The Cool Nerd

Door Mishoushou

71.6K 1.6K 388

Veronica Jacobs has being moving all her life, she's never stayed in one place because of her parents job. Th... Meer

The Cool Nerd
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

3.7K 267 132
Door Mishoushou

"Go away!" right now a certain twin sister is trying to wake me up to go to school but the thing is that my bed is so soft and he doesn't want me to leave him, we've being married since Saturday when I moved to this house.

"No, we have school" Av exclaimed, she picked up my legs and started pulling me down,

"What are you doing!?" I hissed at her, my bed is to comfy, maybe not going to school for one day won't hurt, I need some time with my husband anyways, I've being sharing him with Av far too long!,

"Get up you big oaf" *gasp* I turned around to look at her and glared, I turned back around facing my soft pillow,

"Get up Ronnie!"

"Do you hear that?"


"Exactly!" I closed my eyes and imagined that I am at a cliff, with the waterfall splashing down on the big hard rocks, and the flowers going side to side because of the wind, the humid temperature cascading down onto my skin, the-

"Ahhhhhhhhhh, oh my God Avery I'm going to kill you!" Avery splashed cold water on me, worst part about it was that there's ice in the bucket which makes the water even colder than it already is!

"Avery Joanna Sophia Perez, you are officially a dead woman!" I yelled as I get to chase after her, I didn't run track for no reason when I was in 8th grade, I ran after her cascading down the stairs being careful not to fall.

I ran after my soon-to-be-dead twin sister down the hallway. She's pretty fast but I'm faster. I followed her steps, doors after doors; she took a left into the game room and closed the door in front of my face! how dare she?.

I knocked furiously, hoping that she'll get tired of the banging and opening the door. My arms were starting to get tired and I have to get ready for school. I knocked one last time, louder than the previous ones and turned on my heel and walked to my room,

~she'll open the door eventually~ I thought to myself, she wouldn't miss a day for anything. Since its Friday and tonight is the party, I'll have to tell my mom to buy the things for the party, and I will have to go shopping with Av, that is if I don't already kill her by then.

I made my way to my closet wondering what I should wear. I thought maybe today I should dress weirdly so I decide on short jean shorts, long blue socks, black jordans, my white suspenders, a shirt that says 'bowties are cool' my white bowtie of course and my blue gloves and I would not forget about my nerd glasses. I prepare the same clothing for Av just with different colors, like I replaced the blue with green since it’s her favorite color. Since I had two of my 'bowties are cool' t-shirt, I handed her the second. Maybe we can have some fun today, other than the party.

I made my way to my bathroom and began taking my shower, letting the hot water run down my skin. It burned but also felt great against my skin.

I hopped out the shower and saw Av there with a toothbrush in hand smirking at me,

"You know you're a dead woman right?" I ask her folding my arms; she nodded and continued brushing her teeth. I took mine and stared doing the same.

Av was finished before me, so she hopped in the shower shortly after. I rinse my mouth and left the bathroom. I put my clothes on and decided to leave my hair down. Av did the same and we practically look the same, we looked at each other in the body length mirror I have in my bedroom,

"You look hot sis" Av said referring to me, it's like looking in a mirror,

"So do you sis" I smirked at her and she did the same, I'm glad I broke her out of her comfort zone,

"hey, let's change socks," I suggested, if we're going to prank people today we should look the same and have people go through hell finding who's who,

"Ok!" Av says, I'm pretty sure she knows what I'm thinking, it's a twin thing. We exchange socks and like I said we look exactly the same, since she had my dad's green eyes and I had mom's which were blue. I handed her my blue contacts, I don't need them, and I just wear them for fun even though they're the same color as my eyes.

"I look like you!" Av exclaimed clapping her hands together like a child,

"You look like me!" I imitated her reaction and voice, this should be fun. We grabbed our book bags which luckily were the same, weird right? we made our way downstairs and everyone was there mom and dad in their work suits and Liam in cargo shorts and a blue v-neck. Everyone looked at us trying to figure out who's who. Av and I decide to always talk at the same time, which shouldn't be that hard since we practically think the same thing.

We smirked at each other and made our way to the table, sitting next to each other. Delicious pancakes sat on our plate and we picked up our food at the same time. The whole time, my family looked at us like we were aliens, I mean come on, and it’s only Av and I their daughter.

