s very true. But the three of us balance each other out, you know.”

“Yeah, I kinda noticed that. Matsuri pushes you two, you make them calmer, and Tsukii… well, I’m still not sure what she does…”

“She teaches us to relax and take things easy,” Alyson cuts me off while continuing to repaint her walls; they were going to be a old parchment color now…

“Hey, why are you painting your walls? They were nice before…”

“Change is healthy, Kiba. In fact, change is life.”
I stare at her than smirk. “You’re definitely different from everybody, Alyson.”

“Why do you say that?”

“Because you’re…it’s hard to describe. You can be totally hyper sometimes, and then you can be really wise and thoughtful… You and your sisters are difficult to understand.”

She giggles a little. “Yep, that’s us… There, now—“
She slips when going down her ladder, but I’m quick to catch her. Unfortunately the rest of the can of paint lands on her. When some paint make long triangles on her cheeks, she laughs. “Look! I’m like you now, dog boy!”

I laugh with her, feeling like…I don’t how to describe it… I just felt good inside, felt happy. She always makes me feel this way, not that Akamaru didn’t make me feel happy too…but with her it was different…nicer…

Our eyes meet, and that’s when I realize that holding her like this in my arms on my lap… it felt right. Like it was meant to be… Oh wow, that sounded so cheesy.

Alyson giggles, “Yes, it did.”

“Ah man, did I say that aloud?” I groan as my cheeks heat up.
She nods, and then I just do what I’ve wanted to since I came into this world and saw this one girl cuddling with my dog…

I kiss her.
Back in Gaara’s pov:

Then I just shut my mouth and stare very hard into her eyes, though she returns my gaze steadily and confidently. She wasn’t afraid of me…

“Of course I’m not afraid of you, Panda Chan! I’m not afraid of anything.”
I smirk. “Except heights.”


“Shut up, Panda Chan,” she grumbles, narrowing her eyes.

“You should be afraid of me. I could kill you so easily…”
As I say this, my sand from my gourd (which I had propped up against the wall near the couch) and it glided over to Matsuri, wrapping itself around her like a snake. She smirks when it wraps around her throat. “We’ve been through this” –she points to the “sand necklace”- “before, Panda Chan. Here, let me say it again: You can’t scare me; you’re too…you. Get it now?”

“And you’re still so much like Naruto,” I mumble, but she heard it.

“While I don’t like hearing that too often, it’s not a bad thing to be like Naruto! Well…when he’s just stupid, it is a bad thing… But lots of other times, it so not a bad thing to be like him!”

I chuckle…but then something inside me makes me fall to my knees, clutching my stomach and leaving me gasping for breath… “No…not now…this can’t…” I wince. “…be happening…”
Why now? Why did the Shukaku have to want to come out now? Kami…damn it…
Something squeezes my shoulders, and my eyes open to meet Matsuri’s. I growl at her, “Get outta here! Now Matsuri!”

“NO!!!” she barks at me. “Gaara of the Desert, you are stronger than Shukaku!!!!!! He is your prisoner!!! He can’t escape you because you are too strong, Gaara!!!! And you know why you are strong??? Because you have people who you care about!!! Temari, Kankuro….even the others guys that are here from your world, and you know you care about them, so don’t deny it!!!! Ok, Lee and Gai are an exception…. Anyways, I can’t speak about myself and my sisters….but the three of us care about you, Gaara!!!!! We know you!!! FIGHT HIM GAARA!!!!!”
I obey her and muster all my strength to push back Shukaku…and I become the stronger one. I am his master…not the other way around…. Finally.

I pant from the work it took me to do that, and I’m still on my hands and knees, too exhausted to get up. Something touches my hand, and I look up to see Matsuri staring at me…her eyes filled with some emotion I couldn’t deduce… But whatever it was, it made me do something I thought I’d never do…

I killed her…

No, just kidding. I kiss Matsuri Kyo Lore.

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