The King (Harry Styles Fanfic)


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The King (Harry Sttyles Fanfic)
Chapter 1 (Taken)
Chapter 2 (Castle)
Chapter 3 (Escape)
Chapter 4 (Fire)
Chapter 5 (Liam)
Chapter 6 (Tricked)
Chapter 7 (His)
Chapter 9 (Finding Harry)
Chapter 10 (Fake)
Chapter 11 (Bruised)
Chapter 12 (Darcy)
Chapter 13 (War)
Chapter 14 (Blood Shed)
Cahtper 15 (Hidden)
Chapter 16 (Clarity)
Chapter 17 (Changed)
Chapter 18 (Proposal)
Chapter 19 (Found)
Chapter 20

Chapter 8 (Helpless)

3.5K 83 18

I looked around the castle, for the muffling sound I had heard. I had escaped Liam earlier. I felt like a child playing hide and go seek. I opened every door, I saw, hoping to see Harry, but I still hadn't found him yet. I heard loud footsteps. Liam. I was in the corridor between Liam's end of the castle and Harry's end of the castle. The place where this all started. Shoot, pick a door, pick a door! I ran to Harry's door, and accidently let out my anger, and sorrow, by slamming the door. Shit. I looked around the room, and found a door. I ran through, too meet Louis eyes.

"Louis! Help I need to hide" I waved at him frantically then approaching him. My eyes pleaded. He kept his mouth shut, and knew this wasn't the time to ask questions.

He opened a door and pushed me in, and glared at me like he was saying goodbye. I heard the door being kicked open from the other side of the 'secret' door. I heard Liam and Louis voice fighitng.

 I decided to stay and listen.

"Where is she?!" Liam yelled out of breath.

"The girl?" Louis stated inncoently. Man he's good, I've got asked for lessons sometime.

"Yes the girl!" Liam yelled stubbornly.

"I think she went to the garden, the maze of it" he said innocently once again. I nodded my head knowing I owed Louis. Liam going nuts. What's wrong with him. I looked around. It was an empty room, with a huge spiral stair case. I walked up, making sure not to make any noise, or fall dragging my dress behind me. I heard muffled screams when I was half way up.  I walked faster and faster, until I reached. I saw nobody. Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me? I looked around, it was quite a large room, I think it's the attic. Why would a castle have an attic? I searched for a light, it was really dark, almost pitch black, it was kind of scaring. I  whimpered/screamed when something touched me. I spun on my heel, I sighed of releif, it was just a string. I tuged on it, and a lightbulb lit up. I felt a light tap on my shoulder. I knew it wasn't a string or spider or anything like that. I slowly turned to see...

Liam. No. How'd he get up here? I thought he was in the garden looking for me? How? What? Questions races through my mind.

"Thought you could hide, eh? I know every inch of this castle, whether it's Harry's part or mine" he smirked. I could feel my heart pop out of my chest.

"Plus Louis ratted you out" he smirked evilly. I shook my head in disbeleif. Louis would never do that. He was my friend. I think. He would never, no. He was lying. But then how did he know? He nodded his head. I shook my head rapiddly and took a step back avoiding him.

"No...No, he wouldn't" I siad shakily, as if I where losing my voice.

"Maybe he did maybe he didn't...or maybe...I did" he said taking a huge step toward, me slow and steady. Questions raced through my mind. What did he do to Louis? What had he done. Louis would never take a bribe, or anything like that, I knew Louis, even though we barely talked I knew him. I knew him right through the sound of his voice, telling his soul, to me. What did this sick monster do to him?! Anger boiled inside me as I though of it. I shoved him back making him fall back on the wooden floor.

"WHAT DID YOU DO, YOU SICK MONSTER!" I screamed, regretting my words. Why do I always let my anger get the best of me? Or maybe...I was sick of being 'the damsel in distress'. He stood up angrily, with his fists balled up, and jaw clenched. He walked toward me striaghtening his face. He pressed me against the wall threateningly.

"If you don't listen to'll never see Harry again...that is...alive..." he said whispering letting his cold words torture my emotions. My brain was frazzled, and friend. I was confused and lost, with sorrow and anger. I felt like curling up in a ball and crying. I let a tear roll down my cheek, and my lip curl into a frown, about to cry. Liam petted my cheek with the back of his hand.

"Don't always have me" he said fakely. I pushed him away lightly, I didn't want Liam. I wanted Harry. Why was I so mean to Harry. What have I done? He was only trying to protect me form this-this monster, of a being. But no, I had to fight back, and never let him speak, or say what he had say, I deneid his every command with no doubt, not even a thought that it might have been for my own good... I looked up and saw Liam just standing there with a straight hardened face. I looked into his eyes. They showed many things but nothing good.

They showed anger, fearlessness, and coldness. They showed no despair, and sorrow for me, nothing. They where just-just cold. Cold. It was the only word that properly described them. He held me tightly hugging me. I triedd to push him off, but it was useless. I just stood there in his arms emotionless, with hate and fear, with little shreds of anger, darting my brain, and soul. I cried quietly onto his shirt. He stopped hugging me and took a step back, looking at his tear stained clothes now. I just noticed he was wasn't wearing kingly clothes, he was wearing a plain white T-shirt, jeans, and sneakers. He looked at me angrily. His eyes showed anger and fury.

"Your lucky I'm not wearing my proper clothes, or you'd be punished" he said cruely, looking at me. He looked at me as if I was poor and defenseless. I wasn't. I knew I wasn't. I was stronger at heart and soul than at abs and bicepts, which is why I couldn't win. Reality killed me. It was like how nerds at school had more power than jocks, but the jock's power could be seen unlike the nerds, so they got the praise. I got it now, he was the jock and I was the nerd...

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