Av and I finished our breakfast and said bye to mom and dad kissing both their cheeks at the same time, they still look like they saw a ghost. Liam walked us to his car but before getting in her turned around facing us,

"ok, which one of you is Ronnie and who's Av?" he said crossing his arms over his chest, Av and I looked at each other and giggled, of course we're not going to tell him. He sighed and opened the passenger door and got inside. Av and I sat in the backseat and waited to have a fun day at school!


20 minutes 59 seconds and a whole lot of Liam asking who's who later, we finally arrived to school, Av and I kissed Liam goodbye and walked out the car. All eyes were on us, like we were some kind of superstar. Av blushed and so did I, we made our way out of the parking lot and to the building walking like we owned the school, which we did at the moment.

Whispering, that's all we heard, every pair of eyes were on us. I didn't want us to go to our lockers because they would figure out who's who, so Av and I made our way to our spot.

The guys weren't here yet so we sat down and waited,

"Next time you’re having green eyes!" Av said I nodded and went on my phone; I decided to let Av have the extra black case that I have for my phone, she also pulled out hers and we took the same sitting position and played Candy Crush together.

Five minutes of me passing the levels and Av yelling later, the guys came. They looked at us weirdly and I could practically feel that Nate was searching between us for Av,

"Ha-ha, very funny guys, which one of you is Nica?" Jessie asked, Av and I looked at each other and smirked,

"That’s her" we said at the same time pointing at each other, this is really fun. They're eyes widened even more if that's possible and sat down on the soft green grass. Av and I went back to playing our game as Nate sat in front of both of us studying us. We didn't pay attention, I started texting Av and asking talking to her, her nickname in her phone was Twinsie and so was mine,

~hey!!! :) ~ Me

~hey girlie :) ~Av

~you know he's looking at us right? ~ Me

~yeah, do you think he'll figure us out? ~ Av

~no, I don't think so, let's just act like me :) ~ Me

~conceited!!!~ Av

~I'm not! ~ Me

~whatever you say, bye Twinsie :) <3~ Av

~ Bye Twinsie ;) <3~ Me

The bell rang and we all walked to class, since Nate didn't know which one of us was Avery he hugged both of us, Av just shrugged because she knew I would never still him from her.

We walked in class and Mrs. Smith was finally here today but she still looked the same, Av had told me that she had two children at home and they were very noisy, I guess she never really sleeps, Thank God It's Friday, TGIF!.

"Ok class since today is Friday, you guys come and grab your treats" she motioned us to come over and I just stare at Av,

"Every Friday she gives us treats for being good, or because it's Friday the end of the school week" she exclaimed getting up, I followed her suit and got up as well. There were tons of goodies and I just wanted to grab them all! I grabbed skittles, Twix, Hershey, a big sized gummy bear, kisses, two packs of gums and a lot more of skittles. I officially love Mrs. Smith! We walk back to our seats and started eating our goodies. Av says we're aloud to go back for some more and that she only does it for this class because we're her favorite. What an amazing teacher she is!

I popped a kisses and my mouth and let it melt in my tongue. Gosh this is so good, I moaned at the taste a sighed. Av did the same. Did I mention that she also brought cake and chocolate covered strawberries? I mean I love this woman!. I got up and went to go get Av and I some cake and strawberries, I'll be full by the time lunch starts and I don't care! I cut mine and Av's piece of cake, and I did mention that they're really big pieces right? I walked back to our seats and dogged in,

"Warning! When I eat a lot of candy I get sugar rushed!" I said getting really excited; I took a big bite of my cake and savored it,

"So do I” she exclaimed in the same tone. Can today get any better!


What do you get when you have twin sisters who are really hipper? well the answer is you get the Perez sisters. Av and I are currently sitting down in our seats in 3rd period answering every question Mr. Gonzales asks at the same time and I can feel that he's getting annoyed by it.

After eating 2 large packs of skittles, 10 kisses, 4 Hershey, 4 pieces of cakes and 10 chocolate covered strawberries later in first period Av and I were really hipper. We even got more candy afterwards and got 2 extra pieces of cake with the whole box of strawberries. We took almost all the candies and the class seemed to be amused by us.

"¿Como se dices intersection en español?" Mr. Gonzales asked the class, Av and I raised our hands this time eagered to answer; Mr. Gonzales sighed and pointed at us, since he didn't know who was who. When we walked in class he asked us several time but we kept telling him that it was a secret, we laughed so hard. Yeah my twin sister and I are crazy.

