My Wayward Son » Supernatural...

By soIarfIare

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"It's okay." Elena says. "No. I kissed you without asking. I shouldn't have done that." Sam says. "No. You... More

My Wayward Son
Songs & Fan-Made Video List


4.1K 112 4
By soIarfIare


Jared, Jensen & Nina are at the door of someone's house. Dean is wearing fake teeth.

Jared: Evan Hudson?

Evan: Yes?

Jensen: Hey man, have you been to a bar called Lloyd's? It would have been about two years ago.

Jared and Nina look over and laugh


Ash: Sam. Dean. Sam and Dean.


Jensen and Jared are fighting on top of the bed and Nina is trying to break them apart


Offset: And, action!

Jared, Jensen and Nina are going down a cellar when all of a sudden water is poured over them.

Jared: Son of a bitch

Jensen: Better wake up in the morning!


Jared: You told the pasian about the homicidal phantom clown?

Jensen: Apocalistic, apoc-apoc-apoc-what is it, apocalyptic clown?

Nina: What does that even mean?


Jensen: Evil clown apocalypse, thank you.


Jensen: Hey that's great

Jared: Hey that's a great idea, no shit Sherlock


Jared farts then laughs. Jensen and Nina join in.


Nina: He's, he's, he's too busy relieving himself.


Jared farts again

Jensen: Oh my god!

Jared: God it's still in here

Nina: My eyes are watery


Jared continues farting

Nina: You're so disgusting!

Jensen: Oh, you want a match? Somebody light a match. No, no, no don't, it'll explode


Jared is still farting...Jensen makes gagging noises.

Jensen: I'm gonna throw up


Jensen: I can't do it! It stinks in here!


Jared: Ah, this isn't going so well

People laugh in the background

Jensen: Cut, print...*gibberish*


Ava screams


Jared is playing with his stomach and Jensen walks by to smack it


Jensen is wearing a girly wig


Ava screams again


Offset: B Mark

Jared looks at the screen and makes funny faces.


A little girl smiles at the camera


Jensen burps and Jared laughs.


Jensen and Jared are at a graveyard in front of a tombstone. Jared shakes his butt in front of the camera.


Ava screams one last time


Jensen: Cro-cro Croa-Croatian?


At the graveyard scene, Jared uses a tool to hit the ground and splits his pants.

Jared: I just ripped my pants!

Jensen laughs


Ava looks sheepishly into the camera


Jensen: Crawfish? Cro-cro what is-


Jared is running away from the camera, holding the butt of his pants that are now split.

Jared: I don't...

Jensen is laughing hysterically in he background


Jensen makes a fart noise. He hits Jared and they start play fighting


Jo screams into the phone at her ear. Then she coughs.


Jared is checking the hole in his jeans


Jensen: Dude, figured you're more her type, she's got pretty crappy...

Jared: You suck


Jared and Nina are making out and he pushes her against the wall. Her head hits it hard.

Nina: Ow!


Jared, Nina and Jensen are eating pizza when some of it falls into Nina's top. She reaches for it, but can't get it.

Nina: I'm so sorry

Jared: I got it

He tries to reach into her top, but she smacks his hand away.


They eat their pizza and just start laughing for no reason


Jared: Ligament

Jensen and Jared laugh.


Jared: There's a ligament


Jared starts laughing again


Jensen and Nina are randomly dancing waltz in front of the camera.

Jensen: Are we ready for Dancing With the Stars yet?


A little girl appears on screen with a set of long claws. She hisses


Jared and Jensen pop up out of a dig up grave simultaneously. One goes down, the other goes up.


Offset: Cuuuuut!

A little girl is messing around


Jensen wears a thong on his head


Offset: B Mark

Jensen smiles creepily into the camera with wide eyes.


Jensen, Jared and Nina walk into a bar.

Jensen: How's it goin'?

Bartender: Livin' tee dream. What can I get for ya?

Jensen: Two beers and one margarita for the lady please


Jensen: Two pita brusheers please

The bartender shakes up their drinks. Jared tries not to smile.

Jared: So uh...

Offset: Cuuut

They all laugh


Nina licks her finger and sticks it inside Jared's ear.

Jared: Did you just give me a wet willy?


Tara screams lamely into the camera. She clears her throat.

McG: Cut! What the hell was that?


Jared impersonates Jensen in the camera.


Jared wears a thong in his head


Jensen, Jared and Nina are looking at some ectoplasm

Jared: Holy crap

Jensen reaches for the goo and looks at it. Jared looks at him and hey laugh

Jensen: That's ectoplasm.


People talk down the hallway and Jensen, Nina and Jared move close to the wall. Jared makes the mistake of moving too far

Offset: Fixed up real nice, all the uh...

Jensen and Nina laugh as Jared goes into the room


Jared: I've had it up to here with you!

Jensen: Yeah right back at cha!


Jared: Firm conclusion

Jensen is messing with the guns and accidentally breaks it.

Jared: Every time you mess up I have to stand up and sit back down

Jensen: Oh I'm sorry


Jared reaches for his money clip and Jensen pulls it away.

