
By Fieldofginger

48.4K 1.7K 573

I'll be writing in here when I'm supposed to be writing my other story's because I'm trash and can't just com... More

Procrastination is the devil
The man that can't be moved (septiplier)
Did you get my message? (Pewdiecry)
I don't believe in hell (no ship)
I'll be loving you (septiplier)
Cold (pewdiecry)
Passing notes (septiplier)
The first to go (halloween)
It losses to me (more halloween!)
I know I'm a wolf (pewdiecry)
Gone (septiplier)
Love (septiplier)
Not an update
Hights (septipler)
Romeo oh romeo (pewdiecry)
Tell him (Septiplier)
Subscribers (septiplier)
40 days of septiplier
Thank you tumblr
Demon keeping (septiplier)
His eyes (septiplier)
The boy across the hall (pewdicry AND septipler)
The other boy across the hall. (Mostly septiplier)
I'm sorry. (Who ever you want it to be)
One night. (Septiplier)
Good Riddance (no ship)
Scared (septiplier)
Dreaming (pewdiecry)
Chibi (Septiplier)
Contradistinction (septiplier)
The light in the darkness (teaser)
Fine (septiplier)
Hero (septiplier)
Sunshine (septipler)
Challange Accepted
Skype (septiplier)
Not giving up. (Pewdicry)
Memory (septiplier)
Chick Books (pewdicry)
Why I'm loud
Break apart (septiplier)
Lies (jacksepticeye)
Broken (septiplier)
Mine (septiplier)
Happy birthday (septiplier)
Pink part 1 (septiplier)

StrawberryMilkshake (pewdiecry)

663 25 3
By Fieldofginger

So this story has been on my profile and I was thinking about deleting it. Here is my alternative. Feel free to ignore.

"$45.16." the cashier says.

"Ok." I reach in my back pocket to grab my wallet... But it's not there.


I check all of my pockets but come up with nothing. I think back to this morning. It was right there, next to my keys. I grabbed my keys and... that's when my phone rang. I picked up my phone and completely forgot about my wallet. Why had I been so stupid?

Why had I so eagerly volunteered to get coffee for everyone in the office?

Why had I told them all to pay me back after I got the drinks?

Why had they all wanted freaking Frapuccino's?

I look back up the guy who gives me an impatient glare. "Umm I'm sorry, could you just cancel those? I forgot my wallet at home." The guy scoffed and went to delete what I ordered.

"Wait!" The guy behind me says. "Don't worry, I'll get it." And he hands the guy two twenties and a ten.

"No really, it's fine." I try to stop him but the guy already took the money.

"Seriously, I can get it for you. Based on how many you ordered, your boss would be pretty pissed if you showed up empty handed."

"Well at least give me your number so I can make it up to you some other time." Had I really just asked some random stranger for his number? Yes, yes I had. He was super cute though. Light brown hair, deep blue eyes, a wide and contagious smile.

The guy blushes then takes out his phone. "I'll give you my number, but not so you can pay me back." it was my turn to blush. The cashier clears his throat, indicating that we were holding up the line. "Oh! I just need a cup of water." The cute guy says and the cashier goes to make all the drinks.

"Seriously, let me make it up to you. Your really saving my neck here." I rub my neck without meaning to and he chuckles.

"Don't worry about it." He smiles again and I start to get a bit more flustered.

"Blondie!" The guy at the counter yells and I whip around. He has all the drinks I ordered in the little cardboard holders. I grab them and turn to talk to the brunette again, but he's gone. He took his measly cup of water and left without another word. I sigh and head to my car.

As I drive to the office, I can't stop thinking about that guy. I didn't even get a chance to thank him. I felt awful for taking the money but it was too late now. I sigh again and continue to the huge office building across the street.

When I walk in I'm bombarded by coworkers who take their drinks and leave money before I even say hello to any of them. I look down and see fifty dollars in my hand. Work men's comp I suppose. I head to the little cubical that I have and sit down at my dest. "Hey Felix!" Mark, my coworker says.

"Hey Mark." I smile and turn to my computer.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"What? Nothing!" I say a bit too harshly.

"You sure?"

"It's just... I just forgot my wallet at home is all."

"Then how'd you pay for the coffee?"

"Some guy payed for me. It was really nice but he didn't even tell me his name."

"Aren't you gonna pay him back?" He asked, confused.

"I tried to get his number so I could, but he left before I could say anything else."

"Just when you lose faith in humanity..." He jokes and I chuckle. "Anyway, there's a new job open in management, you going for it?"

"I don't know, you should though." Mark was good with people so all the superiors loved him.

"Nah, managing ain't my thing. You should though..." He was cut off by the phone on my desk ringing.

"One sec." I say and hold up a finger. "Morrison inc. How may I help you?" I ask into the phone.

"Kjellberg! Could I see you in my office for a minute?"

"Of course mister Morrison! I'll be there in just a second." I hang up and look back to Mark. "The boss man wants to see me." I get up and start to head for the office door at the end of the hall.

"ASK ABOUT THE JOB!" He yells after me and I roll my eyes.