"Se dice cruza de calles" we both answered at the same time. We giggled and waited for the other questions to come,

"correct Ms. Perez, here are some worksheets for the weekend, of your done by the end of class you won't have to do anything but if you don't you will" he passed out the papers and it was 5 pages and there's only 5 minutes left of class. I didn't worry because I know I'll finish it by then. I grabbed my pencil and started working.

Being hipper has its pros, which are for example you finish faster, Av and I were done with 2 more minutes to spare for class, we stood up and handed Mr. Gonzales our papers and again he sighed in defeat. We made our way to our desk and waited for lunch to come.


Today was pizza day and I was really in the mood to eat, I feel like I can eat a cow, that's how hungry I was.

Here I was in the lunch line with my wallet in hand with Av and the guys waiting patiently for my turn to pay my food. My tray was filled with food; I had 2 slices of cheese pizza, 2 ice cream cones, a fruit salad and yogurt. Av had the same and it was fun messing with the guys.

Finally it was my turn to pay, I looked at the lunch lady who smiled at me, I returned her smile and paid her the money needed which was 5 dollars. Av paid for her food since mom and dad give us our allowance which was 500 a week. It was a good thing being rich but I always use the rest to buy toys for homeless kids. Every time I moved I would fine a homeless shelter and volunteered, maybe the guys can help.

We made our way outside to our spot and started eating. I was eating like a mad woman and so was Av. Keegan tried to take one of my slices but I slapped his hand away glaring at him, he put his hand in surrender and went back to eating his own.

"Is anyone going to tell me who's who, I'm going crazy here?" Jessie exclaimed, I laughed at her childish behavior and so did Av

"No" we answered at the same time, I was still on my first pizza but I wanted to have space for my ice cream, so I handed Keegan the slice of pizza and finished eating the one in my hand.

I pulled out my phone and started texting Av, I was bouncing up and down like a mad woman and goggling every time I took a bit of my food,

~hey sissy! :) ~ Me

~hey! ~ Av

~I'm so happy XD~ Me

~so am I! XD ~ Av

~isn't bouncing fun!?~ Me

~yes it is, I'm doing it right now~ Av

I giggled and so did Av, this is so fun. I feel like doing something crazy but my goodie sides are kicking in, which means I'm not too fond of doing anything crazy anymore. The trios in front of us are looking at our bouncing self’s crazy.

"Can you guys stop doing that?" Nate ask, Av and I looked at each other than back at him,

"Doing what?" we asked at the same time still bouncing, I was currently eating one of my cakes and so was Av, it's like we shared the same minds, that's so cool!

"Bouncing!" he exclaimed, we did the same gesture as before and looked back at him,

"No!" we yelled, Keegan and Nate looked at each other than nodded, I give them a confused look still bouncing and eating my delicious cake. They scooted over to us, Keegan came to me and Mate went to Av, they nodded at each other again and looked at us.

Keegan held my shoulders down trying to stop me from bouncing, Nate did the same with Av but we didn't stop, I could still bounce a little and so could Av, its fun having a twin sister!

"Tickle them" Jessie shouted from behind them, Av and I looked at each other than squirmed. I tried getting out of Keegan's death grip, but he was too big and muscular. He he muscular, that's a funny word. Keegan brought me to his lap setting my stomach in his longing legs and started tickling me,

"hahahaha.........s-stop it.......s-stop it" I continued saying, I was dying of laugher, my sides hurt and tears streamed my cheeks, I looked to my right and saw that Av was in the same position as I was. Keegan didn't stop tickling me,

"Are you going to stop bouncing?" he asked, I thought about it for a second, am I? nah bouncing is too fun!,

"Never!" I shouted "you'll never get my gummy bear, Mr. Gummy is mine!" I shouted again, Keegan gave me a confusing look and I giggled at the face he made,

"What? when did this get to gummy bears?" he asked, I was still on his lap and I was still giggling, he's face is so weird. I got up from my laying position and faced Keegan confusing face, I poked him in the cheek hard and it wobbled, I laughed harder than before, I poke it again and again until he finally stop me which ruined my fun!