Nina: Guys you're being immature


Jared: My legs are tired

Jensen: I'm so sorry


Jared tackles Jensen onto the bed


Jensen: You wanna play with the guns and have a thousand props to do while you say your lines?


Jensen: Get off me!

Jared: Give it back!


Jensen tries to fix his gun as he steadily looks at the camera. Jared and  Nina also turn around.


Jared shrugs at the camera


Jensen: Kick your ass!

They fall into be floor


Jensen: I broke it

Offset: Cut


Jensen: Why don't you try opening your beer bottle?

Jared: I don't until after I say no heads


Jensen: No hearts?

Jared: No hearts.

Jared tries to open his bottle and fails.

Jared: None

Jared laughs.

Jensen: So ever


Jensen comes out of Tara's trailer and falls.

Tara: You okay?

Offset: You okay?

Jensen: Like a cat. I always end up on all fours

Tara: You're one hell of a P.A.


Jared: Elena, I love you

Nina walks away and Sam starts laughing.

Offset: Cut


Jared: I. Love. You. Elena


Jared is still laughing


Jared: No more old  jokes. *smooches at Nina*


He's laughing again


Someone cusses in the background. They all laugh


McG: That's what I'm talking about!


A little girl forgets her lines.

Girl: Sorry


Ellen and Jared laugh


Jensen and Jared are playing Rock Paper Scissors. Jared beats him.

Jared: Ah Dean. Always with the scissors.

Jensen: Shut up. Two out of three

Jared: What?

Jensen stares at him waiting and Jared sighs. They play again and Jensen loses...again.

Jensen: We're supposed to be doing version one man

Jared: You just said do version two!

Jensen: No, no.

Jared: What's version one?!

Jensen: SILENCE!

Jared: We just did version one.

Jensen: Yeah but I didn't get the line in which means we gotta do version one again.

Jared: What's the line?


Jared laughs into the camera as Jensen loses and makes faces.


Jared laughs and walks away from the camera

Jared: What is that noise?!


Jensen, Nina, Jared and Madison all look out the window. Jensen laughs.

Jared: The suns not up yet

Jensen: The Suns not up


Jared and Jensen are in front of a window that's locked.

Offset: Rolling!

Jared: I can not open it! I can not open it! I can not open it.

Offset: *laughing* Were rolling! Frame!


Jensen and Jared are going down stairs.

Jensen: How am I supposed to get to my mark first if you get in first?


Jared is in front of the window shaking his head.

Jared: I can't open it


Jensen is talking to a women at the jewelry store.

Jensen: Uh what?

Offset: Try again

Jensen slams his hand in the counter


Offset: Open the fu***** window you d***!

Jared: I can't, they closed the latch too much. I cannot physically open this window!


Jensen is in the bank with a very dead Ron on he floor

Jensen: I'm sorry Ron. You did a real good drug

Jensen laughs and so does Ron


Jared: I'm gonna come in there and kick your little 5"4 ass!


Ron: Come on guys, go


Jensen is hugging Jessica.

Jess: Can't breathe!

Jensen lets her go and she clears her throat.


Jared: Open the-"

Jensen and Jared try using a knife to open the latch


Jay: Kickin' ass and takin' names!

He walks by and almost Knicks down a studio light


Offset: Here. Let me help. You ready? And

Jared: I still can't open it


Jensen is staring into something with a crazy look on his face.

Offset: Cut!


Offset: And action!

Jared wiggles the knife into the window


Ava: That was the most fun I've had in my whole life


Jared continues to use the knife.

Offset: Cut!


Jared spanks Jensen's butt in the trailer. Jared laughs.


The YED is in the reapers body.

YED: Today's your lucky day kid

She tries to put her hand in front of Jensen's face but misses.


She tries again but misses...again


Jensen and Nina are ties into chair by Gordon. Jensen's breaks and he falls.

Jensen: I'm free!


Jared motions to the camera as if saying "I'm watching you"


Jared: Elena's got to be worried sick about you, let's just get out of here

We accidentally see a camera guy


Jensen jumps out of a window


Jo has her gun to Jensen's back.

Offset: 3,2,1

Jensen knocks the gun out of Jo's hand and the gun crashes to the floor. Jo is still going on as she pretends to punch him.  


Bobby opens his door to find Jared impersonating Jensen. They laughs.


Ash: Business up front, party in the back


Jensen: Poke em in the eye! (Or something like that...)


Jensen: Hi, I'm Jensen Ackles. You may know me from the award winning series...Dawson's Creek


We see Jensen walking to the Impala with Jared in it

Jensen: Hey, you want breakfast?


Jensen eats


Jensen: I'm starving


Jensen is on set Studio 9 and holds up a sandwich

Jensen: They're like miniature phillycheesesteak sandwiches they're delicious


Jensen laughs with a mouthful of candy.


Jensen is wearing his priest uniform and eats a little hot dog


Jensen and Jared are in prison

Jensen: I like mine al dente


Jensen is at the Winchester house eating a sandwich


There are more continuous scenes of him eating

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