I knock on the door until I hear a "come in!" from inside. I step in and see Ken sitting behind a large mahogany desk. "Felix, great to see you! How is everything?"

"I'm fine, thank you. And you sir?"

"I'm great. And sir? It's just us in here Felix, you can cut the formality." I sigh. Ken had given me this job when I was in a really bad place. I honestly owed him my life.

"I don't want other people in the office to think I'm only here because I'm your friend." I say and he chuckles.

"Felix, half the people in there got their jobs the same way you did. I saw potential in them and they needed money."

"I still don't want you showing favoritism. If I screw up, you have every right to throw me out."

"I understand that, and I wanted to talk to you about something."

I groan. "Is this because I was late yesterday? I swear to god it was the traffic." I say.

He laughs. "N-no. I couldn't care less if you come in on time or not. That's not my job. My job is to make sure the investors are happy, and right now, they're pissed."

"What? Why?" I ask and now he sighs.

"You know our marketing manager just quit yes? Well they were being super picky about who they want to fill the spot."

"So your not going to have interviews?"

"No, we want this to be less... chaotic. We just want someone who is a hard worker and is qualified to take the spot.

"Soooo...?" I start.

"Soooo... we all agreed on you!"


"Yes you! You work harder then anyone else, you have all the right qualifications, and your creative and imaginative which is just what we need!"

"This isn't a friend perk is it?" I ask and he starts to laugh again.

"No, we all agreed on you unanimously."

"Well then..." I don't really know how to respond.

"So, do you want it?" He asks excitedly.

"Yeah! I mean, why wouldn't I? I would be doing something a bit more interesting and I would be making like twice the money." He smiles and stands to shake my hand.

"What? Now your being all formal? Come here!" I pull him into a hug and we both laugh. This is turning out to be a great day!

After work, I decide to run home to get my wallet and go out. I am officially the marketing director for Morison inc. I think that's cause for a celebration! After I told Mark about the promotion, he literally squealed. He went on and on about how great I would be for the job. He had invited me out with him and his boyfriend, Jack, to get some drinks but I turned him down. I wanted something a little calmer and There's this little diner by my house that has really good milkshakes.

When I get to the diner, I sit down at a two person booth and order a burger and a chocolate milkshake. After I order I just stare out the window next to me. The sun is starting to set and the sky looks like Cotten candy. I smile as I see a few people pass by. A young couple, arm in arm. Three girls, probably on their way to a bar. An old man and his granddaughter holding hands as they cross the street. It's all so peaceful.

That's when I noticed him. That brown hair and muscular frame. It's coffee shop guy! I knock on the glass and he looks over at me. He smiles and walks into the diner and right towards my table. "May I sit?"

"Please do!" I say and he chuckles.

The waitress comes over and puts my food down on the table. "You want anything hun?" She asks.

The man shakes his head. "No thank you." he says and she leaves.

"You not hungry?" I ask.

"No I just... I have dinner ready at home is all." He waves me off.

"Oh, I'm sorry. You probably want to get home then."

"What? Oh, no! I'm fine! I just um..." He trails off.

"What's wrong man? You seem pretty tense."

He sighs and runs a hand through his hair "I'm just a little short on cash and I this place is a little pricy."

"But you paid for my drinks this morning."

"Yeah." he chuckles and looks down. "I did." I stared at him for a second before turning and calling the waitress back over.

"My friend here will have a burger and a..." I look back at him for a second before finishing, "a strawberry milkshake." She nods and leaves.

"You don't have too, really..."

"You didn't have to either, but you did. Come on, its one meal!" I whine and he laughs.

"Fine." we look at each other in silence until he brakes it. "How did you know I like strawberry?"

"Well based on your style, I can tell your not really a mainstream kinda guy. But I can also tell, you don't like calling attention to yourself. You wouldn't get chocolate or vanilla because it's to simple, to plain. But on the other hand, you wouldn't want something like mint chip or Rocky road because that's a bit to much. There for, you must like strawberry. Simple, but not too expected."

There's a pause for a second where he just stares at me. Not like I'm a stalker or like some smart allic who has to shove his brains in everyone's face. He looks at me like a piece of art, or a really interesting book. He looks at me like I'm something special and never before seen. I can't help but feel flattered by just his eyes. And it's not uncomfortable, like I want him to stop. It's not like I feel nervous under his starring eyes. I feel... welcome. I feel like every flaw I have can be fixed with just the flip of a switch. I know this is not true and that its impossible, but it still feels good. It feels... right.

When he starts to look away, he smiles and I can't help but smile back. "Man your hot." the guy whispers, then looks up startled. I don't think he meant to say that out loud. I just roll my eyes and put my hand on the table. He looks at it for a moment before he gets the message I'm trying to send. He reaches over and takes my hand.

I look down at my untouched food and grab my milkshake. As I do, his food shows up and the he grabs his as well. I hold mine up to toast. "To the sweet and super cute coffee shop guy!" I say and hold it for him to 'clink'. He laughs and holds his up as well.

"To The the super hot and intelligent diner guy!" He says and we tap our glasses together.

I don't mean to offend anyone by the whole milkshake conspiracy. I just thought it was funny, like in a 'that's totally how my brain works' kinda way.

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