"Hey! I was having fun!" I pouted, it’s really weird how his cheek wobbles, and I laughed just thinking about it. I wonder if mine wobbled, I started poking my cheek and looking down, I put my tongue out and wobble it. I pouted because I couldn't see anything, it's too hard,

"What are you doing?" Keegan asked, I glanced at him and saw that he's cheek was red were I poked him humorous times,

"Your face has a strawberry" I said like a two year old, I was laughing really hard right now and I heard Av laughing as well. She was currently pulling Nate's tongue out and laughing,

"No it doesn't" Keegan replied, I poke it again and kisses it, it got redder,

"It’s a berry!" I said in the same tone as before, clapping my hands together,

"I want to do that" I pouted because Av and Nate were having fun, he was sticking his tongue out and Av was trying to catch it. I looked at Keegan and his other cheek was red as well, I took both of his cheeks in my hand and slap it. I laughed when it wobbled. Keegan cheeks got bigger and every time I poked it, it would make a fart sound which made me laugh harder. When there was no more air in his inflated cheeks, I pouted my bottom lip sticking out.

Keegan's cheeks magically inflated, and I was happy all over again. Poking it and laughing. I stopped and grabbed my ice cream and started eating it, I fed some to Keegan like he was a big baby. And every time it would fall off and I would have to put it back in. After 5 times I huffed and punched his tummy, which was really hard and made my fingers hurt,

"Owwie!" I cried, Keegan took my hand in his and examined it,

"Kiss it to make it better!" I shouted sadly, Keegan kissed my hand and it felt all better. The bell rang but we didn't pay attention to it since we have another hour. I leaned into Keegan and yawned,

"Hey sissy!" I called for Av, she was in the same position that I was in, sitting on Nate's lap looking as tired as I was,

"What?" she asked tiredly,

"Night night" I said closing my eyes,

"Night night" she said yawning, that's last thing I heard before going to sleep in Keegan's comfy body.


"Wake up Nica the bell rung…” I was awoken by a voice; a voice I soon found out after opening my eyes was the one and only Keegan, I groan in response and slowly opened my eyes. Keegan was walking with me in his arms to the building,

“You can put me down now…” I looked up at him to see him blushing a little which I thought was cute. Keegan slowly put me down and I stumbled a little but before I could fall Keegan held me by the waist. It was a weird gesture because I found myself looking at his deep ocean blue eyes staring at mine, Keegan slowly leaned in, he was almost there until someone cleared her throat. Startled, we both pulled apart and blushed, Avery looked at me knowingly and I starred at her confused.

I took my book bag off Keegan’s shoulder and started to walk to PE class when I abruptly stopped,

“Wait...did you call me Nica?” I turned around and looked at Keegan whom just shrugged his shoulders in response,

“Yeah, I kind of went through your phone,” he looked guilty and rubbed the back of his neck, “and you guys were crazy” I stare at him dumbfounded, what exactly happened?

“What exactly did we do?” I emphasized on the “we” also referring to Av, whom was with Nate cuddling the life out of each other, they look so cute.

The late bell rung and I knew that we were late for class; I dashed through the doors knowing that Mr. Clark would be mad because I’m late to his class and I will get scolded. Avery was right behind me running by my side.

We didn’t make it in time; we had to run laps for the whole period while everyone was sitting down looking at us run. Keegan and Nate were nice enough to run with us and I found out more about Keegan and for a football jock he’s really nice.

When we got home my mom was organizing the party favors and the food. I greeted her hello and so did Av, Jessie rode with us home because she also needed a dress for the party. We quickly ran up to my room and dropped our bags. I changed into shorts and an orange crop top, while Av changed into a blue crop top. Jessie borrowed some of my clothes; she wore one of my shorts and took a pink tank top.

After changing we made our way back downstairs and let mom’s driver drive us to the mall.


Two hours and twenty five minutes later, I was back home with two shopping bags; we all had our share of clothes. My dress was a strapless white dress, from strapless sweetheart neckline to fitted mini skirt, with a boned bodice for extra structure with a silver belt. I bought some white high heels. Avery’s dress is similar to mine but her dress is black, she bought black high heels. Jessie’s dress is black lace peeks through to light blush beneath over a darted sweetheart bodice with tulle decolletage, fitted waistline, and full skirt.

I had my bathroom while the other girls when in the other bathrooms in the other rooms. Jessie was sleeping over and she couldn’t wait to dance her butt off.

I was done taking my shower. I walked in my room and the girls were already there. I blow-dried my hair and straightened my hair a little. Jessie did Av’s hair which was in loose curls; Jessie did her hair in a natural bun.

We all had light makeup, everyone was fully done and we all looked smoking’ hot and ready to party. Liam was downstairs keeping us updated about what was happening downstairs and all we were waiting for was making our big entrance.

A/N: hello my peoples, I am so mad so that’s the reason why you guys are left on a cliffhanger. Some of you criticize the story too much and I’m really tired about all these comments

Sorry to the people who are nice, I’m sorry guys



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